Parent's Day Arc

Chapter 3 Parent's Mixer

Beyaz and Kara Yilmaz walked into the large ballroom to the sound of light jazz and muted conversation. The two having only arrived a few hours prior to the island of Vytal, due to their mission running late.

"Who knew Deathstalkers did so well in a place with so much volcanic activity?" Beyaz remarked, rolling his shoulders, still sore from their mission.

"I'm surprised you still don't understand that after living in such a region." Kara Yilmaz teased as she gave him a pat on the arm.

"Ah, Mister and Missus Yilmaz, good to have you join us." Ozpin greeted the two with a small smile, "How was your most recent job."

"Very tiring, but interesting." Beyaz said with his usual smile, "Please tell me you are here to celebrate and not work?"

"Of course!" Ozpin replied with almost a small cheer, "I'm sure after such a long day, and the travelling as well you're both ready to unwind a little."

"Good man! Now, where are the drinks!" Beyaz replied with a more boisterous sense of enthusiasm.

Unfortunately his wife did not seem to share it, as she gave him a swift swat to the arm, "I believe my husband means, could you tell us where the refreshments are please?"

The headteacher gave a laugh, chuckling to himself before addressing the parents, "Please, there's no need for such formality. Parent's, like their students, are from all walks of life. Enjoy yourselves."

"See! Now, where is the Raki?" Beyaz asked with a more muted enthusiasm as he was met with a glare from his wife.

Glynda Goodwitch gaves a small cough, "Everything you need should be at the back of the room, and most parents are sitting with the parents of their children's team."

"I can take a hint Glynda, I will go, but I will return, and I hope when I do, you will be ready to truly celebrate." Beyaz said raising his hands in a mock surrender, but maintaining his jovial smile. "Now, to the Raki!"

"I apologize, I will try to curb his excitement." Kara quickly said as the two walked off to join the swath of other parents and enjoy the festivities.

"Sir, are you really here for more than just your duties as a headmaster?" Goodwitch politely asked.

"Glynda, I believe you know full and well why I am here." Ozpin replied calmly. The two merely stood and watched the social event unfold before them, content with what little had been said.

"So, where's the food?" Finnegan Fratley grumbled, he and his family having made short work of the bread basket in the center of the table.

"Hush!" Fenella Fratley replied, giving her husband a swift blow to the back of the head with her gnarled walking stick.

"Ma, Da, stop fightin' for five seconds. I'm sure they'll bring out more." Moira commented as she held the now sleeping baby Seamus. Her husband seemed content to sip at his pint of liquor silently.

"So are you a real queen?" The young Sean Fratley asked the woman seated across from him at the table.

The lady, dressed in an elegant gown and topped with a small white gold circlet, looked back at the boy with amethyst eyes, "Indeed I am." She nodded with a smile.

"And he's a king?" The boy pressed further, looking to the man in the bronze suit with combed back blonde hair.

"Well naturally," The Queen replied with a small giggle, "I wouldn't be a very good Queen without my King now, would I?"

"Then my brother really is partners with a princess!" The small fox faunus said in awe.

"Oh yes, Alice is most definitely a princess." The Queen responded, still smiling, "I've heard she and your brother are very good friends."

"Gentlemen! Behold!" A voice called out from the end of the table.

Sitting at the end of the table was a collection of champagne bottles, duct taped together haphazardly with a series of wires and circuit boards attached. A soft green glow pulsed from the strange creation of the two blue haired individuals wearing labcoats.

The blue haired woman boasted a wide smile, and glasses that seemed to shine, "I have constructed a reactor! Using only materials from this party! With this technology, I can...I can...I can, I can do something! Not sure what...but it will be incredible!"

"That's nice dear." Her husband commented reading from his newspaper and sipping at his glass of champagne. "What's the yield?"

"Just a megaton." She answered, sounding almost disappointed.

"I'm sure that's plenty." He replied nonchalantly, "Now perhaps it's time to stop scaring the children."

"Pardon me miss?" Glynda Goodwitch said as she walked over, "But I'm going to have to ask for that?"

"What? Why?" The woman asked, completely at a loss at to why this blonde teacher seemed so nervous.

"Because it happens to be...disrupting the other guests." The teacher said slowly, with a definite sense of care to her words.

