Hey guys... so it has been forever! To save you all from a huge wordy speech I will just keep it short and simple and say that real life got crazy and I had to make some changes... Sadly one of those changes was writing, not that I stopped writing completely because well I didn't I just didn't have the time to edit/pre-read and all that other stuff that goes into making this story great for you guys!

More Importantly I have missed the fan-ficition world like crazy so I feel like it is time to make my return.. There are a few story's that I have been working on while I was away that I am putting the finial touches on to post and one of them is this story... But unlike the other stories this story has been out there for a while which gives me mixed feelings about posting more of it.

I know I left you guys hanging with this story and for that I am incredibly sorry! But if there is anybody out there that is still reading this story or would still like to know how it all plays out please let me know and I will start posting again... If not I will leave this story to rest in peace.. The choice is yours guys?!