A/N: Hello Lovely Readers! So... How are all of you doing? I can't believe it's been a year! And yes I am alive and well thank you! I've graduated university now and I'm in a career college to complete my education so I can start working soon! Yay! Anyway I'm sorry I pretty much forgot about my fanfics but thanks to PhycoHarmony-2 who has recently left a review reminding I still have to complete this (thank you by the way!) this fic is now revived! Also as a side note, if anyone is interested in Kpop I've started a tumblr, I'd love it if you'd check it out! You can leave requests for any group! Since I can't put in links its writtenbyrachel. Anyway on to the fic! Enjoy!

Tamaki twirled his pencil between his long ivory fingers. The blonde was attempting- yet failing tp listen to the teacher giving a lesson on quadratic equations. He sighed to himself, math was one of his more boring classes.

I wonder how Kyoya's doing?

He thought as he snuck a glance behind him at his best friend who was calmly noting down the lesson. He frowned at his own page which was empty due to his lack of interest.

I should really take down some notes… or I could just use this paper to pass notes to Kyoya!

The pretty little halfer smiled at his brilliant idea and began quickly scribbling. When he finished, he slipped the page to his best friend who gave him a half annoyed, half curious look.

Mon ami! I'm bored :(

Kyoya sighed at the page and quickly scribbled a reply and passed the note back to Tamaki.

You should be using this page to write down class notes!

Tamaki smiled and passed back a reply.

So, what should our next theme be for the club?

Kyoya rolled his eyes, his best friend was never going to change. One day he was going to get in trouble because of him.

Aren't you the one with all the great ideas?

Tamaki smiled when he received the page back and the two began to write back and forth as the teach went on with his lesson.

I was thinking maybe we could do a Romeo and Juliet theme where I'd be Romeo and Haruhi would be Juliet!

You do realise Romeo dies in that play, right?

We could change the ending! Or maybe we should do Hamlet! You'd be Horacio and Haruhi would be Ophelia!

You do realise the Ophelia dies that that play right?

Why does everyone die in Shakespeare plays?

Because most of them are TRAGADIES!

Oh. I could really go for a milkshake right now :)

Why do you always change the topic?

What do you mean?

You're an imbicle, and a very good actor too.

Thank Kyoya! You're the sweetest best friend ever!


You know what's ugh? This lesson I'm still bored.

I don't know whether to be annoyed or offended by that comment.

Is it just me or did Makazi Sensei lose a lot of hair recently?

No, he's defiantly blading probably because he's having issues with his wife.

Omg what? How come I haven't heard anything about this?

Because you're to busy daydreaming about Haruhi.

Aww Kyoya just tell me!

All I know is that they've been fighting a lot lately and they're probably getting a divorce soon.

That's terrible :(

I have a hunch it's because lately Madam Makazi has and eye for Mister Tanaka.

The one who owns that electronic company?

Yes, the very same. I, in fact saw the two engage in what seemed to be a humorous conversation at Father's business party two weeks ago.

Did anything else happen at the party? Too bad I was sick and missed it :(

Well actually,

As Kyoya was writing a reply, the teacher approached his desk and look curiously down, "You two have been quite busy during class. Neither raised your hands at answer my questions. What have you got there Ootori?"

The shadow king's head snapped upwards but he kept his composure calm, "Nothing really sir just notes."

The teacher raised an eyebrow and pulled the paper from underneath Kyoya's arm.

The two besties gulped. Kyoya knew that one day Tamaki was going to get him in trouble and by looking at Makazi sensei's livid expression, that day would be today.

A/N: Thank for reading this fic and putting up with me this long! Don't forget to fave, follow and review! I'd really appreciate it :)