Ok so I just want to warn everybody I have a slight spoiler from city of heavenly fire in here it's nothing major and you might not even notice it. I just wanted to warn everybody.

The music is pounding in my ears as I make my way across the room. I smell the sweat pouring off of the dancers around me. Someone grabs my arm and I turn to find myself staring into my a pair of golden eyes. "There you are" Jace shouts over the music.

He shouts something else but I just shake my head "What did you say?" Instead of answering he just grabs my arm and pulls me off the dance floor. When he finally let's go of me we're back by the bathrooms again. "Have you seen the girls around anywhere?" Jace asks.

I look around and I catch a glimpse of my sister's jet black hair just as the door to the club closes behind her. I turn back to Jace "I think I just saw Izzy go outside." He nods and we start to make our way around the room.

Just as I'm about to open the door someone grabs my shoulder and pulls me back. "Wha-" I'm cut off by a punch in the face. I stagger backwards and see that my attacker is a familiar looking man. "Remember me cock-sucker" the man says with venom.

"What did you just call him?" Jace pokes the man in the chest. The man looks down at Jace. "Listen boy this is between me and the black-haired fag" he starts to push Jace out of the way.

Jace sweeps the mans legs out from underneath him and he lands with a thud. Before I can process what is happening Jace is on top of the man and is punching him in the face. "Jace?!" I grab his shoulder but he doesn't pay any attention to me. "No one calls my brother a fag you-" I cut him off "Jace we have to go before the bouncer gets here" This time I grab his arm and pull him off the man. I look down at the man and grimace at the bloody pulp that used to be his face.

"SHIT we really need to get out of here" I drag Jace outside. "What was that?" I ask him. Jace looks at me strangely "I should ask you the same question." Before I get a chance to answer Izzy and Luna walk up. "What happened to you two?" Izzy asks.

Jace was about to respond when Luna walks up to me and punches me in the face. "YOU JERK!" she screams then turns on her heels and walks away. I cup my face, where the man from the club and now Luna, has punched me. "ALEC! What have you done?" Izzy asks.

I look down "Um... Listen it's not my fault... I didn't mean to...I'm sort of..." I close my eyes. "Listen Alec you're not making any sense. I'm going to go find Luna and make sure she gets back to the institute. I'll meet you back there" she starts to walk away but then turns around and says. "Oh and Alec I expect a detailed explanation for all of this."

I run my hands through my hair. "Damn Alec usually I'm the one getting beaten up at parties. You're not trying to switch personalities with me now are you? Because I really don't think I can pull off the whole mature older brother who has a horrible sense of style."

I tilt my head back and groan, ignoring what Jace just said. "You look like you need a drink" Jace says and he walks over to the door to the club. Jace looks back at me "You either have to choice of going back to the institute where practically everyone will yell at you or you could come have a drink and enjoy what will be mostly likely your last night of freedom?"

"You're not going to question me about everything that has happened tonight?" I ask. "Alec, I respect your privacy if you're not ready to talk to me about it I'm fine with it." I laugh as I push-off the wall "Or you know that you'll find out when Izzy interrogates me." I retort.

"That too"

I knew I should of stopped Jace when he asked for our sixth round of shots but I had been too busy looking around for a cat-eyed warlock. "Drink up!" Jace says his speech slightly slurring. I take the small glass and look into the purple liquid. I lift it to my lips. I tilt my head back as I drain the cup in one mouthful. I can feel the burn as it goes down my throat.

Just as I pull the glass away from my mouth I hear a familiar laugh. My eyes snap open and I scan the crowd. I see him on the other side of the bar talking to an almost naked fey. I slam the glass down and make my way towards them. I faintly hear Jace say my name but I ignore it.

It doesn't take long me to reach them. I drape my arm across Magnus's shoulders and before he could say anything my lips connected with his. I bite his lip causing him to gasp and force my tongue into his mouth. I feel Magnus groan as he lets me dominate the kiss.

