Here's the last chapter for y'all; hope you've enjoyed the story! Don't forget to maybe leave a review?

Two weeks ago, Naruto had woken up in his bed alone and naked with a pain in his ass that had caused any kind of movement to be a challenge. He remembered everything. He remembered the drinking, and Sasuke bringing him home, and him literally begging Sasuke to take his ass…and god he was humiliated. He couldn't believe he'd snapped; couldn't believe that after thinking he was in control –he lost it so easily.

And yet, he didn't hate Sasuke; how could he? Sasuke hadn't done anything wrong. Naruto had practically forced himself upon him after having vehemently proclaiming that the two of them were nothing and could never be anything because he was straight. He didn't blame Sasuke for leaving in the morning; he just was hurt that he had.

Of all things; Naruto wished that he had stayed to give him the chance to explain himself. He had looked in the mirror dejectedly later that day and spied hickeys dotting his throat and wished that Sasuke hadn't left quite so early.

And now, mid-year break was over and he was moving back into his dorm room glumly.

Sasuke had arrived back the day before and was already sitting in his room, doing pre-readings for his lectures that were due to start in a few days. He'd been waiting for Naruto to come back for hours now; dreading the moment that they'd have to exchange eye contact. He felt guilty about leaving; but he didn't want Naruto to have to wake up to discover what a colossal mistake he had made.

He'd woken before the blonde and discovered his tanned body in his arms; a blonde head rested gently on his chest. He hadn't stirred when Sasuke had risen and wiped the two of them down with a corner of the already soiled bed sheets, and so Sasuke had slipped from the room and left later that day without ever coming into contact with Naruto.

Now, they were both back, and he wondered if again, Naruto was going to try and pretend that nothing happened.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock on his door, followed by a, "Come on, open up your door you bastard, I know you're in there!" since Sasuke had decided to lock his door for once. With a heavy sigh, Sasuke got up and unlocked it, being instantly greeted by the door flying open and Naruto storming in.

"Why did you leave?" he snapped, blue eyes flashing.

Okay, so he wasn't going for the 'pretend it didn't happen' approach.

"Excuse me?" Sasuke's face remained impassive.

"…You left without letting me explain," Naruto growled crossly, folding his arms and leaning up against the doorframe moodily.

"What is there to explain?" Sasuke snorted, "We were drunk. End story."

" –That's not it," Naruto frowned, obviously struggling to find the right words, "I…Earlier that day…Karui broke up with me."

"Oh, so I was a rebound fuck, awesome," Sasuke remarked; still not letting his face show anything.

"No, that's not it!" Naruto snapped and then he looked sad and confused, "I told her about how you kissed me…I thought she'd understand –but she just said that she knew it." He sighed, "That's not why she broke up with me though…" Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

" –She said she was breaking up with me because she knew I'd never look at her the way I look at you," he murmured, avoiding eye contact but seeing that Sasuke's onyx eyes widened in surprise, "She knew even when I was trying to hide it from myself. You saw through me too, you know…" He looked up at the raven sadly. "You knew I was hiding behind Karui…"

"I just tried to act like everything was normal," Naruto frowned, "I didn't…I was scared of…of being attracted to you so I tried desperately to convince myself I wasn't…And it didn't work…"

"Well obviously," Sasuke let a small, amused smirk slip to his face and Naruto blushed at his provocative, slutty behaviour from a few weeks ago.

"Shut up, bastard!" he snapped in embarrassment, "I just…wanted to tell you that I'm not going to hide anymore. I admit it; I like you; okay? You're sexy, you're damn near the smartest person I know; you're hilarious to make fun of…" He trailed off, waiting for Sasuke to say something, "Well? What do we do now?"

"Well, for starters, I'm glad you've come out of the closet –"

"I'm bi," Naruto corrected with a scowl, "Don't get me wrong; I'm still a fan of females."

"I'm okay with that; I'm sexier than any chick," Sasuke smirked to which Naruto growled, "Asshole."

" –And secondly; you could agree to be my boyfriend."

"What?" Naruto was a little startled by this.

"Tch, you heard me, idiot."

"Yeah; but what?" Naruto frowned as Sasuke wandered over to him and placed an arm on the wall above him, leaning his body in close.

"I mean; we go on dates, I get to show you off, we kiss and…" He kissed a patch of skin under Naruto's ear, "…And other stuff…You come to family dinners, and…you date no one else but me…" He sucked a little harder at Naruto's tanned skin.

