Warnings: There is no sex in this first chapter; but because of the prompt, Brittana will be having anal sex in costume. So. Look for that in the second chapter. If that's not your thing, well. You can still enjoy the party shenanigans leading up to the sex! :D

A/N: HI EVERYONE! And welcome to THE BRITTANA FANDOM'S SPOOKTACULAR TOUCH-A-TOUCH ME DIRTY FICTION DOUBLE FEATURE! Hahaha. Thanks for joining me, and the rest of the talented authors who participated/are participating in the project.

If you missed any of the stories, I will be posting a master post on my tumblr (xandylytex) after Halloween, but so far, my dear Dakota (PerfectlyCensored) wrote Afterimage, my buddy Gambit (LoneGambit) wrote Coming Out Of My Shell, and my dear friend Ducks (BetTheDuckIsInTheHat) wrote The Friendly Werewolf and The Wicked Witch. We still have a few more stories to go, though, before Halloween, so keep checking the #DUBSPOOK tag on tumblr! :D

And now! I present to you, this story! XD


Santana has always liked Halloween. Let's face it- Mean Girls wasn't kidding when it said the holiday is an excuse for girls to dress up like slutty animals (like they need an excuse), and what self-respecting lesbian wouldn't enjoy that? Even one in the closet?

Usually, Santana loves watching Brittany get dressed up in some sexy form of uncommon animal- like a fox or a panda- so she can perv on her without being completely obvious about it, but this year, her feelings are a little different. They're together now- like, together together. Dating. Officially. And she's been feeling a lot more protective and shy, especially after her public outing by Finn. She's not used to being able to show her affection for Brittany in public, despite the support of their friends. But now that she can officially call Brittany hers, she doesn't want anyone else perving on her girlfriend.

Brittany is usually a sex goddess for Halloween, but this year, her blonde girlfriend had decided that, since they are dating, their costumes should match a little more than they have in the past. Once she found out Blaine and Kurt were going as Snooki and The Situation, she knew they needed to have the ultimate matching costumes to outdo them. So she decided they were going to go as a team.

And not just any team. The ultimate team.

"Well, hello- Batman and Robin," Rachel says cheerfully in a heavy Southern accent, giving them, an exaggerated wink as she opens the front door. Brittany strikes a heroic pose, hands on hips, and Santana tries to hide behind Brittany's cape. Her stomach twists- this is really happening. They're here. At Berry's house. In their costumes. Ever since Sam had told Brittany he was going as the world's biggest-lipped version of Captain America, Brittany had decided they should go as superheroes, too- but the originals, because they are the most authentic, San.

Santana's not sure why she allowed Brittany to talk her into being Robin from the 60s. She doesn't find it very sensible to fight crime without pants. Her bare legs are freezing- not to mention there's a draft heading up under her outfit. She wraps her cape around herself tightly, feeling like a vampire (why couldn't they have gone as vampires? Brittany would look totally hot with those teeth) and peeks over Brittany's shoulder to see Rachel's costume.

Berry's dressed as some type of woman. "Do you like it?" she says in her exaggerated Southern accent. "I made it myself out of a curtain!"

"Who even are you?" Brittany asks in a terrible impression of Batman's voice.

Rachel looks offended and huffs, stamping her foot. "I'm Scarlett O'Hara!"

"Is that The Black Widow's sister?"

"She's from Gone With the Wind!"

"Well maybe she should've actually left," Santana mutters, rolling her eyes behind her mask as she follows Brittany past Rachel and inside, sticking close to her long, flowing black cape to stay mostly hidden. Rachel drones on about refreshments and the house rules but Santana mostly tunes her out as they make their way downstairs to the basement, where the rest of the Glee kids are. Santana feels her stomach twisting tighter with nervousness as they reach the rest of the group, and she shrinks down even further behind Brittany as they make their grand entrance.