All to soon the it ends. We're both panting and Magnus smirks "That was quite an intense." Before I can respond their's a cough from behind me. "Whose's this?" I turn around. Up close the fey looks even more striking. Her skin is slightly blue or is that just the lighting? I can't really tell. Her hair is a deep red that's put up in a bun. It's full of twigs and flowers that on any one else would look like you just ran through a forest but on the fey it made her look like a goddess.

Magnus opens his mouth to reply but I cut him off "Alexander Lightwood Magnus's sexiest boyfriend" Magnus laughs "Have you been drinking Alec?" Magnus looks amused.

"Oh I didn't realize you were dating anyone warlock" the Fey looks at me with disgust "Especially a shadowhunter." I turn towards her and stumble a little "Do you have a problem with shadowhunters?" I ask her "Because you might want to remember that it was your kind that helped Sebastian?"

She snarls at me "You shadowhunters think your so high and mighty-" I cut her off "We are high and mighty" I hear Magnus say my name, warning me, but it's to late I feel my cheek sting from the fey's hand. The fey storms off.

"Oh Alec" Magnus puts his fingers on his on my chin and tilts my face towards him. His eyes widen. "What happened to your cheek!" Magnus lightly caresses my cheek "You look like you've been punched!" I crack up "Actually I was punched twice by two different people."

Magnus shakes his head and mutters "Shadowhunters." "Technically one was your fault!" I exclaim. Magnus lifts an eyebrow "Oh really?"

"Yeah remember the guy from the bathroom?" Magnus looks at me quizzically. "The one you that you made disappear?" He nods. "Well apparently he thinks it was my fault and lets just say he wasn't happy about it."

Magnus smirks "I guess I can take some of the blame for that" I laugh "Some of the blame!" Magnus puts his hands on my hips and I pull him closer. He looks at quizzically "Not worried about any of your shadowhunter friends?" I look into his viridescent eyes. "If I was would I do this?" I lean in and our lips connect.

Where the last kiss was rough this one is soft and lingering. I run my hands through his spiked hair. I lightly tug it, as I deepen the kiss, earning a moan from Magnus. After was feels like an eternity the kiss ends. "I'm glad you finally told them Alec."

I pull back "What?" I ask confused. Magnus runs a hand down my face. "I'm glad you finally told your shadowhunter friends that you were gay." I laugh hoarsely "I haven't told them anything." I lean in to kiss Magnus but he pulls back. "Alec" he releases my hips and runs a hand through his hair "I thought you were going to tell them." He looks at me pitifully.

All of a sudden I'm angry "You think I'm too afraid to tell them?" He shakes his head "Alec I nev-" I laugh harshly. "You think I can't tell them well just watch." I grab his wrist and drag him towards where I was just with Jace. Surprisingly he was still there. "Alec, man" He claps me on the shoulder a little harder than I think he intended. "I thought you ditched me." He breaths in my face and I get a huge whiff of alcohol.

Their's a cough from behind me. "Oh yeah" I move over so Jace can see Magnus "Jace I need to tell you something" Jace squints at Magnus "You have to be the most sparkly person I have ever seen." Magnus closes his eyes. "Jace this is serious" I say. He turns back towards me "Uh-oh whatever they said I did I can assure you their lying." I roll my eyes.

"I'm gay and this is my boyfriend, Magnus" I gesture towards the surprised looking warlock standing next to me. Jace's jaw drops "And that guy that punched me earlier was right I am a cock sucker. Which is why Luna punched me because I ditched when she tried to kiss me." I stop waiting for Jace to say something.

He looks at me then at Magnus and back at me. "Awesome!" I look at him with disbelief "You're really ok with this?" I ask. "Dude as long as you're getting some action I'm totally fine with it. Now I think this is a reason to celebrate!" he shouts "ONE ROUND OF PURPLE DURPLE'S FROM MY FRIENDS AND I!"

