TamorAmorMorOrR. I love you, dear anon reader. That website is just amazing, and the Miku/Luka doujins there are just... so X-rated! OH MAN I'M TOO HAPPY ABOUT HENTAI'S EXISTANCE.

That being said, thanks a lot for reviewing everyone! I didn't expect that many for just TWO chapters! :O

Some graphic stuff in here, I guess.


Miku huddled deeper into her sheets, gripping them with all the strength she could muster, trying to shut her eyes tighter while some angry pink-haired banshee smashed her knuckles into her locked door. She was sure after ten minutes she would give up – but after an entire hour of nothing but staring at her digital alarm clock with wide, bloodshot and irritated eyes, Miku was done.

"What?!" she yelled, standing in front of her door but having no intention on touching it. Luka wasn't worth the extra effort. After yesterday she was sure opening said door was a one-way ticket to the hospital.

She heard a muffled sigh and felt her mind go blank. While Luka was surely a prudish, blunt ass, she did have a very nice sounding voice. "I just came to apologize," Luka angrily replied, no doubt turning away from the door herself. Since the hallway was small and tucked far enough away from the S&M rooms, nobody would find her unless they tried. "For chasing you and all..."

Miku hummed, not fully convinced with that apology. She knew Luka was a stubborn type of woman, after reading all sorts of books and watching TV – so it was obvious she was bad at trying to sound sincere about apologies. "Oh really?" she asked, heading back to her warm bed, "Thanks."

With that, she closed her eyes and finally fell asleep. Luka, however, was left standing there, expecting an addition to her sentence.

"Thanks? Is that all? What about you, huh?! Booking my entire schedule with some goof who didn't even know why he was here!" she yelled, stomping her feet. Luka raised her fists and pondered for a moment about the noise she was making so early in the morning, and shook her head before hitting the door again, this time with a lot more flare.

The tealette clutched her arms and bit her lower lip, feeling a sting in her chest at the mention. Sure, it was funny, but it was a job after all. Luka did it for a living. Sighing, she threw her warm blankets to the side and silently walked over to the door, thinking about what to say, and opened it with a blank mind.

"I'm... okay," she mumbled while looking down, Luka hearing only segments of her sentence. Seeing the woman look down at her with a condescending glare made Miku twitch.

"I'm really sorry, okay?!" she shouted, pounding her heel into the ground. Luka flinched and took a step back, silent for a minute while she processed what was just said – as if an apology was a far-fetched idea.

She watched Miku's furiously embarrassed face focus on the floor, eyes wide and looking around at everything but Luka, fists bunching up her pajama bottoms. "Okay. Thanks, that's all I needed to hear," she answered slowly, feeling like she was stepping on glass. Miku looked up at her with a beaming smile, eyes shining in happiness. The sight made Luka's cheeks burn, and she pressed her palm against Miku's forehead, forcing her away.

"Don't get too comfortable with me, kid," she grumbled, turning her head away.

"So, you're not mad?" Miku asked against her skin, the feeling a little too warm for comfort. Luka jumped away as if Miku's lips were on fire and gaped at her palm while Miku stepped closer to her, looking up with what were obviously puppy dog eyes.

Luka sighed and shook her head, looking up at the ceiling, "No I'm not mad... not anymore, anyway." Her eyes were half-lidded, dark from her earlier banter, and for some reason they wanted to roam around Miku's body a little too much. "Yeah sure, whatever. Just leave me alone."

"You're really not mad?" Miku inquired again, almost sounding too sweet for Luka to take her seriously. Watching her unchanging facial expressions, and finally feeling her resolve crack, Luka literally got an inch away from her face, forcing Miku to press her back against a door.

"Do you want me to be mad, or what?" she asked, tilting her head. She placed a hand on Miku's waist, the other diving into teal hair, "I can be mad, and you'll probably end up regretting asking that."

Miku scrunched her nose and turned her head away, "You don't scare me. Anyway, I think you want me to want you to be mad – but other than these," she boldly placed her hands on Luka's chest and squeezed lightly, "You really don't have much to offer. In both looks and personality."

With that critical hit to her soft spot – her pride – Luka flinched away and allowed Miku to slink back into her room, a devilish smirk on her face followed by a wink.

"Oh yeah?! What about you?!" Luka screamed at her door, face a darker red than Miki's hair, "Washboard chest! Flat iron!"

