I looked to my right and saw the familar sign, five miles to Charming. I've wanted to come back more times than I could count but I knew I couldn't face him, hell I couldn't face them. I had no choice but to come back now. My mother, God bless her, had fallen and fractured her pelvic bone. She was only 53 but she was stubborn as a damn mule. Her doctor had personally called me and asked me if there was any way I could come take care of her for a few weeks. The damn woman won't rest from what I hear, not that I'd ever call her a 'damn woman' to her face. I smiled at the thought. I'm 24 years old but that didn't mean my mama wouldn't pop my mouth for disrespecting her, busted pelvis or not.

"Mommy I'm thirsty," I looked in the rearview mirror at my beautiful three year old daughter and smiled. She brightened my entire world, her dad used too but then he moved on to greener pastures as they say.

"Honey we will be at grandma's in a few minutes okay?" She leaned back in her booster seat.

"Yes mommy," I sighed content that she was such a good kid, but sometimes even I wish I could run from her tantrums. The thought of that made my eyes go wide. I hoped she didn't have one in the car thats for sure. I came up on my exit sign and I quickly got off and made my way towards my home town. I moved to Oregon when I was 8 weeks pregnant. I couldn't stay here knowing her dad had point blank chosen someone else not even giving me a chance to tell him about the beautiful baby we had made. Evelyn made things so much better and I thanked God every day I had her. I smiled to myself and it quickly faded. Yeah I was more than a bit worried I was going to run into one of them but maybe I just wouldn't. Who was I kidding? Charming is a small town, the news would get to some one and it would get back to them.

I pulled into my mom's driveway and the weirdest feeling came over me and I burst into tears. I was home and this was where I intended to stay at least for the time being. I got out of the car and undid Evelyn from her seat and she took off full speed to the front door. She was so excited to see her grandma. My mom had only been able to make the trip a few times up to Orgeon but I understood. She was on a fixed income and money to travel was expensive. She begged me to come home to forget Samcro and every one in it. I had tried for a month straight and I kept seeing them every where. If not I would see one of the guys and they felt just as bad for me. Hell every time I seen Tig he would give me a hug, which turned into a noogie, no matter where we were. Things weren't the same though. I heard motorcycles and immediately turned around out of habit. I could have sworn one of them was Opie and that caused me to smile. I grabbed our things from the car and headed inside. As soon as I walked in the door I had to set my bags down to go yell at my mother. She had the left side of her body against the counter, putting her weight on it and trying to get a cup.

"Mom what the hell are you doing? You're not supposed to be up. How in the hell are you even moving?" She turned towards me pointing her finger.

"Now you listen here, my grandbaby wanted some juice and I damn well am going to get it for her!" I grabbed her arm and led her to the table making her sit down. I opened her fridge and seen she only had eggs, juice, butter and some left over pork chops in the fridge and I shook my head. Guess I'd have to venture to the store before dinner. I poured Eve a cup of juice and sat her at the table next to my mom. Mom just beamed at her and it tore at my heart strings. I should have came home to visit regardless of her dad. Looking at how much my mom was smiling and laughing I realized she needed us in more than a phsyical way. I sat down on her other side and she grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Candace Lynn she's just perfect." I smiled. Yeah she is. "Grandma's got some coloring books Eve, do you know how to color?" Evelyn squeaked.

"I looooooovvveee it!" I couldn't help but grin as I went to the living room and grabbed the three coloring books next to mom's recliner and the crayons from in the floor by the end table and we all three started to color. It was good to be home.

Over the next few hours we colored, watched We're Back, which this mommy hasn't seen in forever and we painted Eve's nails and she had a blast. I looked at the clock at seen it was 4:30 so I figured Eve and I would go to the store.

"Mom, Eve and I are going to the store. Please try to relax." She nodded and turned on some tv soap that she had recorded and Eve and I left. I picked her up and put her in her booster seat. Her blonde hair was pulled up in pig tails and the ends naturally curled. She smiled so big it reached her eyes and I sighed. Lets hope Gemma wasn't out shopping because its hard to deny who's smile that was. I got into the driver's seat and turned the ignition on. Eve started babbling along with the song on the radio and I was at peace, if only it could have stayed that way. I tried to get in and out of the store as fast as I could, but with a three year old who refused to sit in the cart, it wasn't easy. I tried to demand her into the cart, but yeah that only ended in a temper tantrum and I was trying not to be noticed so I allowed it. Eve and I walked through the store and she was obvious she was enjoying herself so I relaxed. I grabbed steaks for dinner and a couple for tomorrow along with a roast, carrots, celery, onions, and potatoes. I finished stocking up on random edibles, lunch meat, bread, chips and pudding and headed to the line. As I was putting everything on the belt, the voice behind me made ne freeze cold.

"Didn't take you long after you left to get knocked up. Guess once a biker whore always one huh?" It was Gemma. I was thankful Eve didn't turn around because it would be too obvious. It was as if God decided I was on his shit list and Eve brought me a reese.

"Mommy can I have this? Hi," She turned Gemma. I mentally smacked myself for coming to the store at this time. Dinner could have waited another half hour. I looked at Gemma kind of waiting for her reaction. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe she looked more like me than I realized. I do have blonde hair though I have red pigments so it has a light orange tint to it. My eyes are brown though Eve didn't inherit those, she does have my chin and lips. The cashier rang up my groceries and the total came to $55.07. I quickly paid for my groceries and said bye to Gemma but she caught my arm.

"Does he know?" Her voice was soft, uncharastically soft. That scared me more than anything.

"Does who know what?" I tried playing dumb.

"Don't play coy with me. Did you not think I wouldn't recognize my own grandkid?" Yeah her temper was back. I guess I kind of deserved it.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. It was nice seeing you Gemma, tell Clay I said hello." I didn't give her time to time to respond and I took off to my car. My heart hammered in my chest. I drove like a mad woman the whole way back to mom's. I could go back and make mom pack a bag and go home. There are no Teller's what so ever at home especially not a Gemma or Jax. Mom would be pissed but I would convince her to go but when I pulled into the driveway I was upset with myself. I can't believe I was actually going to run because of a little incident with Gemma. I was stronger than that and besides it was Jax would had walked away from us. As soon as he realized he had a shot with Tara he left me. Yeah most people consider me the rebound after Wendy but what we had was real. I sighed and hit the steering wheel. Time to put on my big girl panties and deal with the situation I was in. No more running and hiding. We're here for my mother and its tine I stop giving two shits about what Jackson thinks and that's just what I intended to do.

A/n : read and review please. I know its a short first chapter but I wanted to introduce Candy and Eve. also I have added a time change just a bit after Wendy and before him and Tara got together its only about a year sorry for the confusion