"…Possessive bastard," he managed to breathe out as one of Sasuke's hands dropped to his hip and began to rub circles into his hip bone, "I…Well, it's a good thing you've already met my parents –they won't quit talking about you…They still have those pictures, you know…" Sasuke froze in the abuse on Naruto's neck as the blonde smirk mischievously, "You sure are cute when you sleep."

"I am not cute," Sasuke growled low in his throat as he looked at Naruto, "I've already told you how I feel. What do you say?" He looked into Naruto's eyes; his expression suddenly gentle, and the blonde knew he was desperately hoping to not be rejected. Naruto ran the events of the last few months over in his mind. He had enjoyed his time with the bastard –more so than anyone else, ever. He could just imagine them walking down the street holding hands or curling up and watching a movie together.

"Sure," he grinned, grabbing both of Sasuke's hands in his and yanking him into a brief kiss. Sasuke immediately tried to deepen the kiss but Naruto slid from his grasp with a grin, waggling a finger at him cheekily.

"Now, now, Sasuke; you're going to be a gentleman," he smirked, sticking his tongue out, "We are going down to get some lunch from the dining hall, and then we're going on a date; where you will buy me ice cream and we'll talk!" Sasuke facepalmed and sighed heavily.

"I'm going to have work to do during semester," Sasuke reminded him with a scowl, "Remember how we go to University?"

"Pfft; you work too much and don't have enough fun –" Naruto sniffed with a grin, "That's what I'm here for! You can make sure I study, and I'll make sure you aren't the world's biggest party-pooper…"

Like dating the idiot would ever be easy. Then, Naruto leaned in close to the raven's ear.

"…Later tonight we can celebrate," he murmured, licking the lobe of his ear cheekily, "After all, you've been away for a long time…and you of all people –" he knocked against the thin wall between their room, "…Know how I can be…" Sasuke smirked as Naruto grabbed his hand and promptly dragged him from the room, proclaiming quite loudly throughout the now-busy hallway, "Yes, Sasuke Uchiha is now my boyfriend, so ladies –back off!"

"Idiot!" Sasuke growled crossly, feeling raised eyebrows on him as Naruto latched onto his arm as he had always done, "You're making a scene!"

"Oh, so you're allowed to show me off, but I'm not allowed to show off my –" he raised his voice pointedly, "…Sexy-ass boyfriend who has abs of steel and is fantastic in bed…"

"Well you've gone from closet to rainbow in no time flat," Sasuke grumbled, blushing.

" –What can I say; I live to embarrass the shit out of you," Naruto smirked, earning a mutinous glare, "Oh I do love it when you glare at me all sulky-like, pumpkin." As they were arriving in the dining hall, Sasuke caught sight of another blonde head but had no time to escape before Deidara was hugging him as well. He groaned in complaint as Naruto got on board with this and joined the other blonde in embarrassing the life out of the raven. Hidan wandered over.

"So, what, are you two, like dating, yeah?" Deidara inquired when he pulled back to find Naruto still holding Sasuke and the raven trying very hard to ignore it.

"Yup," Naruto grinned cheerfully, "Sas-cakes practically forced me out of the closet when I forced myself on him when I was drunk."

"Ahh, denial is a great thing, yeah," Deidara admitted with a chuckle, grinning evilly at Sasuke.

" –Tell Itachi and you're a fucking dead man," Sasuke growled in a low voice.

"No…I was thinking more Mikoto," the blonde smirked, pulling out his phone.

"You wouldn't dare," Sasuke hissed.

"She won't be surprised," Deidara shrugged, "She's been referring to Naruto as your boyfriend since summer."

"I didn't even like him during summer," Sasuke defended hotly.

" –Not what your mom says," the blonde grinned with a laugh, "She says she knew you and him were made to be together ever since your families had dinner together!" Naruto couldn't help but laugh at the way Sasuke gritted his teeth. The two blondes scurried off to join the lunch cue, joking around and generally causing a ruckus. Sasuke and Hidan just exchanged looks and sighed, heading after their excitable boyfriends.

"What am I getting myself into?" Sasuke remarked under his breath.

" –Hey, you just had to fuck him to bring him around," Hidan snapped, "…I serenaded fucking blondie."

"Oh yeah…I think Itachi posted it on Youtube," the raven chuckled as Hidan's face paled considerably, "…Yes; speech and all."

