Chapter 17: I want you...

Please excuse any errors you may come across thank you.

She squealed loudly, once we arrived outside and the car she was driving for a week was parked out front, she squeezed my hand tightly.

"Oh my goodness, Jake!" She screamed, bouncing around, and pulling me into a warm embrace fisting my shirt, all the while still screaming in my ear.

"Damn, Bells, I'm going to be deaf." I said covering my ears, playfully. I laughed, at her excitement, her enthusiasm was so fucking cute. "Didn't think I would come through did you?"

"Well, mister. You had no choice." She said matter-of-factly, pausing to admire my baby, "So beautiful, I was hooked the first day I day we met."

I grinned at her. "I'm glad you're finally admitting you were hooked on me, when we first met, I don't blame you, look at all this." I said motioning at myself.

She nudged me with her elbow. "I meant the car, Jake."

"The car's not the only thing you were hooked on." I said winking.

She ran her fingers over the Audi, staring at it in disbelief.

"I wish you would look at me like that." I said.

She blushed. "Oh shut up!"

I handed her the keys. "She's all yours for a full week, enjoy, honey."

Her eyes lit up, like Christmas lights. "Thank you. Jake." She said clutching the keys carefully to her chest like she was holding a precious baby.

I grinned down at her, she was so fucking beautiful, I was rendered speechless for a moment as I stared at her otherworldly beauty. She was the only person in history who gave my looks a run for their money. I just wanted to take her right here and now, but I straightened up. Act like a fucking gentlemen, I scolded myself.

"You're welcome, Bells. A bet is a bet right? And I lost-"

"No, I don't think you did. We both won." She said as I stalked toward her, pulling her against my chest.

"I certainly do feel like a winner Bells," I said running the pads of my fingers against the side of her baby soft cheek, her breathing increasing. "I certainly got the better end of the deal."

She smiled at that. "I don't know about that."

"Well I do, because I get to be with you." She shivered at that. "Even though I still want a rematch, but I'll let you have this victory, but next time I'm upping the stakes. And trust me, next time I'm going to ask for way more than a date." I said in her ear, I watched as goosebumps formed on her arms, and I really liked the way I was affecting her, and, she was finally responding to my advances, we had reached a sort of milestone in our relationship, and I fucking liked it.

She headed for the driver seat, and I grabbed her by her waist.

"A few terms and conditions for you."

She sighed. "I knew there was a catch."

"No catch, Bells but you wreck my baby, you're mine for life."

She rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest defiantly. "So I'm signing my life over to you?"


"Whatever, not going to happen. You don't have to worry about me wrecking this car. I'll take good care of your precious baby."

"Yes take care of my baby, baby, but I'm warning you, if you don't, you're mine. Can I just get your signature?"

"Shut up Jake!" She laughed. "Just watch how driving this car is really done."

I laughed, pulling her arm as she headed toward the Audi. "That's real cute honey, but we're not driving that car."

She arched an eyebrow, her eyes narrowing in suspension. "What do you mean?"

"We're driving that," I said pointing not too far away to my red and black Harley, I grinned at her stunned expression. I had my butler drive the Audi over earlier before he was off duty, so it would be already here for her.

"Hop on." I demanded, grabbing her hand.

Her eyes widened. "On that. In a dress? Jake…"

"Yep, baby, get on," I said again, handing her a helmet, and a jacket, safety first for my Bells.

She stared at the bike for a moment, and then me. "Jake… I don't know." She said hesitantly.

"Come on, Bells. I heard its... stimulating." I laughed, and she glared fiercely. I had chosen to drive the motorcycle for that very reason. Yep, I was sneaky as fuck.

"Do you ever stop being a freaking idiot?"

"No, but I am trying for you."

"Well try harder."

"Are you scared?"

"No." She snapped.

I arched an eyebrow. "Are you sure?"

"Well….I've never-uh been on a motorcycle before," She gulped.

"Well I guess there's a first time for everything, and I'm happy to be your first. Let me take your motorcycle virginity."

She rolled her eyes, but refused to get on the bike. "You're insufferable."

"You like it."

She didn't respond.

"Get on now, Bella, or I'll put your ass on it…"

"No." She said crossing her arms. "I'd like to see you try."

