
Disclaimer: JKR (Goddess that she is) owns all canon events, etc. I own anything else.

Summary: Four people find out the hard way why you should be very careful what you read or what books you touch, because you never know where they will take you. Harry and Draco are thrown into a world completely unlike their own, and they not only have to deal with who and what they encounter, but with two of their professors who have also landed in this odd world...as teenagers! As a team they try to find their way home, without getting cursed or killed in the process, but can they find the way home before this strange world changes and corrupts them completely? (AU; SS/RL, HP/DM)

Chapter One: Why You Should Always Beware Of Restricted Books

Severus Snape, Potion Master elite as well as a potion Professor of Hogwarts, was not having a very good day, and that was saying quite a lot. In fact on a scale from one to ten, ten being the best, of how bad days could go this one rated somewhere in the negative fifties. No, scratch that, it had to rate closer to the negative hundreds. He'd had a lot of bad days in his life to date, in fact most of Severus's life could be considered 'bad days', but by and large this one was, at the moment, at the very top of the list and it seemed like the day was only getting worse.

It was certainly a very annoyed Potion Master that flopped down into a soft blue velvet overstuff high-backed chair in the staff room, a deep dark scowl alerting the few others in the room to steer clear. By now all the staff at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry knew what Severus Snape could be like when he was in one of his more 'dour' moods, and had learned long ago that it was easier to ignore him than try to converse and find out what was wrong. All the teachers that is save one, one who didn't really care what mood Severus was in and seemed to almost enjoy taking the risk of annoying the Potion Master even more, which those that knew the second professor knew that was more than likely a probability.

'Problems, Severus?' Professor Remus J. Lupin asked whilst sitting down in a chair next to the one Severus occupied, ignoring the looks and the shakes of heads from his other co-workers at such a daunting thing.

Severus didn't respond, instead he just sat there staring at the flames of the fireplace, the scowl never waivering. He was in no mood to talk to Lupin at the moment, and he couldn't even begin to wonder why in the name of Slytherin this man even bothered to attempt being civil with him. Severus was quite sure he had made his feelings clear towards the werewolf when he'd sent Lupin away three years ago, obviously the man did not get the message. The fact that the Headmaster Albus Dumbledore had no choice but to re-hire Lupin, since not even the most stalwart professor would take the particular job in question any longer, only made things worse.

It seemed that the Defence Against the Dark Arts position truly had become jinxed, or at least had earned that reputation now. In the past six years Severus had to admit that every single person who had taken the job ended up being one hundred percent downright incapable of doing the job. No, that wasn't quite true and Severus knew it, perhaps more than anyone.

Remus Joseph Lupin was actually the only person he could think of that was capable, more than so truthfully. Lupin knew his stuff, no question there, being that he was a werewolf was more a bonus for that field of work more than a downfall. However situations from the past still lay thick between him and the wolf, having him back at the school again was not making things easier on him, for many reasons. Severus knew he was really being hypocritical on his one main reason for not liking the werewolf, but that reason was something he was never going to admit to Lupin, and he could count on one hand the few people that knew his own little dark secret.

'Severus?' Lupin's voice quietly floated over again to him, pulling him from his thoughts, causing his scowl to only deepen.

'Lupin, do I look like I wish to converse at the moment? Is there not something else you can be doing besides attempting to 'chat me up' as it were?' Severus grumbled, almost wishing he had retreated to his private rooms rather then the staff lounge, or anywheres else but here at the moment.

'Considering I haven't anyone to 'chat up' at the moment, I'll suppose I'll just have to settle for conversing with you. So, what's got you in such a tiff?' Remus said lazily.

Severus sighed knowing that once Lupin latched onto something he rarely let go. For some reason he couldn't understand, Lupin had made it his personal task to try and make 'amends' with him some how, and in the course of the past month since school started Severus found himself unable to just flat out ignore the man like he had planned. Perhaps the fact that Severus hadn't actually 'discouraged' this hadn't helped, but though he still wasn't ready to make his 'amends' with the werewolf, he was at least a bit more tolerable with him these days oddly enough.

'Longbottom,' Severus growled now, sinking himself deep into the chair with a sigh.

'Ah yes, Neville Longbottom. One of the true banes of your existence in this world,' Remus said softly amused. 'What has the lad done now to warrant this 'cheerful' mood of yours, Severus?'

