A/N: So like said before, here's my new story. Hope y'all like it :) Oh and a big thanks to my bffl Carlet for helping me!

Ezra, yet again was up for the fourth night that week. It was impossible for him to get any sleep when this month rolled around. Every year it was the same. Every long and cold month of December, was a long and cold month for his heart. From the very beginning to the very end. He'd go back to being vulnerable and weak, instead of being the happy and strong person he always tried to be. After taking a big drink of water, to ease down the insomnia pills, he finally crawled into bed, as he would be needing the sleep the following day since it was his daughter's birthday party. But the bed wasn't that welcoming bed it used to be years ago. Instead, it was just cold sheets waiting for him every night. Slowly the pills started kicking in and within minutes he was fast asleep.

Ezra was awoken the next morning, by an overly excited little girl practically screaming in his ear.

"Daddy! Daddy" The little girl cried with excitement. "It's my birthday!"

Ezra lazily rolled over and was met with his daughter's wide hazel eyes. His daughter was a pint-sized version of her mother. The only features she'd inherited from her father were his set of messy curls and ears. Everything else was all her. He sat up on his bed and rubbed his eyes.

"It is? Are you sure?" Ezra joked as he pulled his daughter close to him.

"Yes Daddy! I'm five today!" The little girl replied with glee. "Remember? My party's today."

"Oh yeah it is isn't it?" Ezra laughed. "Happy Birthday princess."

"Thanks Daddy." She smiled. "Now come on! Let's get ready!" She tugged on Ezra's arm.

"Olivia, it's still too early. It's eight in the morning." Ezra whined.

"But Daddy, I'm so excited! I'm five Daddy, five. A whole hand." She explained holding up her hand.

Ezra laughed and pulled her onto his lap.

"You're getting so big sweetie, but you're always gonna be Daddy's baby." Ezra said hugging his daughter.

Olivia hugged her dad back just as tight and gave him a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I love you Daddy."

"Love you too sweetheart." Ezra replied giving her cute nose a kiss. "Now what do you say we go out for breakfast and let the day begin?" Ezra asked, knowing he wouldn't be falling back asleep.

"Let's go Daddy!" Olivia replied before running off.

Olivia was helping Ezra blow up the balloons when the doorbell rang. She quickly dropped the balloons and ran to the door.

"Careful Livey" Ezra warned from the kitchen.

Olivia gave him a small nod before opening the door.

"Uncle Mike!" She yelled jumping into his arms.

"Hey kiddo."

He closed the door behind him and rested Olivia on his hip. Ezra came from the kitchen just as he was in.

"Hey Mike."

"Hey man."

"How's it going? Thank you so much for helping us set up for the party."

"No problem. Anything for my princess." Mike laughed. He set Olivia down who went back to the balloons.

"Are you OK?" Mike asked Ezra, noticing he was a bit distracted.

"I'm alright. You know, same as always."

"I'm sorry man."

"Don't be. It's not your fault." Ezra replied with a sigh. "So are Byron and Ella coming now or later?"

"They said they'd be here to help, so they should be here any second."

"Ok. Well can you do me a favor and go down to the bakery and get the cake? and while you're out can you pick up some more plates?"

"Sure. Anything else?"

"No that's all. Thanks."

Mike gave him a nod before walking out . Ezra went back to getting everything ready for later on. Olivia was beyond excited and although Ezra was also happy, he couldn't shake away the unbearable pain that his daughter would have yet another birthday party without her mother.

Ezra had just finished setting up the last set of decorations when the doorbell rang. He checked his watch. 4:00, right when the party was supposed to start. There was only one person who was overly obsessed with being everywhere right on time. Spencer. He laughed softly to himself when the person behind the door was revealed.

"Hey Spencer, Toby." Ezra chuckled softly.

"Hey. What's so funny?" Spencer eyed him suspiciously.

"I was just thinking that you would show up right on time."

"Hey, it's my thing." She laughed back, stepping in, Toby behind her.

"So Toby how's the company coming around?"

