synopsis: Professor Lupin has startling dreams of Hermione, and things become shall we say very...heated.
rating: R - content and language
warning: Hermione/Remus! If age difference bothers you, do not read!
licks it takes to get the the Tootsie Roll center of a Tootsie Pop: ?

Wolf in the Fold
Chapter 1

Lupin was in a bad way. The change had come again, and again had been supressed by Severus' wolfsbane potion. Although he hadn't admitted it to anyone, one key factor to his returning as the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts was simply because it was so comforting to know that the wolfsbane potion would be available for him every month. But as nice as that was, the potion didn't take all of the edge off of his near transformations. He hadn't his chambers in nearly three days. He lifted his hand against his damp forehead and rolled over in bed, trying to ignore the raging inside of him, the animal trying to tear its way out of the body that tried to wrestle it down. But still, it was better than the alternative. Even in his hazy stupor, he remembered the pain of shifting, and the terror he always felt afterwards, when consciousnes returned, but memory of his transgressions hadn't. Blissfully, he felt sleep approach him and he swam towards it eagerly.

He saw a girl, her back was to him, and she sitting on the edge of the lake outside of Hogwarts. Her head was bent over a book, and she didn't notice him, which he liked just fine. No one else was in sight and he crouched low, his nostrils flaring, to pick up the girl's scent. Musky, and sweet, he liked it very much. Making no noise on the grass he stalked slowly forward, watching her brown hair flutter like threads of silk. He came closer, closer, and still she remained unaware. He felt a tension form in his stomach as he reached out his hands for her shoulders to clutch the robes that covered her.
She let out a yelp of surprise as he brought his hands down tightly, and the book flew nearly a foot away to rest comfortably by the grass that dipped into the lake. She twisted around to see who was there and relaxed slightly when she saw him. Her brown eyes met his and they glinted mischieviously. She smiled slyly and pulled out of his grip, standing up quickly she let out a silvery laugh and took off, sprinting down the grass and into the forest. He let out an excited breath and tore off after her.
The forest was thick and let in only limited light, shadows played off of every branch and tree trunk. He sniffed experimentally and caught her scent heading to the east before running in that direction. He heard her soft laughter as he continued and made a sharp left to the sound.
Then he spotted her, walking quietly through the trees, breathing hard, looking around to see if she could spot him. He circled around until her back was again to him and came out from behind, grabbing her around the waist and pinning her beneath him in a smooth motion. She came down easily and reached out for him, her body pliant beneath him. He nuzzled her soft neck and gently tugged at her ear with his teeth, growling deep within his throat.
She let out an answering growl that made him nearly lose control. He tugged at her robes, feeling clumsy, and finally pulled them over her head. She wore nothing underneath and he ran his hand across the bare skin of her shoulders and finally to her breasts, and she moaned deeply, arching her back into him.
He reached over his head and pulled off his robes and his hot skin finally met hers. He nipped at her neck and she ran her fingers through his hair, arching against him, begging him for more. He was only too happy to comply with her and entered her quickly, his control nearly shattering as he felt her heat envelope him. She cried out his name and he nearly withdrew before plunging deeper within her. He felt himself climbing towards his climax and buried his face into her sweet smelling hair, finally he felt her muscles close around him, unbelievably tight, and he felt himself follow her, spilling into her, crying out her name hoarsely.

Remus jerked awake, his mind clear for the first time in what felt like weeks. His heart beat skipped wildly in his chest and he glanced around at his surroundings, half expecting to see the trees of the Forbidden Forest around him. But instead, the darkness of his rooms greeted him like a silent old friend, and he sighed. Slowly he felt his breathing become regular, but his mind still whirlwinded with thoughts. Sure, he had had dreams like that in the past, he was sure most men had. But none had ever been so vivid, or quite so disquieting. The woman who had cried out his name, the woman who had let him take her with animal abandon. That hadn't been just any woman. He knew the face, he had called out her name.

Remus remained in his rooms for another day and finally went out to eat breakfast in the Great Hall. The other teachers welcomed him warmly, except Snape of course, who simply let his eyes slip over him as though he weren't even present. Remus shrugged, he had gotten over his gripes about the Potions master long ago, but it seemed as though some resentment ran too deeply for others to forget.
"How are you feeling Remus?" asked Professor Flitwick, his small eyes crinkled warmly.
Remus smiled back, "Oh, I'm feeling a lot better thanks, just a little tired."
"Well, that is to be expected I'm sure. You'll be back on your feet in no time." the tiny instructor assured him.
"Thanks." He managed to say noncommitally. He turned back to his food and bent to eat. The choatic noises of yelling children and the easy banter of the instructors melded together and he hardly noticed what was going into his mouth. That is of course until a particular laugh reached his ears and he glanced up sharply.
Hermione Granger sat next to Harry Potter and Ron Weasely, all seemed to be pouring over a particular book and they were laughing. Hermione seemed to be chastising the other two, in between giggles, but her words seemed half-hearted. Her laughter seemed to trail up from the Gryffindor table and directly to him, for all of its clarity. They were in their seventh year now, and the end of the year exams were not too far off. They had all grown up so much, and he was uncomfortably aware of how much Hermione had grown in particular. She was no longer the little wisp of a girl out to prove a point like he remembered from four years ago. She had filled out, she moved confidently, her smile absolutely captivating, her delicate mouth soft and perfectly ready for kissing, he knew her neck would be just as soft, almost begging to be nibbled on. He found himself studying her rather closely, the way she pushed her hair behind her ear, or how she moved her hands when she spoke. He found himself envisioning her hands, pulling him towards her...
Whoa! Easy fella. He thought to himself, as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wasn't thinking about just anyone. This was Hermione. 'Mione. Herm. Miss Granger. He had known her since she was a kid for crying out loud!
Well she's not a kid anymore a leering voice in his head spoke up. He promptly told the voice to be quiet and turned his attention to the conversation going on around him, anything to get his mind off of the nearly unbearable pressure he was feeling in his *cough* lower extremities.
Anything was better than this.

A/N: Hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1. I'll update as soon as I can. You want to review.....@.@