'Three cauldrons, or rather the melting of them I should say. Not one, or even two today, no...it had to be three brand new cauldrons mind you. All in the space of two hours, Lupin. Two bleeding hours!' he said with a heavy groan.

Remus chuckled and shook his head. 'If it wasn't that I've seen him do that myself at times, I would have to say I wouldn't believe a word of that. Sadly though I know what he can be capable of in your class. He's certainly not someone made for potion work, anymore than I am,' he said almost sadly.

'You never melted cauldrons, Lupin, there's a difference. Horrid as you were during our school tenure, at least you managed to keep them in tact,' Severus said huffily and pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes a moment, knowing a migraine was probably due very soon. 'If it wasn't for the fact I know that the boy does well in nearly every other subject at this school, I'd have to say he was a pure squib. However Sprout swears by his work in Herbology, you would think then that at least he would know his ingredients!'

'Ixora is quite impressed with Neville's aptitude for plants, I agree. In fact, from what I understand, she very well might ask him to apprentice her next year after he graduates to help him in his studies,' Remus said thoughtfully.

Severus groaned again and shook his head. 'The day that menace becomes staff at this school I will resign. You can have the damn potions job, Lupin,' he muttered.

Remus laughed and shook his head. 'You know very well I could never do that, Severus. Didn't you ever wonder why I was so awful at potions?'

Severus actually turned to look at Lupin, for truth be told he had wondered on that back during their school days. Remus had been highly apt at knowing the principles of how to brew a perfect potion, as well as his ingredients without fail, however he had always done so poorly in class. 'Why was that?' he asked curiously.

Remus tapped his nose and sighed. 'Scent, Severus, pure scent. We wolves have our sense of smell all month long, not just at the full moons. Although some of the ingredients don't bother me as much, you'd be surprised how strong things like mint, cinnamon and especially something like silver powder or wolfsbane can smell to me. In theory I know 'how' to do the work, but the scents have always driven me from the task I'm afraid,' he said regretfully.

'Oh,' Severus said thoughtfully, realising now just how strong some ingredients could actually smell. If they were that strong to 'normal' people, he didn't even want to think how strong they would be for a werewolf. 'I actually had wondered on that point. It's no wonder you never did well in the class and always bolted soon as it ended.'

Remus nodded and sat back in his chair wearily. 'After an hour it was difficult but manageable, but the days of double potion class I would end up in the loo sick as anything trying to rid my system of the not just the smells, but from what I occasionally inhaled. I can only be round things like silver or wolfsbane for a very short period of time before it starts to poison me.'

Severus looked at Remus oddly at that comment. 'Even just on scent?'

Remus nodded sadly. 'In it's powdered or undiluted forms yes, it can seep into my lungs, and though it won't kill me in small quantities, prolonged exposure to it can have dire effects.'

'Then why on earth do you agree to take that blasted potion I make you if you know it could kill you? Don't you realize it has not just the wolfsbane but undiluted wolfsbane at that?' Severus asked angrily.

Remus sighed and shook his head sadly, giving him a haunted look. 'Because it's far better for what it does for me now, then what I had before, Severus. You have no idea what it's like for me without it, no one who is not a werewolf could. It's not just the fact that it lessens the pain during the transformations, but it quells the feelings and desires of hunger...of bloodlust...within the beast...within me. It's a choice between heaven and hell, Severus, and though it may not appear that way, trust me when I say it is truly closer to heaven to have the potion in me than to not have it at all,' he said quietly.

'Is it really that bad without it?' Severus mused.

Remus nodded and gave Severus a watery smile. 'You may not believe me, Severus, but what I am I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy...not even on you,' he said quietly.

'Am I your worst enemy then, Lupin?' Severus shot back, though it was in an oddly quiet voice, without even thinking why he would even care what the werewolf thought of him.

Remus stood up and faced the fire a moment before turning back to look at Severus, a strange look in his eyes. They were not the normal rich brown they usually were, but more amber yellow, wolves eyes, though not dangerous as the full moon had just past only a a few days prior. If anything they were seductive eyes, old with wisdom and knowledge for a man only in his early forties, and for a moment they gazed intensely and searchingly at the Potion Master. Leaning in he said in a low, wolf-like voice, 'You never were...Severus...'

