A Forgotten Bethrothal

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hello everyone! It's been YEARS since I've posted on – I've been so busy with real life and my own original novels that I haven't had the time to indulge in writing a fanfiction. Hopefully my writing style has improved since my last fanfic, but we'll see. Enjoy! ^_^

Kaori stood over his wide frame, her hands clasped together in worry. Despite his aching bones, Haru was still a man of great resilience and pride. This human, whom she had chosen to acknowledge as her father, was stronger in heart and far more honorable than any yokai she'd ever encountered. Aged by worry and the inability to settle, time had roughly taken hold of Haru's ability to fight the smallest of illness. Racked with a cough that he could not shake, Kaori offered to stay up through the night to tend to his needs, so that her mother could sleep.

Leaning against a stack of old rolled up quilts, Haru glanced up to see Kaori handing him a bowl of warm tea from the tray beside her.

"I went to see the miko in the village yesterday, she recommended these herbs for you…" she said, helping him press the bowl to his cracked and dry lips. Haru swallowed slowly, but managed to drink most of what she prepared. Shaking his head, Kaori sat the bowl to her side.

"You know better than that. I'm not worth the risks Kaori. How many times do we have to discuss this?"

"As many times as we need to, I'm not changing my mind."

"Why do you wish to worry me?! Your mother and I have done everything to ensure that –"

Kaori jerked her hand into the air. "…there is no need for us to argue. You know that I'm more than grateful for everything that you have done, but we cannot continue to live this way. You can't continue to live this way. A human's body can only take so much before it breaks…"

Haru sighed and leaned back, he couldn't think of a response that wouldn't involve stretching the truth. After all, he was still sickly, even after almost a month of rest. Kaori realized his defeat and pressed further.

"Aiko is going to gather some of the crops into baskets this morning. I think that the yams are finally ready, and of course the radishes have been prepared. I think we have enough potatoes and beans to sell in town, and I skinned a boar last night –"

"You skinned a wild boar? And I slept through that?!" Haru asked, his eyes wide. Kaori laughed, her golden eyes full of happiness.

"Yes, and I did quite well too. Not as good as you of course, but clean enough to sell. With those goods, we should be able to get a lot of the things we need for the winter. We need more rice, Aiko needs new clothes, Mother needs better shoes and you…you need more herbs for that cough."

"Well I'm so glad that you've taken care of all that, my dear daughter, but you're going to have to wait until I can go into town. Tell Aiko to hold off gathering the crops, we can just eat the boar you caught."

Kaori rose from the floor, her eyebrows raised and her nostrils flared.

"No, this is ridiculous! You know that mother cannot even step foot into town and you have no business moving about. Let me take care of this, I can help you."

"And if you're recognized?" he asked, his eyes fixated on her ears. Kaori protectively covered them with her hands.

"To the untrained eye they just look a little pointy; besides, you know I'll wear my hair down. It's not like I'm hiding a furry tail anywhere."

Haru chuckled. "Now that would be difficult to explain, wouldn't it?"

"I think the necklace has staved off the worst signs of it…" She replied, gently patting the crystal hidden underneath the cloth of her shirt.

"We were lucky to have gotten those; they've saved us all, at least for now."

"That's right, so don't worry. I'lll get Motoshi to pull the cart into town, he seems restless to get out anyway. You barely let the poor creature out to graze."

"He's an ox, not an emperor. Just please be careful, and don't talk to anyone you don't need to. Those rules go for Aiko too, if you can manage to leash that curious tongue of hers."

"Oh she'll behave, she's good for me." Kaori winked and walked outside, leaving Haru to sit with his thoughts.

Aiko sat in the middle of an old wooden cart, her faded dress soiled by the dried mud around her. Gathering the vegetables into baskets, she brushed off her tiny hands when she saw Kaori come out of the house. She knew her sister would be proud of her hard work.

"Kaori! How is Father? Is he feeling better this morning?"

"A little, he was able to drink some of that medicated tea that Kagome gave us yesterday. It wasn't even bitter tasting."

"Good, is he taking us into town?" she asked, her voice eager with anticipation.

"No, I am."


"Yes, me. Father is still too weak to go into the village, he needs to rest. Mother cannot go, so it's just me and you today kiddo."

Aiko smiled and opened the shed door to Motoshi's pen. After helping Kaori lead him out to the cart, she watched her older sister harness the beast in place.

"You've been a great help getting everything ready for me this morning. We have a boar for sale that's going to bring us a lot of coin. If you stay close to me while we're in town, maybe I'll be able to get you that doll you wanted."

"Like the one Rin has?" Aiko asked the question before she thought about the consequences. Placing her hand over her mouth, her blue eyes stared at Kaori, waiting.

"Rin? You've only met her a few times. When have you seen her belongings? Aiko!" Kaori threw down the harness and climbed into the front seat of the cart, where Aiko sat with her head lowered.

"You've been sneaking into town, haven't you?"

Aiko's bottom lip trembled, but she did not cry. It was guilt that plagued her the most. "I just wanted someone to talk to. She's a nice girl. She promised not to tell anyone else about me."

Kaori sighed and leaned back against the seat. Aiko had never known a normal life, and Kaori felt partially responsible for that. Placing one hand on her shoulder, Kaori lifted her little sister's face to meet her own.

"Don't be upset Aiko, I'm not mad. But you need to understand, we can't make friends with other people. Maybe one day, but not right now. I expect you to stay home from now on, unless you're with me. If Father knew what you've done he'd never let you from his sight."

"I know…"

Kaori kissed the top of Aiko's forehead lightly, her nose nuzzling the girl's light brown hair.

"Now, let's go. The day's wasting away."

That's it for chapter one guys! Hope you enjoyed it, I look forward to reading your comments as always!