AN: Okay, okay, I meant to post this new version AFTER I completed the whole thing. Unfortunately, my brain just keeps nagging at me to post it. So I did. As a result, Chapter 4 won't be posted as quickly as this first four chapters (including the Prologue). Don't worry, I will be working on it. :3

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own TF2 or its characters. Valve owns them all.

Also, reviews will be appreciated! :3

CHAPTER 3: Intense Interrogation

Spy hovered outside the kitchen as Medic went in first. The loud chatter he'd heard from inside quieted down. Then there were a few exclamations. Unable to wait any longer, Spy walked right in. Bad decision. He immediately froze when eight pairs of eyes locked onto him. The silence in the room was so thick, you could hear a pin drop.

"Wh-what?" he stammered, looking down at the floor shoving his hands into his pockets.

"So Spy, ya really got amnesia, huh, no wonder you're such a wimp now," said Scout, before continuing to shovel forkfuls of spaghetti into his mouth. Spy still refused to look up. What he really wanted to do was to run out of there, not talk to these people who were supposed to be his team-mates!

"MAGGOT, THIS HAD BETTER NOT BE AN EXCUSE TO BE OFF THE BATTLEFIELD! AND EVEN IF YOU REALLY HAVE AN AMNESIA, YOU WILL STILL BE FIGHTING TOMORROW! I WILL MAKE SURE OF THAT! DO YOU UDERSTAND?!" A thunderous yell came out of nowhere, making Spy yelp and jump backwards, slamming against the wall. He whimpered, his hands shaking in his pockets. He looked up and saw that a stocky man in a blue uniform staring right at him. Or at least, the man was facing him. Spy couldn't be sure. The man was wearing a helmet that was way too big for him and it covered his eyes. Spy stared at him, not knowing what to say. Suddenly, the man stood up straight, pushing his chair back with force.

"MAGGOT, I DID NOT HEAR AN ANSWER! AND WHEN I ASK A QUESTION, I EXPECT AN ANSWER! ANSWER ME, YOU SORRY EXCUSE FOR A SPY!" yelled Soldier. Spy shook with fear and his eyes returned to the ground.

"Oui...yes...I-I understand..." he murmured. Soldier let out a growl and Spy trembled like a leaf in the storm.

"I DON'T HEAR YOU, FRENCHIE!" he roared before Medic cut in.

"ENOUGH! Leave him be!" snapped Medic, irritated. Soldier turned to him, lifting up his helmet to glare at the doctor. Medic stared back, intimidated, but refusing to show it. He knew what Soldier was capable of and the latter was completely unpredictable. Soldier grumbled, letting go of his helmet before dropping back into his seat like a stone. Medic sighed, turning back to Spy. The spook was still staring at the ground. Medic's expression softened as the unfamiliar feeling of pity wormed its way through him.

Spy, who did not dare to look up, jerked when someone touched him on his arm. He slowly looked up and saw Medic beside him. The German said nothing but he sent a meaningful glance at the empty chair in the middle of the table. Spy sighed, his hands gripping the insides of his pockets, and walked timidly over to the table, quietly slipping into his seat. Medic settled into his own without a word. There was an awkward silence for a few minutes before Engineer decided to speak up.

"Well, then, um," said Engineer, feeling a little uneasy, "I'm Engineer. Nice ta see that you're fine, Spah."

"Yeah, we thought dat you were like, dead or somethin', I mean like, geez, you were knocked out for a whole day, seriously, and 'cause of that, the REDs kicked our asses, man, really, but we'll show 'em who's the boss around here tomo-" Scout would probably have said more but Demoman had clamped his mouth firmly around the younger one's mouth. Scout glared at Demoman and the latter chuckled.

"Aye, let the others have a word in, lad. T'ain't good to keep babbling like a brook!" Demoman laughed, uncovering Scout's mouth.

"Yeah, whatever, ya drunk Cyclops," shot back Scout, giving the Scotsman a shove. Trying to ignore them, Spy looked at Engineer, a calm-looking man with a hardhat on his head and a pair of goggles hanging around his neck. He wore overalls over his uniform and Spy noticed a picture of a wrench on his sleeve. Realising that he had been silent for a few minutes, Spy averted his gaze and coughed.

"Oh, um...zanks...I guess..." he muttered shyly. Engineer looked at him curiously out of sky blue eyes but he decided not to say anything. Suddenly, a gas mask popped out from the other side of the Engineer.

"Hurro!" Spy shrank back, startled, accidentally bumping into the person on his left.

"Oi, watch it!" Spy turned quickly, taking his hands out of his pockets. There sat a lean man, with a slouch hat on his head, glaring at Spy behind yellow-tinted aviators. One of his hands had a fingerless glove on.

"S-s-sorry..." stammered Spy, trembling slightly.

"Relax, Stretch, it was just a little bump," Engineer said, raising a brow. Sniper merely gave a grunt of annoyance before returning to his food. The gas mask mumbled something apologetically. Spy still didn't understand what he was saying but he could that he (it?) was apologising.

"I-it's okay..." Spy replied, stuttering slightly. Then, he felt his bowl being snatched from his hands.

"Hey, ya don't mind, don'tcha? You weren't even touchin' it!" Scout grinned, disappearing beside Sniper with Spy's bowl. Before Spy could say anything, a particularly...large man on the other side of the table objected.

"Leetle Scout give back food to Tiny Spy!" he roared, a majestic frown appearing on his face. Medic, who was sitting beside him, didn't say anything, but his eyebrow twitched in irritation.

"Oh yeah, who's gonna make me, fatty?" Scout snapped back, standing up and pushing his chair back so hard that it fell over.

"WOULD ALL OF YA SHUT YER BLOODY TRAPS!" Sniper burst out, snarling. Everyone stilled for a moment, staring at Sniper. They all knew the marksman to be someone who was...well, not patient, exactly, but he could usually tolerate their nonsense. Sniper ignored their stares but he was a bit surprised at something.

For once, Spy had not made a snide remark about his outburst...or anything else, for the matter.

Spy, having made his way to the battlements, sank to the floor, hugging his knees as he stared at the base across the bridge. Dinner hadn't been a failure...but it hadn't been a success either. Most of the time, he felt something that he'd never felt before.


Most of the time he'd been ignored, and if he even got to finish his sentences, it was only when he was conversing with Engineer or Pyro. Even so, they seemed uncomfortable around him, even if Pyro was a little more friendly. Spy hugged his knees tighter. Who was this new person he had become? Was he always ignored? Or had he done something wrong? Spy looked up at the stars, picking out the constellations. He smiled as he remembered his daughter asking him about the stars.

"Papa? ...Ceux...brillant..." The little girl mumbled, pointing her tiny finger up to the night sky.

"Oui? Ceux-là?" Her father got down one knee beside her. The little girl nodded, smiling.

"Étoiles. Ils sont des étoiles," the man said. He explained to the little girl, as simply as he could in French, what stars were and the girl nodded as he talked. For some time, they talked about stars, a simple conversation between father and daughter. Upon realising that it was way past the little girl's bedtime, the man gave his daughter a hug, before carrying her to her room. On the way to the little girl's bedroom, he heard her mutter something.

"Étoiles...assez..." Her father didn't say anything, but he smiled.

Spy rudely disturbed from his memory when he heard a sound coming from the other side of the battlements. Cautious, he turned his head to see Sniper sitting there...with Scout? They seemed to be just sitting there.

"Uh...Sniper?" Scout's voice suddenly seemed loud in the silent night.


"Uhh...about just now...I mean, I'm sorry if I made ya mad..." Spy's eyebrows shot up. Scout was apologising? That was a first. Spy had seen enough of Scout to know that he wasn't the type to apologise to anyone.

"Nah, t'wasn't you."

"Then why were ya acting so...weird? I mean, you usually just ignore everyone..."

"Was just a bad mood. Look, can we not talk 'bout it?" Just then, Spy shifted slightly, accidentally causing the floorboard underneath him to creak. Spy froze. "Oh, merde, merde, merde." He hadn't meant to intrude their privacy but he could tell that this conversation was something that he wasn't supposed to have heard. There was silence. Then he heard footsteps coming nearer and nearer. Spy squeezed his eyes shut, waiting for something to hit him, be it a word, insult, or a kick.

"Herr Spy?" Spy opened his eyes in surprise and looked up. Instead of Sniper glaring at him, there was Medic staring down at him. Spy got up, smiling sheepishly.

"I vas looking for you. I vas...concerned that you might haff gotten into some trouble again," continued Medic, clearing his throat.

"Since when do ya ever care for anyone, Doc?" piped up Scout as he ran over to them.

"Vhen vill you learn to stop butting into ozhers' conversations?" Medic glared at Scout, who grinned back.

"Maybe when certain people stop eavesdropping on others' conversations," Sniper said, standing a little behind Scout, while giving a pointed glare at Spy. Spy looked away, afraid. If Medic noticed the silent exchange between them, he didn't say anything. Instead, he simply rolled his eyes.

"Hmm...fine, zhen. Gute nacht." Without another word, he turned and went back inside the base. Scout shrugged and ran after Medic.

"See ya tomorrow, Snipes!" he called, disappearing into the base. Sniper grunted in reply, but as soon as he was gone, he turned back to Spy. The Frenchman gasped and jerked forward as Sniper grabbed his tie with a snarl and pulling him close so they were facing each other.

"Listen, Spook, memory or no memory, just remember this: don't try ta mess around with me, got it?" he growled menacingly. Spy gulped and gave a small nod. The Australian did look menacing, especially since they were in the shadows. Seeming satisfied with Spy's response, Sniper let go of the spook's tie, giving him an unnecessary hard push, causing Spy to stumble backwards and fall onto the floor. Sniper paid no mind to Spy's groans and turned, walking calmly to the other side of the battlements. Spy pushed himself backwards until he was leaning against the wall. Sighing, he pressed his fingers against his forehead as a mild headache began to stir in his head.