"I'm going to fucking kill him –I don't care if Kisame's going to ask that asshole to marry him…" he snarled, squaring his shoulders and stalking over to the dinner line.

"I swear Itachi wasn't this much trouble before he was dating Kisame –wait what?" Sasuke exclaimed, "Kisame's going to propose?" He headed off after Hidan and their boyfriends to get an explanation and to stop Naruto from putting mashed potatoes in Deidara's hair. He couldn't help but look fondly on the blonde and grin a little –even if mostly on the inside; he had his Uchiha composure to maintain. Watching Naruto fooling around so carelessly made his heart flutter just that little; and as blue eyes turned to beam at him; he knew that he finally felt the same.

Meanwhile, Itachi was sitting on the bed that he and Kisame shared in their apartment grinning to himself as he thought of the beautiful ring he had found hidden rather poorly several weeks ago. So Kisame had picked up on his hints? Excellent. Itachi's inner girl was squealing like mad but remembering to give the blue man time to plan the perfect proposal. He refrained from rubbing his hands together with glee.

"Itachi; I know that look, what's on your mind?" Kisame sighed, sitting up and pulling the raven in to snuggle up against his chest.

"Nothing," Itachi replied in a far too angelic voice. Kisame just chuckled and brushed Itachi's long raven hair behind an ear.

"That was mean posting Hidan's singing to Youtube," he remarked reproachfully, "…Even if it was hilarious." Itachi smirked and ran a hand down the other man's bare chest, "Oh Itachi…I do love you, but sometimes you're a nuisance." Itachi's eyes widened and he looked up at the blue man who was trying not to smile. He looked at Itachi as though just noticing he was being observed.

"…You love me?" he inquired softly, realising it was the first time he'd heard those words pass Kisame's lips.

"Of course," Kisame chuckled deeply, kissing his boyfriend's forehead, "Why else would I buy that ring? Yes, I know you've seen it; you've been tense for ages now every time I say I have a question." Itachi scowled; he hadn't known he'd been so transparent, "So, do you want me to ask now, or do you want a big thing?" He received a disapproving glare from his boyfriend.

"No, I want you down on one knee and a romantic speech with Lord of the Rings references," Itachi huffed, folding his arms and rolling over. Kisame sighed and got up as if to go to the bathroom. Instead, he surprised Itachi by appearing at his side of the bed, just standing there. Itachi sat up, an eyebrow raised and Kisame sighed.

"Itachi…" he remarked, pressing a hand to his forehead, "Three rings for the elven kings under the skies…" Itachi's eyes widened, "…Seven for the dwarf-lords in their halls of stone. Nine, for mortal men; doomed to die; and one for the dark lord on his dark throne…" He looked into the Uchiha's dark eyes and took a steady breath, "But I don't care about those rings –although I wouldn't really be saying no to an Elven ring…The only rings I care about are the ones we will wear to show the world that you're mine."

"These last few months have been the best of my life; and if I were half-elven and you were mortal; I would choose a mortal life to be with you," Kisame continued, licking his lips nervously, "If you would have me. I love you, Itachi Uchiha…" He slowly sank to one knee, cringing slightly as he did so, pulling out that little velvet box and presenting the silver ring to his boyfriend, "…Will you marry me?"

Inner girl Itachi squealed in delight, but all that showed on his face was a slightly surprised look filled with adoration.

"Please, Itachi, I'd really like you to say something," Kisame remarked with a wince, "Preferably, 'yes, Kisame Hoshigaki, I love you also and wish to spend the rest of my life with you'…I mean, it would be a pity if you said no now since you've been hinting…" Itachi's Uchiha composure faded away and he burst into a beaming smile, wrapping Kisame in a huge hug.

"I do love you and of course I'll marry you!" Itachi exclaimed, kissing Kisame on the lips fiercely. Kisame picked up the smaller man and deepened the kiss. Itachi looked on him fondly as the beautiful ring was placed on his finger.

It was funny to think how something like this had started only a few months ago on summer vacation.

Happy endings for all; happy endings for all! Much loves, my dears; the second sequel to "Those Summer Nights" will be out shortly; starring ShikaTem and NejiGaa. It'll also be a variation of "Those Autumn Days"; so stick around if you want to see how their lives have changed after summer.

Review; follow; or do neither; many thanks for reading!

xx K