Chapter 27


"Where's Herbert?!" Hermione snapped, frantically scanning the room for him. Harry noticed she was gripping the sneakoscope button she'd sewn into her robes, and while feeling for his stone, it was inexplicably missing.

"Here!" Sue was already kneeling by the bed, trying to coax the dragon out with a single mouse. But it was too late.

A strangled hissing erupted from under the bed as angry red flames leapt out at Sue. She screamed as her robes caught fire, burning her hand as well as Hagrid's bed. Everyone burst into movement then. Padma immediately wrapped Sue's hand in her own robes, dousing the fire on her arm and pulling her away from the burning bed. Hagrid seized a bucket of water he kept in the house and threw it at the building flames, accomplishing little. Harry and Hermione began casting freezing spells at the wood and blankets catching alight. Which slowed the spreading flames, but not the panicked dragon now sprinting through the house, setting everything else on fire from an unrelenting torrent of flames. Seeing this, Harry grabbed for Herbert with wandless magic, feeling him slip through like it wasn't there. Ignoring the difficulty and his racing heart, Harry pulled out his other wand to lift the fire tongs, attempting to grab Herbert with them.

"Aguamenti!" Padma shouted, sprayed a tiny stream of water at one fire, demonstrating how inadequate their initial practice was, then switched to Glacius as well. "We should have started with that fifth year extinguishing spell!"

"That's right!" Hermione started fiddling with the top of her robes, only to pull out her charmed necklace, detaching the Slytherin and Hufflepuff crests she gave one to Padma. "Point it at the fire and squeeze." She instructed as she did the same, spraying the nearby flames with a jet of water.

Padma was surprised when a handful dirt splattered against her chest, but quickly reversed it and aimed toward the base of the inferno on Hagrid's bed. It helped only so much, though they were still able to cast while using them. Sue tried to help too, pulling out her wand with her uninjured hand to cast a flame freezing charm, which didn't seem to work, and then aimed a few stunning spells at Herbert to slow him down. Meanwhile Hagrid was smothering some flames with his huge moleskin coat, looking around for a better option until deciding on the barrel of rainwater outside. He made for the door in two colossal steps and slammed against it, shaking the entire cabin yet the door refused to budge.

Catching Herbert in the tongs at last, Harry pointed the uncontrollable fiery breath toward the hearth, aiming it up the chimney. Although the whole place was already filled with smoke and magical flames, growing wildly out of control. The four first years backed into the last safe corner as Hagrid pummeled the door with his massive fists, not even making a dent. With all his strength he growled, swinging at the window next. They heard a thunderous SNAP, but the glass remained untouched while Hagrid now held his limp and bleeding arm.

Harry finally began to panic then, feeling the rush of adrenaline once more and his changing perception of time. It wasn't a coincidence. He knew this was an attempt on their lives. Which reminded him of his preparations. Reaching into a hidden pocket with wandless magic he snapped the single sherbet lemon in half, hoping the trial beacon Dumbledore gave him would work. Quickly flicking Hagrid's battered pink umbrella into his beard, Harry reached into his mokeskin pouch next and yanked out several things. He scattered four broken wands on the floor, then dropped down a thick, old cauldron by the wall with a heavy lid. Unstrapping his pouch last, he turned to the girls to tell them to get in, only to hesitate.

Hermione and Padma had pushed all the nearby furniture away from them, and tried to smother the flames around the fireplace with as many freezing charms as possible so the other ashwinder eggs wouldn't ignite. While Sue was attempting a number of unfamiliar spells on the window behind them. Reminding him of additional friends.

"Kolie!" He yelled, hoping she could hear him.

A frantic house elf popped into view, on the other side of the window, clawing at the frame and banging against the glass in desperation.

"Get Dumbledore!" Harry called, only to hear a frightening BOOM, and the front door exploded outwards. Kolie popped in front of his face then, along with one house elf for each student and three for Hagrid, all grabbing onto their charges. Harry tried to tell her to wait, but instantly they were transported outside and falling to their knees from the nausea of apparition.

Standing in front of them was an imposing, silver haired wizard with a phoenix on his shoulder and a broom laying at his feet.

With a slow and deliberate wave of the Headmaster's wand, a violent river of water burst out of the tip, flooding into Hagrid's cabin. The water poured through the door and out the steaming chimney, cascading down the back of the roof and off into the woods, carrying a baby dragon with it. The next moment it ceased, evaporating away with another wave of his wand. The house elves retreated behind them all in a protective ring.

Hagrid glanced at Harry and the girls, then at Dumbledore. He nodded with his umbrella still stuck in his beard and arm held to his chest, then took off into the forest after Herbert. Fang jumped the fence he was clawing at and followed after.

"I shall send someone along to help him." Dumbledore responded to their worried expressions.

"There's still ashwinder eggs inside the fireplace, Professor," Hermione informed him as she dropped to the grass in relief. Sue and Padma joined her.

Dumbledore peered back at them in mild surprise, then waved his wand a few more times, summoning the eggs, which arrived individually frozen into his hands. He stored them in one of his robe's pockets and turned around to appraise them, noting Sue holding her injured hand.

"We should head to Madam Pomfrey straight away."

"No." Harry refused, his wands shaking in tight fists. "We stick together until he's caught. You can cast a numbing charm for Sue right?"

"Caught who Harry?" Padma asked in alarm.


"Lockhart?! How could he possibly help?" A perplexed expression washed over her and the rest.

"He was out here watching us enter Hagrid's cabin."

Dumbledore frowned, "Now Harry..."

"I know he was out here." He emphasized the word for Dumbledore, "Even if he had nothing to do with it, he should have seen who locked us in."

They all looked at each other and then Harry.

"If it will set your mind at ease. We can ask Professor Lockhart about it on our way to the hospital ward. But I must insist you refrain from accusations until there is evidence," Dumbledore countered. He cast a charm on Sue's injured hand, wrapping it in medicinal bandages, then waved his wand one last time, sending three blurs of silvery light toward the castle.

Together they silently trudged back over the grass, through the main doors, and up the grand staircase, the house elves popping away at a wave from Dumbledore. Harry was on edge, and could already feel multiple people around where he judged Lockhart's office to be, but they were indistinct, likely behind a spell or two that had interfered with his senses in the past. Hermione held his wrist, as his hand was still occupied, attempting to reassure him. He managed half a smile for her, but it didn't last long.

