Me: I deleted my other zombie fic because I didn't like it. Simple. I hope to make this one longer, by adding more characters and just trying to make it better! Please review, yes, I am looking at you zombie fans. I wrote this a while ago, and didn't upload yeah. Enjoy please!

Characters Alive: Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Princess Daisy, Professor E. Gadd, Yoshi, Birdo, Wario, Waluigi, Goombella, Goombario, Toad, Toadette, Toadbert, Flurrie, DK, Diddy, Dixie, Funky, Tiny, Bowser, Bowser Jr, Wendy, Ludwig, Vivian, Koops, Kooper, Rosalina, Bombette, Bow, Watt, Sushie, Bobbery, Lakilester, Lakilulu, Toadsworth, Jojora, Kamek, Pauline, Hammer Bro, Ice Bro, Fire Bro, and Professor Frankly.

Characters Dead: None

Note: I would like to thank Kaiimi and Yoshpa Kong for some inspiration for some things in this story.


Professor E. Gadd stood in the lab with a check board, staring hard at a huge machine. It looked like a huge blender, with a massive green jar in the middle. Many colourful wires were attached to it. The professor stared at the ghostly green mist floating around in the jar, sparkling.

'The Zombie-O-Matic 3000...' began E. Gadd to his assistant. '...I have absolutely NO idea why I made it'

The assistant nodded, and scribbled down notes quickly and carefully.

'STOP!' screamed E. Gadd in anger, slapping the check board out of her hand. 'STOP DRAWING PICTURES OF NAKED VERSIONS OF ME ALL THE TIME!'

Suddenly, the top and bottom of the machine began spinning around uncontrollably.

'W-what's happening?' asked the assistant nervously, shivering in fright.

The jar began to crack. E. Gadd began to feel nervous. Suddenly, the whole machine exploded, sending glass everywhere. The glass pierced into the assistant's body, making her scream in immense pain as she stumbled into the incredibly expensive Yoshi computer, sending sparks everywhere. E. Gadd gasped as he saw the ghostly green mist float around the room.

'BYE!' he screamed, picking up his assistant and throwing her at the mist.

Then he ran to the emergency jet pack. He screamed as it jerked everywhere around the room, the smoke and fire bursting out from it. Just before E. Gadd left the lab, he thought he saw a green, ugly hand reach out for him slowly.


'Wow, this is a creepy movie!' Toadette gasped, throwing a handful of popcorn into her mouth as she crunched on it.

They were in the Mushroom Movies, watching the new film 'Rise Of The Zombies'. Dixie thought it was such an unoriginal name.

'Toadette, I must inform you that this was not supposed to be a movie. Someone broke into my lab and filmed me testing my new machine. Luckily, I got rid of the person with my new Cheese Blaster 2000. Then I ultimately destroyed the machine. Unfortunately, a bit of the mist escaped through the window before I did. I don't think that small cloud of mist could infect someone, but if so, it could only affect one small Toad. But of course it would have been shot dead by now' E. Gadd explained, shifting his glasses to see her better.

'I didn't ask.' Toadette rolled her eyes, turning back to the huge screen, sighing in annoyance.

'No matter. Now, how about I tell you a lovely story about a bridge?' E. Gadd questioned as he smiled, pulling a book out of nowhere.

'Yes, that sounds great. Now stay there and read while I go and sit by my friends.' Toadette stared at E. Gadd weirdly and stood up, brushing the popcorn off her lap.

'I will!' Toadsworth popped out from behind them. 'I love stories about bridges from 1845!'

'Toadette! Come and have a look at this picture I got on my incredibly expensive iPhone!' Dixie called, waving her arm to catch Toadette's attention.

'Oh my gosh! I will totally go over there and look at the picture on your incredibly expensive iPhone! I will walk slowly like a model, because it makes me look sexy. Well, I think so anyway-' she was cut off by Dixie, who was groaning.