She growled and lifted a shaking fist before stomping away, ignoring the curious brunette watching from around the corner. "That little... acting innocent, and then..." Luka seethed, slamming her room door open and not feeling sorry for the next person who had to suffer under her whip.

Meiko finished her beer and ran towards Miku's room, pressing her ear lightly against the door, hoping for some sort of noise to come from inside. Instead, she was met with silence, making her sigh, "Oh come on. Nothing juicy? Exciting? Nothing?!"

When the door opened, she nearly fell flat on her face if it hadn't been the hand pulling at her shirt from behind, a neutral-faced Kaito looking straight at the teen who as looking back with wide eyes, "I'm sorry, but I have been moved to this room. Mikuo has given you a new one as compensation."

"He what?"

"No way!"

Mikuo sighed and tugged at his hair, looking at the scared customer who's only purpose was to check in with his mistress for the hour. "It's the only choice. We do have a lot of rooms, but only yours, Luka, actually serves as a real bedroom aside from Miku's, which unfortunately is being changed into another BDSM room..."

Luka slumped into her seat, crossing her arms like a spoiled child. "Why can't she just move into your room?" she asked, Miku staring at her in disbelief. The look on her face was already beginning to irritate her. She wanted to slap it off her face, then push her down and tie her to her bed while pressing a lit candle against her–

"You think I'm going to sleep in the same room as him?" Miku interrupted her thoughts, pointing to her father. Mikuo jumped and huffed, standing up a little straighter to make himself look unaffected by her words. Luka shivered, feeling a distinct feeling in the middle of her thighs, thoroughly ignoring the bickering going on.

"Right, Luka?!" Mikuo shouted, heaving with a red face, Miku looking away angrily. He blinked when he noticed the pinkette staring at the ground, her legs pressed tightly together. "Uh, Luka?"

She looked up with a smile, and grabbed Miku's hand, "I'll gladly take her in, Mikuo." Her tone was sweet, unlike the fake tone Miku gave her; years of role play made her an expert at acting. Miku looked at her with shock, not believing what she was hearing.

Mikuo stared at them, hands on his hips and a small smile tugging at his lips, "Okay then, it's settled! Miku, we'll have your things moved out fairly quickly. Thank you, Luka!"

Luka nodded, turning to leave his office with Miku in tow, her smile stuck on her face like glue. Once the door was closed, they stood in silence for a few seconds; Miku not knowing what to say, and Luka not knowing what she just did.

"Whatever," she huffed, dropping Miku's hand and stuffing her own into her pockets. It was nearing time for an appointment, and she couldn't wait to get her hands on him. He'd suffer tenfold in Miku's place.

Miku stomped on her foot, eliciting a harsh yelp. "You're such an ass!" she yelled, turning away from Luka, hands on her hips. Her hair was still down and her pajamas showed off all of her curves, Luka noticed. She didn't even realize she was staring at her chest until Miku poked her eyes, screaming about her being a pervert before leaving.

Rubbing her eyes and biting her lip so she wouldn't yell again, Luka watched her go, many obscenities and harsh words piling in her head. But since she was out in the open, she kept them to herself, accepting the second blow to her pride – she could see Miki hiding behind a potted plant, snickering to herself, and Meiko was blatantly standing at the end of the hallway with a smirk on her face.

"Dude, you're so whipped, by a girl who isn't your girlfriend," she chuckled, taking a swig of her beer. Luka threw up a finger and headed to her room, hoping that a shower would relieve her of her stress.

When he walked in, Luka immediately got to work, easing him into a chair before blindfolding him and tying him to it, making sure it was extra tight. He questioned her before the first scratch on his cheek appeared, Luka glaring at him.

"I don't remember pets being able to talk. Shut up!" she demanded, throwing off his shirt. She had also seen many abdomens, ranging from absolutely ripped to absolutely plushy. This guy wasn't anything special, but he was fit. Luka licked her lips, imagining a certain teen she wanted revenge on for groping her.

Reaching down to his nipples, she pinched one, and he jumped. "Whoa! Your hand is cold, Luka!" he laughed, tilting his head to the side. Luka bit her lip and pulled his hair, setting his head straight.

"Didn't I tell you to be quiet? All I want to hear are your screams, you hear me? And I don't remember saying you could call me by my name," she pulled at both, making sure she twisted them as hard as she could, making him moan a little, "Or did I?"

He breathed heavily, shaking his head. The see-through blindfold exposed his dull eyes full of lust, and she could feel his boner with her elbows. "You horny? Oh, I bet you wish you could just throw me down, huh?" she asked, grinding her elbows into it, his scream sounding absolutely precious.