"Oh, okay then." The woman replied, satisfied with the answer, "Just let me make one final adjustment. With that she yanked one of the wires loose, and attached it to a small circuit that she fished from one of her pockets, before dropping it into the center of the bottles. Immediately after she began to laugh, not a calm relaxed laugh, but a laugh that projected a deep sense of insanity with each bellow. "Witness my genius!"

The glows began to rapidly pulse and the bottles began to fizz glowing liquid, fizz that ate through a portion of the table, only to be halted when her husband sighed and yanked out a single wire, halting the process. "Really?"

"You're no fun." She pouted.

"Experiments at home dear, not in public." The husband replied, "Besides our lab is far more well equipped than a social dinner."

"I can't make a reactor at the dinner table, but you can bring that pig thing to a county fair." She grumbled, pulling out her scroll and tapping away at it.

"Piggly is not to be mentioned." The husband responded, almost sternly.

"Excuse me, but would your royal highness' like to be seated elsewhere?" Goodwitch asked, immediately trying to redirect attention from the thoroughly disturbing comment. The King and Queen merely smiled politely and shook their heads, insisting that they meet the parents of their daughter's teammates.

"I wonder if the light system and music are on the same wifi network?" His wife pondered outloud. "What did Lance say the password was again? Ah screw it, I'll just bypass the firewall."

"Ma'am, are you hacking into our school's wireless network?" Goodwitch asked, surprised.

"Yes, and you should really invest in better security. Oh, and your science labs needs better sedatives. We almost didn't catch the last specimen earlier." The woman commented.

"Where's the food?" Finnegan asked again, looking completely unfazed by the events unfolding before him. The other Fratley's seemed to misinterpret this as a change in subject and give Goodwitch a pointed look as though to ask the same question.

"Wait, I thought the last specimen did get away?" Her husband asked, looking completely confused.

"Okay, there's no way it survived the pipe bomb. Do you remember what the last one did to the basement?" His wife countered, sounding fairly sure of herself.

"Basement?" Goodwitch raised a concerned eyebrow, not quite following the rambling woman.

"Yes, the one under the science lab, it had all of those chairs and stuff. The important thing is, the specimen was dealt with." The woman replied smiling.

Goodwitch, being at a loss for words and moving away from fear and more towards annoyance, gritted her teeth and with a forceful sigh turned around and began to walk away from the table of parents.

"Oi! Ya didn't tell us when the food was gettin here!?" Finnegan yelled out to the retreating teacher, only to receive another hit from his wife.

Goodwitch continued walking away, ignoring the shouting faunus as she walked over to rejoin Ozpin at the side of the room, who was watching over the entire event.

"And you were worried about the tribal faunus family." The headmaster commented with a slight chuckle.

"So, how's the service treatin' you?" Damian asked the Admiral seated next to him. The elephant faunus was currently taking the occasional swig from a bottle of beer, and eyeing the other parent's at the table. He couldn't help but feel a little out of place amidst this group.

"A lot of paperwork." The Admiral lemented, "I feel I'm getting to the age where travel and action seems neither romantic nor exciting."

"Amen to that. You should open up a shop." Damian replied nodding, taking another swig from the bottle.

"Actually, I had been thinking of setting up a small business in our hometown," Mrs Andesine spoke up, "A small flower shop perhaps, unfortunately we're still travelling too much at the moment. Maybe in another five years or so."

"I remember when I opened up my shop." Damian said nostalgically. "It was a pain in the ass. But, it's grown on me. Just like that damn mouse."

"Oh yes, I remember seeing your shop" Mr Yancy spoke up, observing the faunus with his grey eyes. "I imagine with all the students in town you do a good bit of business owning a weapons store?"

"More than you'd think, less than you'd hope. Not too familiar with the more complicated weapons." Damian replied, "You're daughter's the one with the whip right?"

"Um, if memory serves yes, I believe that's what she uses." Celes' father replied.

"Good weapon. Nice and simple, shouldn't ever fail her. Added the blades first semester to give her an edge." The elephant faunus commented, chuckling a little at his pun.

"Well that's very good of you," Mr Yancy replied with a courteous nod. "What other student's weapons have you worked on?"

"I'd wager one on every team. Usually it's a chipped blade, or a cracked casing, nothing too crazy. Some come to get an upgrade or two. Use the forge if they have the skill." Damian answered, stroking one of his tusks yet again.

The Admiral leaned forwards, resting his elbows on the table and bringing his hands together, "What's been your favourite thing to work on then?"

"Honestly, that staff your boy uses. Normally can't stand the complex stuff, but Like repairing an atlas army knife almost." The elderly faunus said, before guffawing at his unintentional pun.

