AUTHOR'S NOTE: So you guys know I haven't updated in over a month. Some of you might know that I have lost my muse, so I am going to put this story on indefinite hiatus until the four Greek muses work in my favor -.- I might re-write some chapters during this hiatus, so be on the look out for that! I love you guys so much, thanks for all the support you have given me. Hope to see you soon.

To contact me, email me anytime, anything!

Here's the uncompleted part of the story that I started.



Percy Jackson was stubborn. Stubborn, like untiring blue-green tides stirring in the restless oceans, birthing strong-willed waves that pound relentlessly against silky sand, never giving up. He got that from his father. A father who didn't know he travelled amongst the souls of the living.

But Percy had trained himself not to ponder on that one particular subject. Thinking about it, he'd learnt from experience, brought about resentment and overwhelming grievous pain, a tide of emotions that pound relentlessly against the shores of his own heart, attempting to erode it till there's nothing left but an empty core, beating listlessly in his ribcage.

(It often left him tear-stained, sea green eyes unusually bright for the day, and beating the stuffing out of whatever dummy he happened to be using. Simultaneously, everyone else pretended not to notice the sudden change in his usual calm and laidback demeanor. After all, everyone has off days.)

Nope, he wasn't thinking about that. He refused to think about that. (Refused to wonder what it would be like to reunite with his father, to see the familiar white grin stretched across a tanned and weathered face, so familiar, yet so unfamiliar. Refused to remember.)

Instead, he gritted his teeth, forcing the pearly whites to clash and gnaw vehemently on each other. The stalemate was a testament to his frustration as he dragged his body across the room, feeling his bones weigh him down like lead.

His right arm slung around Jason's sturdy shoulders, digging into the latter's skin, though he affably bore no complaint. (Had Percy ever mentioned how grateful he was to have Jason by his side? He would be dead and helpless a thousand times over without Jason.)

Jason, on the other hand, was all but propping the slightly older boy up, steadying him with wiry arms and calloused hands. Every time his cousin stumbled, his knees weakening beneath his weight, Jason would reach out with lightning speed — no pun intended— and clutch Percy with a bruising grip.

(Jason would never let Percy fall.)

But for all Jason was worth, his Chaos-blessed abilities and strength wasn't enough to get Percy across the room. No, that was all on Percy. Percy and his inherited obstinate nature. Every step hurt, hurt like smoldering lava still stuck in his veins, but he kept going. Kept going, because he wasn't going to give Gaea the satisfaction of getting him down.

Gaea couldn't stop him.

Monsters came, one after the other, gnashing teeth and wickedly sharp acidic claws, intent on tearing their hearts out of their lungs. They lunged and darted with deadly precision, but a quick wave of hand and a battle cry saw them submerged in dark green waves, and struck down by blazing lightning.

Gaea would never be able to stop them.

By the time they got out (leaving acres of pure destruction behind them), the first trace of daylight was peaking out of a blanket of darkened blue. It was a new day, a new beginning.

Two boys, immortals, looking up in awe, felt the slightest stirrings of hope rise in their chest.

They had a world to save.