Hello, what's happening everyone? This is Yamimash here... Yeah right!

My name...

Is SonicMX!

And welcome to the sequel to Chaos and Chaos!

Now, a lot of you ducks haves been waiting for this, so here it is! Please enjoy.

Also, lot of notes, only this once.

The Chaos stories are a wide variety of tales. This is their list.

Chaos and Chaos

Metal Sonic's Log's

Chaos and Chaos: Max's Mission

Chaos and Chaos: Kay's story

Chaos and Order

And more...

All of them go together. All of them tell one story.

Please read them (Some may not be posted yet.) to get the whole story on what's going on.



Yes, the contest is still on (Sorry Ty) because I promised it would be. First to be reviewer 50 wins and get there choice of...


Have an OC join the party.

Choose what happen's next, as long as it doesn't affect the story too much.

Ask any question about the story with a guaranteed answer.

And any contest winner from the previous story can not win again. Sorry.


'Thoughts and/or specific words'

"Robot speaking"

'Robot thoughts'

(Of course, if your on an I pod or something, you won't see the bold text.)

Sorry that the first chapter is so gloomy. Just except it, O.K.! It'll get better soon.


Act One: Was I Too Slow?

Chapter One: Two World's I Once Knew

Sonic's P.O.V.

This isn't happening.

This isn't happening.

Please, someone, anyone!

Tell me this isn't happening!


It is... I can't deny it.

But why?!

Was... Was I too slow?*1

I-I was to slow. And this is my punishment.

Why didn't I go faster? I could have saved them.

I could hear crying next to me. I turned and saw Cream, tear's streaming down her cheeks. This must be harder for her than me, because she's so young. I can't tell how painful it is to be her age and see her whole world in ruins. I wrapped my arm's around her and held her tight. She hugged back, just wailing a storm. Who would blame her. We were staring at the remains of Seaside Hill.

I just can't believe it...

My name is Sonic. Sonic the hedgehog. And my world has been destroyed. It all started on a normal day, sunny weather, everything going great. Tails had called me and said something important had come up. I ran to where he told me to go, which was the forest, and saw him beaten down, all bloodied up and mangled. Silver Sonic, an old bot from the past, came out of no where and beat me up. A Metal Sonic Trooper and Metal Sonic himself appeared and Silver Sonic ordered Metal to kill me. But he didn't.

I don't know why, but he sent me away from there, out of danger. He saved me.

I ended up in a world known as Equestria, where I became friends with the inhabitants of that world, which were mostly ponies. I befriended Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie. These ponies were great friends, helping me find the chaos emeralds. They even got the princesses of that world, Celestia and Luna, to help. We even got a hedgehog, Kay, from another universe other than mine to help! And, if that's not all, Cream was sent here to kill me, but we saved her and she became part of the team. Everything was going great. But not everything could be so nice.

After a while, Tikal and Chaos appeared with the Master Emerald, telling me that we must find the last emerald. No one could find it, sadly. Rainbow Dash then asked if I would like to have a picnic of some kind in the princesses statue garden. There, I learned that she had kept the emerald from me, keeping me from returning home. I didn't know why at the moment, but I blew up and we yelled at each other. I ended up saying I hate her. We were both shocked, but it didn't end there. It turns out, a statued God named Discord was feeding from our anger and broke free, with enough energy to easily beat us. He then brainwashed me. The rest is fuzzy, all I remember was attack, attack, attack. I watched as I was about to kill Dash, when she told me everything, why she kept the emerald, why she acted weird around me, everything.

She said she loved me. And...

I felt the same way.

Breaking free, I turned super and fought Discord. He had been using the Master Emerald as a power source, and had too much power for me to win. He then snapped, or something like that. He kept saying he knew the truth, even calling out a mysterious pony named Eco, saying he was a fox. He was right. Discord absorbed Chaos and the Master Emerald and me, Dash, Kay, the princesses, Applejack, a green hedgehog, and Eco chased him to three cliffs. Discord froze me and tried to roboticize Dash, but Eco stopped him, by taking the hit. I watched him turn into a twin-tailed fox and be ripped apart from the inside out by wires and metal. The green hedgehog saved his friend, but both were picked up by Discord and thrown into different portals. Applejack was crying hard, and knowing what Discord had done and was going to do, I snapped.

I was able to turn the Chaos Emeralds into Super Emeralds and went Hyper. Me and Kay attacked, but we were still to weak. I had a crazy idea there. I ordered the Mane Six to use their elements on me. They reluctantly did, and I absorbed the power, becoming some... Harmonic-like being. I stopped Discord and saved the world, like the hero I am. I even got a special someone in my life, Rainbow Dash.

Kay, using some new powers he got from Tikal, opened two portals, allowing me and Cream to go home. But... I forgot what was going on at home, and I was hit with realization as I saw my world in ruins.

What happened while I was gone?

"It's alright Cream." I said gently. "Everything will be just fine. I've saved the world in worse conditions than this." I felt the lie sting my heart, but I was trying to comfort her. She needed to know everything will be alright.