"It did surprise me." Hannibal admitted, nodding his head, "He actually designed a lot of it himself. The harpoon was relatively new when he started Beacon though, used to just be a sword and staff."

"It's impressive, not a masterpiece, but a solid work." Damian commented before turning to the other parents on the table, "I imagine your daughters bought their weapons?"

Mrs Yancy nodded, "Initially yes, I think it was a purchase from our local weapons store. Whether she got a new one before starting Beacon I can't remember."

"My daughter used to use her mother's sword." Mr. Carson replied, with a sigh. "She got into Beacon and got a new sword after her first day.

"Oh yes, she pointed it out in their room!" Celes' mother responded with an enthusiastic nod, "She keeps it on the wall."

"Yes. Yes she does." The man said with another sigh. "Maybe I shouldn't have come to this whole thing."

"With that attitude I'm surprised you even get out of bed." Damian grumbled at the man, making his displeasure quite clear.

Mr Carson shrugged noncommittally, "I've not really been involved enough to know about this kind of stuff, and it's pretty clear she doesn't want me here."

"Hmph. Disappointing." Damian commented with a swig from the bottle, now empty.

"That it is." The man nodded in agreement, silver hair catching the light as he did so.

"Not the situation, you." The grouchy faunus commented. "Can't find an ounce of fight in you."

Mr Carson shrugged again, "Her mother was always the fighter."

"Get a grip. From what I've heard, she hasn't been around in a long time to fight your battles for you." Damian grunted, staring down the man.

The man sighed and reached into the middle of the table to grab himself another drink, he was already a few ahead of everyone else, "I think it's a little late for the lectures."

"It's never too late to fix something." Damian said with complete certainty.

"I think we'll have to disagree on that." Mr Carson replied with a small, weak looking smile.

"Can't disagree with reason. All you're doing is giving her reasons not to like you." Damian grumbled.

"She's got plenty of reasons besides that." The silver haired man responded, "And besides, I don't think this is the best time. She's got that tournament to prepare for, I shouldn't get in the way."

"If anything it would help her. Help clear her head." Damian argued.

"I don't imagine she gives me a second thought these days." Mr Carson said, trying to wrap up the conversation, upon noticing the awkward looks that the Andesines and Yancys had from the back and forth.

"Not if the mouse is to be believed." Damian commented.

Mr Carson just sunk into the table, making an exasperated sigh, "Okay."

"Now, you should probably do something to show that you've changed." Damian said, briefly pausing and thinking before adding, "Maybe you should open a shop."

"This dinner sure is great, just like they serve at that steakhouse down the street dontcha know?" Mrs. Sigma commented with a smile as she took another bite of her food.

"Oh yes indeed dear, remember when we took Reid there before he went off to school here?" Mr. Sigma inquired happily.

"So, uh, you're the big guy's parents?" Mr. Aspen questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes indeed! He'll always be my special little guy though, dontcha know?" Mrs. Sigma answered cheerfully.

"I still can't figure out where he gets it from. It's the darnedest thing." Mr. Sigma added, taking a quick sip of wine.

"Yeah, I'll bet." The green haired man replied with a small chuckle.

"You're daughter's quite the huntress according to Reid." Mr. Sigma commented.

Mr Aspen nodded, "Patch is pretty heavy with woodland in the rural areas. Kid's gotta learn to look out fer herself, she's a natural."

"I'd say more than a natural, Klyde's always going on about how she can do these crazy shots, no sweat at all." Mr. Weston interjected, recalling some of the stories Klyde had told about his partner.

"It's just stuff I've taught her, nothing more than she needs to get by." He replied with a shrug.

"Well, it's still impressive, I'm hoping there will be some way we can watch the tournament." Mr. Weston commented, looking around at the people around him.

"There should be something on their website?" Mr. Sigma asked, addressing the others.

"Hmmm, wifi isn't too great out in the woods on Patch. Never been much for sports." Mr. Aspen mused as he took a sip from the beer bottle in front of him.

"Klyde's been talkin up a storm about this whole thing. Goin on about it for months." Klyde's father said, "More or less just want to see how he actually performs."

"Yeah it'll be something to see." Mr. Aspen nodded in response, "Lookin' forward to seeing your boy too." He pointed at the two Sigma parents.

"Oh, Reid's always done well in these types of events back home, he's our strong thoughtful boy, dontcha know." Mrs. Sigma said with a smile, "Thank you for the compliment."

