Hello out there in fanfiction land! Here I am with a new story. It has the same concept as the 100 Days of Klaine, except it's only 26 days. A prompt for each letter of the alphabet. So here we start with the letter A-Accident. I hope you like this story just as much if not more then the last one. Please review, follow, and favorite. Thanks!

Kurt and Blaine had a wonderful time with their family in Florida. They enjoyed watching all three of their children and Rachel and Finn's kids, as they got to meet all of their favorite characters and ride the rides.

They had been home for a week and the kids were still talking about meeting Cinderella and Goofy. A few days after they came home, Kurt had to return to work. He wasn't too thrilled about that, but he was happy to be home and back into a routine.

With Kurt at work, Blaine was still home with the kids. He had a few more days before he had to go back to work. While he was at home, he enjoyed playing with the kids.

One day, while Blaine took the kids to the park. It wasn't too hot, so he thought it would be ok for them to play outside for a little while. While pushing the Dalton on the swings, Emma was playing with Owen on the other side of the playground. Blaine was keeping a close eye on them.

"All done papa." announced Dalton.

Blaine looked down and stopped the swing. "You don't want to swing anymore?" he asked.

Dalton nodded and jumped off the swing. He ran towards his brother and sister, with Blaine following behind him.

When Blaine caught up to Dalton, he noticed that Owen was following Emma up the ladder to get to the slide.

"Be careful Owen." shouted Blaine.

But before Blaine could blink, Owen had lost his footing and fell on the ground. He let out a ear-piercing scream. Blaine ran up to him and bent down. Owen had landed hard on the ground and his right arm was bent in a odd way. Blaine knew that wasn't good. He carefully picked him up and held him close. Owen continued to scream and cry.

"It's ok buddy. It's ok. Papa's here. We're going to get you checked out ok?"

Owen didn't respond. He continued to cry.

"Emma! Dalton! We have to go!" Blaine shouted to them.

They ran over to Blaine and followed him to the car. He gently placed Owen in his carseat. Emma and Dalton got in their own seats. Emma helped Dalton get buckled. She then turned to see that Owen was very upset.

"It's ok Owen. Papa will make you feel better." Emma soothed.

Blaine closed the back doors and jumped in the front seat and left the playground.

His mind was thinking a million thoughts a minute. He wasn't sure if he should go home first or go straight to the hospital. He knew he would eventually have to take Owen to the hospital, but he wasn't sure how Dalton and Emma would do while they were waiting. Blaine quickly made up his mind, as he skipped the turn towards their house and went continued driving towards the hospital.

He parked the car in the parking lot. He opened the back door and got Dalton and Emma out first, then went to the other side. He opened the door and noticed how red Owen's face was. Blaine gently picked him out of his carseat being careful of his arm, and carried him into the emergency room, with Emma and Dalton following him.

"Go sit down while I get Owen checked in." Blaine ordered, and Emma and Dalton went to sit by the little kids' area.

"Excuse me." said Blaine to a receptionist.

"Yes, how can I help you?" she said politely.

"My son fell on the playground and hurt his arm pretty badly." Blaine explained.

"Ok. I need you to fill out these forms and a doctor will be with you shortly." she replied, as she handed Blaine a clipboard.

Blaine took it and sat down near his other two children.

"Papa, aren't you going to call daddy?" Emma asked.

Blaine had totally forgotten about that. He knew he should call Kurt, but he thought that he would wait until Owen saw a doctor. "I will later." he replied. He tried his best to fill out the forms with Owen lying in against his chest.

Once Blaine had handed the forms back to the receptionist, he sat back down and waited for him to be called back. They didn't have to wait long, because the emergency room wasn't that busy.

"Owen Hummel-Anderson." a nurse called, and Blaine got up from the chair.

"Come on you two." he said to Emma and Dalton and the went with Blaine, who followed the nurse to an exam room.

"You can put him on the bed if you want." the nurse suggested.

Blaine tried to place Owen on the gurney, but he just clutched onto Blaine's shirt with his good hand.

"It's ok buddy. I'm right here." Blaine soothed, but Owen didn't let go. Blaine ended up sitting on the bed, with Owen on his lap.

The nurse smiled sympathetically. "So, what happened today?" she asked.

"Well, he was trying to climb up the ladder on the playground and he lost his footing. He fell on the hard ground and I think he landed on his arm. I don't think he hit his head though." Blaine explained.

"You didn't see him fall?" she asked.

Blaine shook his head sadly. "No. I looked away for just a second and the next, I hear him screaming."

The nurse nodded. "It's ok."

Blaine nodded.

The nurse got closer to Blaine and leaned in to ask Owen a question. "Is it ok if I look at your arm? I promise I'll be very gentle." she asked in a kind voice.

Owen shook his head.

"It's ok. I won't hurt you. If I touch a spot that hurts, you let me know. Ok?" she persuaded.

Owen shook his head again and buried further into Blaine's t-shirt.

"It's ok Owen. She wants to see your arm so she can make you feel better." Blaine admitted and the nurse smiled and nodded.

Owen sniffled and then nodded.

"Ok. Can I have you sit on the bed for me?" she asked.

Blaine got up and gently placed Owen down. He reached out his tiny hand and Blaine gave him a gentle squeeze.

"It's ok. I'm right here." Blaine reassured him.

The nurse carefully looked at his arm and then nodded.

"He's going to need an x-ray." she confirmed. "I'll be right back." she said and left the room.

Blaine looked behind him and noticed Emma was holding onto Dalton. He smiled and then looked back at Owen. "It's ok Owen. You're doing really well."

The nurse came back with a doctor.

"Hi I'm Dr. Carter." he said, introducing himself and looked at Owen. "It sounds like you had a bad fall."

Owen smiled slightly.