Severus now looked deep into those eyes surprised by Lupin's tone of voice and his words, and a bit startled by how all of those things combined made him feel. Those eyes held his own coal black ones for a moment as if they were mesmerising him, however before he could reply Lupin was gone, and he realised he was now alone in the staff lounge. For a little while longer he just sat there staring into the fire, thinking over the conversation he'd just had and what he had felt, formulas flowing round in his mind like tiny tendrils of mist. Though most people would say in a heartbeat that Severus Snape wanted the DADA position more than anything in life, that fact simply wasn't even close to the truth.

Severus could nor would ever give up his potions for any reason, it was his first and only love in a way, and it gave him more power than anything the dark arts ever had. In potions he was the master that ruled, he was the one who could give or take life with a single phial of liquid or powder, without ever lifting a wand or muttering a word. Though the dark arts were good to know and use, potions flowed through his blood, and just like he would tell his first-year classes, it had long ago bewitched his own mind and ensnared his own senses. To Severus potions were the true powers, and anything else paled in comparison.

It was a specific potion that weaved through his mind now, the very same potion that he and Lupin had been discussing moments before, the Wolfsbane Potion. Relatively a new potion by standards, though the initial research had started ten years ago, it was only five years ago that the potion became available to use. Due to the nature of the ingredients they could not test it more than the five years they had, and even back then Severus thought it was a half done job what they released. However until three years ago, and again now, he had little reason to look into the potion further, other than knowing he was more than capable of making it.

Now however, in view of this new knowledge of what it really did for and to Lupin he gave the potion quite a bit more thought. He didn't know why but he suddenly had a strange desire to investigate this potion further, and getting up he decided to pay a little visit to the library, into an area that as a professor he had no trouble being allowed access to these days. If anyone had seen him leave the lounge at that moment they would have been very surprised at the normally sneering, dour Potion Master, because at the moment he had a spring in his step and he was looking more alive then he'd had in a very long time.


'Harry? Oi, Harry are you paying 'tention or what?' Ron Weasley said in an exasperated voice to his best friend in the world.

'Huh? Oh...sorry, Ron, what was that?' Harry Potter, the 'Boy-Who-Lived', Saviour of the Wizarding World, said distractedly whilst pushing round the food on his supper plate.

'I asked when the roster's going up for the Quidditch house team this year. I just know you're going to make captain, I can feel it!' he said with a grin, and added another round of food to his plate.

'How can you possibly eat all that, Ron?' Hermione Granger, best friend of Harry and Ron, and Ron's girlfriend of the past year and half, said cutting in with a tsking sound.

'Aw lay off, Hermione, I'm a growing boy, need my strength!' Ron said shoving in some runner beans and mashed potatoes into his mouth. 'S'des I 'issed break'ast, n'ed en'gy.'

Harry rolled his eyes as he heard that, used to Ron's speech when his mouth was full. 'The roster won't be up till next week, at least that's what Madam Hooch said so don't hold your breath. And the only reason you missed breakfast this morning was because you and Hermione were up snogging half the night, if not doing much more,' he said with a snort.

Hermione blushed profusely whilst Ron ended up practically spitting out half his food. 'Harry!', he hissed whilst peering round to see if anyone else heard that, and grateful that no one apparently had.

'We were studying, Harry, honestly we were,' Hermione said quickly, her face still red as a beetroot.

Harry shook his head and snorted again, giving them both a knowing gaze. 'Riiight...studying...if you expect me to believe that, Hermione, then I've got a bridge to sell you for cheap,' he said in amusement.

'A what to what?' Ron said puzzled.

Harry just shook his head and sighed. 'Never mind, Ron, it was lost on you. Listen I've got to ah...go. Have to finish up the Divinations essay that's due Monday. See you later all right?' he said gathering up his stuff and heading out before the others could say a single word.

Ron watched his friend leave and shook his head. 'Now that's strange,' he muttered, his food totally forgotten.

Hermione watched him go with a thoughtful expression on her face. 'Yeah, you're right. He never leaves supper early,' she said.

'No, Hermione, I didn't mean that,' he said.

'Then what did you mean?' she asked curiously.

'I meant he already did his Divinations essay. I saw him finish it yesterday, so why would he need to do it again today?' he replied puzzled.

Hermione shrugged. 'Maybe he just wants to add on some more 'deaths' or something. You know how that old fraud eats that up.'

'Maybe,' he said a bit skeptically. 'D'you notice he's been acting a little...oh...weird lately? Ever since term started he's been quiet, a bit too quiet if you ask me.'