'Just get the hell over here!' she muttered.

Toadette hurried over and picked up Dixie's iPhone, wanting to look at the picture.

'Wow. How did you get a picture with that monkey rock singer that I know nothing about?' Toadette asked in shock. 'He looks amazing.'

'Um...' Dixie went red, feeling embarrased. 'That is Funky Kong. You know, Diddy's uncle? I was just showing you a picture of him...'

'Oh...Heh heh...' Toadette slowly began backing away, when she suddenly tripped and fell flat on her face. 'I meant his...Clothes looked amazing! Y-yeah! His clothes are wonderful!'

'Right...' Dixie raised an eyebrow.

'Oh Crap!' Toadette got up and ran away.

'Pfft, what's HER problem?' Goombella laughed, sitting next to the disturbed monkey.

'I don't know, but I have a problem with you sitting right next to me.' Dixie glared at her fiercely.

'Oh...Um...I actually knew that...I was just...Playing along!' Goombella backed away, her hair getting in her face.

'When does this film end!?' exclaimed Toad, two rows down from Dixie. 'I just want to go home and play 'Super Toad Bros.' Have you heard of that game? Well, basically, you have to journey up this mountain...' Toad was explaining the objective to the game to Hammer Bro, who was asleep, snoring loudly.

'...HUH!? THROW HAMMERS!' he jumped onto a flying stone platform and it rose into the air.

'No!' Toad shouted, waving his arms frantically. 'Drop the hammers!'

'Guys! Some people are trying to watch a film here!' Peach snapped at them.

'Ha, and who exactly are they? This film is awful!' Mario snorted, laughing.

'Ugh, just shut up' Peach rolled her eyes.

Suddenly, the credits came on, and they all cheered.

'HOORAY!' Wario punched Waluigi in the face, making him pass out with a bruise on his face.

'It is finally over!' Peach slapped Daisy and cheered as she slowly turned red.

'THROW HAMMERS!' Hammer Bro exclaimed.

'NO!' screamed Toad again.

'Awww...' Hammer Bro dropped the hammers and sulked.


They all left the room and back into the main room, where you hand in your tickets.

'Should we have food here? Or go to a fast food restaurant?' Flurrie asked. 'I am starved. I am so hungry I could eat a crazy piano that likes to eat me!'

'Flurrie, we ate before we watched the movie' Ludwig pointed out.

'Whatever!' Flurrie slapped Ludwig.

They all walked out of the movies and into the cold night. A wind blew past them, making them shiver. The moon was shining and barely any cars were out.

'Right. Who's car are we going in? I am not going in Waluigi's ugly 1970's purple version of the Fire Flower van' Watt said in disgust.

'Forget about that!' Flurrie cried out. 'We are going to a fast food restaurant!'

She flew over there, leaving all the others behind to walk.

'Hey guys, should we get in our cars and leave?' Bowser suggested deviously, rubbing his hands together.

'No' the others all said at once and ran across the road towards the restaurant.

Once they were all there, Flurrie walked up to the cashier and opened her mouth.

'I would like five large cheeseburgers, ten normal burgers, fifteen hamburgers, and twenty boxes of fries'

'I see these are for all of your friends' the woman smiled sweetly at her.

'Pfft, screw them! All those are for me!' Flurrie leaned in closer. 'I'll be on the table to the right'

All the others ordered and soon they were all eating around a huge table, all except Flurrie, who had a bigger table all to herself to eat on.

'I am exhausted! When I get home I will watch 'Lakitu's Adventures In Wonderland', and then go to sleep thinking about a flying apple pie pony!' Bombette drifted off into a daydream about what she just said.

'Um, yeah. Whatever. I am totally going to walk to the toy machine and stare at the toys in envy! Are any of you coming?' Goombella asked.

It was all silent.

'There are COOKIES!' Goombella added.

