Wow, I haven't updated this story in a long time. I'm sooo sorry! Here's a new chapter though. Nothing too exciting, but at least I posted something. If I take too long to update, feel free to message me. I usually just get discouraged about my writing skills and don't post my chapters, so a quick message of encouragement is all it takes to get me back on track. Thank you all for reading!


When class came to an end, Rin found Aelita in the back of the class. Her face was burried in her arms and, judging by her muffled breathing and the gentle rise and fall of her shoulders, she was fast asleep. With a wicked grin on his face, Rin dropped his books beside Aelita's head causing her to shoot up in surprise.

Her wide eyed gaze fell on Rin and her fear turned into mild irritation.

The look on her face only made Rin laugh, "Did you have a good first day of class?"

Aelita yawned, "It was so exciting".

Rin snickered as he sat backwards in the seat before Aelita's desk, "You slept plenty last night, you even slept in and you're still tired?"

"I was bored," Aelita admitted with a guilty smile.

Rin stretched, "Me too!" Then he tapped Aelita's foot with his own, "Are you feeling better today?"

"Mhm, the medicine Yukio gave me seems to be wearing off though," she responded, wincing as she rolled her foot around.

Rin frowned, "He sat more by your breakfast."

"Did he? I guess I didn't notice. The food was way too delicious! Where'd you get it?"

"I made it," Rin stated.

"What? You made it?" Aelita asked Rin in disbelief.

"Of course, you don't think Yukio has time to cook do you?"

Aelita shrugged before blurting out, "It was delicious!"

Rin chuckled, "I'm glad you liked it!"

Aelita stretched and gazed around the classroom, eyeing the students still hanging around. The only students remaining were the group of boys and the girl that was sitting by Rin earlier.

"I think your girlfriend is waiting for you," Aelita said as she reached for her books to avoid looking at the girl staring at the two of them.

"Eh?" he looked towards the front of the room and Shiemi smiled, waving at him.

He nodded at her in acknowledgement before turning back to Aelita, "That's just Shiemi, I told her not to wait for me… she wanted me to walk her back to her dorm after class."

"Well you should probably walk her back to her dorm then, don't keep the girl waiting," Aelita shooed him.

"What? Why? I wanted to work on our homework together!" Rin whined. "Besides, you slept through most of the lesson, you'll need help."

Aelita blinked in surprise, "Oh, okay. If you think it's alright with her."

Rin grinned, "Great! Then let's go!" he stood and Aelita followed suit, grabbing her things and hugging them to her chest.

The two didn't get far before the pink haired boy popped up in front of Aelita, his face barely inches from her own.

"Hiya sweetie~ I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you were from across the room and I wanted to meet you. I didn't think it was possible but you are even prettier up close! Would you like to join me on-" the pink haired boy was interrupted when the skunk haired boy smacked the back of his head.

"Shut it Shima," skunk head grumbled.

"Boooon! Wait for your turn to talk to the pretty girl!" the pink haired boy (who must be Shima) whined.

Then the two began to argue so the quiet bald boy stepped in, ignoring the fight going on behind him.

"I'm sorry about them," he smiled nervously, "I'm Konekomaru. And as you might've guessed by now, the boy with the pink hair is Shima, and the taller one is Bon."

Aelita smiled, "Nice to meet you Konekomaru."

Then Aelita looked back at the arguing boys only to find Shima pinned to the ground by Bon's foot.

"Ignore that dumbass," Bon grumbled, "He tries to pick up every girl he sees."

Aelita smiled at Bon nervously, he was rather intimidating but he did seem nice. "It's fine."

"So, why'd you transfer here all of a sudden, Aelita?" Konekomaru asked.

"Uh, well, it's sort of a long story," she replied.

The group of boys looked at her expectantly and Aelita rubbed the back of her head nervously, thinking of where to start.

"She saved Yukio's ass and he got her enrolled," Rin answered for her.

"Really?" Konekomaru and Shima asked dumbfounded.

"Impressive," Bon said with mild surprise.

Rin grinned, "Yup, found him on the roof of our dorm out cold. Aelita did get herself into quite a pinch though, so I ended up saving her."

"No fair! I wish I could've saved her, then she would've rewarded me with a kiss~" Shima said as he wrapped his arm around Aelita's shoulders.

She shrugged Shima off before turning to Rin, "Should we head to the library to get some work done?"

Rin nodded, and Aelita smiled with relief. She really didn't want to hang around Shima much longer.

"Aaaw, you're studying with Rin?" Shima pouted.

"Yup, sorry about that Shima. Later!" Rin grinned at the pink haired boy before walking away, Aelita close behind him.

Shima frowned as his friends said their goodbyes to Aelita and Rin.

As the two of them walked out the door Rin called to the girl who was still waiting for him in the classroom, "Bye Shiemi!"

"Oh, b-bye Rin-kun," Shiemi gave a small wave, clearly upset.

Aelita gave her a small wave as well. She felt bad for the girl, but only slightly.

After closing the door behind the two of them the air was filled with silence. The only sound in the hall was the soft tap of their shoes echoing off the walls.

"You know," Rin said awkwardly, breaking the silence, "You're the only person I know that didn't freak out when they saw me, well... on fire."

Aelita grinned, "The flames did kind of surprise me."

"Actually, I kind of thought you'd hate me. Everybody else did when they found out who I was," Rin shrugged.

Aelita gave him a puzzled look, "You idiot! Why would I hate you?"

"Well I'm the son of Satan, I'm a demon, I can burst into flames," Rin said, counting each reason why Aelita should hate him off on his fingers.

Aelita scoffed, "Demon or not, you're still Rin. Besides, you saved me from that exorcist. It's not like your evil."

Rin stopped walking and looked at Aelita's retreating form in confusion. He couldn't understand why she'd be okay with being friends with him immediately after finding out he was a demon. Even after protecting his friends from Amaimon they still hated him for a while, but this girl? She probably would've continued to hang out with him if he were Satan himself!

While Rin remained lost in thought Aelita came to a turn in the hallway and stopped. She noticed Rin wasn't with her and looked around the hall, puzzled. Finally her gaze fell on Rin, his mind still wandering.

"Uh, Rin?" she called, bringing him back to reality. "I don't know where I'm going," she rubbed the back of her head in embarrassment.

"Oh, sorry," Rin smiled before jogging to catch up to her.

As he led the way to the library he smiled and thought to himself, 'She hasn't changed a bit.'