I wanted to update as soon as possible for you guys. I know the last chapter was really sad and I didn't wanna leave it like that too long. To be honest I never meant to take this story in this direction, it just kinda happened and I got carried away in the drama of it all. I'm still not even sure how I feel about it all myself so I'm hoping at least some of you are still enjoying it. Let me know. This is probably the last chapter. I think I found a good stopping point, but if you would like me to continue or have any ideas for a different/better ending please share and I'll try to make it happen. I think a big part of this now is I just have no idea what other direction to go and I'm honestly surprised I've made it this far. Never thought I'd have the patience or attention span to keep a story going this long.

Tacoma was the only place she even had the slightest interest in going. Something about being near Kozik was a comforting thought to her. He had always known how to be there for her in the past. Happy just couldn't do it for her right now so she got in her car and drove. She showed up at the Tacoma clubhouse late one night six days after leaving Charming and walked inside looking around for Koz.

"Em?" Donut asked shocked to see her.

"Kozik around?" She asked.

"He should be back in a few minutes. What are you doing here?" He asked.

"It doesn't matter." She said and went behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of Jack.

"Emma?" Kozik asked when he walked in and saw her.

She got up and walked towards him, grabbing the front of his cut and pulling him back toward the dorms. "Where's Hap?" He asked when she started undressing and then pulled his cut off.

"Hap and I are over." She lied. Koz had always been a good outlet for her, she didn't even fully understand why, but she craved his touch and she was in a state of mind where she was going to say or do anything to get what she wanted, damn the consequences.

"This isn't right Em." He resisted when she moved to unbuckle his belt.

"Dammit Koz! Did I fucking ask you if it was right?" She asked angrily. "If I gave a shit what was right I wouldn't be here."

He didn't know what had happened. Last he had heard, Emma and Hap were together and doing great. The asshole must have fucked up good this time. Whatever, this is what she wanted, what she thought would make it all better.

She lifted her shirt and threw it on the floor. She saw the look on Kozik's face when he saw the bruises.

"Did Happy do this?" He asked, his anger building.

"No." She said. "Don't worry about it. I'm fine." She pulled the rest of her clothes off and pulled him toward her. He shed the rest of his clothes as he hesitantly lowered himself over her on the bed.

Something was off about the whole thing, but he just chalked it up to whatever had gone wrong between her and Hap. She'd done the same thing after Brandon. Apparently sex was her way of coping. He knew her and Hap had been serious, the crow on her side proved it, so he assumed her being so distant was due to her having her heart shattered all over again.

He slowly entered her, still worried about the fading bruises that covered her torso.

"Dammit Koz, fuck me like you mean it!" She demanded.

"I don't wanna hurt you." He said.

"I need a little physical pain right now. I need something to distract me from the shit in my head." The dead look in her eyes was what made him cave. He couldn't stand seeing her so disconnected so he gave in and fucked her like she wanted.


After Emma had taken off Happy barely gave it a second thought where she'd gone. Everyone asked him, but he couldn't seem to gather the energy to wonder about it himself. Sure he cared and he was worried about the state she'd left in, but he was struggling with his own shit.

He stood over the bloody mess of the Mayan he'd just finished torturing. He had blood splattered across his front and he watched the blood dripping from his knife that had just used to slit the man's throat. He looked back at the dying man in front of him watched the blood gush from his vein as he bled out.

"Hap." Jax said cautiously. The club's enforcer had become even more brutal in his work over the past week. They were losing him to his killer side, which Jax supposed was good for the club, but he was worried about Hap, worried about Emma. No one knew where she was, he was planning on contacting every charter in the country, hell maybe even worldwide, and telling them all to look out for her.

"C'mon man, we gotta go." Jax urged.

Happy left with the others, made it back to the clubhouse for church, and didn't hesitate to volunteer for the next run. He was hoping to dish out some more violence so he swiftly made his way to his bike with the others a couple hours later as they headed out of town and made their way north.

They drove straight through and hit Tacoma early the next morning before sunrise. They hadn't even called ahead to let the other charter they'd be coming in. They pulled their bikes up to the clubhouse, Happy narrowed his eyes when he saw Emma's car out front.