Honestly, this was far beyond what I've seen. This made the mess Perfect Chaos made look like a messy room. This... This was too much to even look at.

I felt a hoof fall on my shoulder.

"Ah... Ah don't know what to say, sugar cube.. Ah'm sorry" Applejack said.

"Thanks for the support..." I told her, my voice rough and slightly broken. I let go of Cream, stood, and cleared my throat. "We need to get Cream out of here. This is too much for her. This is too much for all of us."

"But where?" Twilight asked. That was a good question. Where? I just got home to see everything destroyed with no idea what's going on. What am I going to d-

"Sonic?" A robotic voice called. We all turned and I was shocked to see Metal Sonic.

"Metal... Sonic?" I said out of surprise.

"Metal Sonic? Is that... the robot you?" Fluttershy asked. "The... good one." Metal looked at Fluttershy, then at Cream, then at me. He turned and started walking.

"Follow me." He simply said, walking away. The ponies looked at me and I nodded. Cream had already ran up beside him as me and the Mane Six started moving.

I wonder why Metal was out here, anyway. Was he really able to survive this long? Was he able to avoid being... reprogrammed, I believe is the word. And what was he doing here at Seaside Hill? Right where we just appeared...

"Hey, Metal." I called him, running up beside him and Cream. "I have a lot of questions that need answering now. What are you doing here? How were you able to survive this? Where is everyone else? Please, tell me what's going on."

"I'll tell you once we're somewhere safer." he said, not moving his head to Sonic.

"I know this isn't the right place to talk, but what's so dangerous?"

Why did I say that?

A large group of Metal Sonic Troopers flew above us. I got ready to attack, but Metal stopped me and pressed a button in an open hatch on his arm. A dome covered us and vanished.

"Invisibility Activated." Metal said quietly. "That's why." He continued moving, all of us trying to stay close to him.

"O.K., I see."

"S-Sonic..." Fluttershy spoke up. "Can y-you please ask M-Metal Sonic to hurry. I-I-I don't like it out h-hear." She looked genuinely terrified.

"I know Shy. I don't like it either. Metal can we hurry?" I asked him.

"We are going as fast as possible." Metal told us.

"Hey Sonic." Twilight said, trotting up to me. "What is Metal Sonic? I mean, I know he's an electronic AI, but I'm still fuzzy on this kind of technology."

"Well... Uh... Well, you could say he's a living machine. a bunch of parts with his own mind." I told her, hoping that she would take the answer. That's when it hit me.

Does Metal have what Omega and Gamma had?

"I-I cana holr my frie wili mdch lonfer. Hutry."

"Metal... Do you have free will now?" I asked him.

"... Yes. I have acquired the Free Will Code from Omega." Metal told me. I was about to say something else, but Twilight suddenly ran up to Metal and started studying him.

"Equestria doesn't even have this kind of tech yet. I must analyze him and try to make one myself." She said, smiling giddily. "Princess Celestia will be so Amazed!" I rolled my eyes at this. Only Twilight Sparkle would do this.

"Are these the ponies that Kay told us about?" Metal asked.

"Yeah." I told him. "These are the ponies." Everyone and everypony was now Silent as we walked across the dead grass of Seaside Hill. I decided to take my time to look at my surroundings.

Seaside Hill... Lost Palace... They were both completely ruined. Destroyed and rebuilt in Silver Sonic's image. Oil factories litter parts of the area, thankfully not the path we were on. The sky was noticeably darker with many clouds, and the grass and trees and other plant life were dead and grey. Most of the palace walls and such were now piles of rock and debris. There were even some destroyed Egg Pawns scattered around. Even the water was mucked up. Finally, the beaches... What?

The beaches of Seaside... connected with the shores of Station Square.

I was stumped. Station Square and Seaside Hill were nowhere near each other. My expression must have matched the scene before me, because it worried Rainbow Dash. She trotted up beside me and rubbed her head on my right arm. I wrapped it around her neck and held her close.

"Thanks Dash." I said as she nuzzled my side.

"Anything for you, furball." She said, smiling as we continued down the broken streets of Station Square.

"Aww!" Rarity, Cream, and Applejack Cooed. Dash turned to her two pony friends with a dead-pan expression, ignoring Cream's coo.

"Shut up." She said. Applejack smirked and Rarity grinned, rubbing the back of her head with her hoof. I laughed a bit at Dash's aggravation towards her friends. I frowned just a bit after, wondering where my friends were. I hope there alri-

"GET DOWN!" Metal Sonic ordered, jumping under a large piece of road that was pulled up. Everyone and everypony darted under it, wondering what was going on. Everyone and everypony...

Except Rarity.

"Rarity, get under here! Now!" Twilight silently yelled to her friend.

"And risk getting dirty? Never! I shall trot under slowly and with grace." She said.

"We don't have time for this." Metal Sonic said, dashing out of the hiding spot, grabbing Rarity, and rushing back under.

