I read through the story again and realized something; I never included Monk's punishment or what he owed Ayako for the bet so now here's a short epilogue about what happened with them. Enjoy! Also I'm sorry for not including this with the original part 1 and 2 of the story sooner. Disclaimer I don't own Ghost Hunt.

"Ayako, please stop I said I was sorry," Monk pleaded from his chair that he was currently occupying as Ayako tightened some ropes around his wrists. "Oh no I'm not falling for that again," Ayako replied now tightening ropes to Monk's ankles and the chair legs, "You tried hiding from me and then tried escaping from me twice on the way here you're not getting away from me again." She smiled evilly, "Now you be a good house guest and stay put while go and get a few things," Ayako headed off down the hallway of her apartment to her bathroom and then her bedroom.

I'm in pretty deep should I even bother trying to escape again? Monk thought. "Oh Bou-san what do you prefer yodeling or boy bands? I'm going to find a play list on YouTube for you as part of your punishment," Ayako called out from the back of her apartment. Monk started to get a little scared he could face evil spirits, crazy curses, and even take on a god but the punishment of Ayako was proving too much for him. "NEITHER! NEITHER!" he screamed. "Yodeling it is," came Ayako's reply. Ok I've gotta get out of here, Monk thought he tried hopping in the chair as best he could towards the door, I just need to get out the door if anyone sees me they'll help me right?

Just as he was just about ten inches from the door Ayako returned with her laptop, make-up, nail polish, and a stack of chick flics. "Now now Bou-san what do you think you are doing?" she calmly put her items on the couch walked over to Monk and dragged him back to where he was before he tried leaving. "NOOOOO! I DON'T WANT A MAKEOVER OR CHICK FLICKS OR YODELING! PLEASE AYAKO PLEASE!" the poor Monk pleaded. Ayako sighed, "If you had just taken me out to a fancy dinner like you were supposed to this wouldn't be happening now would it? Now quit being a baby and take your punishment like a man, then you can take me to dinner."

"I get to clean up and change back after all this before dinner right?" asked the Monk hopefully. "Really Monk what kind of punishment would it be if I let you clean it all off?" Ayako relied reaching for her hot pink nail polish. "NOOOOOOOO!" cried Monk one last time before the punishment ensued.

Sorry it was kind of short but now I feel like the story is more complete. Read and review let me know what you think of the "punishment" of poor Mr. Monk yes I called him Mr. Monk he needs some sort of dignity after all that. Let's hope he will be ok and make another appearance in any future stories that come to me. I now I already said this but Read and Review.