"Maybe I am drunk Granger."

"Maybe? Malfoy, you reek!" Hermione wrinkled her face in disgust

"Come on Freckles, you know you love my smell."

"No one can love this smell, I'm going upstairs." Hermione turned around, about to storm upstairs when Draco called after her,


"Wait what?"

"Let's play a game freckles."

"What game?"
"Truth or Dare Granger." Draco took another swig from his bottle and grinned.

"Draco this is a children's game!"
"Truth or dare Granger."
"Fine, Truth."

"Ugh so boring. Every time you pick truth, you drink a shot of fire whiskey."

"Do you want me to play or not?"

"Okay then Granger, are you a virgin?"

"No." Hermione walked up to Draco and snatched the bottle, chugging down a gulp of the burning liquid."
"Ooooh wow there freckles, not so frigid after all. Ooh you know what we should do, we should put some veritaserum in here so we always tell the truth." Draco walked up to the cupboard and took out a vial, pouring most of it into the whiskey.
"Truth or dare Malfoy."

"I dare you to play the rest of this game in your boxers."

"Alright then." Malfoy took off his trousers and then his top relealing his gorgeous ripped body below. Hermione once against gawped, her mouth dropping open. Malfoy cleared his throat, "I know its hard not to look freckles but truth or dare." Then Malfoy winked at her.

"Truth." Hermione said, walking up and taking another gulp of the fire whiskey. It was already starting to put her in a better mood.

"Ugh again. So Granger, what do you think of what you see?" He said scanning his body with his hands and then striking a pose.

"You are so hot." Hermione blurted out without even realising, it must be the veriaserum. Malfoy grinned,

"Keep going freckles."

"You're chest is so fricking amazing I want to feel you Draco, and I loved feeling it before, because it felt so damn good!" Draco grinned,

"Maybe you will get to Granger, you never know." He said winking at her

"Truth or Dare."
"Truth." Malfoy then took another swig fromt the bottle.
"Did you really have sex with three girls in a broom cupboard?"

"Well...yes technically. I wasn't in all three of them at once obviously-" Malfoy stopped as he laughed seeing Hermione jaw completely dropped open.
"How the hell?!"

"Let me show you Granger. Dim the lights." Hermione waved her wand, and the lights turned off, and candles filled the room, so that the light was a romantic golden hue.

"So, Granger, chic number 1, was on my dick like so" Malfoy used his hands to show an imaginary woman and then placed her pelvis onto his, "Chic number two." Malfoy showed another imaginary woman, but mimed her so that her pelvis was against his ass, "As you can see, this is your classic threesome position." Hermione laughed at this, "Now Granger Chic number three, just felt us all up, licked us in places, I felt her up at some points, ect,"

"That is proper filthy!" Hermione then burst out laughing when Draco then turned and bowed at her.

"So truth or dare Granger."



"I dare you to give me a lap dance for 3 minutes. But strip seductively for me first of course, down to your underwear." Draco then pulled up a chair and sat down and patted his legs expectantly, raising his eyebrows. "Come on Granger, turn me on."

Hermione grinned, she waved her wand allowing some sexy music to play in the background. Hermione looked directly into his eyes and winked, unzipping her jacket, she swayed her hips. Draco stared at her, his eyes tracing her body, memorising every curve. Hermione then slowly took off her top revealing her huge breasts which were bulging out of her black lacy bra. Draco gasped when he saw them and grinned. Hermione looked into his eyes and winked, before slowly unzipping her jeans and taking them off so she was left in her black thong.

"Like what you see?"

"Damn Granger." Hermione grinned as she saw a bulge that had grown in his boxers. Draco noticed her looking and said, "What can I say? Its what you do to me." Hermione then waved her wand, and rope appeared, tieing Malfoy to his chair. She then put a hand on each of his legs and bent forward so that she was just above his face. She licked her lips, making Draco groan. This made Hermione smile, and she bent forward more so that her boobs were right in Draco's face, he tried to lean forward more to touch them, but he was tied to the chair, so all he could do was moan and long for her. Hermione took on finger and slowly traced it down his chest, until it reached the rim of his boxers. She then poked one finger in and pretended to be about to pull them off, but only gave them a little tug. "Come on Granger, you're teasing me." Hermione then lifted her left leg up and placed it round the other side, and did the same with her right leg so that he was now facing her back. She bent forward, so that Draco was just left staring hungrily at her ass, as she used in to grind against him.

"Untie me freckles, please. I want to grab you so bad right now, all I can do is watch you and moan, you're so hot." Hermione ignored him and kept going. Draco rolled his head back and moaned loudly, then yelled, "Damn it Hermione, you're so sexy, I wanna feel you!" Just then the timer went off and Hermione got up and waved her wand, so that the ropes around Draco disappeared. He looked up at her, his legs spread wide open, he was breathing heavily, and sweating.

"How is it you're good at everything?" Hermione laughed at this, and watched as Draco got up. He moved towards Hermione to start feeling her up, but she stopped him, cleared her throat and said,

"Truth or Dare Draco." and grinned.

"Truth." Draco panted, slowly making his way to the whiskey, to take another sip.

"What do you want to do next?"

"I want to take you and feel every part of you. I want to feel those great tits of yours right down to your ass, and oh yeah I will say it, your pussy. I want to make you scream my name,You are so hot, I need to cum so badly, and I want you to help me. You're beautiful Hermione, and I love you." As soon as he said this, Draco ran forward and kissed her passionately. He slid his hands down to her ass and grabbed it, causing Hermione to break the kiss by gasping. Then she looked up at him and smiled

"My turn to make you moan now Granger." Draco slowly started to tickle between the lower part of her ass and her legs, this caused her to bite her lip. Draco grinned at this. Hermione felt his dick pressing into her pelvis through his jeans. Draco slowly moved his hands up so they were tickling her bum. He then slowly slipped one finger at a time under her pants so that he had his hands on her bare ass. He squeezed it and Hermione breathed in sharply, he pulled her bum closer to him and lifted her up, so that her legs were wrapped around his waist and he was holding her. Hermione looped her hands around he back of his neck, making his hair stand up on its end.

"You're so beautiful!" Draco whispered into her ear before kissing her again.