
Mukuro Rokudo was known to being sly and sadistic to his people but anyone could noticed how he was a little too much for one brunet. He clearly made no hesitation in making the young Sawada's life as hard as it could get. Though, you couldn't really blame the man.

Tsunayoshi Sawada was far too trusting and innocent that it made her sadistic character want to surface always. He was the ideal victim for a sadistic person as himself. However, it didn't mean Mukuro didn't care for the young man. He really cared for the other and he knew some other people did as well.

The indigo-haired man could see how other people glanced at his worker in care and adoration. Tsuna had this charm against others that the brunet himself didn't know. It wouldn't surprise him if the latter didn't know some people liked him and considered himself to be alone forever. The guy was far too oblivious as well after all.

His musing of the petite male stopped when he heard the opening of his store. He turned towards the entrance. "I'm sorry. We're—"

He stopped his sentence when he noticed the familiar shivering man in front of him. He narrowed his eyes as he noticed the way the other's clothes were in a mess and how there was blood coming from the younger male's neck.

"What happen to you, Tsunayoshi?"

The way the brunet looked at him with pleading eyes asked him for nothing other than to leave the questioning alone for now. Mukuro sighed heavily but decided not to ask anything yet. "Well, anyway, let's get you a change of clothes," he changed the topic immediately and helped the latter inside. "Come on, I've got some pair of clothes in the back."

"Thank you, Mukuro," Tsuna quietly followed the other, wanting nothing more than to stay with the male as long as he was sure his two predators were still here. He still couldn't believe what had happened to him but he knew it was all real. The bite on his neck was the solid proof that he was attacked by something. It was merely a miracle that he had gotten away.

His intuition told him that those two only let him go so he could not die but he ignored that. It wasn't possible since they really intended to kill. He could still feel those demonic fangs on his neck and the heated kiss he had received. He touched his lips a little. His first kiss...was stolen by his attacker. What irony.

The young man was even sure he wasn't masochist yet even just a little, his body enjoyed it. The reaction of his body scared him. It wasn't like him to find pleasure in pain. He, certainly, didn't like the idea of feeling at ease at the hands of his killers who were no doubt strangers.

"Tsunayoshi," Mukuro's voice slightly made the smaller male better. His boss was not known to be kindest but he knew the other was very kind to those who needed it and would help someone in dire. It was one of the trait that made Tsuna respectful of the man rather than hating or fearing him like others did.

"Yeah?" he replied, unsure at what to do. Tsunayoshi just sat on the couch of his boss nervously and tried not to make a mess of anything. This place was his workshop but it was also Mukuro's home. It was a cafe in the day and a living room at night with a snap of a finger.

"Here's your clothes," the indigo-haired man handed some clothes which didn't seem to fit to the petite adult. Mukuro rolled his eyes and an amused smirk played on his face. "No, there's no other clothes other than that. They're the smallest size I could fine."

Forgetting his life-threatening experience, Tsuna glared—he was serious that it was not a pout. It wasn't fair on his part. He was a head smaller than his boss and other males. It appeared like he got more genes from his mother than his father which was really unfair. Sometimes, he was thought to be a girl cross-dressing as a boy. Often, he was more asked to dress as a girl than his former female students in school plays. That really damaged his manly pride.

"Now, now, don't pout," Mukuro grinned mockingly and chuckled when he received one of those glares that were more likely pouts from the younger male. Teasing the brunet was seriously his part-time job and his day wouldn't be complete without it. Though, he narrowed his eyes as the Sawada fidgeted nervously. "What is it?"

Tsuna bowed down in shame. "I'm sorry for coming unannounced but," he trembled a little. "Can I stay here? Just until I sort my p-problem?" his voice cracked, his face looking up and the boss noticed how the former's eyes were filled with nothing but fear as the man continued, his eyes looking else where. "And please...don't ask of my problem."

Mukuro stayed quiet for a moment, trying to figure out what to say. He was okay with his worker staying with him since it would make it easier for him to wake the other—Tsuna was prone to being late after all—but he curious of the problem. Just what had made the other this fearful that he would ask his—the sadistic boss's—help? It was really something he was curious about.