Everyone then stood up and rushed over to the toy machine, making Goombella spin round and round as everyone passed her. Suddenly, a shrilling scream came from the back of the restaurant, making them all jump in fright.

'What was that?' Asked Birdo.

They all got up and ran to the back, where the fryers were. A woman was there, with the beads from her necklace all over the place.

'What happened?' Asked the manager, running out from The Staff Room.

'I tripped over and my necklace broke!' The pink toad said, bending down to pick up the beads.

The manager turned to the group.

'I am guessing you went to the cinema before you came here?' He asked.

'Yeah,' Replied Mario. 'Why?'

'You shouldn't be out at this time,' Said the manager. 'It is dangerous.'

'What do you mean?' Questioned Bobbery. 'If you are talking about Yoshi when he has had too much to drink, then I agree with you.'

While they all talked, Koops was staring in shock at the pink toad's arm. There were three long, red scratch marks running down her arm. When the pink toad saw that Koops was gazing at her arm, she quickly hid it with her hand.

'Heh Heh...' She laughed nervously. 'I'm Toadella, nice to meet you.'

She held out her hand to everyone, and they all shook it happily.

''We should get going...'' Yawned Mario. ''I hope you can fix your necklace.''

Toadella smiled at him, and then walked into The Staff Room, her hand still on the three mysterious scratch marks. Mario and all his friends exited the fast food restaurant and began walking across the road. It was damp, and the moon was now high above them, shining brightly. Jojora suddenly shivered.

''Brrr, it is really cold out here,'' She said. ''We should get inside.''

''Let's go in my van,'' Said Mario. ''It is big enough for all of us.''

They all entered the van and Mario and Peach got into the front.

''Let's head to Peach's Castle,'' Said Daisy. ''We can all stay there for the night, and head home in the morning.''

They all agreed, when the van suddenly tilted dangerously to the side. Half of it raised off the ground, making the whole vehicle start balancing on two wheels. Then it smashed back down, making them all jump.

''That was really strange...'' Said Rosalina. ''We should get going now.''

Mario put the key in the ignition and turned it. The van rumbled, but it did not move.

''Oh, great!'' Groaned Mario, folding his arms. ''The van just broke down!''

''Should we go and get someone from the fast food restaurant?'' Asked Bow. ''Toadella, perhaps. Or the manager.''

''OK, let's go.'' Said Luigi and they all exited the van again.

They made it to the restaurant and walked into the back, where they had a surprise. There was a blood trail on the white floor, leading to The Staff Room. They all nervously walked towards it, and Wario slowly pushed it open. Inside, Toadella stood there, her back to the group.

''Phew, Toadella, we are so glad that you're Okay!'' Said Dixie. ''Can you come and look at Mario's van? It broke down.''

Toadella just stood there, motionless. Bowser Jr walked forward.

''Toadella?'' He asked, reaching out to tap her on the back.

Suddenly, she turned around. They all screamed. There was blood on her face, her eyes were dark red, and her teeth were pointy, with blood running from her mouth. Her clothes were ripped, and her hair was tangled. Her mouth was twisted into an evil grin. She grabbed hold of Bowser Jr by his bib, and threw him at the wall. The group backed away. Bowser Jr slowly got up, but Toadella kicked him back down, screaming. She then dived at him and bit his leg hard, making him scream out in pain.

''Let's get out of here!'' Screamed Vivian, and they all sped out of The Staff Room with Toadella chasing after them.

Bowser Jr lay on the floor in a puddle of blood. Suddenly, his eyes opened. They were red.


The group charged outside and ran towards the van. Suddenly, they noticed many Toads and Koops running down the mountain towards them. More of them sped across the car park towards them.

''Get in the van!'' Cried Mario, diving inside.

Everybody followed, and Waluigi slammed the door shut and locked it. They gasped as the creatures clawed at the windows, leaving blood stains on the clean surface. They all felt sick.

''What do we do?'' Asked Toadbert anxiously.