"Sorry, but I have to finish these quarterly reports." A man with short blond hair in a messy dress shirt and tie said as he rapidly tapped at a tablet, taking gulps from a mug of coffee.

Mrs. Lecters raised a hand in gesture, "Not at all, I understand completely," She replied politely.

"What are the latest events in the communications business as of late?" Lady Crane politely asked, her champagne glass held calmly in one hand.

"Well, we're hoping to break into new markets in Menagerie," Mr Lecters replied, "There's a contract in talks."

"Interesting. Are the Queen and King of Menagerie still present at this event? It has been quite sometime since I've spoken to them." Lady Crane inquired, her eyes slowly scanning the room.

"I believe they are at the table with the woman shouting, and the fox faunus." A woman with fairly long blonde hair said, straightening her sweater. "I think she just said something about increasing the efficiency of the power grid."

As if on cue, the lights went out, and people gasped and shouted in surprise. The music was cut off abruptly and the only light sources were the candles in the center of the tables. The woman's shouting trailed off, prompting the blond haired woman to comment. "Apparently, she forgot to carry the two on her last calculation."

"How in Vytal did she make it past security?" A man in a security guard like uniform said, with a sigh, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I, uh, I assume that's your sector then?" Mr Lecters asked, gesturing at the man.

"Not exactly. I'm a private dispute mediation contractor." The man in the uniform said, his brown hair trimmed short, his face almost clean shaven, save for a bit of stubble.

"And just what do you mean by that?" Lady Crane asked, looking at the man with a suspicious eye.

"I mediate private disputes between individuals." The man replied simply, staring her down without a trace of fear.

"What sort of disputes?" The blond woman asked, cocking her head to the side in curiosity.

"The messy kind." The man replied. "Don't think we've introduced ourselves here. Name's Stalk."

"Oh, Claire Hopper, Cyrus' mother. My husband will probably introduce himself if he finishes those reports." The blond woman greeted happily.

"Lady Crane, of the Crane family. Are you with Krion by any chance?" Lady Crane questioned, eyeing Stalk's uniform.

"Yeah." He replied curtly, before directing his attention to the Lecters. "And you two?"

"Carmine Lecters," The woman held out a hand, "This is my husband Rouge."

Stalk shook her hand briefly, before reaching for a drink, popping the top off with the edge of the table. "Cheers."

"I don't believe there's anything to toast." Lady Crane interjected, still holding her glass.

"And that's the first report, now to just file the TPS report, then those figures from marketing, plus all those files from human resources, and then, I can eat." Mr. Hopper said, raking his hand through his hair.

"And that is why I don't take desk jobs." Stalk commented, gesturing with his beer before taking a swig.

"I believe one of my late suitors worked with Krion for some time. He was such a distasteful man at times." Lady Crane said taking a sip of champagne, staring down Stalk.

"I did a contract for a corporate executive once. She was a real ice queen sometimes." Stalk replied, his stare never faltering. "You know, people say that in Atlas, we're more direct."

"I recall the word most people use being rude." Lady Crane commented, her eyes narrowing.

"Well, at the risk of sounding rude, if you could lower your nose so we can look you in the eyes, that'd be nice." Stalk commented, half scowling.

"Excuse me?" Lady Crane said in complete shock, having never heard someone speak to her in such a manner.

"I'm sorry, did I stutter? I said, get off your high horse." Stalk snarked, taking a swig of his drink.

"Well, perhaps when you do something worth respecting, I will speak to you in the manner you desire. I believe respect is to be earned." Lady Crane countered, never losing her outward appearance of composure. However, there was a certain level of anger clearly heard in her voice.

"And what, pray tell, have you done that's so respectable? Aside from being born on a silver platter." Stalk asked, kicking his feet up onto the table.

"Well, I've managed to keep my hands clean of other people's blood, unlike yourself. Your service record suggests you like to take pages out of General Laguna's book of scorched turf tactics." Lady Crane commented, briefly examining the food laid out before them. "Discharged after only one tour of duty, and one remarkable amount of collateral damage."

"I did what was necessary to make sure my squad made it home." Stalk replied cooly.

"Yes, yes, I know, no risks taken, I believe those were the words in your court martial, when they tried you for burning down six different towns." Lady Crane nodded in agreement. "I'm quite shocked you never received a medal."