Toby had just recently opened up his own construction company and already it was well known throughout Pennsylvania.

"Really great. How about you? How's the writing?"

"I'm taking a break from it for a while. Just trying to spend all the time I have with Olivia. I've thought about going back to teaching but I'm not sure."

"Well after having three best sellers, you deserve a break, as for the teaching, go for it. It's something you love to do besides writing."

"I guess so." He sighed.

He was proud of his success, but couldn't bring himself to be happy about it because she couldn't share it with her. And he couldn't convince himself to start teaching again because he feared he wouldn't give his daughter enough time. He just wanted to make sure she knew he loved her.

"Ezra, you were an amazing teacher and you love to teach."

" I know, I just don't want her to feel alone. I want to spend all my time with her. She already doesn't have a mother and" He sighed and shook his head. "I just don't get how someone who was so in love with the both of us, could just leave."

Spencer gave him a sympathetic smile. She too was angry at Aria but also worried and scared about her.

"I'll never understand either Ezra." Spencer said sympathetically.

Ezra gave her a nod and small smile but decided it'd be better to talk about something else as he didn't feel like breaking down. He hated when people felt sorry for him.

"So how's pregnancy treating you?" Ezra asked

"Exhausting. But I can't wait to push this kid out. One more month" Spencer replied with a sigh. "Speaking of kids, where's yours?"

"Olivia!" Ezra called. "Look who's here."

Almost immediately, she came running down the stairs, her eyes growing wide with excitement when she saw who it was, but most importantly, when she saw the jumbo sized gift beside them.

"Auntie Spencer, Uncle Toby!" She ran up to them.

"Hey there princess." Spencer cooed placing her on her lap. "Happy Birthday!"

"Here munchkin, this is for you." Toby said, patting the huge gift.

"Thank you so much!" She said giving them each a hug.

Soon, their house filled up with family and friends. Some of Sophie's preschool friends were over too, filling the house with four and five year old energy and screaming. It wasn't even past six, and Ezra was already exhausted. But he didn't mind. All he cared about was making his princess happy. Soon it was time to cut the cake, and everyone gathered around the happy little girl.

"Happy Birthday Olivia" Everyone cheered as she blew out the candles.

"Ezra, go stand next to her. I want to get a picture of you two." Hanna said.

Ezra did as he was told and stood next to his daughter. Olivia instantly wrapped her arms around her father's neck and smiled big.

"Say cheese" Hanna ordered.

"Cheese." They both replied.

It was moments like these that were hard for Ezra. Olivia could only take pictures with him. All their family photos were just the two of them. Olivia didn't seem to mind most of the time, as her daddy was her entire world, but it bothered Ezra. No. It angered him. It angered him that Olivia had to grow up without a mother, something every little girl deserved. And what angered him most was that no matter how hard he tried to hate Aria for leaving them, he couldn't bring himself to do so. He still loved her, more than anything, but his anger and disappointment for her was too much to admit his feeling to anybody. He sighed and continued on with the night, not letting his thoughts ruin this day for them. Soon though, it became dark, and once it started snowing, as it was December, everyone headed back home, leaving Ezra and Olivia once again alone.

"Thank you for everything Daddy." Olivia said cuddling next to him.

"Did you have fun baby?" Ezra asked. "Did you like your party?"

"So so much Daddy." She smiled. " I got so many presents!"

"I'm glad to hear that."

Olivia took the necklace she always wore off her neck and opened up the locket.

"Mommy's so pretty." She smiled, staring at it intently.

"Very much so." Ezra replied with a sigh "You look just like her."

Olivia smiled upon hearing those words. She crawled onto his lap and snuggled closer to Ezra resting her head in the crook of his neck. Minutes passed and she began to doze off.

"I wish she was here Daddy." Olivia sighed and within instants, fell asleep in her father's arms.

He stroked his daughters curls and kissed the top of her head gently.

"So do I princess." Ezra simply said, letting a few tears fall. "So do I."

A/N: Sooo? What'd y'all think? Is it good? Should I continue? Please review!