After so many rounds, that we can't even say purple durple without cracking up, we stumble out the club door. We're all doubled up laughing it takes us ten minutes to call a cab. By that time Jace passes out and Magnus and I have to haul him into a cab. "Magnus?" I ask as we get into the cab "Would you mind if we spent the night at your place? I'm already in enough trouble if I were to come back like this with an unconscious Jace I think my mom would implode."

"Of course you can stay the night. You're always welcome to stay with me Alec."

I groan and force my eyes open. I lift my hand up to shield my eyes from the bright light. I roll over painfully and find myself looking at a sleeping warlock. I raise my hand and lightly push some of Magnus' hair out of his face. His eyes flutter open. I open my mouth to say something but I'm interrupted by a knock on the door.

"Alec? We need to get going." Jace says. I roll onto my back "Alright I'll be out in minute." I shout but then cringe. "Ugh I feel horrible" I can still taste the alcohol in my mouth. I sit up "Wait a second why am I in your apartment? And why is Jace here!? Ow" I put my head in hands my head pounding.

"You don't remember?" I look over at Magnus. He's shirtless, his chest sparkly in the morning sunlight. He closes his eyes "You came out to Jace last night and then we got really drunk. After that it's kind of blurry."

"Really? Jace was ok with it?" I ask. Magnus chuckles "I told you Alec if they really love you they won't care if you are gay." I slowly get out of bed trying to make the least movement as possible. I look down and see that I sleep in my clothes from yesterday even my boots. "Oh my Raziel I don't know how I'm going to make it through today" I sigh.

Magnus sits up "I might have something in the kitchen that could help you at least for a few hours" We walk out of the bedroom together. We find Jace in the kitchen sitting at the table with his face on the table top. I shake my head and walk over to him. I look over at Magnus and put a finger to my mouth signaling for him to be quiet.

I bend down and cup my hands around my mouth and shout "JACE DEMON'S ARE EATING ME!" I jump backwards as Jace springs up. Jace tries the whip around but ends up tripping on his chair causing them both to fall backwards. Magnus and I are cracking up and Jace sits up. "WHAT THE HELL ALEC? THAT'S NOT FUNNY!"

"You're right you falling on your ass isn't funny it's HILARIOUS!" I burst out laughing "Uhh my head!" the laughing not helping my hammering headache. "I hope you two are in pain" Jace says angrily while standing up.

Magnus snaps his fingers and 3 coffee's appear on the table. Magnus walks over with 3 viles of sluggish brown liquid "Uh-no not these again." I groan. "What are you talking about Alec? You've had these before?" Jace asks while taking one of the viles from Magnus.

"Umm yeah" I look down and take one of the viles from Magnus. "Bottom's up!" Magnus says and we all lift the viles to our mouths. I quickly swallow it all in one gulp. I look over to see Jace coughing "Ugh this is horrible! Alec I think your boyfriend is trying to poison us." Magnus and I start laughing.

"Ha ha ha very funny" Jace says sarcastically. He grabs one of the coffee's "Alright I think if we hurry we might be able to make it back to in institute before anyone wakes up and we're in even more trouble." I grab my coffee of the table "Ok" Jace starts to make is way out of the kitchen. I look over at Magnus "I'll meet you outside Jace" I say.

Jace looks back at me and smirks "I'll leave you two love birds." I roll my eyes and turn towards Magnus. "Thanks" I look down. "For what?" Magnus asks. "For everything" Magnus walks up to me and lifts my chin with his fingers so I'm looking into his eyes. "I love you Magnus."

His eyes widen and he whispers "I love you too." I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. It's a sweet light kiss that promises more in the future. "Now get going I don't want you to get in trouble. Plus you have nasty morning breath." Magnus smirks and I quickly grab my coffee off the table and walk out of the room.

"Oh and Alec?" I turn around as I open his door "Good luck."

I grin "Thanks."

So this was a really long chapter I hope it makes up for my last really short chapter. I don't know how far I'm going to take this story I'm kind of done with it but if anyone has idea feel free to share. Oh and is there are any Supernatural fans reading this PURPLE DURPLE'S are you for you all!