"Try me."

"I'm not getting on, Jake." She said stubbornly.

"Get on right now or so help me..."


I pinched the bridge of my nose, I would have to take a different approach with her. "Don't you want to?"

"Well yes...I've always wanted to ride one."

"Well ride mine Bella, literally."

She sighed heavily, tapping her foot against the pavement. "Can you stop being sexual for five minutes?"

"Well I could, but that's boring." She said. "I promise you, I won't let anything happen to you."


I could feel her resolve wavering.

I decided to put on my puppy dog face, it worked every time. "Please, Bells."

She sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. She finally offered me a small smile, and said. "Okay, I guess." See? No woman can resist the puppy dog face, not even Bella.

I helped her on, placing her helmet on for her, and her breathing started to increase. I kissed her on the lips softly, making her moan against my mouth. Damn little Jake stood at attention, then. Since when did I get off on a little kiss? Only for Bella. I didn't even remember the last time I had sex. I did remember however being balls deep in that dark headed bitches mouth, but that didn't compare to what I experienced from just a simple kiss with Bells.

"You look fucking amazing in that jacket, by the way, you should wear my clothes more often.

She blushed.

I could feel her shaking, as I climbed on.

"Honey, relax, just hold on to me, I'll go nice and slow." I ignored the double meaning and reviving the engine, and we sped off into the night. She squeaked, getting closer to me, I heard her small gasps every now and then.

"You okay, Bells?" I felt her nod against my back, as she clutched me tightly. It felt fucking amazing. She giggled, as we went faster; the faster we went, the closer she got to me, and the tighter she held on to me. It felt good as hell having her this close to me, every turn she would inch a little closer, and I smiled.

The ride ended all too soon, and my big ass house came into view. I looked behind me, and she was flush against my backside, still holding me tightly. I couldn't help but laugh at her. "You can let go now, Bells."

She flushed. "Maybe, I don't want to." She said with a glint in her big doe eyes. The innocent look with the hint of sexy was driving me, and my partner in crime in my pants insane. I couldn't resist, I had to kiss the fuck out of her.

I turned around leaning her back and started to kiss her hungrily. Bike sex flashed in my head, but I quickly shook those thoughts away. Bella gasped against my lips, and I felt her little tongue snake out and lick out and tangle with mine. When I pulled away we were both breathless and panting.

She smiled up at me, her expression a mix between hunger, and giddiness, she was so fucking adorable. I got off the bike, pulling Bella off and picking her up bridal style, while she laughed. I took her helmet off her, once I set her down.

She couldn't look more beautiful, her hair disheveled, her cheeks flushed, her lips spread out into a smile, and her eyes sparkling with excitement. Fuck, she was beautiful, and she was mine, I was going to make sure of that.

"Was that as good for you, as it was for me?" She asked panting.

I smirked an image popping into my head of her panting about something else. "Hell yeah, I could go for another round."

She rolled her eyes. "You and your mouth."

"I can do amazing things with this mouth."

She flushed. "Do you ever stop?"

"No, its one of the reasons why you like me admit it?"

"I'm not admitting that."

"Did you enjoy the ride?"

"Yeah." She admitted shyly. "I really did, I want to do it again."

"Well baby you can ride me anytime."

She elbowed me. "You're a pig."

"Oink, oink baby."

Even through her mock disgust she looked up at me and smiled, that's how I knew we were reaching a new level in our relationship.

I couldn't keep my lips off of her, I kissed her letting my tongue lazily lap over her bottom lip, nipping and sucking on it for a while, igniting a lot of noises I never thought Bella would make. I wanted to keep kissing her forever, I was fucking addicted to it. The intoxicating strawberries lingering on her lips from her lip gloss, and a taste that was all Bella. I didn't want to stop kissing her, but I pulled away, because unfortunately we had to breathe.

She was absolutely breathtaking, and I felt honored to share in one of her firsts. I wanted to fuck her right on this motorcycle, but of course I was going to be a gentlemen tonight, well as much as I could manage. I would try my damn hardest.

"Wow." She said her eyes glassy, as we continued to stare at one another. Passion high in the air.

"I told you my mouth was talented." I said simply.

