Is this... there's no way! It's a update from Shaye13! *Gasps* Okay! Let me begin by saying if you read my other stories you would no why I haven't been on! Then let me say, I'm sorry for not updating this before I got off! I just couldn't get to it in time! To those of you who had favored and followed and reviewed before I got, I'm sorry my email deleted all of my messages! So if you really want a shout out that much go check out and see if I put you up on my last chapter, and tell me if I didn't! So on to the VERY long awaited chapter.

Chapter 4


I opened my groggy eye's. My head was spinning and everything was hazy. I heard someone talking, but their voice was far away and seemed to echo. I could just barely make out what they were saying.

"Will she be okay?"

"Oh yes, it wasn't to bad of a heart attack, it was just induced by shock. She should be out again by tomorrow. But we're gonna keep her here overnight just in case. It's a good thing you brought clothes."

"Thank you." There were footsteps and a door creaking open and closing. More footsteps. I felt one side of my bed shift and a person lift my head to lay me on them. I tried to speak but all that came out was a whimper. My mouth was dry like cotton and throat was sore. My chest was sore and it was hard to breath. When the person finally settled with me on there chest, there arms tightly wrapped around my waist, I felt strangely calm and happy. After we rested for awhile I could hear there breathing change and knew they were asleep. It took a little longer than I expected for my eye's to adjust, but when they did my heart dropped. The person who had laid me on there chest was Ikuto. I opened my mouth to wake him up, but closed it just as fast, not only because I couldn't speak but because I just didn't want to. I laid my head back down just as he sat up, making my head slide off and hit the bed. I sat up beside him and pretended that I had just woke up.

"Ikuto... what are you doing on my bed? And what happened anyway?" I managed to croak out, ounding like a frog, while grabbing my sore chest.

"Well...I just sat down. And It seems you had a heart attack after seeing Ami's... body." It all rushed over me, her once pink and smiling lips now slightly ajar and blue. Her skin pale and stiff. My face began to burn, head and chest ache, and warm, salty, tears gushed down my face. My sobs of sadness and hurt rang, with a dry tone to them, through out the room. My world began to spin and my body felt heavy.

"Look at me, just the other week, I had never cried before, and now I'm like a baby!" I balled, the last of my voice used on that one sentence, my cries became silent. I was choking on my tears when Ikuto began patting and rubbing my back.

"Shhh" he cooed, "it's fine! You deserve to be able to cry! Just breath!" He pulled me into a tight hug and kissed my forehead. We sat like this for a moment,in till a nurse strutted in and smiled at us.

"Okay you two. Visitor time is over! Please come back tomorrow." She said in a overly happy voice. After he left I laid back, but I couldn't find sleep.

I strutted out of the hospital. Despite the fact the clothes Ikuto chose for me were all to happy-go-lucky for me at the moment, and all designer ones he had bought for me. It was a warm and beautiful day, as though the sun and Ami were smiling down on me, telling me that she was happy with me. The navy blue skirt swayed with the motions of my hips complimenting the white button up blouse. I exited the hospital to a "spit swapping" Ikuto and Ran. I wanted to barf. As I walked, Ikuto noticed me and pushed Ran away to greet me. Ran smiled at me and walked over. "I'm so glad you're okay! Alright, let's go out to eat! Come on!"

"Oh, um, okay. Where are we eating? I guess I'll meet you there." Ran gave me a amused look.

"Stop kidding and let's go! You're riding with us."

"No really, I'll drive my truck. I can't leave it here."

"Amu, you just got out of the hospital for a heart attack! You're not permitted to drive!" Ikuto said stepping in.

"I can deal with it! Leave me be. I'm not hungry anyway. I just want to go home!" Ran nodded at me with a sigh.

"Okay, Ikuto let me drive her home. You can go to that party Kukai invited you to." He looked as though he was fixing to argue but Ran gave a stern look and he left without another word. "Alright lets go home!" Ran said grabbing my hand and dragging me to the parking garage. When we finally found my truck I got in the passenger side and she started the car beginning our awkward journey home. "So... how do you feel?" she tried to start the conversation.

