I Belong to You

Written by AndiCullen104

Ages of the characters:

Rachel, Rebecca, and Sam – 20

Paul, Emily, Leah – 19

Kim and Jared – 18

Bella, Jake, Embry – 17

Quil and Claire – 16

Seth and Sophie (OC) – 14

Brady and Collin – 12 soon to be 13

Chapter Two

Paul POV

I silently zipped up my jeans and began looking around for my shirt. I didn't know where the girl had thrown it in our haste to fuck each others brains out. She was good, but too bad I didn't do repeats. I wouldn't mind having her again. But I learned the hard way if you do them more than once they start to get clingy. I just don't need that shit.

I walked out into the living room and spotted my shirt hanging over a lamp. Man we were blitzed out of our minds last night. After I put on my shirt I made sure that I had everything before slipping into my shoes and getting the hell out of there.

The drive home to La Push was a quiet one. It was an early Saturday morning and people were smart enough to stay in bed. I had the windows of my truck rolled down and took great pleasure of the cold winds that whipped around the small space. It helped clear my head from the fucking hangover I was now enduring.

The sunglasses I had on my face did little to protect my sore eyes from the light. Damn it felt like I had been run over. I ran my hand through my cropped hair and then took the turn off that would lead to La Push. I never brought a girl home, because I had too much respect for my Nana to bring some random chick home.

Oh she knew what I was up too, and yeah everyday I would have to hear her lecture me on finding myself a "good" woman. To grow up too was also thrown in that speech. I never said anything in these conversations, because no matter how much bigger I was compared to her, that little old lady scared the shit out of me.

When I was on the street that I live on with Nana, I saw a strange car parked in front of my house. I pulled in behind this person who dared park in my fucking spot. What I saw standing on my front porch would be engrained into my mind for the rest of my life.

Rachel POV

I hovered over where I was sleeping and wondered why the hell I was dreaming of me sleeping? Couldn't I have a more interesting dream? Where the hell did my imagination go? One minute I was getting it on with Leonardo DiCaprio and now I'm watching myself snooze.

Gah! I'm so pissed.

My ghost like form looks over to the other side of my dorm room and watched my roommate Melissa snore like a fucking chainsaw. Yeah definitely a weird ass dream. I couldn't even move except for my head how unfucking fair was this! My actual body turned on its side and I thought yeah this is so entertaining.

It felt like hours before I opened my eyes and realized I was no longer dreaming. I was back in my own body and I felt like I had run a marathon. What the heck? I slept for at least ten hours last night and yet I felt like I tossed and turned all night. I sighed as I got up to get ready to go to the cafeteria to go get some much needed coffee and breakfast.

"Hey Rach, whoa you look like you need this." Mary the barista said as she handed me my drink.

"Do I look that bad?" She nodded and I groaned as I sipped the scorching hot liquid. I could practically feel the caffeine wake my body up. I moaned at the taste and gave her the cash for my breakfast. I moved towards an empty table and waited for my friend Sydney to show up. We always met for breakfast and today we were going to go shopping since it was Saturday and we had gotten paid last night.

"Chica!" I heard her yell from across the room, I shook my head as everyone turned to look at her as if she were a nut. I guess she kind of was. She came panting as she plopped down in the seat in front of me as if she had run the whole way here.

"What's up?" I asked as I took another sip of coffee.

"Jim proposed!" I choked on my drink with that bit of information.

"You okay, hun?" She asked her blue eyes widening in concern. I nodded my head in as I regained my breathing.

"How much did you guys drink last night?" I raised my eyebrow expectantly.

"What makes you think we drank?"

"Because you've only been dating for a short while, Sydney." I pointed out like a good friend would.

"Well I know he is the one for me. Sometimes Chica you just have to go with your gut instincts, they usually never lead you astray." She said getting a dreamy look on her face.

"Whatever you say," I shrugged it off. "I guess congratulations is in order?"

"Yep," she said popping the p.

"Congrats, just please think about it some more, okay? This is a huge commitment." I said seriously and she reached over for my hand giving it a gentle squeeze.

"You worry too much."


Angry fire raced through my veins as I slammed my way out the back door. The inside of my house was too suffocating for me as my Mom cried over the anniversary of my Father walking out all those years ago. I lashed out at her for sobbing over a man that never cared for us which caused her to cry harder. The heat kept building and I was now stomping my way through the thick forest. I didn't even realize I was ripping branches off of the trees as I made my through the forest leaving a trail of destruction in my wake.

I was too damn pissed to notice anything but the red haze that covered my eye sight. Tremors rolled down my spine and I was literally vibrating with my anger. I finally stopped in a clearing and I was panting from lack of air. I ripped my shirt from my body just to see if it would cool my body down. It didn't. If anything it just made the sweltering heat all the much hotter.

My legs gave out on me and I crumpled to the floor as unbearable pain twisted inside of me and I screamed in agony. It felt like forever had passed but in the next second my body exploded. I could hear the crunching of my bones as they moved to become something else and the straining of my muscles as they stretched and reformed.

Finally everything went still and all was quiet.

I kept my eyes closed as I was too afraid to move just in case the fire started again.

What the hell had happened?

Did I die?

I opened my eyes and looked around at the crisp evening air and could see further than I ever thought I would see. Yep definitely dead, I thought.

There was something strange going on. I didn't figure out what it was till I looked down. Where I expected to see my shoes, I actually saw large ebony paws. My heart raced as panic washed over me and I began to run as if that would change what I saw. In this huge form and blind panic I was clumsy and kept hitting trees and tripping over my paws.

My mind kept trying to come up with scenarios that would have caused this. Abducted by aliens? Did someone slip drugs give me drugs without my knowledge? Did I hit my head? That seemed like the more logical reason. Yes that is what happened.

Any minute I will come to, and wake up from this really freaky dream.

Except I didn't.

Hours passed and eventually I collapsed in a heap of furry mass on the forest floor. So many emotions were running through me that I just couldn't separate one from another. The only thing I could really feel was loneliness. It seeped out of every fiber of my being and I whimpered from the pain of it.

I tried reaching out for anyone who would listen to me and concentrated on talking. I thought maybe if the Spirits heard me than maybe I could ask them to change me back. But what I didn't expect was to get an answer back.

Who is this? A voice asked.

A/N- Thank you for reading! Please review, it really makes my muse happy.