Hello guys!

So, Yumeiro Pattissiere is the first anime I ever finished, and it was what started my love for anime and manga... So, a few days ago I decided to rewatch it, and then I suddenly got the idea for this fic... Well, I hope you like it, Blablabla, whatever...


Example- Toughts

Overall warnings:

Cursing, OOCness, OC

Disclaimer: I don't own Yumeiro Patissere. If I did, I wouldn't need to write this fic.

Third person POV

Steady ringing from the kitchen echoed through the house, and before long, a girl stepped into the kitchen. Running towards the oven, almost tripping in the process, she turned off and opened it, taken aback by the sweet smell that shot out of it. She grinned and with an oven mitt, took out a golden and crispy pecan pie from the oven, setting it gently on her cooling rack. Before long, another figure waltzed in, this one of a woman of around forty years, who was attracted in by the rich, nutty smell coming from the freshly baked pie.

"And? Do you like it?"

"Of course! But to make sure, I must taste it first~"

"Eh?... Oh, wait!" the older woman cut a small piece before the girl could react and popped it in her mouth.

"Hm! Delicious!" she took a knife and a fork and cut an entire slice for herself.

"Mom! I wanted that pie to be complete for dinner!" the younger girl pouted. The woman merely laughed.

"oh, my, Mizi, it's better if I had tasted it first, like that, you can know if it's really perfect" 'Mizi' pouted even more.

"It's only excuses for me not to get angry at you" the woman laughed harder and ruffled the girl's dark brown hair.

'Mizi's' POV

I growled as my mom messed with my hair. No matter what she does, I'm not going to let my anger go away. Not now. Suddenly, my mother stopped laughing and I frowned, slightly taken aback by the change on her personality.

"Hiyami Mizuki," I took a small step back. What's wrong? Why is she calling me by my full name? Did something bad happened? Oh my god, don't tell me she knows I wasted all the remaining pecans and corn syrup on mini pies… oh god no…

"Do you really want to become a patissiere?" I sighed, I was simply over reacting. White flag of peace, nothing bad has happened or is going to happen… I think.

"Yes, why?" it's weird my mom for my mom to ask me that. I'm pretty sure she knows I've wanted to become a pattisiere since I was young, why ask that now?

"I've enrolled you into St. Marie Academy. You are starting tomorrow." I gasped.

Oh, my god, oh my god, this is not a dream, right? It's not a dream, right? I pinched my cheek. Nothing happened.


But I'm supposed to be angry with her…

God damn it.


"I'm glad you liked my surprise"

"I'M GOING TO PACK!" and with that I ran off, living my pie to the mercy off the cruel beasts I lived with. That was the last time I saw that pie. Well, at least I still have the mini pies.


I'm currently standing in front of St. Marie's gate. I took a deep breath before stepping inside the campus. I continued walking, taking in the scenery as I passed by. Jesus, this place is a castle! Before long, I find a majestic statue just at the feet of some stairs. It is some kind of strange fairy queen or something… I immediately spotted a plaque below it and started reading it out loud without wanting to.

"This is the Sweets Spirits Queen, patron of our academy… Eh? Sweets Spirits?"

"It is told that those who see a Sweet Spirit will have their dreams come true" a head popped from behind the statue, a girl with dirty blonde hair and shiny green eyes that almost scared my soul out of me.

"Who are you?" I gulped, trying to sound nice and force my heart back to its natural place. The girl smiled and outstretched her hand.

"I'm Maia Ferreira, and I believe you are Mizuki Hiyami, am I right?" I nodded and shook her hand, smiling.

"Thanks god, today we're having two new students here, and I was worried you were the other one… however come with me, apparently we're roommates" I nodded again, but remembered something.

"wait a second" I opened the front pocket of my suitcase and took out two of the mini pecan pies from yesterday. I had made around ten, and made sure to bring them all with me. Of course, I also wrapped them nicely in small plastic bags, as small gifts. I left one at the foot of the statue, and handed the other one to Maia. "Here, I made them yesterday"

"Oh, thanks" the blonde took the small pastry and examined it "A mini pecan pie?" she smiled "thank you. Well, follow me, classes are starting soon." I smiled and followed her.

And with that, I've probably gotten my first friend here.


I breathed in some air. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. Gathering up my courage I opened the door. What I find? A typical noisy classroom full of people gossiping.