Arriving in front of a small oak door with a shiny silver plaque in the center, identifying Lockhart's office, Dumbledore knocked. The head girl answered it, a demure, black haired Ravenclaw named Felicity, if Harry remembered right. He'd seen her watching him in the Ravenclaw library and common room lately, yet she let them in with an animated smile, looking positively bubbly.

"Caught him trying to escape professor. Was in the middle of packing his things even." She gave Harry a conspiratorial wink, reminding him of someone and confusing his senses at the same time.

They followed her into the room.

Laying on the floor, completely tied up and gagged in ropes with his hair a mess of nervous sweat, was Lockhart. Standing next to him wearing an intense scowl was Snape, flicking open cabinets, drawers, and suitcases with his wand, obviously searching for something. Hermione, Padma, and Sue watched in confusion as an energetic Felicity stood Lockhart upright, then pulled a chair under him and knocked over a lamp she was grabbing for. Dragging it back to shine in his face, she looked ready for an interrogation.

"What have we here..." Snape mused, pulling out two bottles, a large red one and a miniature blue from an invisible pouch inside a suitcase. "This looks to be the leftovers of a love potion, possibly from last month... and if I'm not mistaken, a powerful memory loss concoction?" His lip curled in pleasure at the sight of all the blood draining from Lockhart's face. But with a look back at Dumbledore, Snape's dark eyes narrowed in resentment as they settled on Harry.

Harry spared a single glance for Snape then ignored him, instead focusing on Lockhart, hoping to dive into his mind to confirm his suspicions. Before he could though, Dumbledore stepped in front of him and conjured a cushy chintz armchair out of thin air, ready to probe Lockhart himself it seemed.

Snape cleared his throat softly, "If I may interrupt, Headmaster, the children should be excused."

Dumbledore turned to Snape, then to Harry, "As you can see, Gilderoy will not be leaving. I will personally question him about this incident, and all past ones. If you would please accompany your friends to the hospital ward, we can discuss this later." He nodded toward Felicity in a silent request.

Appearing slightly put out, she complied anyway, "Alright munchkins, let's get that hand looked at." She waved them out the doors. Harry clenched his jaw but followed along.

"Felicity? How did you know what was going on?" Padma asked in the hallway after the door closed, having had little interaction with the head girl before.

"Ah, almost forgot I was still wearing this getup. No need for it now." She nearly tripped while pulling off her robes, revealing a sky blue shirt with two golden T's on it and a white rabbit embroidered on worn jeans. She shook her hair out next, changing it to a curly lime green. Which jolted the girls from their bewildering impression of the head girl, while Harry gave a small chuckle.

"Better?" Tonks asked with her typically playful grin, "And how I knew is top secret Auror stuff, but you four'll probably learn it by next summer the way you've been practicing. Never seen first years so advanced... Except you might want to be more careful as well. Found this in one of his pockets." She handed Harry back his missing sneakoscope rock.

"Thanks. So... how long have you been watching us exactly?" He inquired, finally putting his wands away as Tonks' changing presence began to feel familiar again.

"Only a month now, but I still haven't figured out where you run off to some nights. Must be a secret room on the seventh floor right?" She laughed, nudging Hermione out of her stricken expression, "Don't fret, I won't go telling on my favorite apprentices. Trailing you was just for security purposes anyway. But now that I'm back, we should finally start on those private lessons. Is this secret room big enough?"

"Private lessons?" Sue wore a hopeful expression.

"Still haven't told them yet? Thought you lot shared everything, being together all the time."

Hermione stared down at her feet, avoiding Sue and Padma's eyes, "We were told not to..." She murmured.

A frown creased Padma's face, looking hurt.

"Are the professors still on about that rubbish?" Tonks chuckled, "I told nearly half my year and it only set them back a couple of months or so. Though, a bunch of parents got really shirty about it and this one boy was held back a year... but he was always a few flobberworms short of a potion. I think it actually helped some out later on."

"And what is this secret we're not supposed to know?" Padma grumbled.

When Tonks hesitated, Sue answered instead. "That you can learn nonverbal magic before you're supposed to. The school books say you shouldn't be able to until sixth year, but that's because it's difficult and the implications confuse some people."

"How did you figure that out?" Harry watched as Sue's serious expression turn into a half smile.

"Your rushed mumbling during the fire was quite obvious... but you've been mispronouncing some spells for a while now. Not to mention the troll incident."

Padma's frown deepened to a scowl, "So you told me to let it go because you already knew? I'm not smart enough to figure it out on my own so I don't deserve to know, is that it?"

"That's not true, and you know it!" Sue hooked her arm into Padma's to keep her from turning away, "Harry's secrets aren't mine to tell, and nonverbal magic was explained to me when I was nine. I can't talk about it much, but magic is taught differently in Penglai. I was forbidden from mentioning or practicing it here, so instead, I've been giving you and Hermione tiny hints once in a while in case Harry let it slip before you were ready. Now that it's out in the open, I'm going to request permission to practice it, because I think you can manage it too."

"You what?" Hermione's jaw dropped.

Tonks snickered, "Aren't you swots full of surprises. But we should this later." She opened the hospital doors, checked inside, and ushered them in.

Hermione grabbed Harry's hand, holding him back as the doors closed behind them. Then lowered her voice to a whisper, "I don't want to upset you Harry, but, do you really think Lockhart was behind everything that's happened this year?"

Looking into her concerned eyes, he wished he could say yes. To pretend everything was fine, that it was all over, yet he couldn't manage the lie, let alone a single word. He sent a thought instead, 'Of course not, he's probably just a scapegoat. But that's what we're supposed to believe, so we better go along with it for now. Maybe we can figure out more with the Pensieve while we keep preparing.'


Time passed as each day grew longer and the morning sunrise was finally waking students up before breakfast. That is until they remembered to start closing their curtains the night before. Unfortunately for Hermione, she had somehow forgotten to do this for the past week. Causing her to wake once again with the sun in her eyes, only to quickly cover them with her hands, rubbing away bits of sleep with a groan.

She grudgingly sat up, though her pillow still called, inviting her to pull the curtains closed and snuggle back under the warm blankets. Yet she resisted, unable to avoid the multitude of distracting thoughts and inexpressible feelings rattling around inside her head. Thoughts of Harry, of Sue, of Padma, and everyone else involved in their latest bit of intrigue. How Harry was being quieter lately, while Sue seemed to talk more, and Padma looked stressed. How Lockhart wasn't seen in school since the incident, instead a sickly, but supposedly recovering Professor Quirrell returned in his place. How Hagrid was healed and his house mended, yet he became depressed after losing Herbert to the forest, while Tonks was enthusiastically planning their special lessons, and Dumbledore spoke only to Harry, after requesting them all to stay silent on the issue. Harry had informed their group that Lockhart couldn't remember a single crime he committed, which was deemed self inflicted, and was being prosecuted discretely all the same. She could tell Harry wanted to say much more than that, about many things, but seemed to be waiting for the right time to begin.

