Sailor Moon fell, and she fell hard. The force pushing down upon her was one that she had never experienced before. She lifted her wings in order to fly upwards once more, but as she did a new wave of energy crashed down upon her and she could barely keep herself off of the ground. She clutched her transformation brooch tightly with one hand as she tried to keep her transformation from coming undone, but the power coming from above her was growing almost too great for her to bare. Sailor Moon lifted her head to look her attacker in the eyes. The dark figure's eyes were glowing a dark red and the whites of her teeth were barely visible. Smoke and darkness surrounded them as Sailor Moon began to buckle under the pressure. Her elbows hit the dirt and Sailor Moon felt a new surge of pain fill her. Her scream merged with her attacker's deep, hideous laughter.

"You should have destroyed the Cauldron when you had the chance!" The figure laughed and then lifted its attack off of Sailor Moon. Sailor Moon sat there for a moment trying to catch her breath, and she began to lift herself up once more. She could not give up, she had to save her future! Sailor Chaos would not destroy her world! Sailor Moon rose to her feet with a struggle, and swayed as she almost lost her balance. Sailor Chaos' smile grew even more twisted as she lifted her hand out towards Sailor Moon once more.

A dark energy struck Sailor Moon in the chest and she let out a scream. At the sound of the painful scream, Sailor Chaos increased her pressure on Sailor Moon. That sound was like music to her ears.

Sailor Moon grasped hold of the brooch with a strength she did not know she possessed as she willed her transformation to stay together. Fear filled her heart as she realized that even if she could keep it together for a little while longer, she would not be able to overcome the oppressive power that was being cast down upon her.

"Everyone, I need you!" Sailor Moon's heart cried out, but she knew that they would not be coming to help her. They were dead, all of them, she was the last one, the last Sailor Senshi in the universe. Sailor Chaos had destroyed them one by one. Sailor Moon's only hope was to get back to the Cauldron, and help them all to be reborn again; just like last time.

But she was stuck here. She could not get back to the Cauldron if she could not destroy Sailor Chaos. Yet, she could not destroy Sailor Chaos without everyone else. She was trapped!

Sailor Chaos' laughter surrounded her as Sailor Moon fell to her knees. She had to do it! Sailor Moon lifted her chin trying to summon the strength to press on. She had to get up! If she didn't then who would stop Sailor Chaos as she destroyed the universe? Who would protect the Earth? Who would protect their futures? Their dreams? A tear fell from Sailor Moon's eyes as she got one foot out from under her. No one would. That was who. Their lives, their futures would be lost if Sailor Moon gave up now.

"I WILL NOT LET THAT HAPPEN!" Sailor Moon pushed upwards to her feet, but the surge of darkness was still around her making it difficult to stand. Sailor Chaos' dark laughter echoed all around her, but Sailor Moon could not give up. She finally raised her staff in front of her, and slowly, the light of the Silver Crystal began to push back the darkness.

Yes, she had to do it. For her future; the future that was just around the corner. "Please Usagi! You have to do this! If you don't everything will be lost!" She begged with herself. The Silver Crystal's light illuminated the darkness as the power surged through her. "In just a few weeks, you'll marry Mamo-chan. Then, you'll have Chibiusa. You'll become Queen!" The force of the attack was unbearable. "PLEASE!" The light of the Silver Crystal broke through the darkness and struck Sailor Chaos. All of Sailor Moon's strength was behind the attack, but after a few minutes of trying to catch her breath, the dust settles and the dark figure of Sailor Chaos emerged; completely unscathed.

"You call this your great comeback?" She said with a laugh. Sailor Moon's eyes opened wide. How? How did she escape that attack completely unhurt? Sailor Chaos starred at her with amusement in her red eyes. Sailor Moon lifted the royal scepter once more.

"Starlight Honeymoon Kiss!" Sailor Moon willed the attack to have an affect, but Sailor Chaos simply lifted her hand to stop the attack. Sailor Moon stood breathless as Sailor Chaos then lifted her hand.

"Let me show you what real power is." She said as darkness swirled into her capable hand. "The power of The Void." The power raced towards Sailor Moon and she had no strength left to block it. The power struck her with full force and Sailor Moon screamed out in pain.