Hermione thought that over for a moment then nodded. 'Yeah, a bit, but then he does have a lot on his mind I'd wager with all that happened this Summer. Poor Harry, I guess it was pretty hard on him when he found out about Sirius getting married,' she said with a sigh.

'Yeah, that was surprising to me too. Can't believe Sirius didn't tell Harry that he was going to do that until after he did it! Usually they're pretty close and all,' Ron said.

'They are, that's what's so odd, it's not like Sirius to just do stuff and not tell Harry about it first. Oh well, maybe Harry's just still taking it hard, he hasn't said anything to you though since term started?' she asked curiously.

Ron shook his head. 'Not a word, other then telling me Sirius did get married, and that he had a miserable Summer as usual. Though somehow I'm not so sure 'bout that either.'

'How so? And why didn't he come to stay with you this Summer anyway? Did he ever say why?' she asked curiously.

'He just said he had 'things to do' and couldn't make it but...well...between you and me...he just seemed too 'happy' that first day back to really have been so 'miserable'. You know how he usually can't wait to find us on the train - ' he began but Hermione cut him off.

'Except this year we didn't see him until we were halfway to school! Yeah, something definitely is going on, Ron. Wonder what though? You don't think he's doing anything 'bad' do you?' she said worriedly.

Ron chuckled and shook his head. 'Nah, not him. I'll bet you odds he's probably got a girlfriend or something and just doesn't want us to know yet. Probably waiting for the right moment to spring it on us,' he grinned.

'It's not Ginny is it?' she asked lowering her voice.

Ron shook his head vigorously. 'Hell no, Hermione, that I know that much for fact. Ginny's been secretly dating Neville, thought I told you that?'

'Oh yeah, I forgot you did owl me that. They started dating this Summer right?' she asked.

'Yeah, well, really end of last term but he came over and spent a week at the Burrow this Summer and made it official. Mum's thrilled though, she said the Longbottom's were really a great family and all, and Ginny really likes Neville,' he said with a sigh and peeked over at his sister and Neville who were talking quietly to themselves.

'He's really improved a lot the last few years hasn't he. He looks a lot better now that he lost all that weight and let his hair grow in. He's really doing well in his studies too, minus potions but then with Snape round like an overgrown bat all the time how could he do good,' Hermione said, and looked at where Ginny and Neville were talking as well.

'Hermione! Now don't you go falling for Neville on me or something...' he said petulantly.

Hermione laughed and shook her head, then grabbed Ron's hand under the table and squeezed it gently. 'Don't you dare worry, Ronald Weasley, you're the only one for me. Now we just have to figure out who the only one for Harry is!' she said with a grin.

'Oi, and give up good snogging time? Thanks but no thanks, Hermione,' he chuckled. ''Sides, when he's ready I know he'll tell us. Last time we tried to pry on him he didn't talk to us for a week, I am not going through that again,' he said firmly.

Hermione nodded in agreement. 'You're right, of course he'll tell us, I'm sure of it. Now, let's finish supper and maybe do some studying of our own...hmm?' she said coyly making Ron grin and blush at the same time.

'Sounds good to me, Hermione,' was all he said, then shovelled more food in his mouth before it would disappear into thin air and he'd be left hungry for the rest of the night.


'Draccie, are you paying attention to me?' Pansy Parkinson, seventh-year Slytherin, whinged.

Draco internally groaned. 'Pansy, how many times do I have to tell you not to call me that? My name is Draco, not Draccie, not Drac, just Dra-co. It's not that damned hard to say it correctly so I truly hope you will do so in the future,' he said in a steely voice.

Pansy pouted. 'Oh don't be that way sweetheart, honestly, you've been so out of sorts lately. What is wrong with you? I know, why don't we make plans to slip up Weasel and the Mudblood after supper? It'll be fun!' she said giggling.

'Pansy, I have no desire at the moment to 'slip up' Gr-that girl and her inconsequential brat of a boyfriend. Now if you don't mind I have a potion's essay I need to finish up,' he said in a cold voice, and before Pansy or anyone else could say anything he got up from the supper table and left the Great Hall.