"I wonder how many women have gotten to experience that mouth personally." She said annoyed.

I scoffed. "Not many, Bells. But its nice to know you're jealous."

Her cheeks burned. "I am not, and don't lie to me, you've had more women than-"

I was suddenly annoyed at her perception of me. "I don't do this." I said gesturing between Bella and I. "I fuck women and then I'm done, there's no kissing, no cuddling, no hugging, none of this," I said. "I'm a dick, but I'm not that heartless. I know what type of emotional attachments can come from things like that."

"Jake. I'm sorry-"

I held up a hand. "You don't have to apologize. I told you, you're different. I don't know what it is about you. But I like you.."

She smiled.

"Well, let's go inside, dinner awaits." I said grabbing her hand, and leading her into the house. "We're home, Bells."

She rolled her eyes. "Your home."

"Ours. If you want it to be."

"Hmmm." She said thoughtfully.

"Just know there's an extra key to the house on the keys to the Audi, for when you make the right decision."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I smiled. "You're going to need to, because eventually you'll need the key, feel free to use it anytime."

Once we entered the house, I turned the lights on dim, and lead her into the dining room, as I lit the candles, seating her at head of the table.

She smiled. "Wow. This is nice. And It smells so good, Jake." She said, her eyes lightening up from the reflection of the candles.

I smiled, "make yourself comfortable, I'll be back."

She grabbed my hand. "Where are you going?"

"To get your food, so I can serve you. You're not moving a muscle tonight, you're going to let me take care of you."

She gasped, losing her speech, all she could do was nod, I smirked and disappeared into the kitchen.

I decided that this night was going to be all about Bella. I was going to feed her, and watch her enjoy every last bite, I would be satisfied just watching her enjoy herself. Watch her enjoy her food that I made.

I came back with a sliver tray for her, placing it down in front of her and lifting the lid, exposing the beautiful array of spaghetti and meatballs.

"Mademoiselle, dinner is served." I said in a French accent, and she laughed. That laugh, I couldn't get enough of it.

"Wow, this looks amazing." She grinned.

"Thank you." I said.

I grabbed her wine glass, and filled it with red wine.

"I know its not easy for you to let anyone take care of you, with you being so independent, and you do a great job on your own, but just for tonight let me, okay?" I paused. "I don't want to hear any groaning or complaining or I can do it myself, let me make this a special night for you. You deserve it, let me take care of you just for tonight. Deal?"

She was thoughtful for a moment, getting really quiet, and then nodded. "Deal."

Fuck when had I become so damn romantic? I was better at this than I thought.

"Great." I grinned. "Now…" I trailed off.

"But where is your food, Jake?"

"This isn't about me, tonight is all about you."

She gulped, and looked into my eyes. We had intense staring contest for a few minutes, I got lost in the endless abyss that was her eyes.

Picking up her fork, and twisting some noodles around it, adding a meatball and dipping it with plenty of sauce. I lifted it slowly to her lips. "Open for me." I commanded, and she did as she was told. Good girl. "I wanted to have the privilege of feeding you, tonight."

She chewed slowly, savoring the taste in her mouth, and I thought I saw her eyes roll to the back of her head too. She closed them for a moment, "Open your eyes, Bells, I want to see them." She opened them, and they watered. I knew this shit was magic, it could probably cure diseases, but the true magic was in Bella's eyes.

"Oh my goodness! Jake…." She breathed, moaning. My dick roared to life, watching her tongue dart out and lick the remnants off the fork, this was going to be difficult, I gulped, my Adam's apple bobbing up and down. Control yourself dammit. "This has to be the best spaghetti I have ever tasted."

"I'm glad you like it, honey." I said huskily.

"Which of your team made this Rosa, or Dante?"

Dante? That was that fuckers name? How did Bella even know that, and I didn't? Damn, that earned her more points, she paid fucking attention.

"I made it." I said simply.

"You, Jake?" She asked disbelievingly.

"Yes." I stated. "I sent the two of them home for the evening so I could cook for you."

"Wow." She replied, biting her lip. Her eyes sparkling. "This was amazing of you to do. Thank you." She reached for my hand and squeezed.

