Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto or Resident Evil

AN: I decided to do this after playing Resident Evil the other day and inspiration struck me. I also saw the lack of crossovers for these two fandoms and decided to contribute something to it. I'll let you guys decide if this keeps seeing the light of day.

We're gonna be going from the Mansion all the way to Post-RE6 so expect a lot of chapters and a long story if this keeps continuing. I really hope people like this. I actually have the whole thing thought out with over 100 chapters of content, but I don't see the point if people don't enjoy it. So that's what this test chapter is for. Its for you guys to sit and see if you want more.


Chapter 1- Awakening

Naruto stirred as consciousness slowly worked its way back to them, his head pounding like a drum with the pain coursing through him. He laid spread eagle on a plain of grass, the sky darkening as night slowly drew closer. He blinked confusingly. Last he remembered it was becoming daytime, not night.

He stood from his spread eagle position, glancing around the general area around him when he realized that there shouldn't be trees around. Killer Bee destroyed them all when they were battling against the jinchuriki and Obito. Questions popping into his head as he glanced around, he suddenly realized what he was doing as he walked. Instead of walking straight like usual, he was climbing out of something. Jumping out, he saw that there was a small crater in the ground.

Startled, he looked around for any sign of his friends to explain what happened. He saw nothing, confusing him all the more. Where was everyone? Why was there a crater in the ground? Why were the trees back? He had so many questions and so little places to look for answers.

He collapsed to a knee when the pain circulated again. Why was he in so much pain? Last thing he remembered doing was working with Sasuke to fight Madara and then nothing. His mind drew a blank for the period of time from their fight to his arrival here. Sensing around him, he found nothing. No signs of Sasuke, Madara, or anyone. That was both good and bad. Good he couldn't sense Madara but bad that he couldn't sense any of his friends.

Grabbing his stomach, he felt the pain travel all around. He must've taken a really hard fall to be in this much pain. His clothes weren't that great in shape either. His orange jacket was all but destroyed, only a strap around his right shoulder remained. His pants were okay. Holes in them, but otherwise alright. That fight with Madara must've been worse then he thought.

Did he win? Did he defeat him or did he lose and he was in the Moons Eye Plan right now? Naruto was worried. He needed answers right now or he was gonna lose his damn mind!

"Someone...?" He called, hoping for an answer in return. He got nothing. Looking down to his stomach, he tried for the fox who took residence in him seventeen years ago. "Kurama... Kurama you there?"

"Naruto?" He called back, Naruto happy to have heard from someone that he knew and not just the dead world around him. "We got a problem..."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "You're telling me..." he shrugged off the remains of his tattered jacket. "Kurama I don't know what the hell is going on here. The trees are back, I feel pain everywhere, I can't sense anyone and on top of it all, I woke up in a crater." Naruto took off his headband to take a look at it. It had ash smeared all over the Konoha symbol. He wiped it clean, a small sense of comfort coming from seeing the familiar symbol.

"You're in another dimension!"

Kurama's statement caused Naruto's eyes to widen and his mouth to fall to the ground he was standing on.

"What!?" He echoed so loud it caused the birds in the trees to crow and start flying somewhere else. "What the hell do you mean?! Am I in that nutjob's Moons Eye Plan because if I am, I'm gonna spazz the hell out!" Naruto howled. He lowered his tone, "All my friends..."

"They're alive..." Naruto sighed in goodwill. Thank God for that. "At least they were when we left." Naruto lost his goodwill to start freaking out again.

"What the hell do you mean 'Before we left!?'" He bellowed again, what ever birds that remained in the trees taking off again after hearing the terrifying voice again. "Kurama stop dicking me around and give it to me straight!" Naruto howled to the beast that lived within him. He waited for the fox to give him the cold and rough tone that came most times he talked to him.

He didn't disappoint. "You want it straight!? Fine! You were fighting that slimeball Madara with your Uchiha friend! You combined your Rasen-Shuriken with his Amatarasu to penetrate his Sussano Blade. The explosion was so strong that it tore through the fabric of time and space!" Naruto was shocked, but also prideful that he was able to rip a hole in space and time itself. That was badass status.

"Your Uchiha friend was about to get sucked inside, but you being your 'Oh so courageous self', used a Chakra Arm to yank him out of the way. Too bad the pull sucked you in and started hurling you around dimensions before stopping and spitting you out here. You would've died had I not covered you with loads of my chakra to lessen the impact of the fall." Naruto could hear the snort the fox gave. "I used so much that I need to sleep for months to get it all back, possibly years. I never had to do that before so my body needs time to recover."