Thankfully Vincent Crabbe and Greg Goyle, his oafish and very annoying 'bodyguards' didn't follow him out, but then he doubted they would ever leave such a precious thing as their food even to follow Draco, and for that he was grateful. As he left the Great Hall he gave a sigh of relief, glad to be out of that place, at the moment he felt stifled in there. He knew he had been 'out of sorts' as Pansy had put it lately, but for very good reasons, not that he was going to ever tell them to anyone. In fact one of those reasons is what now sent him practically dashing off to the place he knew he would find relief from his torments, and to the one person he knew would help ease the tensions of his day.


'Has anyone noticed we're one person short for supper tonight at our table?' Minerva McGonagall, Headmistress of Hogwarts, Professor of Transfiguration and Head of Gryffindor House, said glancing round the staff table now.

'Hmm?' Filius Flitwick, Charms Professor, said glancing down the table now himself. 'You're right, Minerva, we certainly are.'

'Personally I think it's a nice change not to be scowled at over a meal. I can't say I miss that. Though I wonder where he's gone off to?' Altaira Sinistra, Astronomy Professor, said with a sniff.

'Now, now Altaira, Severus doesn't always scowl during meals,' Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, said with a twinkle in his blue eyes.

Poppy Pomfrey, the Mediwitch of Hogwarts, snorted however. 'You're right, Albus, he doesn't. When he's not scowling at us he just sends those black eyed stares that say 'don't-even-bother-speaking-to-me-or-else'. Honestly, why he even bothers coming to meals is beyond me, he doesn't need to e- '

'That will do, Poppy,' Albus said sharply, and Poppy scowled herself at the reprimand. 'As it happens he's doing some research I believe and probably has just lost track of time. In fact, perhaps you would be so good as to go fetch him, Remus?'

'Me, Albus?' Remus said looking up startled.

'I think he would react better if it were you instead of anyone else, since I am obviously unable to leave the hall at the moment,' Albus said smiling at Remus now.

'Albus, I'm the last person he would want to annoy him if he's in middle of researching something,' Remus said in a quiet voice.

'Now here I thought the two of you have been quite amiable to each other lately, or so I'm led to believe,' Albus said with another twinkle in his eyes.

'Civil perhaps, I would hardly call our few conversations 'amiable' though, Albus,' Remus muttered then saw an odd glint in Albus's eyes. 'Oh very well, I'll fetch him. Where is he?' he asked rising from his chair.

'You might try the library, that's where I saw him headed off to last,' Albus said with a nod.

'Right then, the library,' Remus said thoughtfully, then headed out the side door to seek out the man in question.

'Are you sure that was wise, Albus? You know those two still do not get along at all,' Minerva asked quietly as the others returned to their dinners.

'Sometimes, Minerva, two people who are so much alike need a little nudge in the right direction. Don't you worry my dear Professor, I know what I'm doing,' he said with a small smile.

Minerva looked at Albus oddly a moment then shook her head. 'You're a fool if you think those two will ever - ' she began then changed her words as she caught on to the meaning of what he'd said. 'Perhaps you're right, Albus, perhaps you're right. Yes, they are a lot alike in respects aren't they,' she said now with a little knowing smile herself and a nod of her head.

'More than they realize, Minerva. Now, did I happen to see a few slices of Strawberry pie left on your side? I always do enjoy pudding don't you?' he said with a chuckle, and like a child in a sweets shop was elated when she did indeed pass him the two slices that were left of his favourite pudding.


Harry arrived at the library in a hurry, glad to be away from the hustle and bustle of the Great Hall. Lately his nerves were on end, and even meals times seemed to grate on him like fingernails on a chalkboard. With a sigh he dropped his bag down on a table, glad that Madam Pince the Librarian wasn't there, he knew for fact she was still down at supper. After he dropped his bag down he made sure that he really was alone, then he headed off towards the back of the bookshelves, checking the pocket of his robe to make sure he had on him two very important items that these days he almost never travelled without.

One of them was a cloak, a very special and rare cloak that had been passed along to him by someone he considered a father figure and mentor. Headmaster Dumbledore had always been there for Harry when he really needed him, and though at times Harry had felt compelled to lie, or rather skirt the truth from him, over all he had complete faith in the Headmaster. Dumbledore had not only saved his life multiple times, starting back in first-year when he arrived just in time to pull the traitorous Professor Quirrell, or rather Voldemort, off him, but he'd also saved his godfather's life many times, for which Harry was extremely grateful.