"You don't understand war. Some things are necessary as a soldier. Sometimes the good guys have to do bad things to make sure that they don't happen again." Stalk explained, as though he were speaking to a child.

"I don't recall the Andesines ever being charged for war crimes?" Lady Crane commented. "In fact I think they're the family at that table, smiling, well regarded and decorated. I would have considered their son as a candidate for Katherine, however, he's not quite the right fit."

"When was the last time you read about a General having to do any fighting?" Stalk countered.

"Did you know they have two children?" Lady Crane asked, her level voice gaining the slightest hint of confidence. "Rutaceae Andesine, twenty five years old, Lieutenant already, footsoldier, armed forces. I imagine he does a lot of fighting, especially with all those commendations he earned in that blitz incident a few years back."

Stalk merely stared back silently, before taking a long swig of his beer, draining it, and placing it on the table.

The table was dead silent, only the sound of the typing of Mister Hopper was heard before Mrs. Lecters spoke up. "We were actually hoping to speak to the Andesines tomorrow, our daughter is dating their other son. Avacitri."

"Why not go speak to them now, I was led to believe that this dinner was scheduled for networking purposes." Lady Crane suggested.

Mrs Lecters gave a polite, sincere smile to Lady Crane as she nodded her head in thanks, "In that case, yes we shall definitely do that. It was a pleasure speaking to you," She turned to the Hoppers, "It was nice to see you two again as well."

"Yes, we should catch up again sometime soon." Claire Hopper said with a smile.

"Yes, sure, great." Her husband mindlessly rambled as he continued to work.

"It's nice to do this again." A lynx faunus said happily as his wife nodded in agreement.

"Oui, c'est bon." The woman replied, her platinum blonde hair in almost regal curls, her nails tapping against the table.

"Yes, three years has really gone by already." Mr. Wolcotte commented, "Perhaps we should celebrate their graduation in Archipel Du Soleil?"

From the opposite end of the table a tall tiger faunus nodded, his long, unruly mane of hair shaking as he gave his silent agreement.

"Don't know if I'll be able to make it." A raccoon faunus commented at the end of the table, gesturing to the collar around his neck. "Think I'm still a life sentence away from bail."

"That's a shame," Mr Ignis commented with a small shake of his head.

"Should've taken that plea bargain. Or rather, should have stuck by it and stayed out of the game." The faunus said with a sigh. "At least I earned a place in the history books."

"Oui, Monsieur Ceasare." Mrs. Ignis said with a giggle. "Maitre Voleur Extraordinaire."

"I don't know, most master thieves don't get caught." Her husband argued.

"Misty tells me that he got caught ensuring a certain someone's escape." Mrs. Wolcotte commented, her leopard ears flicking in amusement.

"So Percy finally shared the story, eh?" The elderly racoon replied with a small stroke of his beard.

"Yep, tells us all about your heroic sacrifice." Mrs. Wolcotte commented, smiling mischeviously. "Even brought a tear to my dear husband's eye."

"It did no such thing." Mr. Wolcotte corrected, cutting at his steak. "Enjoying this little trip out?"

"No more than I usually do." Ceasare said with a shrug. "At least I don't have to wear the cuffs and the jumpsuit."

The large tiger faunus gave a slight chuckle at the statement, "Bet the booze is better out here."

"You're fuckin a right it is." Ceasare said with a laugh. "I missed whiskey."

"Maybe they'll let you out again for graduation?" Mr. Ignis mused.

"Nah, I'll be paroled. Get out early on good behavior. All I have to do is wait." Ceasare said, holding up a glass of champagne confidently. "Got it all figured out."

"Please tell me our daughter isn't involved in these plans." Mr. Wolcotte said, shaking his head in exasperation."I don't think we have quite enough influence to keep her from going to federal prison."

"I'll second that." Mr Ignis added on with a look of mild concern.

"Jasper can make his own decisions." The tiger faunus commented, nodding to the raccoon faunus.

"You all worry too much," Ceasare replied, "Its fine."

"We'll just have to take your word for it. What was that old adage?" Mrs. Wolcotte mused, "Honor among thieves?"

"Oui, tout ce qu'une mere reve toujours de." Mrs. Ignis commented rolling her eyes.

Her husband merely laughed at her comment, "I'm surprised you're so nonchalant about this Mr. Vermillion."

"He's a grown man, he can make whatever choices he wants." Mr. Vermillion grumbled, his mane of hair moving as he shrugged.