"W-Why I nev-!" Metal slapped his hand onto Rarities mouth, keeping her from talking. Everyone and pony stayed quiet, listening to the silent evening wind.

Then I heard flapping.

I looked around the broken street above us for a way to see what's above us. I finally found a hole and looked through it. I saw a figure flying towards our area. It kinda looked like a bat. As it came closer, I finally realized who it was.

"Is that Rouge?!" I asked. "Why are we hi-" Metal slapped his other hand on my mouth, silencing me. His eye screen flickered, showing the words 'Keep quiet' on them. I guess Rouge must have been reprogrammed. Of course, how can I trust Metal Sonic? I guess in time, the answer will be revealed.

After a few minutes, Rouge flew off, allowing us to get out from under the road. Metal started to run forward, so we ran after him. He went past a few building's until we came to a manhole. A very familiar manhole.

"Were not going in there, are we?!" Rarity asked, backing away. Metal grabbed her hoof.

"We're not doing this again. Come on!" Metal said, jumping down into the manhole, Rarity whining all the way down. Pinkie jumped in next, followed by Cream, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Twilight, and finally, me.

We went through the sewer, until Metal brought us to a noticeably wider area with lamps, carpets, a desk, and a couch. The biggest and most noticeable thing in there, though, was...

"Omega!" I shouted with glee. Finally, a friend I can truly trust.

"Sonic the Hedgehog?" He said. "Metal Sonic, you have finally located him."

"More or less on accident, actually." Metal said. I'm surprised he could talk so much like a regular Mobion.

"Glad to see one place not destroyed." I said happily, watching my pony friends and Cream get settled in.

"Are those... the pony organisms that Kay the Hedgehog has told us about?" Omega asked.

"Yes, and they appear to be good friends with Sonic. Especially the light blue one." Metal told him. I blushed slightly, but kept it well hidden. I started to look around, trying to see if anyone else was in here. I noticed a small, black rabbit huddled up into the corner. I was about to see if he was alright, but Metal Sonic stopped me.

"That is Toby Terry. We found him a few weeks ago. He's fine, if you're wondering. But he can't talk." Metal said. I nodded.

"Hey, Metal. Is it safe to go outside?" I asked.


"Well, is there a way to at least be outside without being detected or something?"

"There should be a way through the sewers into a shop nearby. It's bars and defenses are up, so you can stay safe in there and see the night sky."

"Can you show me?"

I looked up into the night sky, wondering if I could ever fix this mess.

"At least the sky hasn't' changed." I said. I decided to see if he could tell me what was going on.

"Metal, what happened here?" I asked. He remained silent for a little while, then he spoke.

"Well, after you were sent into the pony world, Silver Sonic had fused the Earth with an old planet of yours, Mobius. I didn't understand why he was doing this until he started fusing more pieces of different universes together with this world. He want's to conquer the universe, but he can't be everywhere and stay leader. He plans to fuse every universe and there planets together into one, massive planet. You already saw the damage done with Seaside Hill, but... there." He pointed to a mountain that I surprisingly haven't noticed before. "That mountain is actually a laboratory with a large underground facility. I scanned it from afar and tried to find what it was, but so far, all I got was that it had something called a Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System.*2 It controls the entire thing. Other than that, that's all I got. But don't you see? He's going to keep fussing pieces of different universes into this one planet until he can rules everything in one spot." I was shocked beyond words. Silver cannot be planning on doing that. He could kill every living thing in every universe! Life would be extinct!

"A-And what was that about Mobius?"

"That was the first planet he fused to this world. Every piece of Mobius is scattered around this planet." I was completely out of it there. A just sat there, not even knowing what I should be feeling. Metal shook his head and left. I heard a pair of feet and hooves walk through the shop door.

"M-Mister Sonic, are you O.K.?" Cream asked.

"I-I'm fine Cream. How about you?" I asked, turning to Cream and the pony, Rainbow, who stood in the doorway.

"I'm fine. I know you can save us. I just know it. She said, running over and hugging me. I hugged her back, enjoying the fact that I still had one of my old friends here. She let go and ran back outside. Now it was just me and Dash. She trotted over and rapped her hooves around me.

"It's O.K. Sonic. We can fix this." She said, smiling.

"It won't be easy, though." I told her as she let go of me.

"Well, nothing's fun if it's easy, right!" She said, showing off her own awesomeness.

"Hehe, right!" I said. It's amazing how she lifted my spirits up so quickly. I slowly looked back outside, watching the planet's calmness. Both used to be my planet. Two worlds I once knew, coming together to this...

Welcome home, Sonic.

*1: Sonic saying that to himself would be terrible. Of course, in Sonic Lost Worlds, he said it. But the idea was mine first! I wrote this whole chapter down a few months ago, but was too lazy to start it! XD

*2 for you noobs, Start from Generic and go to System. Put all those beginning letters together, including the letter from 'and', and what do you get? A reference!

Yes, there will me major references to other franchises, but only in small places and such that will not become a big deal in the story, so don't worry.

Fav and Follow if you enjoy and remember...