Hermione shook the thoughts from her head as she threw off the covers and began her morning routine, hoping to discuss, or perhaps drag more information out of Harry if needed. She took her time in the girl's bathroom which was empty so early in the morning, only finishing up once the other girls came pouring in, making the usual racket. Laying out fresh robes on the bed, Hermione opened her extraordinary jewellery box to retrieve her necklace, watch, a small bronze ring, and magical brush, to begin taming her frizzy mane of hair with a smile.

That is until she was interrupted by a sharp voice.

"What did you talk him into giving you this time?"

Turning around with a confused expression, Hermione was surprised to see Lavender, speaking to her of all people, "I'm sorry?"

"How long are you planning to take advantage of him?" Lavender asked while crossing her arms.

Hermione sputtered, "I - I, who? What are you even talking about?" Is this a joke? She couldn't mean who I thinks she means, could she?

"I don't see why he puts up with it, always being bossed around, being taken for granted, and dealing with the constant complaining and arguments. Harry doesn't deserve being treated like that you know." She sounded as if her words were memorized from a script, but they still struck a nerve.

"I don't -" The words stuck in Hermione's throat, "it isn't - " her eyebrows knitted together so hard it hurt, "I may -"

She was cut off by Lavender before getting another word out. "Can't you see how selfish and controlling you are with him? You just take and take, never giving anything back but one measly little quill. Telling him what to do, how to act, getting him to buy you things all the time, and never letting others get close."

Fighting back the sting of oncoming tears, Hermione looked down at the brush in her hands, "That's not true... We're friends! He knows he doesn't need to give me things. And just because I try to encourage him to be more responsible and less reckless doesn't mean I'm trying to control him!" She took a calming breath to meet the other girls eyes, when a memory surfaced in response, "Why are you saying these things Lavender? Did... did someone send you another letter?"

Lavender twitched, taking a step back, "That's none of your business."

"Lavender, those aren't from Harry. I don't know who's trying to trick you, but you shouldn't believe them."

"Have you been going through my things?!" She nearly shrieked, looking scandalized.

The door banged open, startling them as Fay rushed into the room half dressed with a towel around her electric blue hair, in an obvious attempt to hide it. Grabbing another bottle of shampoo from her cabinet she ran back without even a glance in their direction.

Hermione stood up then, quickly putting on her robes and pocketing her things, "I didn't touch anything of yours, but it was hard not to overhear you and Parvati giggling about them late at night. If you don't believe me then just ask Harry yourself. I'd rather not have to defend myself from any more malicious accusations." She walked out the door, leaving Lavender's gawking behind and determined to not let it bother her.

April Fool's Day was in full swing at breakfast, people were sitting down on invisible whoopee cushions, slipping on camouflage bananas, and finding slugs, flobberworms, or other disgusting creatures in their goblets. Not to mention whatever the twins seemed to have planned, as they remained unusually peaceful, merely basking in the turmoil erupting around them. Which only caused more caution and unease in those nearby.

Hesitantly nibbling on a plain piece of toast, Hermione was surveying the extent of pranks being played around her, and spells being cast on the different foods, making note of which ones appeared unaffected while wondering if she should simply visit the kitchens to play it safe. She turned around to ask Harry if he wanted to join her, only to find an empty seat. Sue and Padma had saved it for him like always, yet when they noticed her looking they shrugged.

"Haven't seen him all morning." Sue replied to her silent question.

"He's probably setting up some silly practical joke. Better not be for us though." Added Padma.

Hermione nodded in agreement and went back to eating her now orangish toast. After a few distracted bites she noticed a change in flavor along with the color, as it gained the pleasant taste of orange marmalade. Grabbing several more and a seemingly innocent piece of fruit, she waved at Sue and Padma while heading out the doors to find Harry.

Stepping into an unused study room, she took off her watch to use the small communication mirror on its back.

"Harry, where are you? You're missing breakfast."

One worrisome minute later he finally responded, "Er, somewhere secret. Bit busy at the moment though, I'll talk to you later?"

"What are you up to now? - And it better not be a prank on your friends."

"Not a prank, I promise. Though it might be surprising. See you at lunch."

"Okay..." Well, that certainly doesn't make me feel better. He couldn't possibly be with Lavender right now, could he? No, no, no, of course not. I know him better than that. But then, why has he been so secretive lately? Probably violating some new magical impossibilities, or researching who was behind the Lockhart business by... looking through Pensieve memories! That's why he took so long to respond! - Right? But he did sound more cheerful than usual, maybe he is planning to trick someone after all? He does love to twist the truth without outright lying. Aes Sedai trickery... the stuff he gets from books!

Bells rang, signaling the start of classes as Hermione took her last bite of orange toast. When she met up with Sue and Padma for history, she finally realized her mistake. Lunch?! He can't really be skipping class! Can he?

It turned out that yes, he could, and indeed did skip class. Forcing Hermione to explain to everyone, including Professor Binns that Harry was indisposed, even though no one asked, nor seemed to care. From the concerned looks Sue and Padma gave her, it was quite obvious she had regressed into her bad habit of being an insufferable know-it-all, which only compounded the difficulty of ignoring Lavender's earlier remarks. Turning the few hours until lunch into a trying time for her, struggling to keep accurate notes in history and to not snap at anyone making mistakes in Herbology with the Hufflepuffs.

She kept telling herself that it was the stress and worries of recent events that brought on old habits, not that it was her regular personality. At least not anymore.

Being extremely thankful to Professor Sprout for ending class early, Hermione ran to the fifth floor shortcut instead of scolding Seamus and Ron for constantly fooling around. In almost no time at all she reached the seventh floor corridor and began walking back and forth in front of the disappearing room, knowing Harry was most likely to be there. On the third pass along the wall, she reached eagerly for the handle, but grabbed only air. Shaking off her confusion, Hermione glanced at the tapestry of dancing trolls across the way and down at the nearest window, making sure she was in the right spot.

She tried again. Nothing continued happening, infuriating her a little. Or maybe a lot.

"HARRY! Let me IN!" She pounded and kicked against the stone wall, hurting her fists and toes until she sank to the floor in frustration. In an attempt to wait patiently, or impatiently, she took out her pitifully cracked wand and started practicing her repelling charm against the ugly troll tapestry, while repeatedly hitting the wall with the back of her head.