"Like I said tonight is all about you, but don't thank me yet, the evening is far from over." I said. "Now open up, Bells." Her cheeks flushed, and I loved seeing it, I couldn't help but wonder how far down it went, did it cover every part of her body? I was going to find out sooner, or later, hopefully sooner.

"Where did you learn to cook so good?" She questioned, between bites.

"What did I tell you? Tonight is about you, Bells."

She smiled sheepishly. "I know, but I can't help it, I have to know. I never pictured you as the cooking type."

I smiled, "Okay, I'll answer this one question about me, but then that's it okay?"

She nodded.

"One of my many talents. What can I say, I have the magic touch." I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"No argument there, you definitely have the magic touch this is delicious."

I chuckled. "No, seriously, I had to learn if I didn't want to starve, you know? I cooked for my dad and I, since he couldn't, and no one else was around. It took me a while to perfect the art of cooking. I had a lot of help from my brother, Seth's mom, it came with a lot of trial and error, and my brothers were more than willing to be my food guinea pigs and test my concoctions for me."

"Your brothers? You mean the guys that work with you at the shop right?"

"Yes, we're all very close. We refer to each other as brothers."

She nodded, listening intently, I really enjoyed how she paid attention. Like what I was saying was the most important thing in the world to her.

"Open, honey." She obliged and ate a bite.

"And I guess over time, I kind of became a top chef." I finished. "I haven't cooked in a really long time, its nice to know I still have it."

"You definitely still have it, and then some. You should definitely cook more often, preferably for me."

"Well thank you, Ms. Swan, I think I can arrange that." I smiled. "You should feel special, I haven't cooked in years."

"And yet you cooked for lil ol' me?"

I nodded. "Of course." I grabbed her wine, "now, take a sip for me." She took a long sip until I pulled it away.

She moaned saying how good it was. "I believe I brought you your first food-gasm." I teased. "I always thought I would be the one having you moaning, not my food."

She laughed. "There is so much to you, then what you allow people to see."

"I could say the same about you." I countered.

"Really? I'm kind of like an open book."

"I beg to differ more like a closed book. You're stubborn, independent, and you don't like handouts. You don't seem to like change, but you have a big heart, and I can tell you really love the people you let in. Its hard for you to trust, because of your mom, and you're careful about who you let in. And when you really want to, you can let your hair down and have fun."

She paused and stared at me for a moment, studying me. "Wow. I guess you do pay attention to other people. Who knew?"

"No, I just pay attention to you,"

"Why do you pay attention to me, Jake?" She asked seriously, her big eyes vulnerable. The protective wall she put up left for a moment, and I knew this was taking a lot for her to show me this vulnerable side. That same little girl who was still waiting to have a relationship with the mother that didn't want her.

Suddenly there was so much pressure. I knew a while ago that this was more than getting in Bella's pants, but now I couldn't screw this up, I couldn't hurt Bella that way.

"Because like I said, I like you, there's something so special about you, I can't stay away from you, and I'm not going to. And you're not going to stay away from me. No more running, we like each other, we should see where things go."

Another intense staring competition started between she and I began, and I don't want to sound like a pussy, but I felt fire between us, and sparks flying. Damn, if Paul could hear me, now.

"I like this side of you. I wish I could see it more often."

"Who knows, maybe you will. I have been working on my gentlemen act. How am I doing?"

"Pretty damn good." She smiled.

I laughed. "Take a bite."

"Wow. This is so good." She enthused over, and over moaning as she ate heartily, I found it incredibly sexy how much she was enjoying the food that I prepared. I found myself very intrigued by her, while I fed her. I couldn't look away. Little Jake, was sitting front row, enjoying this performance as much as me. I wanted to have her moaning while I was waist deep in her, but I shook those thoughts away, and concentrated on how her eyes looked lit up by the candlelight.

I wiped sauce off the corner of her lips with my thumb, and licked my thumb clean. "Mmm, you make my food taste so much better."

She flushed, and laughed.

"You're beautiful, Bells." I couldn't help saying it.

Her blush deepened. "Thank you."

"Do you always blush when someone compliments you?"

"You make me blush, and you know you do."

"Who me?" I feigned innocence.

"You know exactly what you do to me."