Peeling herself away, she pulled her favorite toy off her table, looking down at the mess on his jeans. "How sad," she commented, holding up her whip, "You didn't even last thirty seconds. How sad is that?"

"Very sad, Mistress," he replied, looking up at her. Luka felt a ripple of pleasure course through her veins, motivating her more. "So sad you should punish me. Punish me for being such a disgrace to this planet!"

Luka tilted her head with a condescending glare, lifting a foot on the chair, the heel making a cracking sound. She was ready; she could smell she was ready, and no doubt he could – it rose again, making an even larger tent.

"Don't tell me what to do," she whispered, pressing the heel into his member, rubbing against it before pulling away, his disappointing groan forcing her to bring down her whip to it. Luka could tell when a hit was too hard, and made sure not to hurt him seriously; but judging by how much he was moaning and trying to get out of the chair, it wasn't hurting that much.

Lifting her foot even higher, Luka smirked at his pathetic expression, the blindfold hanging around his neck from how much he was thrashing. "Mistress," he breathed, face completely red, "I need..."

"I don't care what you need. I'll untie you from the chair, but you better get on your back when I do," she ordered, whipping the ropes loose. Like she said, he immediately got on his back, looking like a hungry puppy. Luka tore his belt with her heel and pulled his jeans off together with his underwear, looking at her treasure like it was a golden pendant.

Shaking her head, Luka pulled him to his feet and began lowering herself to the floor, glaring at him. He nodded and got on top of her, breathing heavy when the two met. Instead of allowing him to push into her (since she still had on her outfit), Luka clawed at his back like he was, knowing her nails dug deep into his skin, closing her eyes.

She saw Miku, who no doubt dominated her in her previous dream, underneath her, tears in her eyes and moaning like mad, opening herself, allowing Luka to dominate the sweet, pink abyss. Screaming in ecstasy when she was hung in the air with Luka's ropes, legs spread with the older woman's mouth attacking her, over and over until she had black spots littering her skin.

Before she knew it, Luka was cumming in her outfit, legs lifting from the intensity. The man above her gasped and moaned, grinding against her core to get his release.

"Mistress?" he asked through heavy moans. Luka's eyes widened and she kicked him off, realizing he didn't have protection on. She jumped to her feet, face red and teeth clenched before she began to use everything she had on him.

"Wha – hey, this is cool – Mistress?!"

Luka could only see white. Literally.

Miki pressed herself against Miku's back, a pop magazine in her right hand while the other twirled a Popsicle. "Hey, Miku...?" she asked, tilting her head. She smiled when Miku saw the Popsicle in her peripheral vision and took it into her mouth for a second before going back to texting one of her friends. "Did you date anyone back where you live?"

"You make it sound like I live across the globe," Miku chuckled with a shake of her head, "But no. I mean... I guess? He wasn't really my boyfriend but I know he acted like he was..." Her cheeks went red and she looked away, effectively gaining Miki's attention.

"Ooooh! He was, he was!" she giggled, pressing her smile against Miku's reddening ear, making her shiver in embarrassment. "Well, what was his name?"

Miku stuttered in her answer, "G-Gumiya... Nakajima Gumiya."

The silence that followed made her uncomfortable, especially since Miki wasn't one to stay silent for long. Turning, Miku was shocked to see a completely bright face accompanied by a blush. "Do... you know him?" she asked, feeling a sense of dread when Miki nodded, looking away as if she was in a dream.

"He's my best friend's brother," she nodded, her smile turning into a pout, "I have more luck dating him than I do her."

Miku jumped at the sudden reveal, looking over Miki's appearance; she wore extremely feminine clothing, bright colors, tight things and lots of jewelry on her wrists and neck – she looked nothing like a lesbian. "So you like her, not him, right?"

Miki nodded, "Mhm! Her name is Gumi – I know, real original with their names, but... she's just so kyaaa!" While Miki began gushing over this Gumi person, Miku watched with interest as a male walked out looking completely refreshed, albeit with a few cuts on his face.

Standing there with her phone in hand, Luka was at the doorway, an uninterested look on her face. Miku felt her stomach churn, although she didn't know why or from what. Looking at Luka, she felt it, but it was worse when she saw the guy waving at Luka from his car, smiling and singing to whatever was on his radio. And Luka waved back!