"I don't know what's worse, that I'm used to this, or that I'm enjoying it." Mr. Wolcotte said, removing his glasses and pinching his nose.

"We'll have you knocking back beers and robbing liquor stores before you know it." Ceasare said with a sly smile.

"Now that would be something to see." Mrs. Wolcotte said with a laugh.

"Ah, Lady Crane, it's been far too long." The King of Menagerie greeted with a smile, as she joined them at their table.

"Your Highness," Lady Crane greeted in turn, "Indeed it has."

"Tell me, how have you been since we last spoke." Mr. Nilesly asked politely, his wife nodding in interest.

"Very well thank you, a few more unwanted propositions but nothing I cannot handle." Lady Crane replied.

"Who's she?" A toddler of a fox faunus piped up.

"Mind yer damn manners." Fennella Fratley scolded, giving him a swift whack with her walking stick. "Beggin your pardon miss, young folk never know when to keep their mouths shut."

"Mmm, quite." She nodded in agreement, giving a small, polite smile.

"But who is she? Is she a clan elder?" The toddler asked, staring at Lady Crane.

The Lady looked down at the toddler for a moment, "I suppose you could say that, I am Lady Crane."

"Sean Fratley." The toddler replied. "What clan are you from?"

Lady Crane raised a bemused eyebrow at the child, "The Crane family. I am it's head."

"But you're not a head. you're a person." Sean said, looking completely confused. "What kind of stuff does your clan hunt?"

"Sean, quit buggin the lady, she's clearly not a hunter." Moira Fratley chastised. "He's a curious one, I'm hoping we can put it to good use once we get him a weapon."

"A hunter? Well surely you've got a few years to find one for him." Lady Crane stated, almost asking.

"Nope, Lil' Sean will be on his first trip with me in a week. First hunt of winter is always a tradition with father's and sons." Collin Fratley spoke up, before returning to his dark pint of liquor.

"I see." Lady Crane commented, "I assume you'll be hunting small game? Rabbits, pidgeons, maybe a deer?"

"Nope, nevermore season." Collin Fratley replied, "The feathers are great for all sorts of things. Meat's not too bad either."

"You eat Grimm?" One of the blue haired scientists inquired.

"I like boarbatusk." Sean said with a smile, stumbling a little over the syllables.

"Fascinating, would you mind answering a question or two?" The scientist inquired, pulling up his scroll, and staring intently at the faunus family

The two Lecters made their way across the room, making their way towards the table at which the parents they were looking for were seated. After Lady Crane had pointed out that the Andesines were sitting so close by, it had been easy for the Lecters to make their way over. As they approached, Carmine Lecters cleared her throat and began to speak, "Hello, am I correct in assuming you are Admiral Andesine?" Mrs. Lecters politely asked, looking at the older man in his military dress uniform.

The man turned around, his face happy but curious as he gave a small frown of confusion, "Why yes, I don't believe we've met?"

"Carmine and Rouge Lecters, Annette's parents, our daughter is dating your son, might we join you for dinner?" She asked politely, smoothing her dress out on reflex.

"Dating!" The Admiral gave a hearty laugh and looked over to his wife with a wide grin, "Well this is the first we've heard of it. Please do, I'm interested to hear what else our boy's been hiding!"

The two Lecters claimed the chair across from the Admiral, and two others who appeared to be fellow family members. Two guards stood near them, armed, but weapons holstered. After what only seemed like ten seconds, two steak dinners were set before them, and they both slowly began to cut their meat before speaking again, "Yes, your son brought our daughter to the dance. Apparently they've had a few study dates, and shared dinner one night."

"He did tell us about the dance," Mrs Andesine replied, like her husband her brown hair was also greying, and a few wrinkles were beginning to set into her face. Unlike the rest of her husband and sons, her eyes were a dark brown, matching her hair.

"Actually now that you mention it, I did try and ask him about your daughter when I saw him earlier," Hannibal replied, waving a finger in gesture before grinning yet again, "He tried to dodge the subject. Now I understand why."

"Well, your son has attempted to be the perfect gentleman for our daughter, according to her he doesn't always succeed, but she seems more amused than annoyed lately." Rouge commented with a small laugh, straightening his tie out.

From just off to the side of the Admiral the third Andesine let out a long laugh, "Cit, 'perfect gentleman'. Brilliant."

"Either way, our daughter has introduced him to us, and we were hoping to get to know his family." Carmine cut in, attempting to steer the conversation back to her original plan, taking a brief sip of wine.

