Orange: Hey guys. I got a request to make my story The Mystery of Yugi Muto a puzzleshipping story so here it is. The Mystery of Yugi Muto Puzzleshipping Version! I hope you like it (I've never written puzzleshipping before so I hope it goes all right). It will be the same as the original story apart from it will be YamiXYugi.

DISCLAIMER- I don't own Yugioh

The Mystery of Yugi Muto Puzzleshipping Version

A Yugioh Fanfic

Chapter 1

This is the tale of Yugi Muto a small teenage boy who liked to play games. Yugi lived in the Kame Game shop with his grandpa Solomon Muto. Yugi's parents died when Yugi was five years old in a car crash.

Yugi was a small, clever and cute boy. With amethyst eyes that sparkled like jewels and a chubby cherub face. Yugi had tri coloured hair which was black with violet tipped edges. Blonde bangs hung down across his face. He originally had no friends but that all changed the day he saved Tristan and Joey from Ushio the meanest bully in the whole of Domino High. From then on Yugi gradually made more and more friends.

One day his life was changed forever and his destiny was set in stone, the day he completed the millennium puzzle. The day he brought back his Yami's spirit, the spirit of the Pharaoh Atem.

Yugi, Yami and their friends fought countless battles to fulfil their destiny and save the world. Over time Yugi started to develop feelings for Yami and fell in love with him. He was too shy to admit his feelings and afraid of losing the Pharaoh's friendship so he stayed silent. It all finally ended when they sealed the millennium items and helped the Pharaoh pass on to the afterlife. Or so they thought.

A week later Yami returned claiming that he thought he belonged with his friends. He had a body of his own and took the identity Yami Atem Sennen. Yugi was delighted that he had come back. At first everything was great but then everything changed.

Over time everyone started leaving Yugi out of everything. They all thought that Yami was a better friend. It started off when Tea ignored Yugi and started spreading rumours about him. You see Tea was jealous of Yugi. She also liked Yami and in her opinion Yugi's bond with Yami got in her way.

Tea told them that Yugi didn't even like them and that he was only using them and pretending to be their friend. Yugi denied it when everyone asked him if it was true but the damage had already been done. Yugi could tell that they didn't trust him anymore as they never invited him when they went out, and when Yugi asked them if they wanted to do anything they always had an excuse to say no.

A month later no one had even spoken to Yugi and Tea had been sending him mean messages telling Yugi to leave them alone. Yami and Tea had also started dating. That was when Yugi's heart broke. It hurt to see Yami with someone else. Yami had also become even colder to Yugi and left him out like everyone else.

Yugi was so sad he felt like his heart had shattered. He stopped talking and kept to himself. Even at home Yugi locked himself in his room and only came out for food or to use the bathroom. He didn't even speak to his grandpa anymore. To make matters worse Yami also lived with them. That was partly why Yugi stayed in his room. To avoid seeing one of the people who caused him pain.


Normal POV

It was the weekend so the students of Domino High had a day off. It was tipping down with rain outside and occasional lightning bolts flashed across the sky.

Yugi sat by the window looking at the droplets of water sliding down the glass. It was currently seven o clock in the evening and the light rapidly faded leaving the boy to sit alone in the darkness.

Yugi sighed and leant on the window so that his forehead was resting against the glass. "Yugi, dinners ready" a voice called from behind Yugi's door. Yugi sighed again and reluctantly left the sanctuary of his room.

He trudged downstairs to the kitchen where his grandpa had left his dinner on the table. His grandpa and Yami were sat down eating. Yugi silently came in and sat down without looking at anyone. He picked up his chopsticks and forced himself to eat.

After five minutes Yugi had eaten half of his meal. He couldn't force himself to eat anymore so he got up and scraped the rest of his dinner into the bin. Solomon looked up worried. Yugi had been eating less and less over the past couple of days and was losing a lot of weight. "Yugi, you need to eat" Solomon called out. "I'm not hungry" Yugi dead-panned back before swiftly returning to his room and slamming the door shut.

Yami looked up when he heard the door slam. He locked eyes with Solomon for a second before shrugging his shoulders and finished eating. After all Yugi Muto was no longer any of his concern. Yugi had lied to them all, used them so now Yugi was paying the price. This was his punishment.

Yugi sat down at his desk after slamming the door. He opened the draw and looked through the contents. It contained his duel monsters deck, a duel disk and finally a necklace. The necklace was a symbol of the eye of Ra but was coloured in a mixture of black and white. Of dark and light. Of Yami and Hikari.

Yugi picked up the necklace and looked at it. Yami had given it to him before he started to believe Tea's lies and forced him out of his life. Tears pricked at the corner of Yugi's eyes like little needles. He missed his old life, he missed having friends. He missed Yami. His heart throbbed painfully at the thought of his former friend and crush.

Yugi picked up the necklace and tied it around his neck. He moved it under his shirt so that it rested on his bare chest. "I wish that I could have friends. Real friends who will never abandon me. Friends who will never leave me all alone" Yugi whispered letting silent tears cascade down his cheeks like running waterfalls. He looked outside again at the thundering storm, "Who am I kidding. My life will never change. I will always be alone. I guess destiny foretold that I wasn't going to live a happy life. Everyone leaves me eventually. First my parents, now my so called friends. Even Yami left me". Yugi wiped away his tears and crawled into bed. He fell asleep to the sound of thunder rumbling.

Little did he know that the next day his life was going to change forever.

Yugi: Why do you like making life hard for me *pout*

Orange: I don't, it's just needed in the storyline to make you epic and bad-ass

Yugi: ¬_¬ Whatever, Please Review