Santana takes in the atmosphere of the basement, which looks completely different from the last time she was here, and rolls her eyes again as she realizes that Berry has Monster Mash playing. Like, she actually made a playlist for the party. She looks around at the fake spiderwebs, the orange-and-black banner with creepy letters telling her to have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, the jack-o-lantern lights strung across the hallway, and the tiny ghosties made out of what looks like white napkins dangling in random places from the ceiling. Berry really went all out. It's kind of lame, and kind of awesome.

"Cool costume, Britt!" Sam says as he approaches, the first to greet them. His Captain America costume doesn't look nearly as good as her and Brittany's costumes. Santana doesn't know whether to be mortified or proud.

Brittany grabs Sam's arm and yanks him closer, lowering her voice conspiratorially as she asks, "How did you know my secret identity?"

Sam apologizes, and Santana feels her heart thump with adoration at how cute Brittany's being. She really, really loves her- the fact that she's not wearing any pants proves it. She's dressed as a superhero that she knows almost nothing about, and not only that, but her costume matches Brittany's. Like a couple. An official couple. Her stomach twists tighter.

It takes her a minute to notice that Sam has a shadow, and she glances to his right to see Rory in something green. What a surprise.

"You're supposed to dress up for Halloween," Brittany points out.

"I did," Rory says in his thick, almost unintelligible accent, seeming mildly disappointed.

"Well then who the fuck are you?" Santana asks, raising an eyebrow beneath her mask. "Lucky the Leprechaun?"

"He's the Green Lantern," Sam explains.

"I have no idea who that is," Brittany deadpans, and Rory deflates a little.

"Wow, you guys look great!" Mercedes calls from over by the couch arm, and as she looks, Santana has to admit, Wheezy looks pretty good. She's dressed as Queen Cleopatra, and the flowing dress and crown really match her personality.

"You look good, too," Santana nods.

"Yeah, your Aphrodite costume looks really authentic," Brittany says with a nod.

Mercedes gives Brittany a look, cocking her eyebrow. "But I'm not-"

"Hey guys," Blaine says as he and Kurt shimmy over to them. The lights are down low, but there's enough to bounce off of Blaine's sunglasses and the costumes of their other friends, who are gathered over by the stage, swaying and shuffling lamely to the spooky music. Santana takes a moment to look over Kurt and Blaine's costumes; they look even more embarrassing than she does, and she feels marginally better.

"Why Robin?" Kurt asks curiously, scanning her costume and gesturing with a wave. Santana has the sudden urge to cover her junk- or lack of junk- with her hands as Kurt fiddles with his black wig.

"Yeah, why not Catwoman?" Blaine chimes in, still swaying back and forth to the Monster Mash. The song must be on repeat. Or just really, really long.

Santana opens her mouth to answer, then promptly shuts it. Why not Catwoman? She could've totally pulled that off, looked way hotter, and wait a minute, now that she's thinking it, didn't Batman and Catwoman have a much more obvious steamy romance than-

But Brittany cuts off her train of thought, quipping, "Easier access."

And then she playfully slaps Santana's ass.

Kurt's eyes widen and Santana looks embarrassed, but Brittany goes on seriously while Santana dies on the spot, "I looked at those Catwoman suits and they're impossible to get out of. Besides, Catwoman isn't around for very long in the series, and Robin sticks by Batman's side forever-"

"I need a drink," Santana mutters, her cheeks flaming red underneath her dark complexion. She shifts nervously in her tiny, green pixie boots.

"Good idea, Robin," Brittany says cheerfully, snapping back into character. She points dramatically. "To the bar!"

Santana's grateful to exit the awkward conversation as they head to the small- miniature, really- kitchen connected to the room. On the counter there's a huge cauldron-shaped bowl of something that apparently has dry ice in it because it's got more fog bubbling out of it than one of Coach Sylvester's personal fog machines. There's more little dangly lights, only this time, they're in the shape of skulls; plastic bats float on little strings from the ceiling, blowing around with the air currents in the room.

