Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter Books or any of its characters and the words in bold are JK Rowling's


As usual things at The Burrow were as busy as ever what with six young boys to deal with and at Christmas time too. Molly and Arthur were running around trying to get everything ready for when the Potter's arrived.

"Arthur where are the present's?" called Molly, looking stressed as she sat in the sitting room tidying up the boys after breakfast.

"I'll fetch them now Molly, dear." Arthur replied as he hurried upstairs.

Just then a knock on the door made them turn around.

"I'll get it Molly" said Arthur hurrying towards the door and opening it a crack he asked "who's there?"

"It's us." Came the hushed voice of James Potter through the door. "James, Lily and Harry Potter. Also Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. You invited us over for Christmas."

"Sorry," said Arthur. "But I had to check. It's not the safest of times still."

"It's fine Arthur, really" Lily smiled as she walked inside. "We understand."

The young Weasley boys all broke into happy smiles as James and the others walked in. They had met the Potters as well as Sirius and Remus many times before but they were always happy when they came round. Bill and Charlie being the oldest were acting more mature than their younger brothers but they too were excited.

After a while once things had died down and almost all the presents had been open and the rubbish tidied away things were starting to calm down in the sitting room. Ron and Harry both only being very young had been put in a play pen to keep then out of trouble. The twins were running around and causing havoc even though they was only 2 years old they was causing trouble early. Percy was 4 and sitting looking at a new book they Lily and James had brought him and Bill and Charlie being the eldest (Bill is 10 and Charlie is 8) were sitting on the sofa joking between them.

"I guess I better start to make something for lunch" said Molly standing up.

"One second Molly" said Sirius. "There's one last present under your chair."

"So there is" replied Molly looking confused. "I wonder whose it is."

She turned the package over and to her surprise say a letter attached to it. Pulling it off she opened it up and read it to herself. By the end of it her eyes were open wide and she looked scared and confused. Everyone was sharing worried glances and even the children had gone quiet as they watched their mother.

Arthur looked at her concerned. "Molly dear are you alright?"

Molly passed the note to Arthur who took his time to read it.

"What is it Arthur?" asked Remus "is everything alright? What's the note say?"

Arthur looked up and cleared his throat then started reading the note in a clear voice.

Dear Weasley's, Potter's, Lupin and Sirius,

First I want to wish you all a very merry Christmas. This is a rather special present and I want you to read this note very carefully before you decide if you open the present or not. In this package is seven books from the future that concern all of you in some way or another. Not everything that happens in the future is good. However not everything is bad. If you decide to read these books then open the package up and the first book will be in there. Once you have finish with the first book put it back in the package and the second will appear. After the second book the third will appear and this will go on up till you reach the end of the books. If you decide to read these books then after the first chapter or so we will come back and read the books with you so that you don't do anything rash before the time is right. If you decide not to read the books then just leave them alone and they will disappear in an hour. We leave the choice up to you. It will take a few weeks to read these books and maybe some of the things that happen in them will be changed. If you start reading and still have questions then we shall answer them when we arrive.


The Golden Trio and family

A shocked pause followed then end of this. Everyone was looking at the note that Arthur was holding as if they couldn't believe it.

"What does it mean 'we will come back'? Come back from where?" asked Remus.

"I don't have a clue" replied Sirius. "It said the books were from the future so maybe this Golden Trio will come back from there."

"I suggest we floo Professor Dumbledore" said Lily. "He'll know what to do."

"Good idea. Arthur may I?" asked James pointing to the fire-place.

"Yeah sure" said Arthur getting out the floo powder and giving it to James.

As James stuck his head in the fire-place Remus took the note and sat there mumbling to himself as he looked at it. A moment later James pulled his head out of the fire and Professor Dumbledore appeared in the fire-place. He stepped out and smiled at everyone over his half-moon glasses.

"May I see this note please Remus?" he asked.

"Of course Professor" said Remus passing over the note.

Dumbledore took the note off Remus and after a moment of carefully reading it he looked up and smiled.

"It appears we have a decision to make." He said quietly. "We can either read these books about the future or we can simply wait for them to return to their own time."

"I say we read them." Said Sirius at once. "They sound like they could be fun."

"I never thought I'd see you wanting to read a book Padfoot." Said James laughing.

"Shut up" mumbled Sirius going red.

"Don't you think they could be dangerous Professor?" asked Molly looked worriedly at her children, mainly the older ones who were listening to the conversation.

"No, I don't believe their dangerous" said Professor Dumbledore looking kindly at Molly.

Arthur looking at Molly. "Let's take the boys to Aunt Muriel's."

"Okay." Agreed Molly. "But let's keep Ron here as he's so young."

They agreed this was a good idea and after Arthur quickly took the boys to Aunt Muriel's they sat down.

"Well I guess we read then." Said Arthur, opening the package up and looking at the first book. He gave a gasp of surprise.

"What's wrong?" asked Remus.

"The first book" said Arthur. "It's called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Harry Potter?" repeated Lily looking scared. "That can't be our Harry could it?" She glanced at James who shrugged.

"Only one way to find out." He said. "Why don't you read the first chapter Arthur and we can take it in turns after that."

Arthur nodded and opened the book.