"Okay, no need to be rude, but don't even bother. This is awkward for both of us so lets just not talk."

"No Amu, the reason I offered to drive you is because we need to talk. Look, Ikuto still loves you. Everyday he talks about you like you're the only girl in the world. Even last night he was to worried to sleep! I don't even know if I can handle it anymore. I know what me and him did hurt you extremely and lead to worst things happening. But don't blame him blame me he did nothing! I was the one t convinced him we should have sex with me! Not the other way around... I'm sorry! Please forgive me and him!" it was silent for what felt like eternity. Not a awkward silence, not a comfortable silence. Just silence. It was when we were turning into my drive way that I answered.

"I can forgive you. You seem like a nice girl. And I highly doubt you really knew he was dating me when you had sex. But you cannot ask me to forgive him. That is something I will not be able to do as long as Ami is gone." With that I left her in the car. I didn't exit my room for the rest of the night, including for dinner. And of course I could not find sleep. As the time came I got dressed for school again throwing on dark blue skinny jeans and a black T-shirt. I arrived at school at 6:20. To my surprise, Tadase stood, with a bouquet of different colored roses, by my parking space. As I exited the car I was greeted, on this cold morning, with a warm smile.

"Good morning Amu these are for you. I hope you are feeling better." I know Tadase has had a crush on me since the first day we met...and with the way he use to be (Kind of like a stalker) maybe before. But I had never felt anything about it, in till now. The feelings of happiness and gratitude that bubbled up inside of me at his gesture of kindness made my face become flush. While my body began to warm, a thought that made me sickened with myself, I wish this was Ikuto. I shook my head at the thought and happily accepted the gift.

"Thank you Tadase."

" I'm so sorry about your sister. I've had to go through something like that to, ya' know." I nodded in understanding. Tadase has also lost all of his family. "So how would you feel about going out for some food sometime? Breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? Whatever you want. Whenever you want. So what do ya' say?"

"I don't know Tadase... let me think about it."

"Okay, I understand. May I walk you to your class?" I nodded my with a smile, looping my arm in his. As we made our way to my class room, we passed Ikuto and Ran, who stared at me. When we finally reached my classroom, he looked me in the eyes. "Remember, when I confessed to you?" I nodded my head. "I meant it all and I still do. I always will." I could feel my face burn red. I thought back to that moment and my heart began to pound


"Amu!" I whipped around to see Tadase running toward me. I shuddered. It wasn't that I didn't like the tall was handsome, and seemed overall nice. It was just the rumors that went around the school. While I may not be one to believe in rumors, but I can't afford to not be careful. I did have to take care of Ami after all.

"Oh hi Tadase, sorry, I'm kind of in a hurry. So, bye." before I could make my exit the eager man grabbed my wrist.

"This will only take a moment!" I looked at him and sighed.

"What can I help you with?"

"Well..uh... okay, here we go. I've liked you for a long long time, since the first time we met! And I have never felt this way about anyone. You're the prettiest women I've ever seen. No one could even compare! Talking to you know is making my heart go crazy," his face began to turn red, " I can't help but feel a strong connection between us, and I know I love you! So please be my girlfriend! I know there is a rumor going around that I stalked that girl and raped her, but I didn't! I'm not capable of doing that! I promise!" the man was panting before he was finished with his speech, his face a cherry red.

"Tadase, I'm sorry, but I'm already going out with someone, and I still don't know you that well. I'm sorry." Something flashed in his eye's that scared me. Anger. But then it was gone, as though it never existed, making me second guess what I saw. My wrist became sore where he was tightly holding it, I knew it was going to leave a bruise. "Umm... Tadase? My wrist is hurting..."

"Oh, sorry," He let go, "I'll just go." and with that he left.

~End of Flashback~

"How about we go out for breakfast tomorrow... it will be Saturday after all." I asked, He smiled.

"That would be great, I'll pick you up at 9." I nodded in agreement. As he walked off I could hear his whoops of victory and as Ikuto walked up his glare of, what I believed but couldn't possibly be, jealousy.

Tell me what ya' think! Review, favorite, and follow! In till next time ~Shaye13