"Well, we're going to get a x-ray of your arm and see what's going on. Do you know what an x-ray is?" Dr. Carter asked Owen.

Owen shook his head.

"Well it's a picture of your bones. It'll tell me what's going on." Dr. Carter explained. "Can you a brave boy for me?" he asked and Owen nodded.

"You can? Awesome." he said cheerfully. "Can I have a high-five?" he held out his hand and Owen slapped his hand with his left. Blaine smiled. He really like this doctor's bedside manner. He was very good with kids.

Dr. Carter then looked up at Blaine. "We're going to get a few x-rays and then well know more." he explained and Blaine nodded.

Dr. Carter then left the room while the nurse lifted the side rails of the bed up and began to push the bed out of the room.

"Papa!" Owen screamed and Blaine moved to the side of the bed.

"It's ok baby. I'm right here. You have to go get pictures taken of your arm. I'll be right here when you get back." Blaine explained. "It's ok. You'll be ok." he reassured him.

"NO!" Owen screamed and started to cry again.

"Owen, if you do really well I'll give you a sticker." the nurse persuaded.

"I want papa!" Owen squealed.

"It's ok. I'll be right here when you get back." Blaine promised.

Owen shook his head.

"I tell you what. If you go with the nurse and you're good, I'll get you a special treat." Blaine confessed. "Would you like that?"

Owen nodded.

"Ok. I'll be right here waiting for you." Blaine said softly. He kissed the top of Owen's head and the nurse continued moving him towards the x-ray.

While Owen was getting his x-rays, Blaine took out his phone and called Kurt.

"Hello?" Kurt asked.

"Hi Kurt. Listen I need to tell you something, but you have to stay calm." Blaine explained.

Immediately Kurt started to panic. "Oh my god Blaine what happened?"

"I took the kids to the playground and while Owen had a little accident. He was trying to climb up the ladder to the slide when he fell on the ground and hurt his arm. We're at the hospital right now and he's getting some x-rays taken." Blaine finished.

Kurt started breathing very heavily. "I'll be right there." he said, and hung up the phone.

He ran out of his office. He ran pass Isabelle's office saying that he had a family emergency and left. He didn't wait for a response. Since Blaine had the car, Kurt had to take a cab to the hospital, which to Kurt, seemed to take forever. All he wanted to do was be with his little boy.

By the time he reached the hospital, he ran into the waiting room and a nurse led him to the exam room, where Blaine and the kids were waiting.

"Blaine!" Kurt said breathlessly as he flung into Blaine's arms. "Where's Owen? Is he ok?" Kurt asked quickly.

Blaine nodded. "He's ok. He's still getting his x-rays done."

Kurt breathed a sigh of relief. He then turned to see Emma and Dalton sleeping in the chair by the wall.

Kurt smiled. "Poor things. They weren't expecting to spend their afternoon waiting in the hospital with their brother, huh?"

Blaine shook his head. "No they weren't."

A few minutes later, the nurse pushed the bed Owen was lying on, back in the room.

"Daddy!" Owen squealed.

"Hi baby. How's your arm?" Kurt asked.

"It hurts." Owen said sadly.

The nurse put the bed back in place and put the brakes on. "The x-rays should be ready in a few minutes and the doctor will be in with the results. Right now he should just rest."

Blaine and Kurt nodded their thanks.

Owen let out a yawn.

"Close your eyes sweetie." Kurt suggested and Owen started to fall asleep.

A little while later, Dr. Carter came back in the room. He was carrying Owen's x-rays. Both Kurt and Blaine looked up at him.

"How's his arm?" Kurt asked.

Dr. Carter, placed the x-rays on the board and turned on the florescent light. "Well, it's broken in two different places." he admitted. "Well put a cast on it and he'll have to wear a sling for a while. After 6 weeks you can go to your doctor to have it removed."

Blaine and Kurt looked down the little boy, sleeping on the hospital bed.

"I'll have the nurse come in and fit him for a cast." Dr. Carter stated and left the room.

"This is all my fault." Blaine said, as he started to cry.

Kurt turned Blaine to face him. "Hey, this is not your fault. It was an accident. If it didn't happen with you or at the playground, it would've happened somewhere else."

Blaine wiped his tears with his hand, and Kurt pulled him into a comforting hug.

Soon the nurse came back to put a cast on Owen's arm.

"What color would you like your cast?" she asked Owen.

"Um...Red." Owen answered happily.

The nurse laughed. "Ok. Red it is." she replied and started to put the cast on. The doctor came back in with a piece of paper.

"This is a prescription for Owen, in case he's having any pain while he's in the cast." Dr. Carter stated and handed the paper to Kurt.

"Thank you so much for taking care of him." Blaine admitted.

Dr. Carter smiled. "You're welcome." he looked at Owen. "Be careful when you're climbing next time little man."

Owen smiled and stuck up his hand. Dr. Carter smiled and gave him a high-five.

After the nurse was finished with Owen's cast, they were able to go home. They piled into the car and Blaine drove them to the house. When they got home, Blaine carried Owen up to his room. He was still tired from everything that had happened to him.

Blaine placed him gently on his bed. He kissed his forehead and left his room. He went down to the living room and plopped down on the couch. Kurt came over with a cup of tea. Blaine smiled his thanks.

"You know, it was just an accident, right?" Kurt asked, as he sat next to Blaine.

Blaine nodded. "I know. But I looked away for one second and then I heard him scream. I knew something was wrong."

Kurt pulled Blaine towards him and started to play with his curly hair. "Little kids hurt themselves all the time. You have to remember that."

Blaine sighed. "I know."

Kurt kissed the top of head softly. They stayed that way for a while, until they ended up falling asleep on the couch together.

I hope you like this first chapter. Please review, follow, and favorite. Thanks and I will see you in the next chapter.