Two seconds later she suddenly toppled backwards, cringing against her inevitable collision with the hard floor. But to her surprise she landed on something soft, looking up into bright sunlight once more. A shadow fell over her, causing her to squint at the face smiling down at her. It knelt down beside her, leaned over, and kissed her. Melting away all her worries and doubts, or at least most of them. She turned away to hide her own giggling and blushing smile.

"Feeling better?" Inquired Harry.

"Yes..." The sweet smell and spiky touch of grass on her cheek distracted further thoughts in that direction, "what's this Harry?" She plucked a few blades to examine them.

"A secret garden, but I can't show you now." Lunch bells rang at his words, "I'm starving. Let's go eat." He stood up and reached an arm down for her.

Grinning at his silliness, she let him pull her up and inside the doorway. "That's what you get when you skip breakfast. And why bring grass into the" Though the room she saw when turning around wasn't a room at all, but a beautiful pathway lined with lush green grass and ivy covered walls, leading to a literal sunlit garden in the distance.

"How...?" Hermione tried to ask before Harry closed the door and instantly reopened it on what appeared to be the ground floor. He pulled her out with some resistance, as the door closed behind them on it's own. Threading his fingers between hers, she gave in and slowly walked shoulder to shoulder with him down the hallway. Trying to accept and enjoy the moment, as nagging thoughts popped back into her head.

"Harry? Do I boss you around too much?"

He seemed to notice the concern in her voice, "No, why? You know I'm just kidding when I complain about that right?"

Hermione shrugged, "Yeah, I guess... I'm not too controlling then?"

"Of course not, I know you don't expect me to do everything you say, but you hope I do when it's serious. And when I do what you say, it's because I want to and agree with you. Not because you scare me." He bumped her playfully.

She gave him a rueful smile, "Good. Because I - I don't want to be an overbearing know-it-all."

"Well... I mean, you can get a little too excited about learning, magic, and proper behavior," he grinned back, "but that energy is what I like about you too, you really care about people, doing your best, and learning absolutely everything, even if you come across as forceful at times."

An awkward moment passed in silence as Hermione blushed again, "Right, so I haven't had time to practice listing your good qualities like someone, but despite your incessant teasing, I quite like you too." She quickly kissed his reddening cheek while the heat in her's threatened to start a fire.

Yet their carefree happiness didn't last for long, not when a snake crossed their path.

"What have we here? The mental toerag and his -"

"Drapo Malfub, was it?" Harry interrupted, "I remember seeing you smash ladybugs in Herbology the other day. Do you enjoy torturing small animals in your free time as well? Because I bet you have a natural talent for it."

"It's Draco Malfoy," he growled, "and I would if they looked anything like your mudblood chipmunk here."

Hermione rolled her eyes and saw Harry pause, staring at the pale-faced bully as if he was seeing him for the very first time.

"Huh, I guess it's time to change tactics." He whispered, then changed his tone to a command, "Leave us alone Malfoy."

Yet Draco only sneered, "Why? So you can sneak off to a closet with your filthy slag of a -" A blur slammed into his stomach, dropping him to the floor where he howled in pain. Hermione's eyes grew wide, slowly turning to inspect the perfectly calm Ravenclaw beside her.

Filch came skidding around the corner of a nearby hallway carrying Mrs Norris in his arms. "What - what happened here!?" He demanded.

"He hit me!" Draco moaned while rolling on the ground, playing it up, or at least Hermione hoped he was. "My father will hear ... of this!" He mumbled in a feeble outrage.

Leaning over to whisper in her ear, Harry apologized, "Sorry about that. Go on ahead, I'll catch up to you in a few minutes, alright?"

She nodded mutely but only started moving from a gentle push toward the Great Hall. Her feet kept going in halting steps down the corridor, while her head was swiveling around to see what would happen next.

Madam Hooch reached the scene then, seeming to take control of the situation, inspecting Harry's wand and hands while Hermione was forced to turn down another hallway, if only to avoid colliding with the wall. An indescribable shiver ran down her spine at the thought of what just happened. She honestly didn't know how she felt about it, or what it all meant, except that Harry was in trouble, once again. Her pace slowed even further, not feeling up to eating right then. She didn't know what to do, if there was anything to do. Yet after eventually turning another corner into the Entrance Hall, she gasped.

Stepping out of the broom closet opposite her, was Harry. Her head whipped around to look behind her but she couldn't figure out how he managed it. Then a thought occurred to her, "Tonks?"

"Nope, just a shortcut." Replied a smirking Harry.

"But - there aren't - what about?" Hermione pointed behind her, and dropped her hand in resignation, "...nevermind." She hung her head, abandoning all hope to make sense of the day's events and fearing it would only get worse.

Harry was there again, hugging her and making it better. "I'll explain tonight."

After a tamer than expected lunch, Harry accompanied Hermione to their usual defense class together, once again decorated with dark curtains over the windows, varied monster skeletons on the walls, and the familiar odor of moldy garlic permeating the room. Where the only trick played was on a pale Professor Quirrell, in the form of a large golden egg resting in the center of his turban. Which he never noticed. During class Harry appeared normal enough to her, taking notes and smiling when he caught her looking. Not giving any hints as to why he skipped classes, made the room into a garden, hit Malfoy, or anything else for that matter. For some odd reason his actions didn't bother her much, but the not knowing was starting to itch. It all seemed connected somehow, but she couldn't put the pieces together.

Break was a complete loss as Harry received a letter from Professor Flitwick to meet in his office, while Sue and Padma got caught in a trap by Peeves, who dumped a cauldron full of spell resistant ink over their heads. Forcing them to spend break washing off, allowing Hermione time to stew, alone. In an attempt to distract herself, she considered many curious topics, such as why her only friends were Ravenclaws.

Ending up in transfiguration with the assignment already finished, Hermione became determined to expand her social circle. Starting with her fellow Gryffindors.

Scanning the room for potential friends, she settled on the girl with some blue still left in her hair. Fay's nice, even if she's obsessed with quidditch like the boys. Although she doesn't like spending time in the library reading, practicing spells, or doing homework... Fay's plate broke in half as she hit it with her wand.

Parvati is fun and smart too, even if she doesn't work very hard sometimes. She does invite me to help with group projects and asks a lot about Harry, though it's usually awkward between Padma and her for some reason... Lavender started whispering in Parvati's ear as they broke into quiet giggles together and were subsequently scolded by McGonagall. That's probably why.

