Last chapter kind of sucked and really, I hate how it turned out, I was hoping to go slow but then it just kind of got crappy. I plan on making the story better before we travel into present time and that means a bit of romance between two characters and all that, I hope you like. You see, I had already thought about putting Jokul and Hiccup in a relationship for a bit before things went back; he was whispering inside my head how much he wanted to be with Jokul and everything so I just had to.

If you'll also notice, I mentioned Pitch and as I view this whole thing; he's not evil at this point in time…this is my universe, things happen on my time…remember that. I had this idea that where my villain was the original person who the shadows and nightmares belonged to…and well, I'm going to shut up now.

Chapter 4

It had been a few months since Hiccup and Toothless had joined the Protectors, made friends with them and had gotten to know them all; he enjoyed being around them. Throughout his time here he had realized that Ulfr had once been a great wolf who died defending his pack from a great threat; he was strong and sometimes had a bit of a temper, but that didn't mean he wasn't friendly. He cared for his friends and loved to spar with Jokul when he got the chance, as far as Hiccup could tell, it was a long standing argument that Jokul was cheating with his ice powers since he always won; Hiccup was amused as he watched everyone interact.

He had learned that Dream not only sent dreams to everyone, but controlled where the clouds go as well; he found her powers to be rather interesting and thought she was a nice person to fly with. She even used a cloud that was shaped like a dragon; her favorite dragon, as Hiccup had found out, was the Monstrous Nightmare, and had one of her own even though she never flew him around. Dream was sweet, loving, and caring; she also had a bit of a thing for Ulfr, no; she hadn't mentioned it or anything, but he could just tell. Admittedly he could tell that Ulfr had the same feelings for her; he had to admit that after observing those two he thought they would make a very cute couple.

Dream, was very loving and caring, where Ulfr was tough and protective; he thought they were perfect for each other and hoped they would get together. The one last person he had gotten to know was Jokul, and despite the fact that his power was over winter and that his skin was ice cold; his personality didn't match at all. Jokul, in a word was a very caring person and while he loved to have fun, there were moments he was very serious. His frosty blue eyes had a way of pulling you in, making you want to just fall in love with him in a way; he had this way of making you want to just follow him. Hiccup had found himself thinking about the winter spirit more often than anything, and it confused him.

Hiccup hadn't felt this way for anyone aside from Astrid, and when the thought crossed his mind he wasn't sure what to think about it; he was a little scared that he had a crush on another guy since that was unheard of. Vikings didn't love other guys, they loved women, pillaged villages, killed dragons, of course; Hiccup wasn't your normal run of the mill Viking though, so he guessed it didn't really count for him to be associating himself as a Viking. His thoughts were interrupted as a black mass set itself down right beside him and gave a light purr; he smiled and petted the dragon behind the ears. "Hey Bud," He greeted and looked at him to see his bright green eyes staring at him curiously.

A smile appeared on his lips as he pet the dragon under his chin, eliciting a purr from Toothless' throat; he loved listening to the dragon purr as it always made him happy that Toothless was as well. After a moment Toothless pulled away crooned softly as he stared into Hiccup's eyes, as if asking him to tell him what was on his mind; he loved how the night fury could easily read him sometimes, the dragon was his best friend after all. "It's nothing, Bud…just have something on my mind." He replied as he looked out at the ocean from where he was sitting on the balcony. Toothless gave a curious growl and Hiccup sighed; he knew the dragon would continue till he told him.

The dragon trainer sighed and shook his head. "It's nothing Bud, it's just…I sort of like someone." Hiccup told him.

Toothless huffed at this and rolled his eyes, that much he knew, after being around Hiccup for so long he had come to know what he was like and how he thought. The boy was practically like an open book for him and was easy to read; he would get a certain look in his eyes when he thought about a special someone. Humans, they were extremely idiotic when it came to love. Dragons however, they just…well, they just mate and continue the species; he knew it was more of a love thing with humans which made it a little strange to think about; he never really thought much about it anyway.

His snout hit Hiccup's hand, urging him to continue with what he was talking about, although he had a bit of a hunch as to who his rider liked. It wasn't hard to tell that he had become rather close with Jokul these past few weeks, they sparred together; he saw Hiccup's eyes which gave this slight spark every time he was talking to him.

"Yeah, alright, I figured you knew." Hiccup smiled and pet Toothless a bit. "It's weird…" He sighed. "I've never felt this way toward another male before, Toothless." The dragon crooned softly to him, in all honesty, gender didn't really matter to a dragon since both male and female could lay eggs depending on if they were able to.

He couldn't understand why humans were so picky when others liked the same gender, then again male humans couldn't give birth; he guessed it was just a human thing but he just left it at that. "I guess it doesn't matter to dragons huh?" Hiccup asked, earning a shake of the head from the dragon.

