Clary woke up and saw the sun bleed through the curtains. She yawned loudly and stretched her arms up, looking at her clock beside her. It read 09:47. Compared to her usual early start, she was late getting up. Picking up her phone beside her, she saw she had a text message from Jace. Tears welled up in Clary's eyes as she read it. I'm so sorry about what happened, I realise now I was a bit too full on but I'll back off if it'll help you. I'm just really worried about you, I'm scared you'll never want to talk to me again and I couldn't bear that. Please talk to me, I want to help. Jace xxx

"Oh Jace" Clary whispered to herself. She realised now that she was too hard on him, he was just trying to help and she pushed him away from her. Fingers began pressing keys hurriedly, she needed to let him know that he didn't do anything wrong. When the text had sent, Clary got out of bed and opened her closet. She pulled on a white blouse and a pair of denim jeans before picking up her brush and running it through her beautiful red long hair. She tied it up in a messy bun before heading out into the kitchen.

Jocelyn was standing in front of the hob, cooking some pancakes. Golden syrup was sitting on the table along with knives, forks and plates.

"Morning honey!" said Jocelyn cheerfully, "decided to get up then?"

"Very funny" said Clary sarcastically, sitting down at the table. She couldn't refuse another breakfast; her mom would get too suspicious. Jocelyn placed a pancake on her plate.

"Don't worry love I'll make you some more" she said.

"Actually Mom, that's ok, this is enough" Clary replied hastily. Jocelyn looked at her strangely.

"You ok?" she asked.

"Yeah why?" replied Clary.

"You've not been eating as much lately"

Clary thought for an excuse quickly, "Well, I'm not watching my weight or anything; I'm just trying to be healthier"

Jocelyn raised an eye-brow but said nothing more. She walked over to Clary and kissed the top of the head, smiling. "I'm going out with Luke for the day, you up to anything?" she asked.

"I'll probably go and see Jace" Clary replied, forcing a piece of pancake in her mouth.

"Ok hun, give me a call if you need me" Jocelyn said. She picked up her keys from the table and waved goodbye before stepping out of the apartment, shutting the door behind her. Clary quickly snatched up the last of the pancake and threw it into the bin, then she grabbed her bag from her bedroom and headed out the door.

Jace lay on the floor, his arms up as if he were surrendering. Alec held two seraph blades, one in each hand and pointed them at Jace. Putting them down, he reached his hand out to Jace's and helped him up.

"What's wrong with you?" Alec asked, "You seemed distracted"

"Distracted enough to let you beat me?" Jace said, "Yeah I guess you can say I am"

Alec could guess. Clary.

"You called her?" asked Alec.

"No, I sent her a text but she hasn't replied yet"

"You could have, you weren't exactly listening out for your phone"

Jace looked thoughtfully at his mobile which was sitting at the side of the room. He headed towards it and picked it up: one new message it read. He opened it up to reveal the text that Clary had sent him earlier. Sorry about yesterday, I feel terrible. I know you were just trying to help and I just pushed you away- I hope you can forgive me. I'm gonna head over to the institute in about ten minutes, we can talk properly then. Clary xxx

Jace got up and ran out the training room.

"Hey!" Alec called, "What about practise?"

Walking up to the front door, Clary began fiddling with her own fingers out of nervousness. She was about to knock when the door swung open and Jace was standing in the doorway. Without a moment's hesitation Clary ran up to him and wrapped her arms tightly around him, never wanting to let go. Surprised, Jace returned the hug and closed his eyes. He could hear Clary crying gently, and broke off the hug so he could wipe her eyes.

"Hey," he whispered, "What's wrong?"

"I thought I'd pushed you away" she cried softly. Jace sighed and placed his hands on her shoulders.

"There is nothing you can do that'll push me away" he said. He tilted up Clary's chin and kissed her lips softly; her arms wrapped round his neck and pulled him even closer to her. Jace could feel her steady heartbeat against his chest, and his hands held her waist. He moaned suddenly as Clary began to deepen the kiss, her hands tangled in his hair, tugging gently. Jace began to move down to Clary's neck, softly pressing his lips all over her bare skin. She sighed as her vest top strap fell off her shoulder and Jace gently brushed his lips on the exposed skin.

"Gosh guys get a room!" Isabelle, appearing in the doorway, rolled her eyes.

Going red, Clary unwillingly pulled away from Jace and placed her vest top strap back on her shoulder. Jace just grinned at Isabelle and shut the door.

"You hungry?" asked Isabelle eagerly.

"That depends…" Clary said hesitantly, "Did you cook it?" She heard Jace laugh before he took her hand and led her into the kitchen. He picked up a juicy red apple and waved it in Clary's face.

"Apple?" he asked hopefully.

"I'm not hungry thanks" muttered Clary, awkwardly fiddling with her hair. Jace's face looked disappointed, and worried. He stepped towards Clary; his face was centimetres from hers.

"Please?" he whispered, he tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her cheek softly, "for me?"

Clary said nothing; she just stared into Jace's golden eyes.

"Come on" Jace protested, "One tiny apple?"

"Fine!" Clary snapped, taking the apple out of his hand and hesitantly taking a bite out of it.

The sweetness that exploded into her mouth reminded her of the first time she'd kissed Jace in the greenhouse. How could she think eating this apple was disgusting when it brought out such beautiful memories? She let her mind focus on that, but then the realisation set in that this fruit was full of calories and Clary dropped the apple to the ground before swallowing unwillingly. What was happening to her? Clary felt a wave of dizziness come over her, and she felt herself stumbling before falling to the ground. Suddenly, arms wrapped around her and caught her body just before it hit the floor.

"Clary!" cried Jace, "Isabelle help me get her to the infirmary!" Isabelle rushed in the kitchen, saw Clary and cried out in surprise.

"What's wrong with her?" shouted Isabelle.

"I don't know! She just collapsed!"

"Well what were you doing before-"

"ISABELLE!" screamed Jace, "just help me, please!"

Obediently, Isabelle lifted half of Clary's weight and they made their way up the stairs. Isabelle could feel Jace trembling.

"Jace…" she whispered, "you're shaking…"

"Sorry" he said quietly.

"You really love her don't you?" Isabelle said.

Jace looked up at her, "she's everything to me, if anything happens to her, I'm not sure if I could carry on"

When they eventually arrived at the infirmary, they set Clary down onto a spare bed and Jace pulled up a chair next to her. Isabelle put a hand on his shoulder.

"Do you want me to try an iratz?" she asked.

"I don't think it'll work, they're for wounds" sighed Jace. He glanced down at his mobile and then at Isabelle.

"I'm gonna call Magnus."