Coldplay - Atlas

Sometimes the wire must tense for the note

Caught in the fire, say oh

We're about to explode

Carry your world, I'll carry your world

Carry your world, I'll carry your world


I had annoyed him.

He had left.

He pretended that he was going to search for the ones to dared to terrorise our home but I knew he wanted to keep his distance. Probably because he thought I would tease him for having protected the child. How could I? What he had done gave me hope and I could never fault or mock him for that.

For now, I would give him the space he desired. I was more than content in sitting here with the child in my arms. She was sleeping now and seemed ever so peaceful so I was careful to not jostle her. Her warmth radiated from my hands and seemed to trail all over my body.

Little Isabella was tired and after the commotion, I was not surprised to find her yawning. It was only moments of me reading again that she fell back into a deep slumber.

I watched as the thick lashes brushed over her soft skin. A small whimper left her as her fist rubbed at her face.

She was so innocent…too innocent to be left alone in this world.

The thought had me trailing back to the letter I had discarded on the seat. Yet again, I found myself seeking it out but the words were branded.

…Please do not think ill of me…

…I came back for my child but I see that she is destined for a better life that I could not provide for her…

…Tell my daughter that she was loved. Her mother loved her too much to be reckless; to throw her into her life on the road…

…I thank you…

"This is madness"

Kol grumbled and recklessly fell back onto the chair and brought his feet up to the table. His fingers gripping a shiny red apple as he sank his teeth into it. On any other day I would have simply shaken my head at his boisterous attitude but instead I found myself annoyed.

"Ssh" I chided him and kicked his feet down. "You'll wake her" I murmured when I felt Isabella stir in my arms. Thankfully she did not wake and her breaths deepened once again. Her heartbeat was steady but still a fraction or two faster than an adult.

"What are we supposed to do with her?" Kol asked but I appreciated him lowering his voice.

"We care for her" I replied simply.

Rebekah simply slapped him on the head and jeered. "Idiot" she sneered.

This was proven to be a mistake as Kol cleverly deduced the conversation. "May I ask dear sister, but who is the cause of that terrible tear in your dress?" he pointed out, causing her to cheeks to hollow and her brow to crease.

Embarrassment in her sheepish look as she turned away profusely. "What are you implying?" she gasped, horrified with the sheer mortification.

"I grow weary of seeing you come in at odd hours of the night" he continued, gaining pleasure from watching his sister squirm. "What will the neighbours think?" he taunted.

"Mind your own business" she snapped and feebly pulled at the torn strap.

Kol sat up and mocked her with a benign smile. "You are my sister. You are my business"

He reached for her hand but she yanked it away and moved to another seat. One that distanced herself further from him. "No, I am your amusement"

"Stop bickering like little children" I chided, tired of their constant squabbling. Once silence prevailed, I fell back into the simple wonder of holding the baby in my arms. It was both frightening and enthralling at the same time.

I had always imagined a life with a family of my own. A wife to come home to and child that I would help learn and grow. Now that I was a vampire, the vision was gone but I had to be grateful for what I had. Many vampires remained nomads for the rest of their eternity but I was thankful to share it with my siblings. Even if they did drive me to the brink of insanity.

"What will she eat? Where will she sleep?" Kol broke through my thoughts.

I shrugged lightly. "We can share the tasks" I suggested but from my peripheral vision, I caught his disapproving scowl.

"I for one can change her" Rebekah smiled and I returned it. I appreciated that she was trying. That was all I wanted from them; to try. "Also, mother taught me how to sew so I am sure I can handle a few dresses" she continued, going above and beyond. It was more than asked and I could only show my gratitude when covering her hand with my own.

"And I, shall teach her how to conquer any battle and maybe even take her horse riding" Kol beamed and we chuckled at his ludicrous train of thought.

"She cannot she walk" I laughed.

He frowned and lazily bit into his apple again. "Well, how old is she?"

"The letter says six months and four days" I replied sourly. The mentioning of the letter discerned me because I was not sure what I made of this women. She sounded earnest and seemed to seek the best for her child but at the same time, the thought of leaving the child, alone in the forest was immoral.

Kol peered at the bundle in my arms and furrowed his eyebrows. "What is her full name?" he asked pensively.

"It does not say. Just Isabella"

Mikaelson. Isabella Mikaelson.

I mouthed the name and found myself smiling at the idea. Regardless of the joy it brought me, I knew I was taking too many steps from my siblings. Obviously my sympathy for the child overrode all reason.

Rebekah sat beside me, hovering above me. "Clearly she is to be hidden" she muttered.

"How are four original vampires supposed to remain conspicuous with a baby?" Kol dryly challenged.

I had already thought over it and found it easy to answer. "We shall she say is our cousin"

"You heard what Klaus said" Kol erupted. "We will be taking her to a covenant. There she can be the Lord's problem" he teased and Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"Kol, have a little compassion" I reprimanded with a glare, wondering if he truly believe that it would be better to leave the child alone. My brothers were known for many a terrible thing but I didn't believe they had completely lost themselves.