Not really, at it shouldn't matter to Hiccup since, after all; he was no longer under the watchful eyes of his father and the village around him. Viking way would prevent him from being with who he really wanted to be with after all; he was to be future chief and a chief needed an heir after all, it was just one of those things that were required of him and all that. A small growl escaped toothless and he rested his head on Hiccup's lap with a little purr; he enjoyed the times when it was just him and his rider, talking, well…him talking while Toothless himself just listened since Hiccup couldn't understand him. Either way, it was still great when it was just the two of them.

"Anyway…I think I have feelings for Jokul…" Hiccup bit his lip and looked around, hoping they weren't going to be disturbed; he turned his attention back to Toothless who's look told him, that he knew that already.

The dragon crooned and licked Hiccup's hand before resting his head back on Hiccup's lap, both boys had been pretty close lately since Jokul had been helping him discover his powers as an elemental spirit; he was helpful in that area. Speaking of which, it was getting close to time for Hiccup to go find the winter spirit so they could train a bit more; he knew Hiccup wanted to learn everything he could about becoming a seasonal spirit he could.

After a moment Hiccup got up and dusted himself off before looking at Toothless. "I guess I should go find Jokul, it's getting close to time and I don't want to be late." He said, earning a nod from the dragon.

Toothless watched him leave and gave a soft purr before going to explore through the little fortress, despite him having to breathe fire in order to make his bed, the ice never melted or anything; he was amazed by this fact. He remembered Jokul telling Hiccup that his glacier was made out of permanent ice, which took a lot of concentrating; he said that permanent ice was hard to make and it made Jokul tired afterward so he would sleep for a couple days.

Hiccup walked down the hall and ran his fingers through his hair, it was only the morning hours and he knew Jokul would be just finishing breakfast; he lived here with Jokul while Dream and Ulfr had their own individual places they lived. Dream lived in the clouds while Ulfr lived in the forests; he wasn't sure where his forest was but he had heard the wolf eared man talk about it quite a few times, it sounded wonderful and he had the urge to want to visit someday. He remembered him saying that his place was pretty close to where someone named Mother Nature lived; Hiccup had no idea who that was, but he remembered Jokul saying she was the mother to all the seasonal spirits.

He had yet to meet this Mother Nature but from the sound of it, she was a lovely woman, and her father was kind of nice; Jokul said that Kosmotis Pitchner had his own army…and that was where Hiccup got lost. Honestly, hearing about all the things he hadn't known before was a lot to take in; he wasn't sure he could believe most of it but then again he hadn't known Jokul and the others had existed before either. It was all so confusing, and after everything was explained to him he had asked about the gods; he had wondered about Thor and Loki in which Jokul responded with something like 'they exist, just not on the same plane as us' which confused him a bit.

Aside from that, Jokul had explained a lot of things to him and helped him learn to use something as a conduit for his power; he found out that Jokul had used a staff in order to keep his power from rushing out of him. Eventually Hiccup would have to do the same when he ended up having more power than he could hold in, it just so happened that Jokul had come up with something that could help him out a bit; he had made a small bracelet out of leaves that helped quite a lot.

The smell of eggs and bacon filled the fall spirit's nostrils and he went to the kitchen to see Jokul currently eating his food; he smiled and sat beside him, taking a plate of his own to eat. "Finally up I see." Jokul said, looking at the other as he ate.

"Uh, well, I've been up for a couple hours now…but I didn't really feel like coming down till now." Hiccup replied.

Jokul hummed and nodded. "I see, well, at least you came down when I was finished cooking breakfast." He replied. "Are you going to take Toothless out for a flight today?" He asked once he finished a bite of his eggs.

Hiccup smiled. "Yeah, you can join me if you want." He replied and looked at the other.

Jokul nodded and smiled; he had flown beside Hiccup quite a few times, especially with a rare dragon he owned called the Ice Breather; he had come across the dragon when he had been spreading winter along the Barbaric Archipelago. He had just finished sending a cold winter a few years ago and as he turned, a dragon with a body that looked like it was covered in ice was behind him; he had taken it in and they had bonded for good. Course, Blizzard only comes around every once in a while when he wanted to visit his rider which was rare; Hiccup had gotten to meet him a few times and the dragon instantly went over to him and licked his cheek.

"I think I will, and then after we get back, we'll spar a bit, then we'll meditate some so you can awaken your full power as a Fall Spirit and a protector." Jokul smiled and went back to eating his food.

"Yeah, that sounds about right." Hiccup replied, taking a bite of his food; he enjoyed their little spar sessions since they helped him better understand his powers a little better and made things interesting.