A huge, tacky poster of a vampire adorns the wall next to the mini fridge, and next to the cauldron of what she guesses is Hunch Punch are various treats. Candy corn and assorted chocolates- the good kind, with Snickers, 3 Musketeers, and Milky Way- fill up randomly sized bowls decorated with bats and pumpkins. A glass baking pan contains the traditional Dirt Pie, complete with little gummi worms and Santana can't help but roll her eyes again (though secretly she wishes she'd have thought of making it herself.)

As Brittany gets her a cup, and uses a ladle that looks like a bone to scoop some punch into it, Tina and Mike, dressed as something Santana vaguely recognizes, sidle up to her.

"Nice costume," Tina says. "Robin's classic."

Santana nods. "And you- uh, too. Your costume- great. Uh-"

"I'm Kitana from Mortal Kombat," Tina says, rolling her eyes. She points to Mike. "And he's Scorpion."

"Ohhhh," Santana says with a slow duh nod. She remembers watching Puck play video games back when she was dating him years ago, though it seems like a lifetime ago.

"You must reaaaally like her," Tina comments.

Instantly defensive, Santana glares. "Why do you say that?"

Tina grins- or at least, Santana thinks she does. Her mouth is covered with a blue cloth so it's kind of hard to tell. "Calm down. I was just saying it because you're not wearing pants. I doubt you'd dress up like that for someone you didn't really, really like."

Santana's shoulders droop and she lowers her hackles, sighing. She smiles shyly. "Yeah, I really, really do." Mike crosses his arms but remains silent, and then Tina rolls her eyes.

"Don't mind him. He's just really into character."

"I know the feeling," Santana mutters, but then Brittany's thrusting a cup into her hand.

"Here," she says, still doing her Batman impersonation and Santana lifts a meaningful eyebrow at Tina as if to say See?

Tina shakes her head a little and Santana focuses her attention on the cup of reddish-purplish liquid in her hand. She sniffs it. It smells sweet, so she takes a sip and is pleasantly surprised. She can't taste the alcohol. This could wind up being really good, or really, really bad.

"Wait," Brittany says, and she digs into her utility belt. Santana watches in shock as she produces a small bottle of alcohol, unscrews the top, and pours it into Santana's cup. She grins cheekily.

"Bri- I mean, Batman," she corrects herself, knowing how upset Brittany gets when she forgets, "where the hell did you get that?"

Smiling mysteriously, Brittany gives a little shrug. "The true crimefighter always carries everything he needs in his utility belt, Robin."

Santana shakes her head in wonder, her heart thumping madly at her adorable girlfriend and how stupid in love she is. She takes a huge sip of her punch, and this time, the alcohol burns her throat on the way down. She comes up hacking, completely unprepared, and Tina pats her on the back as Puck, in a Jedi costume, complete with a lightsaber tucked into his belt, grabs Brittany.

"Yo, B-man, we're about to start up a game of Pong, and I could totally use your legendary skills on my team."

Straightening up into another heroic pose, Brittany says, "Sounds serious. Come, Robin! To the Pong table!" She flourishes her cape in a sweep behind her and follows Obi Wan Puckerman, who's patting her back enthusiastically crowing about a win, to the center of the room, where a long table has been set up with cups in formation. Shrugging, Santana follows as Brittany and Puck square off against Finn, who's also dressed as a Jedi, and Arty, whose wheelchair has been modified to look like a Transformer. Santana stares at the boxy cardboard and the red and blue colors, and realizes, not for the first time, that most of her friends are complete nerds.

Does that make her a nerd, too? She looks down at herself, dressed as a superhero, and decides that, yes, she actually is. The thought is terrifying, so she counteracts it by gulping down the rest of her cup of punch.

And then Brittany's punch, since she's currently involved in her game of Pong.

