Hey! so i didnt name the last one but oh well! thanks to CUBILLOS for reviewing!


Erica POV.

I watched as everyone began filling out of the room. It was about 3AM so everyone needed to sleep. Of course, I didn't, i'm a vampire. But i guess the parties ended. I headed to the door when the guy who's party it was stopped me. "where are you going?" He said softly, leading me up stairs. I frowned.

"I was heading home." i said clearly. He opened a door behind me.

"You cant go home." He muttered. Something zipped up the stairs and stopped behind him.

"Erica! Whats going on?" He asked brightly. I rolled my eyes.

"Rory, what are you doing here?" i asked. He shrugged.

"Come on, leave the girl alone. With me." the guy said. His name was De or something.

"NO! You back off!" i hissed at him.

"Yeah, leave her alone!" Rory yelled.

"Or what, pipsqueak?" De asked.

"Urm, or this?!" he yelled, whizzing round him and to my side.

"Oh your both vampires. Well, two is better than one!" De shoved us into the room, slamming the door shut.

"He knows we're vampires?" Said Rory. I rolled my eyes.

"Duh! Lets get this door open!" I yelled. I punched it, but my fist bounced off. "Ow…" i muttered.

"It's vampire proof." He said. I glared.

"How would you know?" He pointed to a box that had 'vampire proof door. For all your vampire hunting needs'. I growled.

"So, were trapped together, alone." He said. I narrowed my eyes.

"It wont work this time!" I snapped.

1 hour later, 3rd person POV

"Erica, why don't you like me?" asked Rory. Erica looked up from her 'seat' on a box.

"I like it when you do stuff for me." She replied. He rolled his eyes.

"I mean, why don't you want to go out with me?"he asked. She sighed.

"your you, Rory. I'm me. It just wouldn't work." She explained.

"But there are lots of reasons for it!" He pointed out. This perked her interest slightly.

"Like what?"she asked. Rory grinned and launched into his speach.

"First, we're pratically soulmates." He pointed out. Erica shook her head.

"No, we're not. Next reason."

"We are. this is why. You created me, we have a speical bond. You defend me against the vampire counsil, to! And you say we, to show us without even realising it." Erica shook out any agreeing thoughts out of her head. She didn't like Rory.

"Also, you think Star Trek is better than Star Wars, whether you admit it or not. That also proves we have similar interests. And when that blood truck came to school you kissed me, in the back of it. You say its because you wanted me to shut up, but i know thats not true. You could of just told me to shut up. And you never tell me to go away, even when i go on and on and on." Like now. grumbled Erica. But she has to admit she is surprised he can come up with this many reasons. Erica knows she can probably deny them, but she would mostly be lying, and she wanted to see how many more of these reasons he could get. Not because she liked him.

"Theres also the fact that when i was temporarily going out with Debbie, you asked me out and was annoyed at my rejection. Plus, you seemed really happy to get rid of her, probably because you where jealous." She definitely thought Rory had a big ego, but she had to admit he was right. But she was only annoyed because a nerd turned her down. She didn't care that it was him. But even as she said it, Erica knew she was lying to herself.

"Whenever i call you pretty or anything you dont care, and when i make any comments suggesting that you dont get mad anymore. i keep wearing you down." Erica knows this is true, buts its not a big reason. She bites her lip to keep herself at bay. She knows he's telling the truth.

"Also, you flirt with me. A lot. And you get happy when i give you stuff, gifts." He adds. She sighs inwardly. She says the flirting is just to get her own way, but it isn't. She has to admit she enjoys flirting with him. And when he gives her gifts, she feels... More touched than when they come from someone else. She doesn't know why though.

"Also, you trust me. You trusted me to help you raid the blood truck, and Hotwire Ethan's car. And i didn't tell either of those times." he points out. She does. She trusts him a lot. More than the closes people to her. "Erica?" he says after a few seconds.


"i just wanted to see if you were still listening." She just nods. suddenly theres a 'thud' and the door falls in, revealing Benny and Ethan. They both stare into the room.

"Okay, i half expected them to be kissing again." Say Benny. She ignores that remark.

"Wheres the idiot who trapped us in here? I want to finish him." She states.

"Sarah's holding him downstairs for you." says Ethan, and she whizzed downstairs. He turned to Rory.

"What did you do in here?" Rory shrugged.

"Talked. Well, i talked." He corrected. "i told her all the reasons i think we should go out."

"Did it work?"

"i don't know. I'm going to go pull that guy apart." He replies, shooting out the room. When he got downstairs he was met by Sarah, who told him Erica had all ready left. He turned and left the house, flying so he could see better. When he finally found Erica, on her way back home, he landed besides her.

"Yes?" She asks. He shrugged.

"What do you think about what i said?"

"I guess its all true…" she sighed when he cheered. "But, i don't think i'm ready to go out with you." she added. He doesn't seem to deterred.

"I'm persistent. I'll wear you down eventually." he replied, before flying off. Erica sighed. This is to complicated.

so there! Hope u like it! Sorry for any spelling/grammar Errors, its really late… urm… early... Anywho, thanks to Unknown for reviewing! Bye!