"Oh, looks like she got a new one," Miki commented, resting her head on Miku's. Her Popsicle was on the grass, completely melted and making the green go red. Miku was about to ask when Miki interrupted her train of thought, "Another boy toy. She does it when she's stressed. They hook up for about a week straight and then she breaks it off."

Miku played with her fingers, recalling the deal earlier in the morning. "Does she live here, like my dad does?" she asked in fear. Miku was not about to sleep in a room while Luka and some guy did... that.


Miku stared at the wall, eyes wide and shaking from nervousness. She had to lay in a sleeping bag on Luka's floor until her dad got a new bed, and she heard Luka walk in with someone, no doubt the guy from before, their voices hushed. Hiding her face, Miku tried catching what they were saying.

"It's so different at night," the guy said, "So you only set up the room like some S&M thing?"

Luka hummed, most likely taking her shirt off, "Yes. It stays like this unless I have an appointment, so it's usually only at night that the beds come out. All the rooms here are like that, but I actually live here."

Miku heard a slight moan of discomfort, followed by a, "Who's that?"

"Boss's daughter. She's asleep, just let her be," Luka replied quickly, almost as if she was trying to forget Miku existed. Hearing that, Miku felt a knife twist in her belly, and she pressed her hand against her eyes, feeling tears coming on for no reason.

It's not like she's my friend or anything. Luka hates me. Then... why do I care so much?

She could clearly hear what was going on, and frowned. Getting up and leaving would be rude, but having to sit there and hear them was even worse. Luka knew she was in the room – she was probably trying to get her out, if what Miki said was true.

"They hook up for a week straight and then she breaks it off."

Miku was here for only another five days. She felt like someone had punched her in the face, but then once she heard Luka moaning, her face felt hot. This wasn't right. She was supposed to be listening to the guy, not Luka. She wasn't supposed to be listening at all!

But as it went on and Luka's moans got louder, Miku felt her underwear getting wetter, and a sweet scent reached her nose, making her face get even hotter. "Oh no..." she whispered, knowing exactly what was happening.

Five minutes later, Miku felt it throbbing, hearing the bed creak and slam into the wall, Luka taking on her dominatrix role again. Her fingers pressed into her clit through her pajamas, but only served to make it feel worse.

"Come on, come on..." Luka breathed, sounding desperate and... sad? There was sadness in her voice, like she really wasn't enjoying anything. Miku focused on Luka's voice and traced a bit of irritation, like she was repeating her words because she was frustrated.

Miku rubbed her swollen clit through her panties, but felt something was missing and fully dove in, squeaking a bit. It was shadowed by the loud screams of the guy on the bed, so she let herself moan just a bit, beads of sweat appearing on her body. This was only the second time she had done this, and she felt she was going to become addicted.

The soft, warm and sticky areas made her breath in deeply, never wanting to stop how nice it felt.


She blushed and immediately covered her mouth, poking her head to see that the two were still going, but could only hear the guy's voice – Luka's completely disappeared. Trailing upwards, Miku gasped upon seeing lustful teal eyes half hidden by Luka's eyelids staring down at her, her hands pressing the guy's chest down, almost like she was trying to push him away.

Miku continued her self-pleasure, but never broke from Luka's gaze, and Luka never turned either. It was like seeing Miku made her freeze in place, and even when Miku was shaken by her orgasm, she kept her eyes on Luka, her smooth, quiet little moan no doubt reaching her.

A second later, Luka smirked and jumped from him, breathing heavy. Miku disappeared under her sleeping bag again.

"Out," she heard Luka demand. There was a loud rustle of clothing followed by a whispered "Hey!" before the door shut and Luka locked it.

Miku popped her head out, letting out a large breath of air, catching Luka's eyes with a small smile she hid under her sleeping bag. "Good night," she said, her voice deep and obviously expressing how in need she was.

Luka could feel herself throb at the sound, and shook her head in irritation, rolling her eyes. "Night," she replied, jumping into bed and throwing the sheets over her head.

The night was silent, and extremely uncomfortable for both.


Finally! I know, I know, long overdue and it was supposed to be out along the latest chapters of Capture Camera, but it wasn't ready yet.

Seriously, writing this took a few hours since I had to constantly stop in the middle of writing some details, if you catch my drift...

Ugh, I'm so gross and perverted. D:

Since I know the next one won't be here in time for Christmas... Happy Holidays everyone! Whether you celebrate it or not, I wish you all a great Christmas and a happy new year!