"Nozhing broken?" Spy looked up at Medic for the second time, who was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed, looking down at him.

"I...non...I'm fine." Standing up a little too quickly, Spy placed a hand on the wall to balance himself as the floor beneath him seemed to sway for a moment. Medic raised an eyebrow skeptically, but Spy just tucked his hands into his pockets and walked past him, his eyes on the ground.

"Spy," said Medic quietly. The spook stopped upon hearing his name...his nickname...called.

"You vill be better off if you stay avay from Herr Sniper. He hates all Spies, both RED and BLU." Spy didn't say anything but he nodded.

"Oui, Docteur."

"TODAY, I EXPECT OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE FROM YOU ALL, MAGGOTS!" The RED's Spy sighed, puffing on another of his expensive, French cigarettes. At least the Soldier wasn't as loud as usual. Good thing they won yesterday. The Spy smirked as the siren was sounded.


The Spy cloaked, slipping out of the Resupply/Respawn room. Somehow, using his professional spy skills, he managed to make it to BLU's base without getting caught in the crossfire. Hiding in a dark corner, he uncloaked and disguised as BLU's Pyro. He took out his Diamondback just to make it look like he was holding a flamethrower and went to the Intelligence room without any trouble.

Behind his mask, the Spy rolled his eyes at how easy it had been for him to break in. Such incompetent fools, the BLUs were. However, all thought vanished from his mind when he rounded the corner and saw someone familiar standing in front of the desk where the Intelligence lay.

His counterpart.

BLU's Spy.

"Hudda huh!" Spy jumped, turning around to see Pyro behind him.

"Oh! ...You startled me," muttered Spy, looking away. Pyro (or the RED's Spy) tilted his head. He raised his eyebrow. What?

"I...guess I should be somewhere upstairs..." Spy's voice trailed off as he walked towards the passage that led out of the Intelligence room. Suddenly, a rubber gloved hand roughly grabbed his shoulder.

"What-" Spy didn't manage to complete his sentence as he was jerked backwards. A hand punched him in the stomach and he doubled over before another fist connected to his jaw with a crack. He would have fallen to the floor but the RED's Spy grabbed him again, slamming him against the wall, twisting his counterpart's right arm behind his back and pressing his knife against Spy's neck.

"Bonjour," said the RED's Spy eerily, his disguise already lost.

"Let go of me!" Spy half-snapped and half-yelped as the RED's Spy shoved his arm further up his back. The RED's Spy smiled sadistically at the sound of his counterpart's pained cries. However, he had something to say. Or rather, to ask. More like interrogating.

"So...what trick are you playing now, hmm?" the RED's Spy asked, gently pushing his knife against Spy's neck.

"Mon Dieu, wait, don't kill me! I'm not playing any tricks! I was just standing 'ere until you came!" came Spy's panicked reply.

"You honestly expect me to believe that?" sneered the RED's Spy.

"Oui! Why would I lie to you?!" The RED's Spy narrowed his eyes. Something was off here. Why was his counterpart acting so strangely?

"Maybe because of the fact that you are a Spy?" Spy attempted to twist his head sideways to catch a glimpse of his interrogator but stopped when he felt the cold metal against his neck press deeper, beginning to cut into the soft material of his balaclava.

"Tell me, why did you allow me to sneak up on you so easily?" the RED's Spy tried again, looking around to make sure that no booby traps were going off.

"I didn't-'o zee 'ell are you, anyway?!" blurted out Spy, his bruised jaw aching from the punch he'd received earlier. The RED's Spy stilled. Then, he removed his knife from its spot beside his counterpart's neck and quickly twisted Spy around, using his elbow to make sure he was pinned to the wall. "Hmm...he's still the same. Perhaps his strangeness has something to do with the Scout's assault on him," thought the Spy.

"'re a Spy too?" muttered Spy, paling slightly.

"What an excellent observation," said the RED's Spy sarcastically, "You survived the Scout's little attack two nights ago, it seems." Spy froze and looked at the RED's Spy.

"Two nights ago, I was at 'ome, wiz my daughter, and zen I wake up in zee morning to find myself in zis crazy place along with amnesia!" snapped Spy, unknowingly giving his RED counterpart the information he wanted. The RED's Spy fell silent. Then, he smirked.

"À plus tard, amnésique." Swinging up his other arm, he stabbed his counterpart in the chest, quickly ducking as a spray of blood came out, before spinning him around and stabbing him in the back. Although he tried to avoid the spray of blood, a few drops of blood still got onto his suit. The RED's Spy glanced at them in disgust.

"You got blood on my suit," he said, turning away from the corpse and walking towards the Intelligence. A few moments later, the corpse vanished.

"The enemy has taken our Intelligence!"

"...Ceux...brillant..." - "...Those...shiny..."

"Oui? Ceux-là?" - "Yes? Those?"

"Étoiles. Ils sont des étoiles." - "Stars. They are the stars."

"Étoiles...assez..." - "Stars...pretty..."

"Gute nacht." - "Good night."

"À plus tard, amnésique." - "See you later, amnesiac."