Sorry it has taken me so long to update but I have been really busy and I have been trying to think of how I should write this. I don't want it to be a disappointment. So this is the epilogue, takes place a few weeks after previous chapter and this will be the last update on this story. End of story, goodbye, the end! Any questions? (A little Harry Potter for you there.)



Clary was watching herself in the mirror brushing her long red hair, she had grown it out in the past year to her waist.

"Clary." Natalie called up to Clary. "10 minutes."

She stood up from her vanity table and pulled down her green dress then headed for the door and down the stairs.

"Is Jace here yet?" Clary yelled as she pounded down the stairs and saw him. He was wearing a tailored black suit that made his golden hair stand out and his hands were clasped behind his back. He turned his head at the sound of her voice and smiled up at her, a sad smile playing at his lips.

"Hey, there." He said. Clary smiled down at him and walked down the rest of the stairs to stand by him. Natalie, Andrew, Caleb and Tris were standing in the doorway to the family room watching her with cautious eyes.

"You ready, Clare?" Andrew asked.

Clary nodded and followed Jace out of the door and into the family car. The engine started up and she looked out of the window at the passing scenery thinking of all of the things she would face in the next few hours at court. Facing Valentine and Sebastian again seemed like a nightmare, even if they were behind glass and inch thick and about to be prosecuted.

Clary felt Jace squeeze her hand and she looked at him. "It'll be alright, Clary. Don't worry."

"I wasn't." Clary lied as they pulled up outside the court entrance.

They all walked into the open court hall and were greeted by Clary's lawyer. He smiled and shook each of their hands before leading them into the courtroom.

Caleb, Tris, Natalie, Andrew and Jace were directed into viewing gallery whilst Clary was taken to the witness box where she sat awkwardly, her head just visible. She could see Jace watching her closely as Sebastian and Valentine entered the room.

Clary tensed up as Sebastians dark eyes locked on her but she didn't break her gaze.

"Court is now in session." Said the hard voice of the Judge. Judge Starkweather continued to speak, probably about why they were there and what the accusations were, but Clary wasn't paying any attention, instead she looked at Jace, and he gave her a reassuring look.

"Miss Garroway," The Judge's voice broke her gaze and she looked up at him.

"I'm, sorry. Could you repeat that please."

Out of the corner of her eye Clary saw Sebastian roll his eyes and mutter something. She ignored him.

The judge sighed. "Is this information true?"

Clary took one last glance at Jace before answering. "Yes." She said simply.

"And have you any proof?" Clary could tell the Judge believed her, and that he didn't want to ask these questions, but he had to.

Clary nodded and pushed her hair over her shoulder giving the Judgr full view of the scar on her neck Sebastian left behind. Starkweather nodded his head and turned to Clarys lawyer who was handing him a file full of pictures of Clary's bruises and other scars.

The Judges face palled slightly before he regained himself and looked at Sebastian. Valentine would come later.

"And do you deny these charges?" He asked.

Sebastian stared at Clary and answered. "I deny all charges."

"And do you deny the murder of Max Lightwood, age nine?" The Judge almost yelled. Sebastian nodded. "Then how is it we found your finger prints all over the boys body? And over Miss Garoways skin?"

Clary stole a quick look over to Jace and saw Isabelle sitting next to him along with her parents and Alec. Her face was pale at the mention of her younger brothers name but she offered Clary a supportive smile.

"Sebastian Morgenstern, as high Judge of this court, I declare you guilty. Your sentence, life in prison." Clary felt the breath leave her lungs in relief as she sank back in the chair. Valentine was also sentenced for life for the same charges.


When they all got back to Clarys house, Izzy included, they all slumped in the family room, all suddenly tired.

After a few silent minutes Izzy spoke up. "I think we should have a victory party. At my house!" Everyone gave her a look, only Izzy would insist on having a party after this situation. "Come on, it will be fuunnn!"

Caleb and Tris both smiled. "Alright." They both said in unison.

Clary kept silent, she couldn't imagine having a fun time at a party after everything that just happened. Izzy, Caleb, Tris, even Natalie and Andrew had agreed to the party, saying how it would signal a new start but Clary was looking at her knees.

Jace seemed to notice this and he caught Clarys eye, nodding his head towards the door. Clary stood up and followed Jace out of the house and down the road to his. When they got there they stopped outside of Jace's pickup truk.

"You okay?" Jace asked taking her hand in his.

Clary nodded slowly. "It's just a lot to take in, you know."

"Well, come on. Izzys party's never turn out well, it's best if we go somewhere else." He opened the door of the truck for her and she climbed in.

Jace drove them to a park clary never even knew was there. It had lush green grass and a tall oak tree next to a large pond. Clary let Jace lead her to the tree where he sat her down gently under in, then joining her.

They sat in peacefull silence, both staring out over the pond, Clarys head leaning against Jaces shoulder. "It's nice here." She said quietly.

"Mhm," Jace said starting to stroke her hair behind her ear. The motion was soothing and Clary was startled when it stopped. She turned around to see Jace staring down at her, his golden eyes full of love and lust. She opened her mouth to say something, not quite sure what, when his lips presses against hers.

Her eyes instantly closed and she melted into his chest, positioning herself so she was straddling him with her legs. Her hands intwined with Jaces hair and his pulled her closer, resting on the small of her back.

Clary felt tears roll down her cheeks and Jace pulled away. "What's wrong?" He asked cupping her cheeks. Clary wiped her eyes with the heel of her hand and smiled up at Jace.

"Nothing. Everything's perfect." She said and leaned up to kiss him again.

PS. It's my birthday tomorrow, make it better with some nice reviews? xx