And then, what the hell, she finishes off Tina's punch, too. It's not like she was drinking it. She's wearing a blue bandana around her face, for fuck's sake.

After so much punch, Santana's feeling a lot better about not wearing pants. And warmer. She feels giggly and cheers as Brittany makes a perfect throw and Finn has to chug a beer. She's got a good, happy buzz going, and even though she's not completely comfortable, she's at least not as edgy as she was. The Monster Mash is playing again, but she's not sure it ever stopped. She can't remember a single other song she's heard since arriving, so maybe Berry made an entire CD of just one song. She giggles again at the thought- she honestly wouldn't put it past her- and watches as Brittany dominates her opponents; as the game heats up, some more of their friends come over to spectate, including Snooki and The Situation.

Santana hasn't missed the way Sam keeps sending longing glances in Queen Mercedes' direction. Mercedes is still dating Shane, even though she didn't bring him to the party. Santana wonders why, but she doesn't wonder too long. She's too distracted watching Brittany make her throws, gloat when Finn misses, and chug down her cup of beer when Arty sinks a ball. She and Obi Wan Puckerman exchange high-fives, cheer, and carry on, and Captain Sam-erica along with the Green Rory and Ki-Tina offer up words of encouragement.

"Sink this one, B!" Puck yells, swaying on his feet. He's obviously been playing for a while. There's one cup left on Finn and Arty's side, and it's at a weird angle.

Feeling silly, Santana says, "That's an impossible shot, Batman!"

Brittany turns and offers her a wry grin. "That's a negative attitude, Robin." Santana laughs, and Brittany narrows her eyes in concentration. She brings the ball up to her face as if she's praying and then, looking perfect and graceful, she swings her arm and throws.

The white ball lands with a soft plop straight into the cup, and Finn's mouth draws open while Puck hollers victory.

"Holy incredible throw, Batman!" Santana exclaims, pumping her green-gloved fist into the air. Brittany gives her a high-five and they kiss, their masks smushing together awkwardly.

"I don't know why, but I'm strangely turned on right now," Arty says from across the table, watching them kiss. Santana shoots him the finger, and then Puck's pulling Brittany away and into a big, drunk hug.

"Some things never change," Quinn's voice says from beside her, and Santana turns to take her in. Quinn is dressed as some type of jester- she thinks?- and even though Santana has no clue who she is, she has to admit the blonde looks really good in the skintight black-and-red spandex.

"What?" Quinn asks defensively in response to Santana's blank stare. "I'm Harley Quinn."

Santana blinks. She has no idea who that is.

"From Batman- you know, you really should educate yourself if you're going to be Robin, S," Quinn snaps with a teasing smile.

"I'm only Robin for Britt's sake," Santana sulks, crossing her arms.

Quinn rolls her eyes. "Uh-huh. Well, B told me her idea to go as Batman, so I figured, what the hell- Unholy Trinity, right?"

Santana smiles and nods. Joining the Troubletones with Mercedes, along with Quinn's crazy at the beginning of the year, had really driven a rift between them, but she's glad that Quinn's offer to rejoin New Directions was made genuinely and not just because they needed her amazing voice. Quinn's been her best friend for a long time, and she can't help feeling warm and fuzzy inside at the idea of that friendship remaining despite all they'd been through and put each other through.

Loud laughing draws Santana's attention back to Brittany, who's doing some very embarrassing-looking fight moves against Mike, who's growling, "Get OVER here!" and Santana covers her eyes with her hand.

"I think I need another drink."

"I can see why," Quinn giggles.

Santana sighs.

Hahah Batman and Robin… claaaassic. XD Whoever came up with this prompt on the GKM, I must say- genius! ;)

Well, review if you feel like it, and tell me what you thought of everyone's costumes. XD

If you don't want to, that's okay, I'll just catch you next time. Look for the second part of this riveting story (lolololol)which will contain more silly party antics and of course, all of the smut, hopefully tomorrow!