He parked his bike and stormed inside, suddenly furious. The bitch ran straight back to Kozik. He was apparently her go to when she couldn't deal. "Where the fuck is she?" He shouted as he burst through the door and saw Lorca.

"You didn't know she was here?" The Tacoma president looked shocked.

"No!" He answered heading down the hall. He threw the door to Kozik's room open and switched on the light only to find the bitch curled up under the covers and Kozik wrapped around her. He stalked over to the bed and threw the covers back.

Emma flipped over just in time for Happy to wrap his hand around her throat and lift her out of the bed. He slammed her against the wall and her hands automatically went to the arm he had holding her up. She could feel him tightening his hand around her throat and her brain was telling her to panic, but she just stared at him, almost welcoming his obvious impulse to end her.

"You fucking bitch." His voice dripped with malice.

"What the fuck Em?" Koz couldn't help himself. It had been dark the night before and he hadn't noticed the healing scar on her lower abdomen, but he saw it clearly now. "What the fuck is going on?" He asked completely frustrated and realizing the horrible mistake it had been to believe what she'd told him. His instincts had been right when he had felt like there was more to what she'd said.

"Don't you fucking worry about it. And don't go anywhere either. I'm gonna gut you, you fucking bastard." Happy pointed a finger at him and then turned back to Emma.

Before he could tighten his hand around her throat anymore he felt the cold press of metal against his temple and Jax's voice. "Let her go." His words were quiet, yet authoritative. When Happy didn't release his grip immediately Jax pulled back the hammer on his gun to further his point.

Happy hesitated for another second and then lowered his hand. Jax lowered his gun and put it away and then moved to get in Hap's face. "You need to reign in your shit brother. She lost just as much as you did. Hell, she took the fucking beating that killed that kid. Man the fuck up and give her a break. Koz!" He ordered the Tacoma SAA to follow as he exited the room, leaving Happy and Emma alone.

She stood against the wall scared to move and daring him to come at her again. Happy glared at her, trying to determine which he wanted to do more: Snap her neck for fucking Koz again or pull her into his arms and never let her go, try to make things ok again despite the hopeless feeling that they never would be.

"Tryin to run away from this shit?" He asked. She didn't answer. "You think coming here and letting that fucker put his dick in you is gonna make shit better?" Still no response. "God dammit Emma! What do you want me to say?" He asked exasperated.

She thought for a moment. "I want you to say It's not my fault." She finally whispered after a few minutes.

"What?" He asked. "I never said it was your fault."

"No, but you thought it." She let her eyes break away from his for the first time since he'd pulled her out of the bed. The way he'd distanced himself from her afterward had made her believe that was the case. She let her body slide down the wall and slump to the floor.

Her eyes burned with tears again and Happy crossed the room and scooped her up in his arms. "Hey, listen to me. It is not your fault Emma." He said adamantly as he made her look at him. He lowered his lips to kiss her for the first time in months.


~ 1 year 6 months later ~

Happy sat on the couch with Emma standing in front of him between his legs. He had one hand on either side of her waist as he rested his forehead on her rounded belly. She looked down at him as he lifted her shirt and pressed his lips to her stomach for what was probably the hundredth time that day and she ran her hands over his shaved head.

The glint of light from the diamond on her left hand caught her eye and a small smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. She shifted her eyes to the picture on the end table of her father walking her down the aisle eight months ago.

A year and a half ago she thought she'd never be happy again, and now she-they-were happier than they'd ever been. Nearly nine months ago she'd found out she was pregnant again. She was scared to death after everything that had happened, but she was so happy at the same time. Happy had been there to ease her fears. He was really there for her and was happier than she would have ever imagined he would be at the idea of another kid. After everything he wanted it more than anything this time.

Shortly after he had demanded she make it official and marry him. Fuck if he ever thought that day would come.

She was due any day now and her entire pregnancy he'd been there. Every strange craving, every doctor's appointment, every kick. He was all in and fuck if he was going to let anything get in the way of that ever again.