Though she pressed her hand protectively around her brooch, she felt her transformation come undone with a flash of light and ribbons. Sailor Chaos stopped her attack as Sailor Moon, now surrounded by a swirl of red ribbons, fell backwards onto the ground. Her hand still clutched the Silver Crystal, but Usaigi felt no power surging through her. She felt nothing: no pain, no power, no emotion. She was consumed in nothingness. Was this what death felt like? Was she already dead?

She just hadn't been strong enough. She could not defeat the darkness. If only she had been strong enough... back then... to destroy Chaos.

"I'm sorry..." Her voice echoed in her ears and she wondered if it was actually her speaking. "I'm sorry everyone... I... just... I was... afraid..." She just hadn't had the strength o carry on. Her own powers were not strong enough to finish the fight.

"Goodbye, Sailor Moon." Sailor Chaos lifted her hands to give the finishing blow.

Could it all end like this? Could Usagi let all of this end right now? Could she let the future fall away, never to be achieved? The image of Chibiusa's bright, pink eyes came to her.

"NO!" She screamed. All of the feelings came back to her. She could not let them down! She would have her future! Sailor Chaos' power came down upon her and Usagi lifted her hands along with the Silver Crystal. The Silver Crystal's light shone brightly around her and she found herself rising off of the ground. Sailor Chaos' power crashed around her and fear filled Usagi's heart. The light of the Silver Crystal flickered for a moment as Usagi's doubt took its affect. "Please!" Usagi begged, to whom she did not know. Was it herself? Her friends? An unknown being? "Please!" Her belief in her own powers wavered as Sailor Chaos' power increase. "I can't do this alone." She cried. "I need more power!"

"Then I'll give it to you." A bright light, different than Usagi's own shone above the crystal. After a moment, Usagi's eyes adjusted to see a small figure in a gossamer. beaded dress above the Silver Crystal. She had never seen this woman ever before.

"Who are you?" Usagi managed to ask through gritted teeth. The force was just too much. She was going to fall again! The woman seemed unaffected by the attack.

"I'm am the Guardian of the Cosmos Crystal." She said lifting up her staff and holding it out towards Usagi. A crystal began to grow out from it and its light and power sent the dark power attacking Usagi back towards its source. Usagi fell to the ground once more as the attack ceased and Sailor Chaos fell backwards from the force of the light. The Guardian smiled. "The Cosmos Crystal in now formed." She said holding the bright gem out to her. "It just needs one more piece." Usagi reached out for the crystal but then hesitated. She knew nothing about it, but then again, her other options were nonexistent. "Please, use it if you doubt yourself." The Guardian encouraged. "Your friends desire it, for it will help you do what you must!"

Above her, Sailor Chaos had recovered and was now standing high above her. Usagi had to act now if she was going to! Sailor Chaos' hands rose high and Usagi's courage broke.

Her hand reached up for the crystal and it exploded with light in her clenched fist.

Everything disappeared and Usagi found herself surrounded with light. The Silver Crystal's light united with the Cosmos' Crystal and a brilliant rainbow of colours engulfed Usagi. The Cosmos Crystal combined with Usagi's transformation brooch and she raised her hand up into the air.

"Cosmos Crystal Power!" This new power surged through her and her doubts began to melt away. She could do this! "Make Up!"

Oh the power that flowed through her veins. Never before, not when she had first used the cup, not even when she had first transformed into Eternal Sailor Moon, had she ever felt such power. The power was soft and gentle, healing Usagi's soul, but at the same time it was strong and intense. She had no words to describe how her soul sung as she transformed.

The light shone brightly around her and she lifted her face towards her opponent. Her forehead burned with a new emblem; the emblem of the stars. Sailor Chaos did not seem moved. Instead, she stood with a twisted smile and she tried to contain her laughter. Usagi did not back down though. She had a mission to accomplish, and now, she had the strength to finish this.

Her full, white wings spread out behind her and Usagi found her royal scepter had transformed into something new. A crystal ball on the top with wings coming off of the side. In the middle of the crystal, a bright light revealed itself.

"Now I will defeat you, once and for all!" Usagi lifted her staff and rose into the air with her wings. Sailor Chaos did not lift her hands to attack, but Usagi did: "Cosmos Spiral Kiss!" A surge of new found power charged towards Sailor Chaos and she was knocked to the ground. "Now I will destroy you, and then, I will have my future once more!" Usagi prepared her attack once more, but the sound of laughter stopped her.