"Sure, I don't mind."

However, he respected the other's right for privacy and one way or another, he would find out. He had a feeling that Tsunayoshi's problem would reveal itself. The past, after all, always returned and no secret would stay as secret. Not that Mukuro would tell the naive man in the first place. He was no saint and the brunet would realize it sooner or later.

He just hoped he would be allowed to help the other when that happened. He did care for Tsuna a lot.


"You let him get away," the fact ran down into Yamamoto's mouth as if he was amused at his companion. "Why?" In truth, he already knew why but he liked playing games that annoyed the other greatly. After all, he was bored that he got nothing else to do. He might as well irritate someone.

Hibari just looked at him with his icy cold eyes like he knew what he was doing and the slightly smaller male, currently, wanted to ignore it. "My business is my own, herbivore," he said easily, looking with dull eyes at the full moon. He turned to the former with raised eyebrow. "Shouldn't you even be going back to your pack now, mutt?"

The spiked-haired man chuckled as if it was a joke and he let out an innocent smile which was contrast in what he was saying. "Well, my pack was destroyed by some mysterious creature—" his smile turned into a grin. "—and I'm the only survivor. Lucky, right?"

"I'm not obligated to babysit you even in your pact so just make sure you clean up your work," the slightly messy-haired male stated as a matter of fact and he walked away the other. "Be sure you won't get caught as well. I'm too busy to fix your problem."

"Sure thing, captain!" Yamamoto let out a mocking salute and turned his back from the other. "Ah, wonder what I should do... I'm bored~"

A dark smirk came to his face. "Ah, maybe I should give a visit to that sweet tuna?" he asked no one particular, his fangs coming out a little and his hands slowly turned into something more animistic—demonic, even. But then he sighed a little. "Oh yeah, I can't do that," he mentally cursed. "Tsuna is still recovering and I doubt Hibari will like it if a delicious prey will be dead. It'll take a while to find someone as delicious."

He let out a frown which made him look almost like a human. It was as if he was not a creature from the dark.

"I hate sharing but I think I hate waiting even more..."

With a snap, the human figure changed into something more of an animal—a large black wolf—and the creature howled under the full moon, promising nothing but destruction. He then disappeared as clouds surrounded the moon.


The indigo-haired man glared at the full moon as he heard of the howls outside. "I really hate night," Mukuro whispered to himself, glad that Tsunayoshi was already asleep. He never liked the nights yet he could never sleep at all. His body always forced himself to stay awake against his will. The first time, it happened he had fallen asleep in his old school and no one was able to wake him up.

Of course, with adjustment, he was able to stay awake in both the morning and night but it didn't mean he liked it. The male sighed a little.

A scream interrupted his thoughts and all his previous musing of the night was pushed away as worry came crushing by his head. He knew that voice all too well and he quickly made his way to the guest room. He opened it immediately and glanced worriedly at the sleeping male who seemed to be suffering.

He moved forward and touched Tsuna's hand as if to comfort the smaller male. It seemed it worked since the brunet was slowly becoming calm. Mukuro sighed in relief and thanked the ones in heaven that the other was still asleep. He never liked to show care to other. He always thought it was his weakness and he never liked showing weakness.

Tsunayoshi leaned more to the touch of his hand and purred like a kitten, making the taller man chuckle a little. Maybe he would make an exception this time. No one would know about this moment other than himself after all.

He made himself comfortable in the bed together with the brunet and held his worker in his arms. He wondered what would in the morning. With such a promising position, anyone who would barge in would get the wrong idea. After all, his hands were tightly holding the other like that of a lover.

Though, what he really would like to know was why he suddenly felt sleepy at Tsuna's presence. He had never felt like this before. It was calming and relaxing. It made him want to sleep.

And after so many years, Mukuro finally found himself asleep at night.


Black-chan: Well, you guys already know what this chapter means, right? Seriously, I still haven't got a plot for this so forgive if it's not making sense.