Hello to all of you reading, how's it going, did you have a nice 4th of July? Do you like my new username which one do you prefer HarryPotterandHermioneHranger (my old one) or HPMarvel (obviously the new one)? Anyway I was wanting to get your opinion about me deleting the bad, writing usage, and other stuff chapters. You're probably wondering why would I delete them well it's getting bad reviews about it and it seems to be poorly showing my writing progress. Maybe I could write a different story with a different plot of a Harry Potter/Avengers crossover. Don't worry I will leave the good chapters up; so yeah I've just thought about it and a lot of ideas for stories have popped in my head and how it should go and stuff. I guess I'm loyal to this story and I don't want to let any of you guys and ladies down if I stop and write a different story. Let me know what you think on and stuff because on what you want to happen to this story is important to me to make the final decision on what to do. I thank all of you for bearing with the story it was rough in the beginning I and still kind of is, but all of you stuck to it and I appreciate that. I am not quitting this story just taking a break from it to get some inspiration, thus meaning if you have ideas let me know.

Until then,when ever we come across each other(means if I see your comment in my story or a story that you've posted) see ya, good bye, peace out, or how any other different languages say their farewells.

P.S. I had the cheesiest way for my farewell thing like how in superhero or movies do it. When you make you're review you should post, in quotes and who is it from, farewells or any quotes that you want from movies its ok to repeat one if some one else took it.

-'The ones we love never really leave us...there here...in our hearts'-Sirius Black Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban(movie).

P.P.S That was one of the quotes I was gonna use, but there's another I know just can't remember what movie or the rest of the sentence it's from it might be Harry Potter, any of the Marvel movies, Transformers, or just a different movie.