''I have some tennis racquets and baseball bats in the back!'' Shouted Mario.

''Why?'' Asked Kamek, staring at him like he was a freak.

''For Sports Games!'' Replied Mario, pulling out the sports objects. ''Everybody, grab one!''

They all listened to him, and watched the creatures as they held their weapons. Then, Pauline raised her leg and kicked the back door open. She raised her baseball bat, and bashed one of the creatures on the head with her baseball bat. Its black teeth fell out and landed next to her as it dropped to the ground, leaving a blood stain on the back seat.

''Guys!'' She shouted. ''These are called Zombies!''

''We know!'' Replied Ice Bro, shooting ice from his hand, freezing one of the zombies.

It tripped over and smashed into pieces. A zombie began to slowly crawl into the van from the front window, but Peach was the only one who saw it. She spun around and smacked the zombie across the face with the tennis racquet. It backed away for a few moments, but then began limping back towards her. Peach continued to whack it while the others concentrated on the back windows.

''There are too many of them!'' Cried Lakilester.

''Just keep going!'' Yelled Lakilulu.

But when ever they killed a group of the zombies, more came.

''We have to get out of here!'' Yelled Peach ducking down as the zombie she was fighting in the van clawed at her.

She then jumped up and brought the tennis racquet down hard on the zombie's head. The zombie fell to the ground with a thump. Blood slowly started forming in a small puddle around its mouth. Peach kept bashing it with her tennis racquet to make sure it was dead.

''Do you have any other weapons!?'' Questioned Goombario as he kicked a green Goomba in the chin.

''No!'' Replied Mario as he cracked a zombie's skull with his blood-covered baseball bat.

''I got an idea!'' Said Goombella.

''We are all going to die...'' Said Sushie, rolling her eyes.

Goombella slapped her...somehow. I mean, how do Goombas slap?

''Shut Up!'' Roared Bowser, unleashing his fire breath at a surprised zombie, scorching it completely.

''Anyway...'' Said Goombella. ''While the zombies are distracted at the back, we can all run and escape from the front!''

''Let's hurry!'' Shouted Yoshi.

''Oh No, oh my, what are we to do? Oh No, oh my, should we fly away in a shoe?'' Sang Birdo.

''THE BADGES, THE BADGES!'' Cried Toadbert, throwing a box at Mario. ''OK, Mario, say, ''I am Fat Mario, I am huge''. Hurry!''

''Stop repeating your line from Passport To Death!'' Shouted Rosalina, but then covered her mouth. ''I BROKE THE FOURTH WALL!''

She then ran towards the back and attempted to dive into the horde of zombies, but Funky pulled her back.

''LET'S GO!'' He screamed.

Then all sped towards the front of the van. It took the ugly, green zombies a few seconds before they realised what they were trying to do, and they limped around the van.

''Stand back!'' Roared Bowser, kicking through the glass with his foot. ''OW! OW! GLASS IN MY FOOT!''

''It would have been a lot less painful if I did it with my baseball bat,'' Mario rolled his eyes and clambered out of the broken window. ''Come on! Watch out for the shards of glass!''

They all climbed out, Jojora landing in a puddle.

''Argh! My clothes are soaking wet!'' She cried. ''This day has been SO bad for me!''

''What do we do?'' Asked Fire Bro as the zombies limped closer.

''I know!'' Yelled Hammer Bro, and rose up on the stone platform. ''THROW HAMMERS!''

''EEEK!'' Cried Goombella. ''RUN AWAY!''

''That is NOT helpful, Hammer Bro!'' Shouted Toad as the gang ran away from the approaching zombies.

''I am so tired!'' Groaned Birdo. ''Just like the time I ran in the race for a free mushroom! I won, and it was tasty. Like casserole.''

''What is up with you and casserole!?'' Screamed Tiny panting.

''I prefer watermelons, but that is just my opinion,'' Said Yoshi. ''In watermelons, I can taste a hint of juice, and the seeds and splendid. I also enjoy staring at them just before I eat them, to get a jolly good feeling.''