Soon, all eyes are on me. Shit. Say something, say something, say something, say something…

I smiled "good morning, everybody, I'm Mizuki Hiyami," I bowed, "please take care of me."

OMG, HOW I SAID THAT WITHOUT STUTTERING!? It must be the crazy amounts of happiness you're handling now, there is no further explanation. Soon, all attention in me disappeared, and everyone went back to their gossiping. I looked around, and, much to my surprise, I saw Maia pointing to the desk behind her. Ok, why no one told me I'm also in the same class as her?

I shook my head and sat in the desk she was pointing at.

"Hey, you're lucky all attention is in Ichigo Amano, you will not be asked a thousand questions"

I sighed and nodded. "Yeah"


OMG. This place is so big!

Ok I've got to tell you something guys, the cooking classroom is incredibly big. I thought kitchens like this only appeared in my dreams but they are real. Super kitchens from wonderland really exist.

Okay, maybe I exaggerated.

Just a bit.

"Amano-san," the teacher called, waking me up from my daze, "You'll be in group A"

After the teacher said that, everyone around me started whispering something about how good 'Amano-san' must've be to get straight to group A.

"Hiyami-san," I looked up, "you'll be working with group C today. Depending on your performance, I'll decide in which group you'll be for the rest of the year." I nod, and she nodded back, smiling gently. "today's self-practice will be the mille crepe…"


Gently, I topped my mille crêpe with pulverized sugar and crushed walnuts before putting my utensils down and raising my hand "Sensei, I've finished"

Soon, the teacher was in front of me, and her eyes widened at the sight of my cake. Obviously, I panicked.

"wha-what's wrong sensei? I did something wrong?"

She merely shook her head and I sighed. "No, there's nothing wrong with it, actually, it looks perfect…" the whole class stopped what they were doing and looked at my cake. Almost the whole classroom gasped.

The teacher cleared her throat. "Although I'll never know if it's truly good if I don't taste it." She gently cut a piece for herself and tasted it. She cleared her throat again. "What have you added on top of what is said on the recipe?"

I gulped "I added a bit of almond extract to the cream and topped it with nuts"

"Why did you added something that is not on the recipe?"

"I've done the original Mille crêpe before, and I decided to add it my own personal touch this time. After all it is self-practice, right?"

"You will be on group A. I'll send the cake to our shop immediately." As the teacher finished her sentence, the gossiping began again.

"Is the cake that good?"

"We definitely have to pass by the shop before everyone else today!"

"Humph, now any random person can get into team A? That's so stupid!"

While all this happened, only one word played in my mind.



I sighed in relief as I finished the last math problem. Shit, how much I hate algebra.

Maia looked up. "You finished?" I nodded and the blonde sighed. "I wish I could say the same. F***ing algebra"

I smiled. "Are you sure you don't want me to help you?"


I shrugged, "well, if you need me, I'll be outside"


I left, a recipe book and a notebook in my hands. As I got out of the building, I spotted a small bench not so far from there. I walked to it and sat down.

I looked at the recipe book tiredly and opened it. I looked for recipes that may cause me problems and wrote them down on the notebook, careful not to forget anything. I sighed when I finished writing the last recipe.

Why I did this? If I'm going to be in group A, the best of the best, I also need to be the best of the best.

I looked up to the full moon shining up in the sky and sighed.

"I hope I can become a great patissere and make my dream come true…"

"Well, count yourself lucky, for I have decided to help you achieve your dream"

I stood up, startled. "Who's there!?"

"Whoa, calm down" a small, fairy like creature appeared in front of my face.

"GYAAAH!" of course, I jumped back, surprised.

The fairy outstretched her mini hand. "I'm Amande, nice to meet you"

I hesitantly shake her hand with my index finger. "I'm Mizuki" Amande giggled.

"I already know that, I've been watching you since you left this," my mini pie appeared in her hands, "at the foot of the statue"

"Okay," I raised an eyebrow "more importantly, what are you?"

"Oh, I'm a Sweet Spirit. I'll help you become a great patissiere by giving you special lessons!"

I smiled. "Fine for me."

Ok, I hope you liked it, Blablabla...

If you have any question, request, or simply want to express your opinions, review or PM me. Don't worry, I don't bite... I think...

Bye, Bi!