Chapter 1: Gazebos

It was just like any other day at NCIS headquarters for Gibbs' team. The team was typing away on their computers, checking emails, completing paperwork, all that boring stuff that came with having a government job. But getting to carry a gun is a perk that is never forgotten. So when Gibbs walked into the bullpen, the team was alert as to the usual routine.

"Gear up, got a dead marine in a park." Gibbs called out and the team grabbed their bags and headed to the elevator. Once they got to the crime scene, things stopped being a routine case. The killer was still there, watching them work the crime scene.

McGee and Ziva were taking pictures while Tony was doing interviews.

"Now what do we have today?" Ducky said to no one in particular as he came to the corpse. The departed was on his back with a single gunshot between the eyes. The whole crime scene was a gazebos in the middle of a park in downtown D.C. "Oh my, single gunshot to the head is most likely cause of death, Gibbs."

"Time of death, Ducky?" Gibbs asked.

"About six hours ago, so around 3:30 am." Ducky answered.

"Yeah, and there were no witnesses or cameras, boss; the crime was called in by a jogger around six forty. She said that she found him after thinking he was asleep, then she found his dog tags and called the police." Tony reported after interviewing the jogger.

"McGee, got an ID yet?" Gibbs sipped his coffee as Ziva and Tony were taking pictures.

"This is weird, I can't get prints off of him, but his dog tags say Matthew Callaway." McGee said puzzled.

"Okay, David, where do you think the shooter could have been positioned?" Gibbs again asking all the questions.

"Well since he was standing about there," She pointed to where he would have been standing next to the railing of the gazebos. "So the shooter would have been in the direction of those tall trees; be perfect concealment." There in the direction she was pointing, a blonde haired teenager was watching them while leaning against one of the trees. He seemed pretty casual since he disassembled the rifle and stored it away at his hotel room long before the crime was even called in, but he was still armed, although they didn't know that. Ziva disregarded the teen but felt like he was important, then she turned back to the rest of the team.

"Sounds plausible; McGee, do we have an ID yet other than his dog tags?"

"Well if all you have is a name, I can give a hand with the intel," A younger yet strange voice with no distinct accent, came from outside the gazebo. Ziva looked back to where the teenager was moments ago, he wasn't there but standing in front of the team, analyzing each of them as they stared at this young man, who somehow got passed the police tape and stood at their crime scene like he owned it. He looked Agent David in the eyes and from the way she upheld herself he could tell she was most likely from Mossad, so he nodded his head with a slight bow after stepping into the gazebo, he said, "Shalom," with an Israeli accent, her eyes went wide since it is rare for her to get that greeting. He looked at the guys, with a curt nod and a british accent, "Americans," the switch of accents creeped Tony and McGee out but made Ziva and Gibbs wary of the adolescent.

"Gibbs was the first to speak up, "Who are you?"

"Rather not say, I'd prefer to avoid the paperwork." They boy said nonchalantly.

"So why are you trespassing on a crime scene?" Gibbs asked.

"Just having fun watching you investigate my job," he smirked, the whole team was staring at him while he leaned against the railing.

Before, when he first saw the team show up he knew that whoever investigated would eventually connect it to him, more or less because he was asking for trouble by hanging at the crime scene, and practically telling them he did it to piss them off. He, for some unknown reason, enjoys threatening or pissing people off, like employers, enemies, K-Unit, and the rest of them.

"So you killed him?" Gibbs said with obvious doubt.

"It was a job, nothing personal. I can't say any more or my employers will be even more cross."

"But you're a kid." Tony stated.

"Yeah, when has that ever stopped anyone DiNozzo?" The teen smirked again, although he jumped over the railing so all they saw was his receding back.

"Well, in that case you are under arrest for suspect of murder. You have the right to remain silent..." Gibbs droned on his Miranda Rights while trying to get him in handcuff, but the kid kept walking, Ziva was after him too and got to him first, she grabbed his left shoulder, a twinge of pain shot through him since he dislocated it, again, last week. On instinct he defended himself by taking his right hand and prying her hand off, twisting it and with great force pushed her away. Looking at him, Ziva saw pain in his eyes before they went blank, emotionless. He was ready to fight them all, Ziva tried again.

When the made contact after a few minutes of fighting, the teen easily blocked her move but paused long enough to say, "Trained by Mossad; I can tell." She was in shock long enough for him to get the upper hand, which ended with her on the ground with what would form to be bruises to her abdomen and arms. Gibbs tried too; meanwhile the body was being put in the truck and Tony and McGee had their guns drawn and pointed at the kid, but did not fire in fear of hitting their teammates. Gibbs took a few swings that his opponent easily blocked, the kid got Gibbs' jaw and swept his legs so Gibbs too was on the ground.

"Trained by the Marines can get you by, but I was trained by someone better." He said looking down at Gibbs, then Ziva came up behind him and rendered him unconscious with a blow to the temple. Causing him to crumple to the ground, while down Ziva cuffed him and helped Gibbs up.

"That was very strange," Tony said while putting his gun away.

"For once, I couldn't agree more with you Tony," Ziva said. "Normal Teen shouldn't be able to do what he did."

"Then let's guess that he is not a normal teenager, Special Agent David. Tony, put him in my car." Gibbs said while feeling a throbbing in his jawbone.

Alex stood there in the Interrogation room looking at the glass that he knew to be one-way, so he had people watching and recording him in the other room, being who he is he could tell he was looking at one of the team members, probably the Mossad or the one called DiNozzo. He smirked, knowing it would creep out whoever was on the other side.

In the observation room, Tony, Ziva and McGee have been watching the teenager. He had blonde shaggy hair, and dark brown eyes. He stood at 5' 9'' and seemed to be all muscle from what they could tell from his long sleeved shirt and sweatshirt that was missing the baggy sleeves. He also had a earring and a matching watch. Tony found it creepy when the kid smirked, they shouldn't be smirking in an interrogation room in a federal building. Then Gibbs came in and joined them in watching the kid, who amazingly beat Ziva and Gibbs.

"How long has he been like that?" Gibbs asked.

"Since he was put in there, hasn't sat or even moved, been really calm and creepy." Tony answered.

"Hey guy, are you gonna come in and ask questions, or will I be staring at you for another few hours?" The kid asked them through the window.

"Okay that just tipped the creepy scale on this kid." Tony added.

"Agreed." McGee commented.

"I know I have no where else I can be, but important people are gonna get worried if I don't check in, and that will be on your heads, not mine." The teen continued. Gibbs left the room, the kid smiled and turned to the door on his side.

"How did he know he was coming?" McGee asked.

"This is gonna be an interesting show." Tony said.