Sailor Chaos sat on the ground laughing. She did not seem to be able to contain it, and a chill began to creep up Usagi's back.

"And the tragedy is that you truly believe that." Sailor Chaos laughed. "You don't even realize what you have done." Usagi stood erect.

"I will destroy you, and have my future." She said. This only caused Sailor Chaos to break into another fit of laughter.

"You may defeat me, but you will never have your future!" She laughed. "And no matter how many times we fight, you will always be alone, and I will always come back."

"I will have my future!" Chaos had to be lying! She had seen her future, she had touched and played with Chibiusa. Her future had to still be there!

"What? By throwing yourself into the Cauldron? To ensure that they are reborn?" Usagi staggered a bit.

"Yes." Sailor Chaos' smile caused Usagi's heart to fill with ice. This was amusing her too much.

"You can't." Usagi raised her scepter. She was lying! Then again... she wasn't trying to defend herself. Usagi hesitated once more. Again, her doubt was controlling her.

"Why not?" Sailor Chaos pointed to the new, brilliant, Sailor Crystal on Usagi's chest.

"Tell me, what do you think makes up that crystal?" Usagi's hand went instantly to the crystal and clutched it tightly. What did she mean? Her head began to spin faster and faster. What did that mean?

"The final piece." Her Silver Crystal.

But then, what were the other pieces?

"Your friends desire it, for it will help you do what you must!"

A sickening, harrowing feeling overcame Usagi.

"No," She felt their powers flowing through her. She hadn't noticed it before, her emotions had been too strong, but now... it was different than when they had given her their powers in the past. This time, there was no going back. These powers were not separate from her own, but were one and the same. Every other Sailor Senshi in the Universe had given her their powers in order to stop Chaos. "No..." The grief was too great to bare. Their futures... their dreams... "Oh please, no!" Usagi cried.

Sailor Chaos picked herself up off of the ground. Her laughter ringing out through space and time. Usagi remained kneeling as the grief consumed her.

"Now you see it." Sailor Chaos laughed. She looked at the broken girl before her. The pain on her face was all too beautiful. Those big, blue eyes that looked at her with a torrent of tears pleased her more than the destruction of a thousand worlds. This was what she had always wanted. Not to destroy worlds, but to see those blue eyes full of tears. To see the light extinguished.

To see the light once full of hope transformed into something that knew only pain and despair... to see the light reduced to becoming me.

Sailor Chaos stood over me, her eyes filled with pure enjoyment as I knelt there before her, utterly destroyed and transformed.

"Now you see that the future you fought so hard to protect, was now destroyed by your own hand."

Rose sat watching the Doctor as he stroked the Tardis as he spoke to the 'old girl'.

"What's the matter? Huh? What's got you all worked up in a fuse?" They had been floating through time and space, as happy as you pleased, and then the Tardis decided she didn't like it being so happy. The Tardis had sputtered and was now barely keeping them afloat.

"Well, Doctor?" The Doctor shook his head.

"I got nothing." He said backing away as he observed the Tardis from the top down. "Other than her being an old fuse, I have no clue what is keeping her stationary." He looked at his companion. "She seems to be waiting for something."

"What do we do then?" The Doctor shrugged.

"We wait." Rose felt a bit nervous. The Doctor did not do 'waiting' well. He was always bouncing from place to place, ready for the next adventure. That's what she liked about him, but sometimes it was more of a curse than a blessing.

Luckily, they did not have to wait long, but what happened next was not something that either of them were prepared for.

The lights in the Tardis flickered and The Doctor stepped forward once more looking at the Tardis' engines. "That wasn't goo-" As he spoke, the Tardis' lights went completely dead and they began to fall. Rose's stomach lurched as they fell and she held on tightly to the railing around the center of the Tardis.

"What is it?" She shouted as they fell, but the Doctor did not answer her.

"No, no, no!" He hit the side of the Tardis and she flickered to life for an instant, enough time for the Doctor to pull one of the many levers and they plummeted forward. "Hold on!"


Okay, this story is going to be interesting and I'm not sure how its going to go. Its going to be a weird mash of first and third person. Just know that Sailor Cosmos is the narrator. The explanation of this is that Usagi's grief and, in coming chapters, time, had transformed her into a new person.

Tell me what you think...