Jade: Beck did I leave my scissors in your RV?

Beck: No babe you didn't

Jade: Did you check?

Beck:Yes I checked


Beck:I told you babe they're not there

Jade:There? where are you?

Beck:Andre's house

Jade: Then how do you know they're not in the RV?

Beck: You called me this morning to check and they weren't there

Jade:Where are they?!

Beck: Check your boots

Jade: I think i'd remember if I


Jade:Found them

Beck:Told you

Jade:Shut up Canadian

Beck:You're so rude

Jade: So what?

Beck:You should try being nicer


Beck:Love u


Beck:Do you love me?


Beck: Say it

Jade:I love you, happy?


Jade:Uh,you are so Canadian

Beck:Is that an insult?

Jade:Yes, yes it is

Beck:Hey I've been thinking, it's about time we sang together

Jade: Yeah I guess we could sing a duet

Beck: How about we sing 'Where the Wild Roses Grow' tomorrow?

Jade: Yeah I could sing that, but don't even think about trying to take the Kylie Minogue part from me

Beck:I thought you didn't like her

Jade:No, I don't like Danii

Beck: Yeah me either, so what you up to?

Jade:Working on a new tattoo design

Beck:You do realize your mom is going to kill you

Jade:That's the point

Beck:Did I ever show you my tattoo I got like two months ago?

Jade:No! What tattoo?

Beck:Well I got it on my rib cage

Jade:Cool so what it is?

Beck:Your name


Beck:It's your name in swirly writing then underneath in smaller writing it says 'One And Only'

Jade:Aw I have to see it

Beck:I'll show you tomorrow, right now I gotta finish kicking Andre's but in Gears of War

Jade:Okay,have fun, I think

Beck:I love you Jadelyn

Jade:Love you Beckett