As soon as they were finished with eating breakfast, Hiccup followed him outside where Toothless was currently resting with Blizzard; he must have wanted to visit again or sensed they were going out on a flight. "There you are Blizzard." Jokul smiled and pet him, earning a small purr that emanated from the dragon's throat; he had to admit that he had never really thought about owning his own dragon before he had met Blizzard, but he just fell in love with him. Jokul got on the dragon's back and looked over at Hiccup with a small smirk. "Let's get going, how about a race? That should be fun!" He said.

Hiccup sighed and looked at him. "Alright, another race…but this time, we don't cheat using the wind." He said, sending a playful glare at the other.

Jokul looked at him and gave a small fake pout. "Oh Hiccup, you wound me. Cheat? Me? I'm so appalled. Better yet, I'm insulted." He joked.

"That's the same thing." Hiccup rolled his eyes. "But I'm serious, no wind."

Jokul had a thoughtful look on his face at this and hummed. "But, don't the dragons need wind to go sore?" He asked after a moment, causing Hiccup to stop what he was doing and look at him with an annoyed expression.

"Alright, yeah, they do need the wind to fly…ok, we'll both use the wind to our advantage then." Hiccup sighed.

A small chuckle escaped Jokul as he looked at the other. "But then again, you're still learning to use the help of the wind…"

Hiccup sighed. "Now you're just trying to confuse me, stop that." He said as he got on Toothless' saddle, the dragon under him was laughing at the other's confusion; Hiccup just rolled his eyes and looked at the other.




Jokul and Hiccup took off on their dragons, racing away from their home in the glacier; Jokul and Hiccup were using the wind although since Hiccup wasn't all that good at summoning the wind it was mainly Jokul in the front of him. "Faster Toothless," Hiccup told his dragon and leaned against him; he closed his eyes and concentrated on trying to focus on the wind, making it work for him. Jokul had been trying to get him to concentrate on doing that for a while now, and since they were racing it was the perfect opportunity to do so since they were out racing and all; he felt the wind pick up slightly and swirl around him and Toothless.

"You can't beat me Hiccup!" Jokul yelled; their dragons were practically snout for snout and there really was no finish line so the race could take ages; Hiccup had taken notice to this and wanted to mention it to his friend but that didn't matter.

Hiccup smirked a little and chuckled. "You're so full of yourself Jokul!" He leaned closely against Toothless which caused the dragon to go a little faster, the fall spirit noticed they were approaching what appeared to be a small island that Hiccup had come to know as Kosmotis' home village. "I figured out where we'll finish this race." He told him after a moment.

"Ah, I never thought about a finish line! You're a fast thinker Hic, alright, race ya there." Jokul smirked as they flew off toward the island.


Dragos hummed as he looked around Dragon Island, there weren't many dragons here since things had cooled down with the Red Death; he felt anger over this since he couldn't create his little army. "We'll have to find the Dream Serpent…" He told the Screaming Death, who took off with Skev on his back.

There was an old legend he had come across millennia ago when dragons had first began roaming the Earth, it was of the Dream Serpent; he remembered an old scroll mentioned that if one were to kill it they got its nightmare powers. With such power, Dragos could make the world live in fear of anything he so desired; he knew that this power would be better than that of the Red Death, so much better since the Red Death was now a mere pile of bones. Skev was disgusted with how the humans had defeated his giant dragon so easily, this plan was better; he had an idea of how it would end too at least.

The Screaming Death gave a low growl as it flew through the air as Dragos directed him; his red eyes scanned the vast waters they were flying through, looking for what his rider was in need of in order to gain his power. A Dream Serpent was extremely hard to find and the island they were located on was even more so, it was as if the island was cloaked by the dragons; Dragos was in for a huge search which could take almost an entire day almost. Dragos was never a very patient man, and having to search a long time for a mere dragon to kill in order to obtain power seemed so annoying; he knew it would be worth it in the end though at least, so he would wait as long as he needed to get there.

After almost a whole day's worth of searching he had finally come across the island he was looking for that held his treasure, the dragon that would soon give him the power over darkness; he smirked at his tiny victory. Once the dragon landed Dragos jumped off and looked around carefully; he was not about to let this opportunity go to waste, the power would soon be in his grasp and the world would soon be his to have, yes…a great victory. His place as King of Dragons would come back and he would avenge his Red Death by killing the boy who had killed her; he was set on doing so.

"Soon things will get interesting…" He smirked.

Now, I could have waited till a few weeks to submit but I finished way before I usually do and I went on a writing tangent, this will not be the usual so don't get used to it. I know you are all curious as to what the dream serpent is, and to be honest there used to be a waikia page for it but recently the information was taken off for some reason and it annoys me so much. I do remember a few things however, like how the dream serpent can give its enemies nightmares…I'm sure you know where I'm going with this right? Also, I realize that yes, Pitch belongs in the golden age but there were so many ides formulating in my head! Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter.