"I don't know if we can do anything for him," Dr. Yamauchi informed the boy with a calm, factual tone. Vio sat perpendicular to where Shadow lie, eyes closed and unmoving, on the bed. "You are aware that his injuries are of supernatural cause. In fact, his whole existence in this universe is thanks to magic. Practical application of medicine can only help the symptoms of magic-based injuries. Only magic can help Shadow recover at this point, but the only kind of magic our doctors are allowed to deal with is first level magic. However, from my limited understanding of the supernatural, I believe your friend here would need at least a level 5 spell to help him in this state." Vio nodded but kept his gaze at the doctor's feet and allowed his bangs to shield his eyes from the devastating truth. 5th level magic, even for the most powerful or well trained mages, remains a highly unstable and unpredictable level of magic. To allow someone, anyone, to cast a level 5 spell onto Shadow, would be to push the dark-haired Link's life even closer to the edge for nothing more than a slim possibility of recovery. This was not an option. "I'm sorry. There's nothing I can do." Vio nodded at the floor.

"Thank you, Doctor. I'll contact you if his condition changes." Vio stated coldly, the disappointment and fear evident in his tone.

"Please do." Dr. Yamauchi responded. He then turned and began to leave the room, but when the doctor reached the door, his footsteps stopped. "Please contact me if your condition changes too." He added.

"I always do."