Naruto could hear the fox sigh, like if he was about to bring more bad news. "Madara was alive when we were sucked and without you there to fight, he most likely will kill everyone there with Obito. Your friends are strong, but you were the only one who could've stopped them. I'm sorry, but our world will be in ruins soon, if it isn't already."

Naruto was saddened. His friends were left to fend for themselves against two crazies and his only companion in this new dimension was gonna be forced to take a hibernation in order to get his strength back, which in turn would give Naruto some strength back. That explained his healing not working like it always did. He was gonna be alone in a strange place by himself for months, possibly years. At least with Kurama, the time wouldn't be too bad to live through since he would have someone to talk to. He was alone.

It sunk in deeper. Alone...Alone... Just like when he was younger. All that hard work he put in and all the goals he had...


Gone like the wind.

Naruto turned his head when he heard the bushes rattle. He watched carefully as the leaves fell off the bushes as whatever was behind it inched closer to him from the shield of the bush. He could hear barking, a small part of him hoping that it turned out to be Kiba or Akamaru to find him. His hopes died when a group of dogs, bloody hounds jumped through the bushes and snarled at him with a crazed look in their eyes. Naruto took note of the skin falling in chips from the group of four hounds. It was creepy.

Naruto recognized the look in the eyes. It was the daring look. The dogs were waiting for him to make a move and if it was a bad one, they were coming after him. Naruto inched backward slowly, making sure that he didn't do anything to arouse suspicion. He was doing good as the dogs weren't attacking him yet, only growling. Naruto was so busy looking at them that he missed the twig behind him. Once his foot pressed on it and it snapped, the dogs jumped at him; causing him to turn and run. Before he turned, he saw one of the dogs fall into the crater he arrived in so he mentally laughed. He didn't think about jumping through the trees since his body ached from the fall too much and he couldn't risk getting hurt when his healing was gone.

He called for Kurama, but got nothing; the fox most likely in his month or year hibernation. The sense of loneliness he buried so long ago surfaced as he got chased by the hounds through the forest. He hated this feeling and hoped and prayed after making friends that he would never have to feel that way ever again. It was his biggest fear to end up back in the same place he was as a kid with no friends or family to fall back on for love and support. Running through the forest with homicidal animals after him, it all came crashing down like a brick wall.

He was alone. He was alone in a new dark world with no hope of getting back. The only possible way would be to make another hole to get back to his world, but he couldn't do it on his end with his weakened strength and he highly doubt Madara would cooperate with Sasuke to make another one. No. He was alone here with death literally chomping at his heels.

Seeing a house, he dashed for it and jumped through the front door once he made it close enough. Shutting the door, he surveyed around the house that he entered.

It was big, bigger then the Hokage Building for sure. A stairwell led into the middle of the room, two openings to the left and right to the back while the staircase in the middle led to a door at the end and two smaller staircases to the upper level floor. Two double doors were on the ground floor and another single door to the right. Naruto took the decoration in greatly, finding admiration for it despite the hounds outside.

Speaking of the front door, it burst open; Naruto taking a defensive stance to try and fight them off despite his strength withdrawal. To his surprise, it was four people; three men and a woman. Two of the men pointed a weapon at him for a second before lowering them.

They all wore a vest, one red, one blue, one black, and one green with the word S.T.A.R.S. imprinted on the back. They each wore a holster with knives around them. One man had black hair, another had blonde geled back with sunglasses, the woman had brown hair under her blue hat, and the man wearing the red vest had brown hair pushed back.

All Naruto could mutter when the man in shades addressed him was:

"Holy Shit..."

End of Chapter 1 of The Never-Ending Battle

The first of hopefully many chapters. That really depends on you guys.

I hope you guys enjoyed and drop me a review to let me know how things were. I had to find a realistic way to tone down Naruto's abilities so he wasn't overpowered and this was the best I could come up with. Don't worry though, around Las Plagas with Leon he'll get his full powers back.

I'm also aiming for a potential NarutoxClaire pairing in the future, but that'll have to wait until the Raccoon City Outbreak.

Chapters will be longer in the future. This was just an intro so its gonna be a little short.

Next Time: Monsters