Harry had been grateful that was up until this Summer, because that's when Sirius went off and got married without telling him first. Harry didn't even know Sirius had been seeing anyone until he got the owl saying they had gotten married in Italy and would return a few days before school started, and then he would come to see him at the Burrow and explain things further to Harry. The only problem with that was Harry wasn't at the Burrow at that point in the Summer, and not that he would tell this to Sirius, but he hadn't been at the Dursley's either. In fact, if anyone beyond the very very few people who did know where he had spent the last three weeks of his Summer vacation found out the truth, Harry knew he was in for a very rough time.

'Potter,' a voice said now cutting into his thoughts and making him turn round quickly.

Harry looked at the person who'd spoken, a slight frown on his face. 'Malfoy,' he said in a cool voice.

'Homework?' Draco said raising an eyebrow at Harry, a slight smirk on his face.

'Nope, not really. You?' Harry calmly replied.

'Potions, but not due till Monday,' Draco said back with a shrug.

'Well, since today's Friday that leaves - '

'All weekend,' Draco replied cutting him off, his normal smirk back on his lips. 'Leaves a lot of time for other things right now though...doesn't it...Potter...'

Harry didn't reply to that, instead he did something else, something that had anyone watching these two boys would think rather odd at best. Walking up to Draco he glanced round a moment then reached over and grabbed Draco by the wrist, a smirk on his face. 'I reckon it does...doesn't it...Malfoy...' he said in a low voice, then he did something that would have sent his friends, if not the entire school, into a dead faint. He pulled Draco to him roughly, like he had been deprived something very precious for a long while, and leaned down to place a very passionate kiss upon the waiting lips of his archenemy.

As they broke apart a few minutes later, faces flushed and their breaths heavy, Draco looked up into the emerald green eyes that were gazing back at him with such readable emotions. 'I missed you, Harry,' he said still half dazed by the long needed kiss, and snuggled back into Harry's chest with a sigh.

'Missed you too, Dray. It's been hell having to stay away from you since term started. Tell me again why we agreed to wait a month before meeting? Did we lose our marbles somewhere along the queue when we decided that tactic?' Harry muttered.

Draco chuckled and nodded his head. 'I think so, but it was your idea to do this too remember, to give us both time to get readjusted to school. Though Merlin I swear I almost jumped you a thousand times this week alone,' he said groaning and wrapping his arms tighter round his lover's body.

Harry nodded in agreement. 'I know, I had to practically spellotape my hands to my desk in order not to reach over and touch you somehow,' he sighed. 'I know we agreed to give ourselves time to get our 'game faces' on, but a month was way, way, way too long, Draco. I wish we were back on the ship instead of here.'

'I do too, that was the best Summer holiday I've ever had! 'Course having you along helped a bit,' Draco grinned coyly.

Harry rolled his eyes at that. 'Cute, Draco, really cute. Seriously though, I can't believe Dumbledore let us go on a cruise...and together none the less! All right so Mrs. Figg had to go with us, but it she did make herself practically invisible thank Merlin, and we at least had our own cabin. Still seems like a dream though, I wish we never had to wake up,' Harry said with another sigh.

'I know, but sadly we had too. I'm just grateful mother convinced father to take their own holiday to Russia, the one place we wouldn't be going on the cruise ship. I think I liked Egypt best, though Greece wasn't bad. I thought Mt. Vesuvius was cool anyway, though admittedly there's nothing like Venice for lovers,' he said giving Harry a very seductive and feral grin.

Harry leaned in and kissed Draco for that comment, though this time for not as long. 'Mmm...that's it, after we leave school we're taking another cruise, and this time we won't have to come back till we're well ready to,' he said dreamily.

Draco laughed and nodded, then as he was about to say something he felt Harry tense up and saw him put his fingers to his lips. 'What is it?' he whispered hesitantly.

Harry let Draco go and took out the invisibility cloak, draping it over them both. 'Someone's coming,' he whispered now into Draco's ear. The cloak could shield them from sight, but not sounds, so they had to be very quiet now. Last thing they wanted was to get caught together after all the careful 'planning' they'd done to make people think they were still enemies.

Moments later sure enough someone did come their way and stopped in their view, and both boys had to hold back a gasp of surprise at seeing who it was. They saw the person look round a moment, then head towards the gate to the restricted section, which both boys realised now was slightly open, something they hadn't noticed before. Harry motioned Draco to stay still, and they listened whilst the person walked into the section.

'Severus? Severus are you here?' the person called out only to receive no answer. 'Albus sent me to fetch you for supper, Severus, it's well past time.'

Harry motioned to Draco that he was going to follow the person into the restricted section, and Draco nodded in agreement, curious himself now. Peering round they slipped in the gate and stopped just inside, still listening and watching just incase the person would come back quickly and they would have to make a hasty retreat.

'Severus? Hmm...what's this?' the voice said, and the boys could hear a book being picked up from off the floor somewheres. 'Odd, what would he be doing with a book like this?' the person mused, then the boys heard a few words being muttered by the other person and suddenly they heard a muffled scream. They saw a bright white light flash from one of the second, and then just silence.

Harry looked at Draco worriedly, then throwing off the cloak dashed over to the section they'd heard the muffled scream come from. 'Professor? Professor Lupin? Where are you?' Harry called out softly now, not wanting to attract any further attention. It was bad enough they were in the library during supper, but in the restricted section to boot.

'Harry, come here, look at this,' Draco said quietly.

Harry walked over and saw what Draco was looking at, it was a book lying on the floor, it's pages opened to a specific section. Reaching down he picked it up and began to look at it, wondering what it was. Flipping the cover over he now saw in scripted faded gold letter the words Y Llyfrau Y Gan Melltigedig. 'What's this say? I've never seen anything like that before,' he said curiously.

Draco looked at the cover of the book and gasped slightly, recognising it. 'Harry, that language is Welsh, it means 'The Book Of The Cursed',' he said in half whispered voice.

Harry shook his head puzzled. 'I don't get it, what is it though?'

Draco fidgeted and looked down at his hands a moment not realised they were clasping and unclasping in nervousness. 'Err...well...that is...' he stammered, unsure what to say.

'Draco, what is it? What's got you so lathered up?' Harry asked curiously.

Draco sighed and eyed the book warily, stepping back a pace from his lover as if he was afraid of the book he held, which in truth he was. 'Harry, that book...it doesn't mean 'cursed' in the respect of 'curses and hexes' type curse. It means cursed as in 'people' type cursed.'

'Dray, you're making no sense here. Will you just say it in normal Queen's English please?' Harry said exasperated now.

'Oh hell, fine then,' Draco said still keeping his distance. 'I mean 'cursed' as in 'blood cursed', like vampires, werewolves and the like. Cursed 'beings' or 'creatures' all right? Dark blooded creatures, that sort of 'cursed'.'

'Cool!' Harry said then, and began to flip through the book. 'It's all in that same language though, can't read a thing, can you?' he asked holding the book out to Draco now.

Draco again stepped back, a stricken look on his face. 'I...Harry...Harry I can't...I can't touch it,' he said quietly, and looked down at his hands again nervously.

Harry looked at Draco totally puzzled by that. 'Why not? It's only a book, Draco.'

Draco looked back up and shook his head, his eyes now on the book again. 'For you, yeah, it's just a book, Harry. But not for me...for me it's...I can't touch it, that's all,' he said choking back a slight sob.

'Draco, why not? What's so wrong with the bloody book?' Harry demanded now and stepped towards Draco again.

However something happened neither of them expected. Harry's shoe caught on the flagstones and he tripped, sprawling directly into Draco. Harry saw almost as if it was slow motion he would recall later on, the panic-stricken look in Draco's eyes as he and the book fell on top of Draco. The moment the book in Harry's hand met Draco's skin they both heard the whispers of a strange language, like someone was saying a spell, then they both felt a pull. They both tried to scream but little came out, and then they saw a white flash of light like before, and finally a strange darkness claimed them both.

In the restricted section of Hogwarts library a book clattered to the floor, it's pages blowing shut. It lay there for a moment untouched, then oddly enough the book floated off the floor as if it was being picked up by someone unknown ghostly person, though that couldn't have been possible. The book floated in the air a moment then righted itself and found it's way back to the shelf it had come from. The gate to the restricted section closed on it's own, and the door to the library blew shut, and once again it was empty, not a single sign showing anyone had been in there at all. For the four people who had been in there though, they had no clue what had happened to them yet, nor where they would end up. As for where they would eventually end up, they were soon to find out that they were in for some very odd and unusual surprises, ones they never would have expected.


September 24, 2002 1:22 AM ©Piriotessa/Piri Lupin-Snape/Piri Malfoy