Chris McLean does not freak out.

He does not freak out when volcanoes erupt, not when he was on an island filled with murderous mutants, not when he was stuck in that septic tank, not when his cottage blew up, and most definitely not when the feral Ezekiel kidnapped him and held him over a pool of toxic waste. Nope, Chris McLean only 'freaks out' for the camera.

That's what he was saying in the confessional, at least, until he heard the telltale growls of a Freaky Zekey. Screaming, he burst out of the outhouse, unaware of Mal's villainous laughter. He dashed to his Spa, knowing that the most important person besides himself was there.

The first thing Chris did when he ran in was jump in Chef's arms. Or, arm. rather, seeing as he had sprained his risk being Chris's hero. Instantly, the atmosphere changed. The suddenly ignored intern backed out quickly, glad to leave.

Chef cradled the narcissistic host as he started to suck his thumb, his trademark sign of distress and fear. The two had gone through this routine long enough for Chef to know which platitudes to whisper and which lullabies to hum. The war veteran knew the day was rough on the pretty boy host, and was content to just hold the man, just as Chris was content to be held.

Chris McLean does not freak out, but when he does, well, Chef Hatchett is always nearby.