Author Note: Don't call the men with the jackets and nets just because I have an obsession with Ouran.

Title: Blessed Lover
Beni Amanti was a gifted musician, even had a successful band called Blessed Lover. Just one problem- she now had to disguise herself, her band members, and get fake names….just to go to high school. However, will a certain club find out their secret?

Genre: Romance/Friendship

Rated: T
I do not own nor claim Ouran High School Host Club. I do own OCs.

Notes: Beni Amanti has a sort of meaning. Béni is blessed in French and Amanti is lover in is just a simplified version of the French word so I don't have to the little dash-thingy every time and it's pronounced like Benny.




I scowled,
"Yeah, I'm coming boss."

I quickly gathered my things from backstage and got into our bus. Yeah, our bus. My band's bus was pretty cool and we used it a lot while on tour- yeah, we were pretty famous despite us being only seventeen and eighteen. We have been in a band for a while, but we started to get famous a year ago. We were an all girl band called Blessed Lover. We did mostly rock, but we did a few other genres now and then.

"Hey," Susie said as she opened the jar, "who ate the last cookie?"
Lilly smiled innocently and Susie glared. We were like sisters- and that included a fight now and then. Still, I really did love the other band members. I looked around at them. I spotted Cris sitting down and sleeping. She was the singer. Most people thought I was the singer, and I was sometimes, but mostly I played the guitar. Cris Feng was a pretty good singer- she got us this far. She had short dark blue hair that was always straightened and covered one eye and smoky gray eyes. She may have been the singer but the band was named after me (Amanti, my last name, meant lover in Italian) because I was the one that started us as a band.

I saw Susie scolding Lilly about eating the last cookie. Soon, Carly joined in but she didn't take a side really. Susie Amanti and Carly Sasser were like mothers to the band sometimes. Susie was the oldest, almost being nineteen. She was also my sister- by blood. She had long blonde hair and bright blue eyes. You wouldn't expect her in a rock band if not for her clothes (black jeans, black cropped shirt, and a spiked collar). Susie played the drums. Carly had long light brown hair that was very wavy and she had nut-brown eyes. She was our bass player. Lilly Taft was the last of our group. She had short bright green hair that was naturally spiky-looking and bright amethyst eyes. She played the keyboard.

Then there was our manager, John Bolden, but he looked like a character in Charlie's Angels…so we either called him Boss or Bosley (from Charlie's Angels). He was a pretty good manager and was like a father to us. After all, none of us did have fathers.

See, we knew each long before we were in a band. We had a long history together. After all, we did grow up in the orphanage together.

"Girls," Bosley said, "I got some news."
We looked at him excited though Cris raised an eyebrow.

"Now, I have decided to reward you," he paused while we cheered, then continued, "Before we do the tour in Japan, I have taken the liberty of enrolling you in Ouran Academy- yes you have to wear the uniforms, but you will have fake names and have to wear disguises."

We all groaned. Cris huffed,
"Way to kill a good mood, bossman."

"Is this really necessary," I asked as I fidgeted with my wig, "I mean, isn't changing our last names enough?"
"Be thankful that he even changed our last names," Carly said, "as a band touring here it is a miracle no one recognized us when we went to the mall. Honestly, yes the wigs are necessary so hopefully no one will recognize us."
"Well, they won't recognize Cris or me, that's for sure," I said amused.

Cris and I were the only two posing as boys at the school. Bosley said it was too suspicious if, at the same time a girl band is touring in Japan, that five girls are suddenly enrolled. That was a bit paranoid though. After all, he made us put on wigs and we even had different last names. I looked to the others.

My long black hair didn't even show a bit under the short bright red wig I had on. Luckily, Bosley didn't make us wear contacts so I still had my bright chartreuse-colored eyes. Cris had a black wig on and had spiked it. Both of us wore the boys' uniform. Though Cris wore a dark blue shirt under it and didn't put on the tie. We both, unluckily, were a bit…gifted in our chest areas. Therefore, we were forced to wrap up our chests-, which was suffocating.

Carly wore the uniform along with a blonde wig that she styled nicely into a braid. Susie wore the girls' uniform and a redheaded wig that was wickedly long so she had to put in a ponytail. Lilly had on a brown wig that was long so she put it in pigtails and curled it. She was the only one to really alter the uniform. She cut off the sleeves, including the puffy part, and cute it to her knees. She colored it black and ditched the leggings. Bosley wasn't that happy since the uniforms were a lot of money but he supposed it was alright.

And finally….we were ready to go to Ouran…if only we knew who we would end up meeting.