''What the hell?'' Said Goombario, panting.

''Rosalina! Use your magic or something!'' Shouted Kamek.

''Why don't you use your magic!?'' Replied Rosalina. ''My feet are exhausted!''

''Just like casserole,'' Said Birdo. ''Delicious casserole...''

''OK, that is really concerning...'' Said Ludwig, staring at her with wide eyes.

''Hey, I think I see a casserole over there!'' Squealed Birdo, running towards Bow. ''Come here, delicious casserole!''

''EEEK, get away you casserole-loving, gender-unknown, ring-wearing, bow-headed, big-nosed freak!'' Bow said, flying away.

The group dashed across the car park.


Kooper ran over to Watt.

''RUN SUNNY, RUN SUNNY, RUN RUN-'' Watt slapped him...somehow.

''MY NAME IS WATT!'' She screamed, and flew off.

''Sheesh, what's Sunny's problem?'' Kooper rolled his eyes and continued to run.

''Guys, where do we go!?'' Cried Toadette. ''The zombies are catching up!''

''Into The Museum!'' Ordered Mario. ''It is big, so they might not find us!''

They all entered the museum.

''Up the stairs, to the elevator, or into The Art Gallery?'' Asked Sushie anxiously.

There was a groan from behind them. They all spun around, and saw the zombies piling into The Museum. They all turned back around.

''Just split up!'' He yelled, and they all ran different directions.

The zombies also split up. Blood dripped onto the floor, staining the green carpet as they followed the group.

Flurrie, Toad, Toadette, Peach, Goombella, Yoshi, Dixie, Goombario, DK, Diddy, Funky, Bowser, and Ludwig were heading up the stairs, Mario, Luigi, Daisy, Rosalina, Wario, Waluigi, Watt, Sushie, Bobbery, Lakilester, Lakilulu, Professor Frankly, E. Gadd, Ice Bro, Fire Bro, and Hammer Bro ran to The Art Gallery, and Birdo, Tiny, Toadbert, Wendy, Vivian, Koops, Kooper, Bombette, Bow, Toadsworth, Jojora, Kamek, and Pauline went for the elevator/lift.


''I'm so tired!'' Cried Flurrie. ''We have to hide somewhere!''

''Hurry! Into The Dinosaur Gallery!'' Said Peach, and they all dashed inside.

''Woah...'' Said Toad, looking at all of the dinosaur bones.

''We have to stay quiet...'' Whispered DK.

Toad nodded. He touched one of the bones. Suddenly, the whole dinosaur replica collapsed, creating a gigantic noise. The zombies turned towards them.

''Oops...'' Said Toad as he saw everybody looking at him. ''RUN!''

The zombies charged into the room. Peach dragged a bone out from another dinosaur replica, making that also topple to the ground.

''I do NOT want to use my tennis racquet!'' She shouted, throwing it to the ground and raising the bone. ''Come and get me!''

The zombies ran towards her. Peach raised the bone and smashed it hard down on one of the zombie's heads. The bone smashed into two pieces. The zombie dropped to the ground.

''Oh, great!'' Peach muttered, looking down at the two halves of the bone in her hands. ''Just GREAT!''

The zombies approached her. Peach backed away. She suddenly tripped over another bone and screamed as one got ready to claw through her body. Suddenly, it got bashed in the head by a huge, ape fist.

''Wow, DK, that looks so realistic!'' She said, looking up at DK, who was holding an ape fist that he took from a statue.

''Thanks!'' He said happily. ''I could have used my own fist, but I thought that was so unoriginal! So, I-''

A zombie bit him hard in the neck. DK gasped, and fell over.

''DK!'' Screamed Peach as she stood up, shaking, watching as the blood came out from the cut in his neck.

"Come on! We've got to go!" Yoshi put a hand on her shoulder and Peach nodded and ran away with the others.