"Enlighten me, Bella, what do I do to you?" Of course I already knew but I wanted to hear it out loud.

She was crimson now. "You make me blush, just by a single look."

I was quiet, as she spoke, feeding her bites every now and then.

"You get me to open up about things I never tell anyone." I continued to gaze at her, watching her closely. "You make me feel-I can't explain it, things I never feel you make me feel. There's something about you too."

I smiled. "Wow, Bells, I didn't know I was having such an effect on you."

She rolled her eyes. "Yes you did."

I smirked. "You were good at hiding it for a while."

"I don't want to hide it anymore. I want-" She trailed off.

"You what Bella? Tell me, tonight is all about you, I'll give you anything you want."

"I want you. I want you-and I to try this."

"Me too." I grabbed her hand, squeezing softly. I was hearing Paul's voice in my head scolding me for going exclusive with a girl, and breaking our stupid ass rule, but I didn't give a fuck. I wanted this, I wanted Bella, and right now I didn't want to define it, but I knew what eventually it would become, I knew Bella would want the title soon.

"So no more randoms, right?"

"Just you, Bells." I didn't give a fuck about a random right now, I just wanted Bella. "Just you."

"You promise?"

"I promise." I said seriously, gazing in her eyes.

"Good." She smiled. "Because I don't want to have to kick anyone's ass."

I chuckled. "That would be sexy as fuck Bella." She laughed. "The same goes for you, I don't want to have to kick anyone's ass either."

"You don't have to worry about that, Jake. I've never been into anyone like this before."

"What do you mean?"

There was the blush again, she bit her lip. She looked away. "I thought I was like asexual or something."


"Well-I um wasn't really attracted to men, and definitely not women… like I said no one has ever made me feel the way you do."

So I was Bella's first in more ways than one. The pressure was increasing, but I couldn't, I wouldn't let Bella down.

I smiled. "Wow." I breathed.

She laughed. "I know that sounds ridiculous."

I tilted her chin up with my finger. "No. I'm honored to be the first person you like. I'm honored to be the first person to make your heart flutter, and your toes curl."

She blushed but smiled.

I wiped her mouth, with a napkin, and gave her a sip of wine.

"I hope you're not full enough for dessert."

"I don't think I can eat another bite." She said.

"You have no choice." I said picking up her dirty dishes and retreating into the kitchen.

I came back with the dessert. "Open up, honey."

"Jake, I can't…" She whined. "But that looks so delicious."

"One bite."

"No." She said stubbornly.

"Bells…" I pouted. "Don't let my dessert for you go to waste."

"Okay, just one bite."

I took a piece of the chocolate melting cake with my fingers dipping it in caramel, and ice cream, and placing it in her mouth with my bare fingers. She gasped, while taking the piece into her mouth. I was about to pull my fingers away but she held them there, and sucked the remaining sweetness off of them.

Little Jake was too fucking went berserk. That was the sexist fucking thing I had ever seen.

"Mhmm." She moaned softly. "That's delicious, wow Jake, it tastes even better on your skin."

I was speechless for a moment, trying to calm me, and my mini me back down.

She stared at me through lidded eyes, her little tongue darting out while she licked her lips. She bit on her bottom lip softly, making little Jake go haywire. That little fucker needed to calm down.

"Stop doing that Bella, before you get in trouble."

"Doing what?" She asked innocently.

"Fucking me, with your eyes."

She blushed furiously.

"One more piece." I said, she nodded.

I smiled, dipping the melting cake in chocolate this time, and repeating my earlier motions.

I paused as I purposely let chocolate slip down her chin. I couldn't help it, I got up abruptly grabbing her out of her chair, sitting her on the edge of the table, and I licked my way down her lips, and licked the remaining chocolate from her chin. I sucked on her chin ensuring I got all the chocolate off, and she gasped, trying to get closer to me. I grabbed more chocolate, and poured it on her neck. She became limp in my arms, as I started sucking the chocolate off her neck.

"Jake.." She whispered softly, her voice hoarse.

"You taste better than my dessert, no fair." I said, and she blushed but laughed. "Are you ready for part two of our date?"

She breathed deeply for a moment, catching her breath. "Sure." She finally responded.

Review & Stay tuned.