"I am" he answered adamantly. "You should understand how difficult it is to agree with Klaus. It is complete insanity to think that we can even care for the child" he argued and sent a silent plea to me and then to Rebekah. Frustrated with no one joining him, he threw his hands up in the air exasperatedly. "We don't even know what she is to eat" he exclaimed.

"Then we are to learn" I rationalised.

Of course, he remained stubborn. "Why?"

"She is but a child" I rocked her gently, holding her closely to my chest in a protective manner.

Silence befell us again and I heard the distinct sound of his defeated sigh. Glancing up, I caught how he leaned back in his chair and exhaled once again. "This is madness" Kol repeated but more dejectedly.

"I agree"

We all froze before whipping our head towards the doorway.

There he stood.

As he took a step through the doorway, the silence seemed to crackle as he prudently avoided our curious stares. Instead, he quietly bent down to pick up the discarded letter. After one fleeting glance, he dropped it again and perused the room.

"You will have to clear from this room" he finally spoke and there was nothing strange about his voice. "I have ordered one of the servant boys to come and clear this mess" he explained and weaved through the room again. "A new window shall be up by morning" he added and I noticed he was trying much too hard to avoid me and the child in my arms.

When he began to head towards the doorway, I called out. "Brother?" He stopped but didn't turn. "Can we talk?" I pleaded and made a move to stand.

He gave no answer which I took as an answer.

Rebekah was also standing and starred at me expectantly. Her hands would curl and uncurl her fists as she nervously asked. "Can I hold her?"

I grinned.

"Of course"

"For God's sake…" Klaus muttered and began to walk away.

Before rushing out of the room, I heard Rebekah's wistful sigh. "Well she certainly is beautiful"

"Imagine what her mother looked like" Kol smirked as we all scoffed at the workings of his mind. Eve Niklaus couldn't resist in rolling his eyes at his brother. It was not out of character but Kol never ceased to stop being…well, himself.

Shaking my head at the thought, I continued to follow after my brother. We ended up in the parlour and instead of acknowledging me, he approached the bar and poured himself a drink.

I turned to pull the doors to a close behind me, not wanting Rebekah or Kol to intrude. Of course they were welcome to listen but I found that Niklaus' guard was usually more firm around them. He treated them like children.


Surprised, I looked up at his outstretched hand and the glass in it. Shaking my head, I politely declined. "No thank you" I walked around, carefully trying to read him. As always, he remained impassive and composed. His movements were as fluid as ever and his eyes were guarded. Nothing in his expression gave me an inkling as to what he was thinking.

"You wanted to talk yet you say nothing" he amusedly peered at me before downing his drink. Regardless of his prompt, I could not formulate the right words. It seemed that life with my brother was a constant battle and I had to tread carefully. I did not want to sound like I was accusing him, neither did I want to push him. All I asked for was a civilised conversation.

"Where did you go?"

"East of the ridge" he answered and sipped at his drink. The only sign of his distress was that he was drinking. "Their scent disappeared in the eastern river" he continued and a small crease appeared between his brows.

"You think they jumped in?" I suspected.

"Probably" … "There is something about the child…" he muttered, mostly to himself and dropped the empty glass onto the desk. His hand still covering the rim as he breathed for a few moments. Suddenly, he snapped his head up and I was met with blazing and decisive eyes. "The child should stay"

Unsure that I heard right, I blinked and took a step towards him. "What?"

"The child is staying" he decided with another nod. His thoughts obviously captivating him and pulling him further into his mind.

Narrowing my eyes, I pondered over his change in perspective. Did the child serve him in any way? Had he found something that would benefit him? Or could his intentions pure? "Why the change of heart?" I voiced my rambling thoughts.

"It's bad enough to not have a father" he paused and downed the rest of the alcohol, hissing at the taste. "…but a mother too?" he uttered and I wondered if it could really be sincere. His grip on the glass and his eyes had fallen onto the night sky, confirmed my hopes.

"Thank you" I breathed shakily.

He seemed content with the silence and being trapped in his thoughts. I knew that he would want to be alone…thinking…drawing…reading… It didn't matter but I knew that he wanted me to leave.

When I walked to the door, his final words had me curiosity piqued and my fears roused.

"There are far more dangerous creatures concealed in the shadows"

A/N: How did I do with the Mikaelson family? Kol especially? Baby Bella seems to have the house turned upside down? Any suspicions with Klaus' defeat?

RECS - sharing my love:

MOVIE: Wolf on Wall Street. Give DiCarprio an oscar already!

I took my brother to see Frozen but loved it.

TV: Weeds

blueseedfan recommended Sons of Anarchy so I will be giving that a go...

PODCAST: If I Were You - Jake and Amir (coolest dudes I know)

MUSIC: London Grammar (Wasting My Young Years - Favourite) and Civil Twilight

I forgot to thank all those who voted and nominated me for the Burning Diamond Awards. I am just so overwhelmed with gratitude and I hope to keep you on your toes. It is a pleasure to write for you and I wish I could do it every day. Thank you all again.

Congratulations to the other writers. I have so much respect for them and I am more than lucky to consider them friends.

Anyway, that's it from me. Have a good week and I hope this helped. I'll do my best to fill your weekdays if I'm not busy.