So i just had the idea and said why not so here it is.

Percy POV

So I had to say it all went to pot at about the same time.

flash backthrone room

"So"Percy said. "You mean to tell me you think that I was a spy for the two people that I helped you defeat or am I misunderstanding of what is happening here?" they nodded there heads yes. " So you are saying that I went to Tartarus let my girl friend die defeated Mother earth herself that was all a master plan to be a spy on you Olypians. Only a few of them nodded this time the ones that did not were Athena my dad Hephaestus Hermes and Apollo. But it was still five to seven so then they sent me away, took my sword and my my demigod sent and just put me in the mortal world. Well I suppose I should make the best of this.

flash back end

So it has been about five years sense I was banished i have really just been doing what I do best making the world a better place.
Yeah I have just been taking out the Drug lords and just bad guys right now I am about take a corrupt diplomat he well... best not say what all he has done but any way. So right I am setting up for taking him down getting out my new sniper rifle 'thank you Hephaestus' I thought what I am still friends with a few of the gods but the cool thing about this new rifle is that Hephaestus enchanted so only I can use it. So now the waiting game.

Ten minutes later.

So he finally got here 'stupid rich people thinking that they can arrive when ever they want' but anyway wait for him to start his speech once he started speaking I started counting. Five... Four... Three... Two... One... I pulled the trigger and watched as people rushed toward the stage. I put my gun in my bag and walked down stairs when I got to the bottom I saw a black man with an eye patch that said "mister Jackson I think you need to come with us."

hey if you enjoyed this please review or else i might not go on thanks for reading.