First part of (hopefully, depending on feedback) Kataang fluff. Following the group throughout their journey, testing Aang and Katara's reactions to each other as they grow older.

There will be more fluff as the story progresses, so bear with me!

Sadly, I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender, or its characters. Love it if I did, though.


p.s. feel free to leave comments and reviews!

Aang: 12

Katara: 14


The night buzzed with the chirping of crickets and the humming of bees. Katara kneeled in from of the fire, gently stirring the broth in front of her. Naturally, Sokka was closest to the food.

"And in three, two, one…" Katara thought.

Sokka suddenly looked up. "Wait, Katara – where's the meat?!" he said with utter disbelief.

There was no way she could do this to him. Meat was the love of his life – it had always been there for him when he needed comfort. He would not sit there idly whilst he was denied his one and only joy!

"You'd better be about to add some, or so help me-" he growled.

Katara interrupted his empty threat. "I thought, considering he is now part of our little group, we should be open-minded towards Aang's beliefs. Unfortunately for you, that means no meat for the time being", she said with an evil little grin.

Sokka glared at his sister. Fine. She wouldn't put meat in his meals? Then he wouldn't be having any.

"I'll find my own meat and cook it then", he huffed. With a melodramatic flourish, Sokka twirled around and stalked off towards the woods.

Katara chuckled to herself. It was always fun winding her brother up; he had the best reactions. Mother had always said he was the drama queen of the family.

Lured out of his tent by the smell of cooking and the sound of Katara's laugh, Aang emerged from his tent.

"What's so funny?" he asked. Despite having travelled with the siblings for two months now, Aang had scarcely heard Katara laugh. It was a lovely sound, immediately bringing a smile to his face.

Katara raised her ocean blue eyes to Aang's striking grey ones and simply answered, "Oh, just Sokka."

Aang couldn't speak. Mesmerised by the fire that danced in the waterbender's eyes, he was once again struck by her beauty. How did she manage it? Every time, he was rendered completely speechless with just one look. He really had to get a grip.

Aang shook himself out of his daze. "Where's he gone?"

Katara nodded in the direction of the trees. "He's in there trying to find some prey to satisfy his need for protein."

Aang laughed at this, and Katara raised an eyebrow. Apparently she wasn't joking.

"I know he's not vegetarian, but is our food really that bad?"

"Believe me, I've been asking him the same thing. He's just so stubborn."

"Huh." Aang sat down next to the fire. "Well anyway, thanks for sacrificing your own meat for me. You really didn't need to."

Katara smiled at him. "No problem. To be honest, I've always wanted to try vegetarianism, but it's not exactly easy to find plants and vegetables in the South Pole."

Her smile was infectious.

Agni, this is unfair. I've only known her a short while, but it's so obvious that she's perfect.

His feelings for Katara were growing every day they were together. It would only be a matter of time before he would explode.

These next few months are going to be torture. Aang thought, with a resigned sigh. I'm in trouble.