"Of course, of course." the Admiral replied, "Ignore Rutaceae, sibling rivalry. I am Hannibal Andesine, and this is my wife, Sienna"

"A pleasure." Carmine said smiling at the three Andesines, her husband following suit. "How long has your family been involved with the Atlesian Military?

"When do the history books start?" Hannibal replied with a chuckle, "In honesty I don't really know the exact answer. A long time."

"We were just curious, Lady Crane mentioned that your family has historically been quite decorated, if you don't mind me asking, has it mainly been the navy?" Rouge asked, still curious as to the history of the Andesines.

"I think mostly," The Admiral nodded, frown furrowed in thought, "But we've certainly covered all bases. My grandfather was a part of the air force, and Rutaceae here is in the armed forces."

"We're involved in communications currently, however Lecters LLC has been around for a little while." Rouge replied, nodding at the admiral's answer.

"Very interesting, though don't feel like this conversation has to be about business." Hannibal replied with a genuine smile, "If our children are involved then we should get to know one another."

"Fair enough, have your tours taken you anywhere exciting? We've recently returned from a surveying trip to Menagerie." Carmine replied, attempting to find out more, while adhering to the admiral's wishes.

"Menagerie is a nice place," The Admiral turned to his wife, "Been a while since I last went though. As for exciting, hmm, the desert in Vacuo was a big change from home."

"We've thought of traveling out that way, but never found a good time. We've mostly gone from Vale to Atlas and Menagerie. We're thinking of traveling off to Mistral in a few months." Rouge commented, looking at his wife pointedly. "They say Mistral has some of the finest food in the four kingdoms.

"I'm sure it does, unfortunately whenever I travel anywhere with the military it's rations." The Admiral gave a chuckle, "So you're locals then?"

"Yes, for as far back as the Lecters line goes." Rouge replied, taking a bite of his steak and smiling proudly.

Hannibal gave another small nod, while his wife leaned forwards to address the two Lecters, "Do you have any other children?"

"No, only Annette. She's agreed to take over the company once we decide to retire." Carmine answered, pausing momentarily in thought.

"Big responsibilities then." The Admiral noted, before pausing in thought for a moment, "If that's the case then what is she doing at Beacon?"

"It will be a few years before we decide to step down, she has told us she'd like a more exciting career before assuming her place as the heiress of our company." Rouge explained, smiling as he recalled her request to attend Beacon.

"Makes sense I suppose." Sienna replied with a nod.

"Why did Citri decide to attend Beacon? Surely he would have done just as well in an officer's academy, or enlisting." Rouge asked, his curiosity evident.

Mrs Andesine turned to her husband with a frown, "You know I can't remember him ever giving an explanation. He just sort of decided it was what he wanted to do one day."

"Children can be surprising, even more so as teenagers. Annette herself manages to surprise us even to this day." Rouge said with a laugh, before his wife's eyes lit up.

"Yes, we were quite shocked recently when our daughter asked us to set up a marriage interview with your son." Carmine mentioned nonchalantly, not even pausing before moving on. "So, what do you think of the wine being served at this event?"

"Hold on a second," The Admiral brought up a hand, "Marriage interview?"

"Yes, as in an interview to determine his viability as a spouse. She's only had a few since coming to Beacon, and none since she started dating your son." Carmine answered, taking a bite of the vegetables from her plate, her tone still casual. "Honestly it was the last thing I expected her to request when she told us she was dating him.

"Well that's my confusion," The Admiral replied, "Surely if they're dating then an interview is irrelevant?"

"Perhaps my daughter is more interested in something more serious." Carmine mused with a small smile.

"Or, perhaps she has some other reason." Rouge argued, giving his wife a pointed look. "Perhaps she wishes to give him the same opportunities as other young men."

"I suppose," The Admiral sighed, "What do you think dear? It's not like it's his first interview either."

"Pardon me, but may I interject?." A voice called out.

The table's occupants turned to look at the source of the voice, and walking toward them were two individuals. A man in a mist colored suit, with blond hair slicked back, as well as a pair of glasses adorning his face, and standing next to him, a woman in a matching blazer, but with a white v-neck t-shirt, jeans, and heels. Her hair was mottled like a leopard's pelt. The man looked annoyed, while the woman next to him simply looked amused, as though she knew something no one else did.

Actually Boy I think I need to call it for a bit if thats alright

bit, and then post, save this to post next week?

that's cool.