A/N: I do not own CSI Miami or any of it's characters, affiliates...etc. This is just my imagination running with it! I hope you all enjoy!

Chapter Six


It was definitely a dream. She had to be dreaming. But her dad was there. Why was he there? "Dad?"

"Watson, huh?"

She shrugged. "I'm not sure why he called me that. It just kinda stuck."

"I like it."

"What...what are you doing here? Am...Am I..."

"No, baby. Not by a long shot. But you are in a coma because of the fever and they're keeping you down to heal. Your Duracell, does not like it one bit."

Stepping closer, she wrapped her arms around him and breathed in his scent. "I miss you daddy."

His arms wrapped around her in a caring embrace. "I know pumpkin. I miss you too. We'll be together again. But it's not time."

Stepping away from him for a second, she looked up. "They said that mom was dead."

He nodded.

"Have you seen her?"

He nodded again. "When you get to that point, you can see her if you want."

"I didn't think you'd ever want to see her again."

He shrugged. "Things are different here. There is no animosity. There is no frustration or hurt feelings. There is simply forgiveness. And love."

"I'm still hurt."

"I know baby. You'll understand when it's time."

Tears started to fall.

"Don't cry, pumpkin."

"I'm tired, daddy. I try so hard to be strong."

"You, try so hard, to keep everyone and everything out. You have done a good job surviving until now. It's time to stop, baby."

"I can't stop. People are going to get me."

"No. The only one that's been after you, is the one that is now dead. It's time for you to settle down and find a stable life."

Closing her eyes as tears dripped down her cheeks, she looked back into her father's eyes. "What if I can't. What if I try, and don't make it?"

He took a deep breath. "How do you feel about your Duracell?"

She was thoughtful. "I think I could trust him."

"I think you should trust him."

"I just don't know daddy."

"I do." Then he smiled down at her. "How is it you can be so sure of your ability to be a ghost, but not your ability to trust whether or not someone is good for you? Goodness child, have I taught you nothing?"

"You taught me not to be stupid."

"Trusting someone, is not stupid, baby. And trusting the right someone, is smart."

"But how do you know?"

"Go with your gut. Always go with your gut. What do you think about Betty?"

She took a breath, thinking about the blond, who seemed to have been just as much a stable as Horatio had. "I like her."

"Uh huh. What does your gut say about her?"

"That she's tough. She's been through a lot and she's not someone to mess with. But that she doesn't take me for a threat."

"And should she take you as a threat?"

"Daddy." and she elbowed him softly.

He chuckled and wrapped an arm around her again. "Follow your instinct, pumpkin. It's there for a reason. And that little voice in your head, is me. Listen to me. Listen to yourself. Listen to you baby. You're smart. And you have amazing instincts. Don't doubt yourself."

"My instincts got you killed."

He cupped her face in his hands. "No it didn't baby. That was a miscalculation on my part. I should have never let you out of the house that day. I knew what you were planning, and I did it anyway."

"But I made a mistake."

"And so did I, Chase. I paid for my mistakes dearly, and unfortunately, you did too. I'm sorry baby."

"Don't be sorry." and she stopped as he started to fade away. "Daddy?"

"It's time for me to go pumpkin. But always remember, I love you. And I'm always here."

"But how will I know?"

Thinking, he smiled gently. "Every time you see lightening, that's me telling you I love you."

Opening her eyes, in the dark room, she heard a beeping noise, inhaled sharply and before she could stop herself, cried out. "Daddy wait."

Leaning forward and taking the girls hand, he squeezed gently. "Watson?"

Tears were starting to roll down her face as she took a deep breath, holding it briefly before realizing it hurt to do that.

"Easy, sweetheart. You need to keep breathing. Alright?"

Finally looking into his eyes, she nodded quickly.

She was strangely quiet. He reached up and wiped a tear. "Hey, you okay?"

Closing her eyes, and thinking about what her dad had told her, she nodded again.

"Are you hurting?"

Yes. But not for what he was thinking. Taking another deep breath, she slowly let it out. "A little."

Reaching out, he traced the hair from her face. "They said it would probably hurt when you finally came around. Do you remember what happened?"

Staring for a moment, she blinked. "I pushed you out of the way."

"You saved my life. Now look, professionally speaking, taking two bullets was one thing. But throwing another in there is detrimental to your existence. I don't want you taking any more risks like that. Do you hear me?"

Unable to stop herself from smiling softly, she nodded. "Sorry. Seemed the thing to do at the time."

"Yeah, well don't forget in the future that I'm the cop. Okay?" and he gave her a crooked half smile.

Blue eyes shined with amusement as she closed hers again and her head lolled to the side.

"I'm glad your back Watson. You gave me a good scare there for a bit. But I'm glad you're back."

Still smiling, she faded out wondering if she told him that she was glad too, or if it went to the wayside, much as her consciousness seemed to for the moment.

Calleigh stepped into the room a few hours later. "How is she?" she whispered softly.

Looking up, he smiled. "She woke up."

"Good!" she said a little louder, trying to keep the excitement from being too loud. Then she took in his concerned gaze. "What is it?"

He took a deep breath. "She's very quiet. When she woke up, she was calling for her dad."

"She could have just been dreaming, Horatio."

"I know. But I don't think so. She's different."

"Did she talk at all?"

"She did. But it was like...I don't know. I'll just have to wait and see when she's feeling better."

"She'll be alright."

Looking back at the kid, he squeezed her hand. "I sure hope so."


She'd been on the beach again. He walked up beside her and sat down, once again, though this time Calleigh was beside him.

"You alright sweetheart? You've been out here for a while."

She shrugged. "Just thinking."

"You've been really quiet since you woke up in the hospital. Do you want to talk about it?"

Shrugging again, she looked into his eyes. "Thinking about what to do now."

"What do you mean?"

"Once I get done with my physical therapy. You had talked about helping me with school and what not. But where do I go from there? Where will I stay? How will I pay for it?"

"Do you trust me?"

In an instant, everything her dad had told her, came flooding back. "What?"

"Do you trust me?"

Studying his expression, she nodded. "Yes. I think I do."

"Do you trust Betty?"

Nodding again, she smiled at the woman behind him. "Yes."

Reaching out and taking her hand, he smiled tenderly. "Then let us help you figure out all of the ins and outs, and you just do what you want to do. It's time that you stopped being a ghost and started being a teenager. Time for you to go to school, get into arguments with me about you being grounded, and fighting with me about getting your drivers license."

She couldn't help but grin back at what he was saying. How many times had she dreamed about that very thing? About just being a normal kid. Though she never would be a normal kid. But maybe she could find some middle ground along the way. He continued.

"It's time for you to start arguing with me about curfew, instead of worrying about where you're going to eat or sleep. To start fussing with me over whether or not you're wasting water with a forty minute shower."

This time she burst out laughing. There was something in the way he was saying those things that sounded so innocent. But she would never be innocent. "I'm probably going to let you down on a few of those things. I've never been one to argue."

Smiling again himself, he let go of her hand and patted her knee. "I'm pretty sure we can work something out. It's time for you to start learning in a safe environment, Watson. No more streets, no more floating, no more pick pocketing."

Her dad had told her it was time to settle down. And now Duracell was telling her the same thing. Well, she knew she could survive on her own in the streets if she had to. Maybe it would be nice to live, instead of just surviving. To laugh, and to feel like she had a future to look forward to. To try her hand in meteorology. He broke her train of thought.

"So what do you say? You gonna stick around for a while and see where this road leads?"

Nodding, she glanced at the two of them, and knew that as long as they were around, she would always find her way. "You know, I think I will." Then she stood up and took a deep breath in. "Storm coming in."

"But the weather man said it's not supposed to hit until later this evening."

She shrugged. "It's coming in early." and a gust of wind blew by, kicking up a little bit of sand, and blowing their hair as they stood there.

Horatio smiled. "Alright storm chaser. Lets get in before it starts raining." and they made their way up the beach.

Turning around at the patio, she looked out over the water once more. She could definitely stick around for a while. Feeling a hand on her shoulder, she glanced behind. "I'm coming Duracell."

"Good thing. The rain is right over there." he mused, seeing it coming at them like a wall.

Lightening streaked across the sky in a brilliant fingering and a loud crack and she smiled. "I love you too Daddy." she whispered softly.