Okay, so this is my first fanfiction in a long time! So I decided that I was going to write the whole story and then post it but I got excited and wanted to post it! So its not finished yet and I will try and post every week! I don't really get much time to write but I will try my hardest! I know this is a short chapter but the next one is quite big! So anyways thank you for reading and please review (I would love to hear all your thoughts!)!

It has been 2 and a half years since city of heavenly fire. It had also been 3 weeks since Jocelyn and Luke's wedding in Idris and Jocelyn was 8 months pregnant. Sebastian after being captured in city of heavenly fire has been locked in the deepest cell of the silent city with maximum security. Clary now lives at the Institute but sometimes sleeps at Luke's house. Clary is with Jace. Isabelle is with Simon. Alec is with Magnus. Jordan is with Mia. There is a little bit about all the couples but the story revolves around Clace (you have been warned there will be LOTS of Clace!).

Clary was covered in demon blood. The demon in front of her lay writhing and screaming on the floor before it vanished back to where it came from. She turned around to see another demon standing behind her. She ducked under its arm as it swung out towards her. It tripped forward and caught itself. It spun round baring its teeth, growling. Clary smiled and raised her seraph blade from the belt around her hips. She felt the same rush she always got when demon hunting.
"Samsuel!" She cried. And the demon lunged for her but before it hit her she shoved her blade through its chest. Blood splurged out and burned her arms where it hit her. The demon fell to its knees and she stabbed it one more time to make sure it was dead. This time she backed away before she was hit with blood. And then the demon disappeared. She smiled as she felt arms come around her and someone's breathe on the back of her neck.
He moved so his mouth was close to her ear.
"That's my girl!" He whispered and kissed her neck. Jace.
"Okay break it up, please did you forget I was here!?" Clary looked at Isabelle who looked disgusted. Clary was about to reply when the familiar ring of her phone sounded. She reached deep in to the pocket of her jacket and found her phone.
"Who is it?" Asked Jace.
"Ummm..it's Maryis actually!" Clary said sounding amused.
Isabelle's look of disgust turned to a look of confusion. "What! Whats wrong?" Clary looked at the text:

Clary, I know you are out hunting but as soon as you get this you all need to come back to the Institute. It's important.

"She says we need to go back to the Institute and that it's important. Thats all. I think we better go." They ran all the way back to the Institute. They had been out hunting all day