The zombies feasted on DK's dead body as the others dashed away in terror.


Mario's group dashed into the art gallery and Luigi slammed the door, making the room shake. He looked around for something to push in front of it, and he finally settled on a statue of a knight. With help from Mario he managed to get the statue in front of the old oak door.

"What are we going to do? Are we gonna die? ARE WE GONNA DIE!?" Sushie screamed, leaping up at Rosalina who screamed and threw her into the wall.

"Professor E. Gadd, what are we going to do?" Asked Mario anxiously. "We don't have much time to think of a plan and you created the zombies! You have to know something, right?"

"I say we sacrifice that bitch!" Lakilester shouted, grabbing a picture from the wall and raising it above his head, ready to throw at E. Gadd.

"Stop!" Mario shouted, quickly looking around for something that would stop Lakilester.

He grabbed Sushie and aimed carefully. She screamed and thrashed about in anger.

"Let go of me, you brat!" She yelled, and tried to kick him, when she remembered she had no legs.

She groaned and let Mario throw her at Lakilester. Lakilester got hit and he dramatically fell to the ground like he had been shot.

"NO! TAKE ME INSTEAD!" Lakilulu cried and burst into tears, getting Lakilester all wet. "WHY LAKI!? WHY NOT SUSHIE!?"

"Gee, thanks." Sushie rolled her eyes. "At least SOMEBODY is paying attention to me around here."

"Guys, I think we're safe here for a while," Mario reassured everybody. "Rut now we need to think of an escape plan, just in case."

"Rosalina, how about you use some of your freaky magic to get us the hell out of here?" Suggested Daisy. "Screw the others! I just want to be safe in my nice, warm house, full of love and the heads of my victims."

Everybody stared at her, wide-eyed. A cold wind swept through the room, making them all shiver.

"Daisy, I can't use my magic." Rosalina said sadly, looking down.

"Why not?" Questioned Luigi. "If you use it, then we can all get the hell out of here and leave Lakilulu behind!"

"The thing is, if I use it then my magic will only create more zombies. Because there are so many, the zombies would suck in my magic and multiply. We just have to figure something out." Rosalina replied.

Suddenly there was a loud bang and the statue wobbled, almost falling over. They listened closely and heard scratching, moaning and groaning from the other side of the door.

"OH MAI GOSH!" Screamed Wario in terror. "The zombies have found us! Waluigi, sacrifice Watt immediately!"

Watt screamed as Waluigi grabbed her and lifted her up.

"Put me down you stick insect!" She cried as Waluigi walked slowly to the door.

"Ugh, Waluigi, put her down!" Screamed Daisy in fury, and Waluigi quickly dropped her.

"Guys, what are we going to do!?" Cried Bobbery anxiously. "We don't have much time!"

Everybody glanced at each other, sweating.


Birdo's group ran as fast as they could towards the lift. They eventually saw it in sight, and they skidded towards it, but Tiny couldn't stop and she slammed into it, groaning.

"SHIT!" She screamed in anger, and then tried to calm down. "Okay, let's press the button."

She pressed the button, and they could hear the lift smoothly coming down. Suddenly, there was a horrible screeching noise, and the lift stopped moving. Tiny jabbed the button again, but it didn't open. She did it a couple more times, but it was pointless. She stepped back, looking up at it.

"The elevator must be jammed..." She muttered to herself. "Maybe the electricity has gone off? We are in the middle of a zombie invasion, you know."

"No...The lights are still on," Realised Koops. "Tiny's right. It's jammed."

"What are we going to do!?" Cried Pauline. "We right out in the open!"

"Maybe we can pull the doors open and climb up the wire?" Suggested Vivian.

"I think that's a good idea." Replied Koops. "Pauline, I demand you to open the doors, you little brat!"

"How about I just strip instead?" Pauline smiled, but frowned when she realised everybody was glaring at her. "What? At least I'm contributing!"

