AN: After the red carpet on the 22th (I was so far away... but that was still so cool, haha!), viewing the movie on the 30th and going back on the 6th... I think I can tell I'm more or less in a "Thor" period these days. "Thor & Loki" to be precise (no strange pairing intended, I swear, I love them too much as brothers!). So this little piece is both for my own pleasure (and I hope you'll share the feeling ^^) and to say "happy birthday!" to one of my favorite fanfictioner (is that even a word?), Shannyfish! (For once, I'm doing the writing, even if it's really really short, and probably lame, compared to yours...)

I'm talking too much, sorry.

So about this little piece. It's a post "Thor : The Dark World", so major spoilers ahead, my dears. Loki's having a bit of fun playing mind games with everyone. This will probably be a Two-shot.

Of course, I own nothing, not Mjölnir, not Thor, not even his sexy & disturbed little brother, Loki. Not even in my dreams...

Thanks to Lialioya for beta-reading this piece!

Hope you enjoy (:

"It's not that I don't like our little talks, it's just... I don't like them." - Loki (Thor DW)

The All-Father was going down the stairs towards the dungeons, which were still abnormally empty due to the recent Dark Elves attack. But the All-Father couldn't have cared less. The palace would soon be restored to its former glory – plus one or two changes he had always wanted to make.

Today, though, only one cell interested him. A cell that not even his personal guard had access to. Only him, because as far as his most trusted men knew, that was where Malekith the accursed was securely imprisoned.

The doors of the dungeons closed behind the All-Father who then waved his hand casually. The darkened box in front of him lighted up and the Dark Elf appeared, sitting in the fine seat the All-Father had provided him with, among other things. The Elf glared at him.

"Let's stop playing your little games, there's no one to witness your treachery here," the prisoner spat out as he got up.

The All-Father merely laughed but obliged his prisoner with a small provocative bow.

"As you wish, father."

He who seemed to be the All-Father said these words as both men changed appearances, regaining their true faces. Loki smiled arrogantly at his prisoner.

"Loki, do not start," Odin said, a warning in his tone.

"Now, my dear father, is this a way to greet his beloved son?" Loki asked, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

"You might have fallen into this category for hundreds of years, but not anymore."

"Ouch." Loki made an offended face, putting his hand over his heart. "That hurts, my dear father."

"This act of treachery will be your last," Odin continued, ignoring Loki's interruption. "Now that your mother isn't here to protect you any longer from what you truly deserved..."

"Don't you dare talk about her!" Loki shouted, pointing an accusing finger towards the man in front of him. "She is the only reason you are still here," he said coldly. "Even when you are the reason she is not anymore. You might as well have killed her yourself!" Loki stopped abruptly, clenching his fist, one finger at the time, slowly regaining his composure. He forced a smile on his face. "Don't you think it's fitting you're imprisoned impersonating the thing that actually dealt the fatal blow?"

Odin flinched at Loki's words. He glared but said nothing. He wouldn't have been able to say anything in his defense when he himself agreed with these accusations.

"Why are you here, Loki?" he finally asked wearily.

"Why, can't a son visit his father with no other reason than the genuine affection they share for each other?" Loki feigned surprise.

Odin didn't answer. Playing Loki's game would only make him too happy. Instead he waited patiently, knowing very well he wouldn't leave before he had done what he had come for.

Loki came nearer, stopping at the fringe of the magnetic wall of Odin's cell.

"I come carrying great news, All-Father." Loki's smile grew bigger, he was clearly gloating. Odin feared what was to come next.

"Thor..." he breathed, but Loki heard him perfectly and kept on smiling.

"Oh, yes... Thor. Did I forget during those two months to mention that he was..." he paused dramatically and laughed out loud when he saw the worry in Odin's eye. "Thor is very much alive. Do not worry, father."

"Did you lock him up in a cell too?" Odin spat out.

Loki laughed again. He was enjoying himself very much.

"Believe it or not, but I do care enough about my brother – or at least about the entertainment he never fails to bring – for not putting him in a cell."

Indeed, Odin had doubts about that statement.

"No, no, no... Plus, he was all but too happy to leave me on the throne – well, to leave you on the throne, but who cares about specifics? - and to go play the good little hero with his Hammer. I got the throne and his protector under my control, why would I part with any of this?" He raised a questioning eyebrow but didn't expect an answer. He chuckled. Yes, he definitely enjoyed paying the old man a visit every now and then. "My dear father, I truly do come carrying great news. It is indeed my utmost pleasure to inform you that you will soon be..." he stopped, aware of the shock he was going to inflict the old man, and enjoying it a great deal, "a grand-all-father."

The look of surprise on Odin's face was priceless, as expected.

"You..." the old man started.

"Me? Please, father. I have nine Realms to watch upon. After the Dark Elves attacks, you should know I don't have time for such... frivolities. Plus, do I have to remind you that I'm mourning?" Loki hated to mention his mother, but the hurt it inflicted to Odin was worth the one he felt himself. "No, I wasn't talking about me. I was merely referring to your other son who is happily living with his fragile – though fiery – little human partner," he announced with a strange smile. "Giving the time difference between Earth and Asgard, I expect the new addition to our happy family to arrive under a few weeks. Days, if he takes her to Vanaheim again."

"Should I understand you gave my blessing to such a union?"

"You offend me, father! What kind of King do you think I am? Of course not. I merely suggested that I could... close my eyes while my dear brother enjoyed his happiness, preferably as far from Asgard and my throne as possible."

"You little..."

"Come on, now, father." Loki tilted his head on the side, a disapproving look on his face. "We wouldn't want to say things we'd regret later on, would we?"

Odin said nothing but the glare he gave Loki was all they both needed to know what he truly thought.

"I have to go. Important matters are waiting for me and my wise decisions." Loki smiled, satisfied with his little discussion with the man he despised the most in all the nine worlds.

In a blink, Odin was once again impersonating Malekith and Loki reclaimed the appearance of the All-Father.

"I'll let you to your joy of learning you'll soon be a grandfather. I'll come back once we received the happy family's announcement!" He clapped his hand and the room was once again surrounded by darkness.

A triumphant smile on his lips, Loki then opened the doors and left the man alone with his – no doubts about this assertion – murderous feelings.

Gods, it was good to be King.