This is a request that a friend brought me. sapphireswimming, wanted to see a real story made from their idea of if Sam had gone into the portal instead of Danny after Desiree makes it so they never met.

"There are days that I wish I had never met you!" Sam regretted the words as soon as they came out of her mouth, but at that moment she so mad that she couldn't see straight. Taking the purple scooter's handles she refused to look at Danny who still stood in the middle of the fountain. She stomped off as the halfa looked at her regretful, his own words drowned out as she drove off. Sam held the handlebars tightly as the tears blurred her vision. She was so mad at him with his accusations! First he had blown off plans they had made days prior just to go some Ice Queen's stupid birthday and not just him, but he had made her promise to go with them! It had started off as a bad day with their idiot friend accusing her of being the one that made their raven haired friend into what he was today. A halfa! How had that been her fault?

"I hate them all!" she hissed under her breath as she disappeared down the street. "Whatever." She knew that like everyday the argument would be forgotten, the pair of males never liked it when she was pissed off. Sam was a nice person to those she cared about, but even then she was one that was down right hateful when someone made her mad. Turning the corner she failed to notice the ghost that had been tailing her all day, making all of her wishes come true.

Danny stood in the middle of the fountain long after Sam had left, his pale blue eyes watching her retreating form. Just as he made a move to get out the water before him began to smoke, the green smoke rising to form a familiar figure, except this time she was bigger.

"Desiree!" the halfa gasped as he transformed, the white rings changing him to the Phantom. "You look different..." She smirked.

"More powerful," she responded. "Why yes." She looked pleased with herself as she looked down at the ghost fighter. "And that's not the best part about it yet!" She motioned to the skies with her hands. "Only days away from the day of the meteor shower where everyone will be making wishes!" Her blue ghost tail came out, snapping around the halfa before pulling him up high and then throwing him on the ground feet from her.

"What do you want?!" he demanded as he attempted to get back up. This question seemed to amuse the wishing ghost as she leaned real close to him.

"For you to be gone before Friday, but," she said as she leaned away, her smile transforming as she made herself look sympathetic. "It's not what I want that is important, but what your little friend wants and she just wished that she had never met you!" Danny's eyes grew wide with that realization as Desiree smirked broadly like a cat that had got the canary.

"Shit!" Before he could move from his spot on the ground the wishing ghost said her words as she threw out her hand, pink energy glowing in her palm.

"So it shall be!" The energy hit him head on, his screams echoing around him as his vision went black.

As the bell went off Sam walked into the school, her path taking her past Dash and one of his football friends shoving nerds into a locker. Sam continued on, approaching the lockers where both her male friends stood talking. There were days she hated the pair with a passion, those were the days she wondered how she had become friends with two boys, but then again she loved them both also.

"Hi," she said as the two males talked about plans for the rest of the week. They looked over at her, both looking rather confused at her sudden appearance.

"Do I know you?" Danny inquired, his brow raised. Sam glared at him, her mouth scowling as she responded back.

"Really funny. I said I wished we'd never met and now you are pretending that we didn't. Ha ha." Behind her Dash was shoving another nerd into the locker, his friend, Kwan still searching for Mikey, another nerd. The blond football player was bragging about a record.

"No, seriously," the raven haired male stated, his face serious as he looked at her. "Do I know you?" Tucker pulled out some spray, the minty smell hitting her nose as he sprayed a good amount in his mouth.

"And would you like to know me?" He leaned closer to her, his brows wagging suggestively. "My name is Tucker, Tucker Foley as in T F or Too Fine." Sam felt vomit in her throat as she leaned away from him in disgust. The techno geek didn't seem to turned off by her reaction.

"Oh gross. Are you hitting on me?" Holding back the vomit she said, "Ew." Behind her Mikey, a little nerdy guy with red hair was being shoved into the locker on top of his peers, the jock shoving him smirking.

"I wish someone would show you what this feels like!" the nerd cried out as his friends nodded in agreement. Dash and Kwan just smiled. Behind the pair of jocks a vent released pink smoke, the cloud forming into Desiree, the wishing ghost immediately saying her phrase.

"So you have wished it.. So you know the rest." It seemed that although she was happy with her plan she was bored with repeating her saying. Zapping Mikey she grew larger, the once small human boy a monster with claws like a T-Rex, his skin green with long black hair that fell down his back. He let out a loud yell as he reached for the two males tormenting them.

"What the hell?!" Dash cried as the wishing ghost spotted and flew over to Danny. As she floated over him Tucker made a run for it, his teal eyes wide with fear as he abandoned his friend. Desiree leaned close to Danny, the young male cowering as she said boo. The green ghost chuckled darkly as she flew away from him.

"No powers, no memory... Perfect." As she flew away Sam appeared at the halfa's side, her eyes wide in shock as she informed him of the ghost that had been in his face.

"That's Desiree! She's the wishing ghost!" Danny looked at her as she yanked him closer by his upper arms. "Danny, you have to do something! Why aren't you going ghost?" She was pleading with him, but the look on his face said it all and then he pushed her away from him.

"I don't even know you, kid much less what you are talking about!" he stated looking at her like she was an escaped mental patient. "What I do know is that I am out of here!" With that last statement he rushed away leaving the Goth alone in the hall. Next to her were Mikey, the monster, shoving Dash and Kwan into a locker while the jocks just sat there cowering in horror. Dash began to tell the former nerd that he was sorry just as Mikey reverted to his human form, but not before slamming the locker door on his former assailants.

"I rock!" the red head screamed as he threw up his arms in glee before running away and past Sam. The Goth was leaning against the locker with a confused look on her face, but as soon as the hall was clear she opened Danny's locker, her eyes growing wide with the realization as to what was happening. In the far back of the locker was a familiar picture missing one particular person... HER! She reached for the picture, removed it and then pulled a large book from her purple backpack. In there was the same picture, but with her between the two males.

"Oh no, Desiree must have heard me make that wish and made it so Danny and I never met!" She looked aghast at the photo as several other important factors came to mind. "That means he never stepped in the portal so he doesn't have his powers!" Throwing the pictures into her bag she rushed off to find Danny. "Danny! You have to listen to me!"