There's Kellah... she's, quiet, and... I don't really know much about her actually. That would be a good place to start then, wouldn't it? Hermione began thinking of ways to get to know the girl she shared a room with as she watched Kellah turn sideways, put a finger up her nose and flick the resulting bogey at Seamus Finnigan.... Ehhh...? Hermione blinked.

There - there's always the boys... Seamus waited until McGonagall's back was turned and returned the favor toward Kellah, grinning as he did so. It hit Neville instead, who only whimpered.

Well maybe Dean might be... At that thought, Dean wadded up a piece of parchment, put it in his mouth, chewed a little and finally shot the spitwad at Ron, only for the cycle to continue.

No... Ron was the only one caught in the end, poorly casting a bat-bogey hex on Seamus, while McGonagall was staring right at him.

"Again Mr Weasley?! Detention! Tonight!"

Hermione shook her head in disappointment, returning to her transfigured clock, adding more gears, springs, and dials inside. Fred and George are Gryffindors... they're rather intelligent and we do practice dueling together. If I got to know them better... Wait, what am I saying?! Get to know the biggest practical jokers in the entire school? Become friends? With them? ... Oh who am I kidding? They're basically part of our group by now, we even exchanged Christmas gifts, for, Merlin's sake? Not to mention tonight...

But they just love goofing off too much! Uggh!

Class ended before anyone else had time to transfigure a whole clock, let alone a working one. Leaving Hermione to be praised by McGonagall and walk to dinner alone, defeated once again by her un-Gryffindor ways. Upon entering the Great Hall she gave Harry a brief grin and sat down behind him, only to be surprised by Fred and George taking the seats on either side of her, looking uncomfortably mischievous.

"What happened to the room this time?" George inquired in a murmur as he reached across her to grab a slice of roast.

"Huh? - Oh, I think Harry was testing something earlier today." She hesitated, "You two aren't planning on using it to play a joke on someone, are you?"

"Us? Play a joke? Why I've never -" Fred began indignantly while loading up on some buttery mashed potatoes.

"- been so pleased." George smirked and nicked a warm roll, "But no need for that, we have a difficult potion brewing in there and have to check up on it tonight."

"Oh, alright." Hermione turned around to see that Harry had overheard. He mouthed out a few bits of gibberish to her while sending a thought at same time. 'Have them meet us outside the door after dinner and I'll open it.' She relayed the information while dishing her own plate, taking the same foods as the twins to avoid more surprises.

But inevitably, as the decadent desserts disappeared from the tables, they made their move. Jumping up on their seats with a thunderous laugh.

"HA HA! Got you all!" Fred and George shouted together, nearly frightening Hermione off the bench.

"Not a single one of you caught on -" guffawed Fred.

"- and not a thing can prevent it now!" George exclaimed.

"There's no telling what could happen next!" They cheered triumphantly. And suddenly a younger Hufflepuff began choking, holding his throat and already turning purple.

"Except that," George pointed, "that wasn't us."

They leapt down from the bench, causing a roar of pandemonium across the hall while prefects and teachers rushed to help the choking boy or calm down other hysterical students. Somehow the twins managed to slip through the crowd and out the doors, leaving behind a shocked Hermione to watch the ensuing turmoil. Spells were fired off, antidotes were taken, and a few students were nearly trampled in an attempt to escape with their sanity intact. The strangest part Hermione noticed was the reaction of some more notable figures in the room. Lee, the twins usual accomplice was laughing his head off, Percy appeared to have swallowed a rather distasteful potion, and Ron was still eating, completely unconcerned by it all. McGonagall stalked down the Gryffindor tables with a calm grimace, calling out orders and fixing problems as they cropped up as if this was simply expected. While Dumbledore and Snape remained sitting at the staff table, wearing their usual expressions of amused benevolence and sneering disdain. All of which pointed to something... unusual going on.

Hermione turned around to see Harry's knowing grin as he whispered something to Sue and Padma. She hopped out of her seat when they stood up to leave, waiting until they reached an empty corridor to ask the obvious questions.

"Okay, since you already seem to know, what did they do now and how are we going to avoid it?"

"Can't," Harry replied with a chuckle, "but imagine what the most unexpected thing they could possibly do, and it'll all make sense."

Racking her brains on the climb to the seventh floor, Hermione finally gave up due to the innumerable possibilities. "There's no way to narrow down Fred and George's madness for pranks! It could be anything! Or - or nothing... Oh. That does make sense."

Sue smiled at her, "Everyone is expecting them to do something outrageous and more unpredictable than ever before, so they don't have to do a single thing but brag in the end. It sounds like one of the fables my grandmother likes to tell."

"That's a scary thought," Padma laughed, "the Weasleys becoming a Hogwarts legend."

"Wouldn't surprise me really, especially if it was for breaking the rules." Hermione halted mid-step as they rounded a corner. They'd reached the connecting corridor to the disappearing room, finding Fred and George sitting on the floor stacking exploding snap cards. Except their idea of stacking cards wasn't building a house or a simple pyramid, no, they had already constructed a fully fledged Griffin, taking up the entire hallway in its mind-boggling complexity. "How...?" She breathed again.

"That has to be a spell." Padma insisted, altering the twins to their presence.

Seemingly just to prove her wrong, they began assembling a snake out of green coloured cards, hanging impossibly in the Griffin's beak. George turned around acting surprised to see them, "It's about time you showed up, we've been waiting ages!"

"Nice, trick cards?" Harry asked, getting closer to inspect their handiwork.

"Try it, see for yourself." Fred offered him a stack, innocently enough.

Looking up from the cards to half of the personification of trickery, Harry smiled, "Not going to fall for that again, thanks anyway. Do they explode when anyone else tries or something?"

"Aww, Ravenclaws are no fun, learning from mistakes or whatever it is they do. Here Hermione, you try." They pulled her forward and clapped a deck of cards in her hand before she could open her mouth to refuse.

Looking from one Weasley to the other, then back at her friends in hope of being saved, returned merely amused and encouraging expressions. Hermione shot a glare at Harry for abandoning her to this fate, but after considering the day and her earlier declaration, she gave in. Taking a single red card and carefully reaching out with it in the tips of her fingers, she squinted in apprehension, then dropped the card inside the snake's hissing mouth.

A hawkish ROAR exploded out of the Griffin as it reared up on it's hind legs and attacked. Hermione jumped back as it dived and fell to pieces around them all, hundreds of cards fluttering to the ground accompanied by the Weasley's expected laughter.

"Got the whole set from our older brother Bill." George admitted while tapping the side of a large box with his wand. The cards rushed through the air to neatly sort themselves inside.

"They can practically stack themselves if you start with the right ones," Fred grinned at them, "Already got Ron this morning with an Erkling. He nearly wet himself."

Finding herself in Harry's arms once again, Hermione pulled away and straightened her robes, "Well if that's over with, I suggest we stop playing in the halls before Filch comes to investigate again." She strode off down the corridor, not looking back. Thankfully she heard accompanying footsteps and muffled conversation behind her as she went.

"Found us confronting Draco earlier. He was calling us names and threatening revenge of some sort."

"Odd," Fred frowned, "did you notice that little git sneaking around on the sixth floor today?"

"He's been slithering around the higher floors a lot lately." Added George.

"Anyone know what he's up to?"

Hermione turned around to see everyone else shaking their heads, except Harry, "I wasn't exactly talking with him, though..." Harry's eyebrows jumped in alarm, then narrowed in confusion, and finally a smirk flashed over his face that only Hermione seemed to catch. She figured he must be sensing something nearby.

"Hmm, I have an idea on how to find out." He chuckled as they reached the disappearing door. "Alright everyone, time for a few surprises, but hold all comments and questions until the end of the ride. This should be hilarious." Harry reached into a pocket and pulled out the smooth brass doorknob he'd been carrying around for months, simply to place it against the wall and turn.

A plain brown door appeared right were the disappearing door usually would, opening into a short hallway, barely lit from a large window looking into another room.

"Everyone in, we need to hurry." They slipped inside, looking to each other and Harry for an explanation, which he didn't give, "Questions later. Just watch, they won't be able to see us." He pointed through the glass at a small, disused classroom with two doors and curtained windows.

A moment later one tall, nervous looking redhead stepped inside but left the door open a crack. Fred and George turned toward Harry again wearing dubious expressions, obviously wondering why they were spying on Percy. Harry held up a finger to stall any comments as someone else entered the room soon after. This time Hermione, Padma, and Sue flicked him incredulous looks when Penny of all people slowly shut the door behind her, wearing a timid smile.

"Harry!" Hermione hissed, but he just grinned at her and knocked against the glass.

In a startled rush, the two prefects grabbed for the door behind them, only to find it locked. Penny already had her wand out, about to cast a charm or two before Percy pulled her toward the second door and they bolted through it.

"What was that?" Asked George in a daze.

"Yes Harry, what was that about?" Hermione inquired sharply.

He shrugged, "That, was only the lure. The main course comes next. But we should stay quiet this time."

Half a minute later the first door burst open, revealing the distinctive silhouettes of Filch and Mrs Norris. The caretaker sprang inside wearing a snarl and smile rolled into one, scanning the room while his cat prowled for rule-breakers. He threw open the other door but saw only a darkened closet. Then Draco stepped in behind them, radiating smugness.

Filch's quivering jowls twisted with an indignant fury as he rounded on Draco, "Well? Where are they!? - Or will this be the third time you've led me on some harebrained hinkypunk hunt?"

"But - but I saw them enter!" Draco's smug attitude crumbled while his eyes bulged in disbelief.

"If you waste my time again, it'll be you in detention! No matter what your father donates!" Filch lurched out the room with his cat trailing behind, slamming the door in Draco's face and catching his robes in the frame.

Funnily enough, the door was locked again when Draco tried it. He shook the handle, pounded his fists against it, and yelled, then screamed for help, only giving up after he pulled out his wand and stopped, obviously not knowing what to cast. Reluctantly, he struggled out of his robes instead of ripping or cutting them, leaving him in silver, snake covered shorts and a shirt. He awkwardly crept toward the second door managing a dim Lumos, except after taking one step inside, that door whipped shut behind him as well.

"Ha! He'll have to run all the way back to the dungeons like that. Not bad, Harry." Congratulated George.

"Could still use practice though, he didn't get in much trouble." Fred noted, "But there was some profitable material at the beginning..."

"Oh it's not over," Harry opened another door behind him, "this should be the best part."

Curiously following him into another small hallway with a different window, Hermione and the others caught sight of Draco's lit wand as he began wandering around in what appeared to be an elegant, personal, and most importantly of all, woman's bathroom, by the appearance of red carnations and varied hand soaps on the sink. He seemed to realize this fact at the exact moment they did and made a dash for the only remaining door. However, magic, luck, fate, or any kind of mystical force was not on his side, as the handle started to turn on it's own. Draco froze in sheer dread when the door swung inwards, illuminating the room and revealing, most surprisingly of all, Ron Weasley.

The two first years stared at each other in complete confusion.

Their stating contest lasted a solid twenty seconds, and was only broken by Ron, barely croaking out two words, "Errr - Professor?"

"What is it now Mr Weasley? - If you are delaying..." A thin lipped Professor McGonagall stepped into view then, catching sight of Draco in nothing but his skivvies. "What on EARTH are you doing in here, Malfoy? Have you been - in those clothes?!" Her eyes widened in dawning horror, "How dare you! Just like your father!" A wand appeared in her hand as Draco was suddenly and magically lifted by the scruff of his neck, up and out of the room. Ron followed after, wearing a funny sort of smile while listening to Draco's pitiful excuses about strange doors and Mr Filch.

Fred and George collapsed to the floor in raucous laughter, unable to hold back any longer. Sue held a hand over her mouth, appearing scandalized while Padma buried her face in Sue's shoulder, giggling madly. Hermione was torn between amusement and unease, watching Harry for a sign of what was going to happen next.

"Seems like he was trying to catch someone in a compromising situation. Probably Penny for embarrassing him in dueling club." Harry chuckled and grabbed the handle of another new door, coloured greenish-blue this time, waiting for everyone to get a hold of themselves.

"He certainly got someone caught alright!" Fred snickered.

"Just like his father!" George howled while climbing to his feet, "We have to ask dad about that!"

"What's next Harry, a view of Snape's office to see his reaction?"

He shook his head with a smile, "Nah, thought I'd finally show you all what I've been working on."

The door opened on its own and Harry led them into a cozy sitting room. One side was filled with a mixture of cushy recliners and soft couches sitting next to a warm looking fireplace, while the other held an ornate study table and comfortable chairs with quills of all sort on top. Lined around the room were red oak bookcases, sky blue walls, and assorted doors of various familiar designs. They all walked in on a lush green carpet to see Harry's puffskein chair as one of the recliners and other nick nacks they'd collected over the year scattered around the room. The natural colors of the room made it feel like entering a peaceful glade for Hermione.

