Yes. It's the beginning november and I'm starting a Chtistmas fic. Hey, you all knew I was insane. I'm already getting into the Christmas spirit :P

This is going to be a pathetic, pointless collection of Christmassy (Yeah, that's a word now. I don't care if it doesn't actually exist. It's a word because I say it is :P ) ficlets. I am already apologising for how lame this fic is going to be.

Also- I'd just like to note that since they're in Canada, they will have already celebrated thanksgiving, which is in mid-October in Canada as opposed to late november like it is in the US, therefore thanksgiving will have happened prior to my fic.

Oh, and yes, I don't own total drama.

Heather was not really a Christmas person. She may have loved receiving gifts from people, but that was probably the only part of it she liked. For her, Christmas had been nothing but a time to be wrapped up in her pretentious parents' social life: each year, they had a designer tree installed and decorated for them by some department store, and had ridiculous parties for all their millions of "friends"- people they only knew due to status- where they served canapés made from foods Heather swore were unfit for human consumption. She usually only received thoughtless gift cards from her parents, while her siblings received far superior presents. Usually, she liked to sit down and let it wash over her, without really taking it in.

Of course, Alejandro was the complete opposite. His family was the kind with age-old Christmas traditions and an extremely festive attitude to the whole season. Having moved in with him, Heather suddenly found herself plonked in the middle of festive cheer. Alejandro was the kind of person who, just one day after trick or treaters had kept them up half the night demanding candy, began making preparations for Christmas.

"You're kidding, right?" Heather complained when Alejandro told he wanted to go shopping for decorations for their apartment. "It's the first of november!"

"Si..." Alejandro said slowly, giving her a look that clearly conveyed he thought just under two months until Christmas was the normal time to begin getting into the holiday spirit. Which, Heather thought brusquely, it wasn't, not in her opinion anyway. She wasn't a big holiday person, and having only recently been forced to celebrate Canadian Thanksgiving with Alejandro and his family and just last night handed out Halloween candy to bratty trick-or-treaters, she was hoping to have a slight break from "holiday cheer". Evidently, that was not going to happen.

"Are you not excited about our first Christmas living together, Heather?" Alejandro asked, leaning in and smirking at her. Heather rolled her eyes.

"Firstly, I'm not a Christmas person," she sniffed. "And secondly- uh, News Flash... It's NOT Christmas!"

"It's close-" Alejandro began, but Heather raised a perfectly kept eyebrow.

"Close?" she scoffed. "Close? It's the first of November! Normal people don't start thinking about Christmas until December!"

Alejandro just sighed, clicking his tongue teasingly at Heather as though she was so uneducated in the matter of holidays. He stepped around, sitting beside her on the loveseat, an arrogant gleam in his eyes.

"Maybe not in your family," he informed her, wrapping an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders- Heather scowled at this. "But in my family, Christmas has always been a time of tradition. In November, we begin our Christmas shopping and making preparations for the holidays. When it gets to mid November, we put up decorations in the house, and in December we indulge in Christmas activities like ice skating, watching festive movies and midnight mass-"

"Aw, and do you go carolling in a one horse open sleigh, too?" Heather cut him off sarcastically. "Seriously? That sounds like the kind of Christmas people have in those cr*ppy movies about 'Christmas miracles' and all that junk." Heather shook her head. This was not her first Christmas since dating Alejandro, but the previous year they hadn't really spent it together; they'd only been able to set aside an hour to exchange presents before Alejandro went back to his family.

"There is nothing wrong with liking Christmas traditions," Alejandro defended, and Heather rolled her eyes.

"Five year olds like Christmas."

"Five year olds like chocolate, but that doesn't stop you from indulging in the odd piece when you think no one is looking," Alejandro teased, smirking at her. "That is a muy pathetic excuse, Heather."

Heather just scowled in response, flipping her hair. He may have liked Christmas, she thought bitterly, but she didn't even know how to- it had never been something she really participated in, especially not so far from the actual date itself. In her house, the tree would usually go up a day or two before Christmas itself, and come down on boxing day at the latest. Christmas shopping would usually be done online, to avoid any hassle. Now, she realised with a sigh, her indifferent attitude towards the holiday wouldn't cut it if she was living with Alejandro.

"Look, Chica," Alejandro purred, rubbing her shoulder slightly. Heather knew that tone of voice far too well; he was about to sugar coat what he said to try and smooth-talk Heather into doing what he wanted. "I know that you have never really enjoyed Christmas. But this year will be different, won't it? You will be living with me now, Heather, and unlike with your parents you can actually enjoy the holiday..."

"I doubt it," Heather sniffed stubbornly, but Alejanddo's lips curled into a smirk.

"We'll se about that, mi reina," he grinned at her. Heather may not have liked the holidays, but he was determined to soak up as much of the festive atmosphere as he could, and whether she liked it or not Heather was going to be part of the holiday season.

Yeah, this is a lame and very short first chapter, but I wanted to have a bit of an intro chapter before they actually did stuff.

Basically, this is just going to be a stupid pointless bunch of ficlets about Alejandro and Heather celebrating (Or, in Heather's case, being forced to celebrate) the holiday season together.

Once again, sorry for how stupid this fic is :P (and for the fact that I'm posting a Christmas fic in early November. I'm that weird.)