"Maybe Bow can float through and open the doors from the inside!" Kooper shouted. "Will you, Bow?"

"Sure." Bow shrugged and closed her eyes, turning invisible.

She floated through and looked around for something to open the doors. She suddenly saw a lever right next to the doors, and she grabbed it, pulling it down. There was a sudden bang, making everybody jump in fright. Then the doors slid open smoothly, like nothing had ever happened. The group hesitated at first, but then Toadbert poked his head through.

"There's a metal ladder we can climb up!" He said happily, turning back to face everybody. We can climb up until we see the elevator, and then we can go inside to try and find out what's wrong with it."

They all anxiously grabbed hold of the ladder and pulled themselves higher and higher until they came across the lift. Koops kicked it and the door dented, creating a loud bang. Somehow the door then slid open, just like the other one. Koops, Kooper, Wendy, Toadbert, Vivian, Pauline, Birdo, Bombette and Toadsworth entered the lift to try and figure out the problem. Kamek, Tiny, Bow and Jojora stayed outside, clinging onto the ladder. Birdo pressed the button to go down and suddenly the elevator doors closed and it began speeding down a lot faster than usual. The force of it made Tiny wobble and fall off the ladder, landing on the top of the elevator. Bow, Kamek and Jojora stayed on the ladder, frozen in fright. The elevator shot down, everybody inside screaming in terror.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Cried Vivian, hugging Koops.

Then she gasped and backed away from Koops, who hadn't noticed, blushing.

Tiny grabbed hold of a metal handle on the top of the lift, screaming and crying. The force made her legs slowly lift up into the air. Suddenly, the elevator crashed down at the bottom creating a huge explosion, which sent Tiny flying up in flames. Bow, Kamek and Jojora gasped as they saw the elevator burst into flames with everybody still inside. When Tiny passed them, her eyes closed.

"Everybody else may still be alive! Kamek, Bow, DO SOMETHING!" Screamed Jojora.

"I'll use my magic to try and stop the fire." Said Kamek and closed his eyes, concentrating on gathering up his magic.

It seemed impossible for anybody to be alive in the elevator now. The lift had turned into a flaming fireball. Inside, many people were unconscious, lying on the scorching hot metal floor of the lift. Others were cowering in the corner, not knowing what to do as the fire began creeping inside the lift. Suddenly, it all disappeared. They didn't know what had happened at first, but then they realised Kamek had saved them. They breathed a sigh of relief and exited the elevator, climbing back up the ladder.

"Wait...Where's Tiny?" Questioned Vivian, realising she was not with them.

Jojora sighed and pointed down. They all looked downwards and gasped, seeing Tiny's charred body lying on the top of the lift, with the wire impaled through her body. Realising she was gone, they just looked up and continued climbing up sadly.

"How are we going to tell DK and his friends?" Asked Toadsworth.

"Hmmm...We won't. We'll just keep it a secret until it's the right time." Kooper replied.

They all continued hauling themselves up the steel ladder until Koops, who was at the top of the group, came upon the doors to the upper floor. He tried to pull the doors apart, and he managed to create a small gap that all of them could fit through. They all squeezed through, finding themselves on the second floor. The door slammed closed.

"OK, let's keep going." Koops said. "If we come across any zombies, just run for your lives like the gingerbread man when Flurrie is chasing after him with a chainsaw."

"Maybe we could try and find some weapons?" Suggested Pauline, shrugging. "I could use my totally awesome high heels."

"Let's just look in some of these rooms," Replied Kamek. "Come on, let's go!"

The group cautiously made their way through the second floor, watching out for any signs of the living dead.


A/N: My longest story chapter ever! I hit 5,000 words in this chapter!

I hope you enjoyed! The main area of this zombie story is obviously going to be the museum. Also, there is a tiny hint of a relationship starting, I don't know if any of you figured out who the two are. The next chapter is coming soon! :D