"Where are we now?" Padma asked appreciatively.

"The Room of Requirement, where we've always been coming. I've simply learned more about it."

Hermione gazed up at the curved sunlit ceiling, glowing gently like Harry's photos of the Hufflepuff dorm, "The Room of Requirement?"

"It's original name. And as you can all guess, these doors lead to the usual rooms. Although I've been able to sort through most of the stuff in the main area, so nearly all the books are in the library, the potion equipment and ingredients are in Fred and George's lab, with the weapons, brooms, clothes, furniture, and whatever else in their own rooms down that hallway." Harry nodded at the double doors directly across from them. "The things that couldn't be sorted are all magically protected and possibly the most dangerous items, meaning no one should go in alone anymore."

"That sounds like it should be a joke Harry, but it's hard to tell with you anymore." George flopped onto one of the couches, while Fred sat on the armrest, eyeing the door to the potions lab.

Padma imitated George by flopping onto a chair in exasperation, "You mean we did all that work gathering books and stuff when you could have just waved your hands instead?!" She grinned and rolled her eyes at Harry's helpless shrug.

"What about other students?" Sue asked in concern, "Can't anyone get into the main room like Lavender did?"

Harry shook his head, "Not anymore. No one can get in now but us, although we should discuss allowing in another one or two."

Eyeing the doorknob he was still rolling around in his hands, Hermione finally understood what it meant, "The key to Hogwarts... what else can you do Harry?"

"Oh a bit off this, a bit of that, not too much more than the room could already do, but let's save that for later. What does everyone think of Tonks?"

"Tonks? Flitwick's assistant in the dueling club?" Fred appeared puzzled, "What about her?" George asked for him.

"She offered to give us private lessons, and I thought we could keep it a secret by having it in here so no one else bothers us about it." Answered Harry.

"You lot want more dueling practice?" Fred gawked at them.

Hermione nodded, "Yes, but you don't have to attend. We only wanted to know how everyone felt about trusting her with this place. Personally I think she's smart, nice, and honest enough that she won't tell anyone about it."

"We only saw her in passing during our first couple of years," George admitted, "but we heard she was great fun and got into all sorts of trouble, even dated our brother Charlie for a month after he made seeker."

"Oh yeah!" Fred exclaimed with a laugh, "She was the one who hid his new broom on top of the owlery after they broke up. Took him weeks to find it, Bill said."

"Alright... " Hermione considered that was endorsement enough from the twins, so she moved on, "and you two?"

"She's good at teaching and I like her well enough, but I think Harry likes her more." Padma teased.

"I think we can trust her," agreed Sue while suppressing a grin, "and she would be a good addition to Harry's harem."

"Funny," Harry grunted over the laughter, "are you two a comedy act now? A bit of Sue and Padma?"

Hermione giggled at their confused expressions, "Wow, there really is so much TV we need to watch together..."

"Guess if that's settled," Harry paused to look around at them all, "then I think it's about time for cake and presents."

Another laugh escaped Fred, "Ha! Told you Hermione was acting suspiciously tolerant today, she knew! Who ratted us out, Ron or Percy?"

"I... overheard Ron a couple days ago while he was browsing through an owl order magazine." She admitted.

George sorted, "Lazy git, got us self inking quills, again. - And what was that about cake?"

With a clap from Harry, balloons, streamers, and the eccentric hats from Christmas popped up around the room as the door to the kitchens opened, revealing a set of Hogwarts elves carrying in two trays of cake with a life sized bludger and bat on each. Starting the party at last. Harry turned on the wizarding radio, trying to find a tolerable station while Padma and Sue put hats on everyone, set out presents, then cut the rich chocolate cake after the candles were immediately blown out. Hermione thanked the elves and invited them to stay, but once more they refused happily, quickly bringing back drinks and asking hopefully if there was anything more they could do. Presents were opened next with a bag of exotic fireworks from Sue, a box of assorted Indian sweets made by Padma's mother, and cards from Harry and Hermione.

Fred grinned devilishly at Harry's open card and stuffed it in his pocket without another word as George scratched his head, trying to read Hermione's. "What's all this mean?"

"Well," Hermione straightened up, "I didn't have enough time to get the proper gift I was thinking of, so I figured you two might like some help with your potion work. Tending long brews, gathering and preparing ingredients, and possibly organizing the... clutter you call a lab. The card merely lists a few restrictions and stipulations like not brewing any dangerous or illegal potions."

The twins exchanged a meaningful look to try and hide their smirks, "Thanks Hermione, very generous of you." Fred nodded as he lit off a firework to test them out. Continuing the small party for a little longer, eating more cake and trying out the sweets while stories and jokes were told of past birthday parties. All the while ignoring questions about Harry's gift.

"Sorry to eat and run," George stood and stretched, "but we better check up on our potion before it boils over and kills us all. Thanks for everything."

"Yeah, might as well inspect how well Harry organized everything too," added Fred, barely hiding his eagerness, "which might take a while. No need to find us before curfew."

They retreated to the lab, leaving Hermione to hurriedly turn off the wireless and cast a spell to stack all the dishes by the kitchen door before Harry could make excuses or run away. She sat down in front of him on the coffee table, trapping him in the middle of the couch between Sue and Padma, simply to wait.

"Alright, alright, I'll talk." He laughed while glancing between all the expectant looks aimed his way, "Yes, the bronze rings I gave you all yesterday are emergency beacons from Dumbledore, you just twist them three times to activate them. - No, I didn't forget to explain, because it was fun seeing your reactions. - Yes, I skipped classes today to work in here and have been for nearly a week after figuring out how the key works. - No, I'm not going to apologize about my treatment of Draco today, he deserved it and ignoring his behavior simply won't work anymore. - Yes, I've gotten some of my memories back. - No, Dumbledore told me Lockhart's case isn't going public. - And finally, yes, I was going tell you all this even if you didn't corner me. Any more questions?"

"Why are you still keeping so many secrets from us? We're your friends, aren't we?" Padma asked while looking him directly in the eye.

He sighed, "Of course you are, and it's not because I don't trust you. I... I originally wanted to hide things so I wouldn't be treated like an outsider, freak, or now a famous hero, but that's irrelevant since learning people want me dead. I can't hide who I am, yet I can try to hide what I can do. I know you wouldn't reveal any secrets intentionally, but with some magic..."

A gasp escaped Padma as she put a hand over her mouth, "You are concerned about legilimency! My aunt always told me that's why wizards keep so many secrets. But can't people read your mind... too?" Another realization set in, "No! That's what you're learning from Dumbledore, occlumency?!"

"See, like I keep saying, you're all too smart! Anytime I say one thing, you figure out the rest. So the only way I can share much more is if we all learn occlumency."

Hermione nodded with a satisfied smile, "And that's exactly what we should do. Then we can work together, without any secrets. It might take a while with exams coming up, but I think we can manage the basics if we practice over summer."

"But - but would Dumbledore agree to teach us all, let alone have the time? Or can Tonks teach us too?" Padma began chewing her nails.

"There is another way..." Sue remarked mysteriously, "I can't explain right now, but I might be able to acquire something to protect Padma."

"What about you and Hermione... of for crying out loud! Am I the only one who doesn't know occlumency as well?!"

They all turned to Sue with interest, yet she shook head and addressed Padma, "I'm guessing Hermione is learning somehow, but no. I'm probably not any better than you at occlumency or nonverbal magic. I was taught the concepts but never allowed to practice either. I did recently receive permission to try nonverbal magic with everyone, but protection against legilimency is... extremely restricted. I could be sent back home simply for telling anyone about it."

"That's enough doom and gloom secrets for me then," Padma replied wearily and got up, "I'll be in the dueling room, failing to cast any spells." Sue frowned but followed after.

The door closed behind them, abandoning Harry and Hermione to another awkward moment alone. Unable to break the silence of uncomfortable truths and fearful thoughts, until Harry eventually mumbled a question, "Should I go try to help her?"

"No," Hermione shook her head, "at least not right now. Padma's probably upset because she didn't want to tell us she was having problems with nonverbal magic in order to figure it out on her own, though it seems she gave up on that. Maybe we can offer a little later." She hesitated, but shook off her doubts, "Harry, there's something I need to tell you, but I haven't been sure it was important until today. Lavender has been getting ... letters from someone claiming to be you. That's what made me think you liked her months ago. I know they're not from you now, but I think whoever is behind it is attempting to cause problems and using Lavender to do it. I told her the truth today so she might confront you about it. Sorry..."

"Er... that's good to know, I guess -" Harry looked completely baffled by this information, but soon recovered, "I'm sure there's loads of stuff I should tell you too, I simply don't know where to start."

That made her smile as she took the seat beside him, "Well, I imagine many questions are answered by that key in your pocket, though I'm curious how you finally figured it out and why you were in that garden."

"Ahh," he cringed slightly, "it turns out I merely had to ask the room for what the key unlocks, which just so happened to be that garden. As to what it's for, I can't say yet because I have to get permission to tell..."

"Really? Was Sue right then? Is it the Ravenclaw ghost that protects the room? Or is Hogwarts somehow alive like Padma guessed?" Harry's suppressed laugh made her continue, "Then did it belong to the Hogwarts architect like I suggested?"

He covered his eyes and gave a lighthearted groan, "You're doing it again you know, trying to tease information out of me I shouldn't be revealing."

"Oh... sorry, but it's just so interesting! All these mysterious events are really piling up lately, and it's hard not being able to open up a book and get the answers. - So what can you tell me?"

Chucking at her boundless enthusiasm, Harry appeared to consider, "Alright, I think I told you Dumbledore is still working on getting that permanent portkey license, though it seems he might be catching on that I got my memories back. They somehow found Lockhart's wand was used to cast the levitation charm on those ashwinder eggs, and get this, Dumbledore actually suspected Lockhart was a 'nearly harmless' fraud and never did any of the things he claimed in his books, but hired him anyway to possibly expose him, since no one else would take the job on such short notice. No wonder everyone thinks he's mad... but the people he tried to hire aren't much different. They all think the defense position is cursed or some nonsense, because for a while no one has been able to stay longer than a year. I mean really, how do you curse a job position? Can you curse a day of the week, or some other artificial concept like democracy as well? But nevermind that. I politely suggested to Dumbledore it might be more to do with the quality of teachers he hires, or the classroom and office they work in, but he insisted that he's tried nearly everything, including different rooms, proven teachers, protective charms, and even changing the name of the position and curriculum, but nothing's worked. Lockhart being arrested and Quirrell getting sicker by the day does help his argument, yet he wouldn't tell me how, when, or who supposedly cursed the position, though I suspect all my prodding questions and critical comments are what's tipped him off that my memory is back. I probably shouldn't have suggested he give Snape the job next and use polyjuice to turn him into Quirrell, so at least it would appear like the curse is broken, even if they're both sacked in the end. Oh, and Dumbledore confirmed that some dragons can communicate through thoughts like I can."

Hermione was grinning throughout all the rambling thoughts he'd been saving up to tell her, I'm glad he feels comfortable enough to share now - "Wait, WHAT?!" She interrupted him before he could go on.

"Yeah, didn't I explain that before? Herbert told me he was hungry after I tried to calm him down, not in words of course but a feeling. I mentioned it to Dumbledore in our last meeting and he got kind of cagey, saying that it wasn't widely known and that only a few species were thought to be capable of communicating that way. Mostly because no one wants to get close enough to try legilimency on a dragon, and the few who have, were usually attacked. He told me not to try it again with any dangerous or intelligent creatures in case it provoked them. I don't know why he seemed so surprised though, he's the one who suggested I use it to defend myself in one of our early lessons. Maybe he didn't expect it to be similar to their magic?"

"I... don't even know where to begin with all that Harry. But, why have you been waiting so long to tell me?"

He shrugged, "I've been kind of distracted by everything and ... I don't know, it's difficult to get much time by ourselves lately. Not to mention the deathtrap we barely escaped last week..." Harry paused, looking at her with his bright green eyes, "I'm not trying to keep my distance from you, but it's hard, knowing I'm putting you and everyone else in danger whenever I'm close. I know it's not my fault, and you all want help somehow, yet I keep wanting to protect you. I might have the leverage to do it now, but there's still so much risk involved and too many things could go wrong..."

"You can't explain about this either?" He shook his head in regret, as she considered, "Well, then I'll trust you to stay safe... and hope you can tell me sooner, rather than later. Since you're right, I would like to help in any way I can. Even if that means waiting for when you need it." Hermione reached out and hugged him this time, pulling him close.

"Thanks." Harry whispered, and squeezed back.

Authors Note: Merry Christmas! Too many delays lately, but the next chapter should be coming soon.

Oh, and if you think there are important questions that should have been asked or addressed by any character in this chapter, please let me know and I might include them in an update.