Title: Yugi Enchanted

Genre: Romance, Adventure, Humor and Friendship

Pairing: blindshipping(Atem(u)xYugi), bronzeshipping(MarikxMalik), puppyshipping(SetoxJoey), tendershipping(BakuraxRyou), and cheershipping(DukexSerenity)

Summery: Growing up with the curse of obedience, Yugi Muto ends up doing things he doesn't want to. Luckily, his best friend Ryou who happens to know that secret is keeping it between him, our hero and another friend Malik. After gaining new members of his family, Yugi could only fear the worst with his stepmother and one of his stepsisters while the other stepsister, Serenity loves him and treats him better than her mother Vivian and sister Tea. One day, after meeting the prince Atemu by chance, Yugi thought that things could lighten up a bit. That is until Tea learns that there is something off with her stepbrother, causing him to get into trouble with the law and then making him end his friendship with Ryou. Desperate to find a way out of the curse, Yugi sets off in Egypt with the help of Malik's lover who had a little accident thanks to Malik's magic Marik, an albino elf who prefers to be a torture master than an entertainer Bakura and Atemu after meeting up again, Yugi searches high and low for his fairy godfather. Will Yugi be able to convince Pegasus to take back the 'gift' or will he be forced to even kill the one he loves by the prince's own uncle who is secretly after the Egyptian throne?

Chapter 1

The Gift or

is it a Curse?

In fairytales, there is always the hero, the villain, the allies, the enemies, the good and the bad. But in this story, our beloved hero did not have a choice in a certain matter. For he was the obedient one, but it was not a good thing. The story begins when the little one was a baby, a short while before he received his 'gift'.

One perfect spring day in the majestic kingdom of Egypt, the little one, Yugi Muto, is just being taken care of by his mother and their young fairy servant Malik. Malik was just having his usual trouble with his magic when the two heard an all too familiar chuckle floating on the wind. Knowing exactly who that chuckle belongs to, the woman and the fairy panicked; if he is here, he wants to give Yugi his 'gift'.

Deciding against the idea of trying to hide her son since Pegasus would always get to him, Miss Muto and Malik just went with dealing with Pegasus. And so, within a couple seconds a fairy with long silver hair that covered half of his face and wearing a red suit appeared in the room, a little unstable from his traveling. After shaking the dizziness from his system, Pegasus turned to the mistress and the fairy servant with his freakish grin on his face. "Good day, Miss Muto and fellow fairy." Pegasus said with a bow.

Only giving him a tiny bow with the head, Malik said with a terrible feeling about the 'gift' that the fairy godfather will give to the cute boy, "Good day to you too, Pegasus."

Glancing at the bundle in the woman's arms, Pegasus gave them a smile that made them feel more nervous, "Is the little one ready for his gift?"

"Yes, Pegasus." said Miss Muto as she reluctantly hand her son over to the fairy.

With the way the fairy smiled down at him as he was being held, little Yugi could also feel uneasy with his fairy godfather. "Now, I do believe I have the perfect gift for you little one. I give you the gift of obedience."

To hear the fairy give her son such a gift, Miss Muto and Malik could only feel terribly dreadful of how Yugi's life will be. As Pegasus grin at the fact he had given her the 'perfect child', he failed to notice the dreadful expressions on their faces.

And so, poor little Yugi grew up being known as the obedient one and he hated every bit of it. For example, as a child, Yugi saw an albino boy being picked on by some boys that are much bigger than Yugi and the albino. Feeling terrible for the bullied boy, Yugi had cautiously approached them, telling the bullies that they were wrong about no one wanting the albino; for Yugi to stand up to those older boys helped the albino Ryou feel like he does have a friend.

After Yugi had told the boys to leave poor Ryou alone, one boy had dared Yugi to bite him. Since the dare was more like an order, little innocent Yugi did just that to the older boy. But by doing that, the innocent boy got into trouble. While he was being scolded by their teacher, Ryou felt the need to stand up for him just like Yugi did.

Since that time they stood up for each other, Yugi and Ryou had been the closest of friends. To be honest, Ryou didn't care that Yugi is the obedient one, for he was really good at figuring out a few things and he saw that Yugi must have been given the 'gift' of obedience. Knowing Yugi can't help being obedient, Ryou thought that the 'gift' is really a curse that he, Yugi's mom and Malik know about. So, those three are the only ones that know about why Yugi is so obedient, otherwise if the knowledge reached the wrong kinds of people, they could use it against Yugi.

Sadly, when Yugi was nine, his mother became incredibly ill. As she lay dieing in her bed with her beloved son and Malik right by the bed, she held his hand in her weak one and said being as cheerful as she could be in her state, "Sweety, you do know that me, Malik and your friend Ryou are the only ones who know about that terrible gift. Malik and I never told your grandfather for the fear of how he would react to the knowledge of why you're obedient. And I don't know how young Ryou had figured it out, but we had him promise not to tell anyone about it and I want you to keep this secret between you three. It would be very dangerous if that secret is revealed to the wrong people."

As her father came into the room, sad about his daughter dieing, Miss Muto then said with a warm smile, "Remember while you grow up, keep in mind that you possess something that is more powerful than any spell." With the smile still across her face as the end approaches, she took the necklace with a silver heart pendant with an amethyst in the center from around her neck and gave it to Yugi, saying weakly, "Keep this and you'll always have a part of me with you, my dear son." As Yugi gaze upon the pendant as it dangle in front of him, his mother couldn't help but smile at the cute curiosity on her son's innocent face.